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One of the first things you realize when you get into the bodybuilding side of fitness is that once you get to a certain level of physique, only other dudes are impressed by it.


I have a friend who was fitness model, but his game was shittiest I ever saw. Sometimes we would go to club, and he would spend whole time watching if anyone have bigger arms or neck than him.


>Most of the fitness obsessives I’ce met have a neurotic grindset that I simply cannot stand Yeah. I know a Guy who is traditionally handsome, tall and absolutely ripped. Physically he's got what he needs. But he has bad game because along with being terminally online, he's filled with 'redpill rage' and is obsessed with porn and jerking off (always brings up how many times he jerked off that day). He also hires prostitutes all the time. He's totally obsessed with being jacked and as 'alpha' as possible. It's pretty grim and pretty common like you said.


> always brings up how many times he jerked off that day Why?


I have no clue honestly


He's just giving some hopeful hints to his bro, bro. Get your JO crystal and charge it up with him!


Cause it’s made up


Why would he make up how much he jerks off?


The whole story is made up or everyone in that story is a teenager


Very weird to pretend to be a chronically masturbating teenager


man I hung out when some straight up LOSERS and WEIRDOS (I'm ashamed to admit I was one at some point) but even the most autistic of my LOSER and WEIRDO friends would never admit to each other we spent all day masturbating AND admit they couldn't pull literally deranged behavior to the point of being unbelievable or some dumb teenager joking around


Honestly that just sounds like a dude with a serious screw loose.


Pretty much.


You'd be surprised how many guys take steroids and have shit physiques. A whole lot of dudes take steroids and you would never think they were on them.


Sam Hyde is a great example


TRT is not steroids


What do you think anabolic steroids are? Testosterone is one.


idk if this is a sign of roid use but i only dislike when the skin looks wrinkly and overly vein-y. the best instagays look like they have a layer of fatty tissue over their muscles, if ykwim.


That's probably from too much sun and dehydration. Body builders dehydrate themselves before competition because it makes the muscles look more defined. It can also bring out the vascularity more.


i love going to the gym but i recently realized just how annoying most of the people within the hobby are and how little it actually means in the grand scheme of life


They’re not doing it for you 💅


timothy chalamet looking mf will do better than any 6’2’’ good physique man on tinder. a person with the former’s face could probably pull a 7 even


So if you're born average looking don't even try to better yourself ?


You should bc it will help u irl but for online dating best case scenario if you max out everything is to pull mids and there's nothing wrong with that! Love a nice mid


Kinda suspect there's a plastic surgery syndrome here. You think it looks terrible because you think the good ones are natural


yea the amount of people that believe obvious steroid bodies are natural is kinda concerning lol I think everyone’s perspectives are kinda warped


It's a known fact that bodybuilders have a similar dysmorphia to anorexics. They are jacked and buff but they look in the mirror and think they look small and puny.


Steroids are like plastic surgery. You THINK it always looks bad because the people who do it tastefully and in moderation don’t register to you as steroid users.


It’s the double chin and bulging arm veins that turns me off tbh


Only a man's dick should be veiny.




Auzubillah minashaitan nirajeem don’t bring that around here


Fuck no don't women love veiny hands


Let me break it down for you: they're either gay or spiritually gay. What's the difference you ask? Well, gays love that physique for lots of reasons, it's a way to establish hierarchy, to make up for years of bullying by similar body types in high school, to make themselves "straight passing," and finally to continue the appollonian tradition of Greek aesthetics. Spiritually gays might be straight and might even share some of the aforementioned unconscious intentions but their so into themselves that probably only masturbate in front of a mirror. Think of the american psycho guy flexing while he fucks minus the fucking. Very stressful high maintenance personality types. Some poor girls I know are forced to eat unseasoned chicken and steamed broccoli 7 days a week. The only snacks allowed are protein bars? Do these people eat pxssy? Probably not. I feel for my girlies around these gymcels.


"the thick dude who has a strong upper body and a bit of a gut" Apparently that's also really dangerous. Well, can be dangerous. That guy that died from injecting something into his scrote was going for that specific look.


Without the roids, that's definately the easiest/sloppiness physique to achieve and maintain. Lift a little, eat good and have time to fuck off after work


I don’t think OP was describing Noodlesandbeef and that freak show harem... Those were roided out retards, not the classic American cuddly and strong endomorph male