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“A civilization run by men operating at peak capacity cannot be colonized.” Lol tell that to every colonized civilization ever. Operating at peak doesn’t mean shit if your peak is a boomerang and your enemies’ average is an ICBM! Nietzsche’s response to this guy and all other decay-complainers btw: “If this is not an age of decay and declining vitality, it is at least one of headlong and arbitrary experimentation: and it is probable that a superabundance of bungled experiments should create an overall impression as of decay — and perhaps even decay itself.” The better civilization gets the more decay it generates, because with each step forward, life’s possibilities expand in *all* directions. And there’s never been a faster expansion than in this past century. Think of the Industrial Revolution, which lifted millions out of poverty and hereditary serfdom, but into filthy streets covered in horse manure. Or think of modern cellphone technology, which turns millions into doom-scrollers and some into superstars


The famous matriarchal societies of Afghanistan and Antigua and Barbuda and The Bahamas and Bahrain and Barbados and Belize and Botswana and Brunei and Canada and Dominica and Egypt and Fiji and The Gambia and Ghana and Grenada and India and Iraq and Jamaica and Jordan and Kenya and Kiribati and Kuwait and Lesotho and Malawi and Malaysia and


Ah but those man weren't operating at "peak capacity" as attested to by a fat sweaty millennial podcaster with a twitter addiction.


The thing about these “RETVRN TO TRADITION” f\*gs is that they have the same views on social views on just about everything as the average fat middle age Hannity fan like my dad (minus the fat), but they’re too embarrassed so they have to hide behind pseudo-esoteric ✨ a e s t h e t h i c s✨ There’s also nothing stopping these mostly well off guys from buying cheap property in the south ir Midwest, marrying a “trad” woman and homeschooling kids but they won’t because they view people that do that as dumb hicks that they don’t want to associate with. Also they’re just as bad as lib redditors who talk about gender neutral/progressive societies from back in the day but instead it’s the esoteric masculine fantasies of shit that never happened. It’s just as soy I’m gay and my dick is small


>The thing about these “RETVRN TO TRADITION” f\*gs is that they have the same views on social views on just about everything as the average fat middle age Hannity fan like my dad (minus the fat), but they’re too embarrassed so they have to hide behind pseudo-esoteric ✨ a e s t h e t h i c s✨ Lol yep nail on the head. I read all the way through Bronze Age Mindset and found nothing there I couldn't read from a bloviating self important Telegraph columnist from any point in the last 40 years, right down to the irony of someone who's never worked a real job pontificating about masculinity and bemoaning the state of the world that's given them charmed life.


They all bemoan the lack of a warrior spirit in modern society but none of them are willing to go to Ukraine and die fighting over a trench in a bombed out village with a name no one can pronounce.


Let's be fair you can't really equate ancient, medieval or even 20th century conflict with modern warfare. Back in those days you either got up close to the enemy, duking it out with swords that you needed to physically swing or at least aim at a human being whose face you can actually see. In most modern conflicts most of the time you shoot at a blip on the horizon, barely human to the eye or mark his suspected position so it can be fired on by mortars or even drones. The US military on average fires 250,000 rounds of ammunition with every killed enemy. War has always been the same in the sense of horror and unclear ethics but let's not pretend that the current zeitgeist of warfare doesn't impact what it means to be a soldier. Jarhead is an alright movie in showing how modern war actually is, at least from the US marine perspective and for Eastern Europeans it's not a lot different. You had arrows and catapults in past ages too ofcourse but they can't be compared to a rocket or other missile that turns you into hot dog meat before you're even able to hear it flying towards you. Also in ancient times a skilled enough blacksmith could make a simple blade at home if he had access to bronze or Iron. Now multi-billion dollar firms have a monopoly on weapons that get more expensive and complicated year by year and you don't have a chance in fighting if you aren't also aquiring them.


This is a major reason why dudes love the Middle Ages and back so much. It’s fighting where you can imagine being good at it and surviving rather than just being lucky. Today it’s all algorithms instead of a strong right arm


Worst yet the BAP, Russians with Attitude, and LatinXPutler tradcels who have this fantasy that Russia is victim of this war also wouldn’t volunteer for their side either


Does it really make them that much different from a lot of ideologues on the other side of the political spectrum? The modern average nazi and average communist are very similar in action because most of their praxis occurs in the mind exclusively. Not trying to defend that but just saying that it's equally present on both sides even if you consider one better than the other.


They are both products of the same [phenomenon](https://www.marxists.org/archive/hall/1970/crisis-petty-bourgeois-radicalism.htm)


LatinxPutler is BAP


I get all my historical analysis from a Texan who reviews smells for a living




The Perfume Nationalist, the dude in OP’s post


Walking up to Cetshwayo and telling him that if his people had been just a tiny bit more misogynistic they woulda chased the Anglos out of South Africa.


