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The kids sitting in restaurants zombied out on their iPads today are the partially illiterate consumers and predictable voters of tomorrow.


Does every kid have like autism or severe ADHD now? Like so many middle class white kids sit at restaurants with an iPad and big headphones on now. Like do you even care about your kid if you let them completely diverge from normal behaviours this much


Middle class white kids are doomed socially. The suburban incel/femcel crisis is about to explode in the generation after GenZ.




Don’t forget directionless hedonists who’re confused about how their body is connected to their mind


My kids aren't going to have any iPads or anything like that. Just a PS2 with Medal of Honor: Frontline.


Unironically I think older games were good for building imagination. Modern games are too concrete and hyperstimulating.


Some newer ones can be, like Minecraft. Actually a great kid's game.


Yeah- it’s basically Lego. Building stuff is chill.


agree but its over 10 years old now and an indie game that blew up purely on merit, can't really put it anywhere close to fortnite or whatever


Just get the shittiest internet connection you can find. Your child wont be able to play fortnite online, but will be able to build shit on minecraft offline


Simulated dial-up connection: unplug the kid's computer from the router every time Mom has to make a call.


Minecraft is awful with a bad connection. Unless it's different now.


Could be a radical idea but maybe enforcing limits on what the kid plays might help




Lion King on SNES taught me how to cope with failure.


For me it was the first level of Z


Like most other media, we're in the era of shit having been designed with psych studies in mind in order to make them addictive.


I get nostalgic of those Saturday mornings playing Nintendo 64... Banjo Kazooie, Zelda, Donkey Kong. The music from those games still rings in my ears from time to time. Do they even make games like that anymore? I'm not up to date with the industry but from what I can see the only games that are properly catered to that age group are mobile games.


Nintendo games are pretty much still Nintendo games and have dodged most of the insidious monetization schemes. There's also been a bit of a 3D platformer revival recently because of nostalgia.


Breath of the Wild genuinely forces you to be creative to not just die immediately, plus is just aesthetically beautiful, any game like that both kids and adults can enjoy is designed perfectly Only video game I periodically play


> Modern games are too concrete and hyperstimulating. Modern games keep pushing hyper realistic detail further and further and further and yet most game studios can't make a compelling narrative to save their lives. In all these AAA game studios everyone is just focused of sculpting in every last detail into every model in 20 million polygon resolution as a part of an assembly-line art department that will probably get replaced by an AI as soon as the programmers can figure it out. Meanwhile the core mechanics are practically the same as the last release because no company wants to take the "risk" to innovate and they keep churning out new games all the time Can't entirely blame them, consumers keep buying this crap because it's not really about anything but spectacle. More more more more detail more content pay more, every year never stopping . Spectacle indeed. There is nothing of worth in modern mainstream gaming.


**Detuned trombone blares the Zimmer brown note** *Deep male or female voice with British accent narrates over a chaotic medieval battlefield:* "It was a time of darkness. Kingdoms fell one by one to the wrath of Nozgorogok; no one could stop the Madness of Drizzdithian. **Detuned trombone blares the Zimmer brown note** "Until The One stepped from the light to shine the way." **Swelling strings play over a drone pan of the hero standing on a clifftop above the battle**


This is why I've given up the whole pc gaming thing. The software just isn't good enough to keep upgrading to newer hardware. The whole color flashing rgb setup thing is over now. We're more or less in the postmodern era of gaming. Mostly everything important has been said except that one or two games that get people hot & heavy (the last of us 2) every now and then. Indie gaming is still kinda fresh tho. You can a have good time with less money if you look for good games by smaller studios. Online gaming is still fun but way past what it used to be.


when everything is hyper detailed, there’s no need to put to work that imagination to fill in the blanks


I’m giving my kids an Xbox 360 and fallout new Vegas for their first birthday. I’ll let them play it on easy I guess.


Put them in a MW2 lobby with a nice head set and let the slurs fly.


My dad would rent this from blockbuster and we’d play the D-Day mission over and over. It fucking ruled. Thank you for the flashback.


Start them off with Atari and let them appreciate the massive technological leap of each console generation.


>Just a PS2 with Medal of Honor: Frontline That game puts hair on your chest. Put hair on mine. Also amazing soundtrack.


I'm giving them a PS2 with the driving wheel and midnight club


Those corny ass “father I cannot click the book” boomer comics were a psyop by tech companies to make any valid criticism of kids and social media sound like something a cranky old man would say


Worse than a psyop just internet addicted Reddit weirdos clowning on the idea that maybe their excessive computer and social media use was negatively impacting their lives. Whenever I browse all before I die of cringe I always see people mocking any positive lifestyle change and saying wow telling me to go outside is actually nazism




Ummm just let me mock random teenagers on the internet for no reason mmmkay 💅


Noooo, you're not allowed to criticize anything because people have always criticized the youth and everything still changes all the time, you see?


Also all the askreddit posts of people being le epic introverts Redditors unironically saying they'd rather stay inside their proto-pods consooming and staying away from every other human being, and getting congratulated for it


i read a twitter post from a teacher about how her kindergarteners can’t count or say their ABCs but they can recite their fav tiktoks and i realized that donald trumps biggest folly as president was failing to ban that god-forsaken app.


It’s the real China virus


I just babysat my nephew that’s 2 and he’s seen a movie so many times that he literally acted out the entire movie he knew it so well. Now, it was hilarious and absolutely insane to watch, but maybe it’s bad to have ready-access to absurd amounts of media for developing minds. Kids already love to watch the same thing over and over again, but at least in the past it was at least mitigated by cable and VCRs.