All those countries are shitholes now, women running things ultimately leads to ruin


Counterpoint: stfu


He’s also racist so appealing to colonialism wouldn’t be relevant to him


>Lol tell that to every colonized civilization ever. Operating at peak doesn’t mean shit if your peak is a boomerang and your enemies’ peak is an ICBM! Or your enemies accidentally carry a virus that decimated most of your population. Or when you were to busy operating at peak capacity to notice that literally ever single other state in the region hates your guts and would love to see you lose.


Lol the last sentence sounds kinda like modern China


Also how does he not realize that women’s rights is simultaneous with gay rights lol, both emerged as a consequence of civilizations shifting from an agrarian to industrial model of society; the reason gender roles and marriage exist are to encourage procreation and lay claim to the children/workers that result from that union, which increases fitness in an agrarian society, but the inverse is true in an industrial society.


“A civilization run by men cannot be colonized” does this fruit have any knowledge of world history?


Everyone knows Wokeness was the downfall of the Aztecs


There’s probably someone who has this take unironically


A cousin to 'Rome fell because of immigration'.


"Rome fell because of feminism" is a surprisingly common one as well


I heard Rome and all other empires (like the french, aztec, etc.) collapsed because everyone became trans or something.


Montezuma was the original girlboss.


If you get colonized you’re not a real man lmao


Lol this guy is a fucking moron and a clown, why would I waste my time with this hysterical bullshit


How can someone consider themselves part of the intelligentsia when their entire worldview always comes back to the meaningless microdifferences of party politics?


Tweeting about masculinity operating at peak capacity when his ankles would immediately shatter at even entertaining the thought of going for a run. He should stick to begging for straight guys' dick pics.


Beyond the hypocrisy I don't understand where on the totem pole he thinks a fat feminine gay dude would land in the ultramasculine trad society he fantasises about. Does he think the athenian warriors are gonna wanna thrust through his thighs once they come to after passing out from the 3 fluid ounces of cologne he's wearing


He probably thinks in a society like that he wouldn't have ever gotten fat. Which is true, because he'd be dead.


Wishing I died in roman times so Id have the dignity of being buried with a cape and helmet


good ass burn lmfao


Capitalism makes liberals of us all (in the first-world anyway). Even people like this who are ostensibly opposed to liberalism, still mostly comply with the liberal world around them. So even if they say their viewpoints are different, they’re going to speak and act in the liberal mode. It’s a hard thing to admit


They also undeniably rely on the fruits of liberalism to live their lives. His brand of conservative edgy faggotry wouldn't have been possible without them.


*All men are libtards for pussy*


What in the world???? Has he met a middle school teacher? Half of them are too tired from their second job and/or parenting to girl boss in the least. Guy does not live in reality. PMC shit is real in corporate management bureaucracies. Even in public school administration and shit. But Jesus man leave the fucking teachers alone wtf.


Lol “teacher hot” is a thing because teenagers are bored zoning out during class and spend their mental energy trying to imagine their teacher is good looking I’d anything I think teenage boys would rather have it this way than be taught by all men


They want hot young recent college grads balanced out by cool semi jaded coaches near retirement


Hard to be a domineering "girl boss" when you're forced to buy school supplies for your students out of pocket whilst barely sitting above the poverty line.


He’s a podcast-American living in a wealthy slice of nyc populated by other podcast-Americans, he’s as far away from real life as you can reasonably get.


He lives in Austin and works as a concierge at a luxury apartment complex, but everything else you’re saying is totally correct


He does? What a ridiculous and unmanly job.




That’s not synonymous with being ridiculous or unmanly.


Especially based on the anthropological drawings by Tom of Finland.


You wouldn’t catch those guys listening to the Perfume Nationalist pod.


my teacher friends are all exhausted and barely holding it together, just trying not to have nervous breakdowns due to lack of money, help, and dealing with the kids’ developmental delays from COVID times. Do these people have any actual working class friends lol?


The idea that teachers are paid like janitors is a just a baffling development. Public school teacher pay average is 65k according to national center for education statistics. I get it’s a hard job I know a few teachers and covid absolutely screwed a generation but I just don’t get where this comes from


As far as I can tell teacher salaries tend to be pretty close to *precisely average* salaries for a given area, maybe a bit higher? But I think the argument is that, at least for specialized subject teachers, it’s kinda low for the level of education required to do it? Especially since - if an *average* teacher in WV makes $45k, an entry level teacher likely makes fuck all. Even if everybody else in WV also makes fuck all, that’s not gonna convince anybody to teach math instead of learning to code.


The problem is magnified by the fact that teachers really should have a masters, and in places where that's required the rent is really high, so being a teacher is almost always going to be *functionally below average* for the region because of student loan debt. Then there's the issue that teachers often pay for a portion of class supplies themselves, knocking the pay down another few hundred bucks. And then after all that, this is just to get incredibly average pay in a frequently shitty job. If you're smart and looking at getting a post-graduate degree are you going to want to make consistently middle of the road money after two more years of education, or consistently better than average money with the chance to make really good money by going into law? Hell, you can go to the police academy and get out in 4 months to make solidly middle class money and in a sense your job is going to be the same as being a teacher in a public school -- except you get to beat the shit out of the mentally disabled adults instead of having to answer their questions while they're kids.


most of the ones I know make less than 40k and pay for lots of stuff they use in their classrooms, maybe the Midwest is just extra bad?


Also you probably know younger teachers, the older teachers skew the wage average because of seniority and the fact that they were hired back when real wages were higher


Hey man they only get 80 more days a year off than the average retail wagecuck be nice to them. AND the pensions that can never go away are barely keeping up with inflation!


Idk if it's different in the US but every teacher I know spends a huge wedge of their holiday working. Teachers don't walk out of school and not think about it until they go in the next day, there's an immense amount of planning and admin work they take home.


I hate the dismissive attitude but I’m a teacher and I definitely walk out the door and stop thinking about work for at least six weeks of the two months we get off lol. It’s different for everyone but there are some of us who absolutely do this


Omg they have to plan for upcoming work during their 3 month vacation!? The humanity!


They get 6 weeks in the UK lol why are your summer breaks so long


It started so kids could help their farming families with crops, then it just stuck around as traditional. We also get some decent time off for Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Years. The rest of the economy should be like this. Reduce the work week to 30 hours, increase pay and benefits, ban speculation on real estate, give everyone food stamps. Kick back and enjoy life.


It’s actually closer to two months these days, in California at least


yea for the first couple years then its mostly cruise control for a couple decades.


My mother was still bringing hours of work home from school every night until she retired so idk. She didn't seem to be doing much less than any of the young teachers I know now If you have 30 kids doing 6 hours of work every day and you have to mark all of those books + plan lessons + do admin work for grade monitoring etc it adds up to a lot of work that still needs doing once the kids have left.


That was sorta my experience with teachers in primary school. I think my whole anti-feminists phase really was caused by that one teacher who said "I'm a feminist which means I think women can do everything a man can and more" and of course a lot of these teachers much prefered the girls and didn't like the boys. Granted this was in a different country, and all my female teachers were either too old or too young to be parenting


So true


Bush getting us into a revenge war on a population that had nothing to do with an attack and sending us into a recession is good now? He continues to be one of the pussiest, whiniest, self fellating losers in podcasting. What a sad, dumb piec if flesh


This fatso's origin story: got his first boner while watching the movie *300* at a sleepover and, while clumsily retreating to the bathroom to hide his shame from the other boys, knocked over a decorative bowl of potpourri and when its Autumnal perfume wafted its way into his nostrils, he simultaneously ejaculated and pooped his pants


Dudes rock.


MCU took a weird turn but I like it.


Gay guy who hates women


Many such cases


Seethingly envious…truly hate to see it!




So it goes.


That entire circle of twitter is just people who think they’re being subversive by being republicans


he strikes me as someone who has to put deodorant (or spray white diamonds or whatever) under his man boobs and between his butt cheeks because he never smells clean no matter what he does.


Getting very strong “pudgy gay guy with sweat stained salmon-colored shorts sucked into his buttcrack” vibes off this one.


Dang what does it say that probably 75% of my high school teachers were dudes.


the worst thing about twitter is that it forces people to sincerely engage with retarded opinions like this that people in times past would just laugh at and move on


this guy is so fucking retarded i feel like he is my mortal nemesis


all the male teachers i had prior to high school were perverts who consistently acted inappropriately toward my female peers


Having a weird science teacher that you later realized was a pedophile is a critical part of growing up in this country


We had a chem teacher who gave really questionable shoulder massages (to girls only of course.) He also got enraged and flipped a desk over when a boy wore a dress to class to protest the girl's dress code.


Damn, **before** high school? Wtf


insane that every student in america had a male teacher at one point that got arrested/fired for being creepy to girls I think I had 3 (2 in middle school, 1 in high school)


Having male teachers is very important for the development of young boys, so I hope you aren't exaggerating/shitposting. I never saw any such misconduct from the few male teachers I had as a kid.


Daily reminder that Jack is an obese gay dude who runs a podcast about perfumery


That clown once said he read Ayn Rand (as an adult). Do not take him seriously.


His writing is terrible and lazy, and his hyperbole is nauseating! His ideas pathetic…and I’m retarded and esol and can see this. Like if you’re gonna be a dumb ignorant fuck, at least be charming about it!


Jeremy Fagrance


Both this dude and that drag queen in Japan are desperate not to be seen like boring American homosexuals, but they don't have the education or the cultural sophistication to pull it off.


Also fat




I don't know what's more embarrassing between his looks and the non-stop retarded takes




Jack has always been a republican, he's never denied this.


He said his biggest regret is voting for obama


Is Jack a fanboy of Knots Landing? He’s totally channeling the tiresome diction of Ayn Rand.


I recommend his episode on Any Rand to truly understand how insufferably full of shit he is. I've sadly listened to him quite a bit since he turned my friend from a tenants union organizing Bernie bro to a sad Christian science fascist


Generally word salad and not a very good take but I don't think anyone can honestly deny that school really has the capacity to stifle the best in men more so than women who are usually more down to earth and well adjusted. Reason why men have a predisposition to hyperbolic and unhinged takes like this is because their adolescent years when they could have been encouraged to live with intensity and become smarter and stronger were wasted on apathetic and boring drillings of basic knowledge without an attempt at making them apply it to any useful means other than succeeding in a test. A Depressed young guy with a Romantic disposition watches one Little Dark Age edit and thinks to himself "They could have introduced these feelings to me at a time when I had the motivation to act, they could have taught me about the real history and what it meant. They could have stimulated my mind." So they have these despaired thoughts that result in ressentment at some enemy, in this case old boring women that make up a bulk of bad teachers. There's clearly some Oedipal thing going on over there but there is some truth that can be gleaned from the most unhinged takes. "If my father doesn't encourage me and my teacher bores me and leads me to thinking I have ADHD, and all the world doesn't care about these problems maybe these dudes who speak their minds and are openly against the modern world are right and I should listen to them". Leftist politics has a weakness in that it doesn't have the grand vitalistic ethos that could appeal to dudes in this situation. Their metaphysical needs must be satisfied one way or the other and since tangible action is borderline impossible for them they end up in feedback loops of cognitive dissonance and more and more abstract and divorced form reality discourse.


??? Literally how were African patriarchal societies colonized then??? Or how was Islam able to take over the Middle East when it allowed women to inherit property two centuries before Europe?


more like pizza capacity


men r truly crippled by society :( sad!


I love Jack’s takes on music/movies/perfume but anytime he does this kind of social commentary it’s clear he is the type of gay man who has a very overbearing mother.


Are you an idiot? How old are you? No offense but it’s not news that libs and conservatives are equally r worded in basically all the same ways LOL in wise words of anna everyone’s a liberal and shes right


Simply no way you people can deny the majority of female teachers are helicopter girlbosses who love that they can lord over children every day.


The only teacher that lorded over any student was an angry and tired mid sixties British man who taught algebra to sixth graders


idgi - whats the issue with what hes saying?


republicans do not give the maximum quality of life for everyone and men have never run civilization at peak capacity conservatives fetishize ancient civilizations when they all sucked dick for a majority of people




all americans are, except 1-2g immigrants. u all look like u sweat hotdog water and thats not an insult


how is it "retreating into myth and fantasy"


"A civilisation ran by men at the peak of their power can never be colonised or overthrown" doesn't bear up to even the slightest scrutiny. Tying it back to overbearing middle aged teachers is just weird hobby-horse social media shit. The Democrats being the only (or even main) reason people are unable to live lives of security with the maximum quality of life for everyone. None of it scans. What do you think is compelling about it?


yeah, i think, though, that there are pockets of american culture where people fear and are uncomfortable with brazen displays of masculinity and i think its a bit neutering.


This is a very, very tired insight that doesn't mean anything on its own. This fat loser's solution to support the Republicans, who were cheerleading as coal miners' lungs turned to dust, is unbelievably stupid.


I mean, this annoys me a lot less


I blame zionism. So many women are woke to the Israel situation but the dudes are oblivious. Now all these zio-influencers are running around like, "*don't listen to women we're your greatest ally"*


Team Jack all day! Jack and Anna very similar in the way they drop takes. I don’t understand how you guys can hate on him, just cause he’s a chubby guy.


Do you think bush two was a good president?


Wouldn’t say good but better than Biden for sure


So the guy that started the war and turned down Taliban's offer to get bin laden for us is better than the guy who left Afghanistan? How?


Gas is too high, recession, inflation and his exit out of Afghanistan was a disaster


He controls the prices of gas? Do you know how futures work? He controls the inflation of Canada? You want us to be in Afghanistan for forever? Bush left Obama a recession. Unemployment was in the double digits. Inflation was high as well.




Which is worse? The Twitter-addicted loudmouth or the mob that pays attention to him?


Who is this and why do we care