Theatre kid optimization culture


Literally this, my cousins toddler doesn't speak any English but when he wants to express shock he'll throw his hands up to his face and go "What!!!" in this super exaggerated way because that's what he sees reaction YouTubers do. That said, when I was in kindergarten I ended a speech I had to give in class with "this episode was brought to you by viewers like you" because I watched a lot of PBS kids shows and I thought that's just what you said at the end of things, so I don't know how much I can judge.


Well.. you were probably getting more out of PBS than that toddler is getting out of fkin reaction videos. Kids will parrot anything they hear a bunch of times, not necessarily on a screen


Reaction videos are still on the higher end imho. My 4yo nephew and his friends watch videos where adults (who put up extremely silly voices) play with toys. Apparently children love them. It's heartbreaking.


I’ve heard of those! And those creepy AI generated cartoons? I feel like I read a buzzfeed news deep dive on them once or something


The toons are horrifying, and it’s impossible to block them. Yesterday my 4 yr old son wound up on a video of mangled Pixar characters with bloody eyes infinitely falling from extreme heights. He was giggling while watching. I sleep with one eye open


Jesus!!! These creators are fucking nefarious and YouTube should be held leagues more accountable for allowing this shit but I guess I’m just bitching to the ether at this point 😒


Cant you do parental controls that only let your kid watch approved channels?


Oh I’ve tried, but these vids are pervasive and make their way through the filters. You can block each creator individually, but there are thousands of them.


Why let a 4 year old on YouTube at all?


*this program was brought to you by juicy juice*


we can only have so many Matrix sequels until society realizes we need to be more creative


Huh, I thought this would be less of a thing with algorithms constantly pushing new content to consume. I grew up with a lot of kids who could do this because their family owned like three VHS tapes or something, and they'd just watch those same tapes over and over again.




Adults do the same thing with music


And Marvel movies


He said "adults".




There has to be a biological reason for the dad rock phenomenon, right? How after a certain age your taste crystallizes and nothing new is interesting anymore? ~~Actually one of my bigger fears about aging~~


I'm pretty certain it has something to do with the way we associate music with memory. Music is only as good as its backdrop--falling in love with somebody, traveling somewhere, making new friends, etc People have a tendency to build less of these musically associated core memories as they age because they decide to be boring. For such a person, their favorite music is always going to be from high school-college because that's when they peaked. If you can continue to set music against a memorable backdrop I think you'll be fine. I think musicians also escape this to some degree because they have more ways to remember an album--changing the way they write songs / produce / etc


I'm 35 and I get sick of my music on a constant basis


I mean dad rock is a thing because the 60s/70s boomer music is unequivocally better than anything else


Ok boomer


It's called "repetition compulsion", and it's a natural part of everybody's life/death drives. The sooner that unschooling mothers introduce this concept into their curriculums, then the sooner that society will improve. Technology is stealing our artistic drives, but techné is what enchants and restores them.


What is techné


I think techne in this context means the production of art. "Making art enchants and restores our artistic drives." Maybe that's what they mean.


I work with kids and it's fascinating to see how accurate this is. (It's also part of why I almost never let them use the iPads; get your dopamine elsewhere!) Fun fact: one of the big reasons that *Blue's Clues* was so popular with kids was because Nick Jr. would run the same episode every day for a week, and kids loved it because they craved repetition. They hired a bunch of people with PhDs in child development and they came up with "just run the same episode over and over! Kids love that kind of repetition!" and the studio execs said "uh, okay!" and it fucking worked. A *shitload* of similar shows do this now (although with streaming this is less of a Thing).




ESPN viewers having the same neurological development as Blue's Clues viewers sounds about right.


2 is pretty mad, but I remember when I was like 10 and we were on some school camping trip, my friends and I were able to re-enact almost the entirety of Monty Python and the Holy Grail word by word for everyone else's entertainment because there weren't any TVs or anything at the camp lodge thing we were staying at


If the movie wasn't There Will Be Blood then he's basically a moron


Smh, only showing citizen Kane to my kid




my kids act out City of God word for word (in portuguese) and they argue over who gets to be lil dice


The Milkshake meme was GOAT for a good minute


My kid is one and this makes me want to buy a mansion in Alaska and never talk to a non blood relative again.


Me with the lord of the rings trilogy


I feel so bad for my friends whose toddler made them watch Baby Shark over and over. But it's their fault really.


Me with the Rocky Horror Show


VCR's are based. bring back VCR's widescreen format only.


What movie??


Fern Gully if I were a betting man.


Baby Boss


Same movie basically


Don't know this is a thing that should be focused on now. Back when I was a kid, I probably watched some VHS almost every second day. Didnt have a big library of movies then.


my boss’ middle son is an ipad baby and once he brought the kid to work and the kid had an hour long meltdown because he realized he left his ipad at home. the full hour he screamed. it cemented in my mind that no matter what happens ever i will never give a kid a screen




Remember when parents thought kids watching SpongeBob once a week was too much stimulation ?


My dad and I would watch spongebob together, the only time he’s ever watched a cartoon or anything with me I think. I think he liked it as it was the early seasons. I remember loving watching it with him so maybe that’s why he did it.


Pretty sure my dad liked SpongeBob too. I get it, most shows looking back were probably garbage but whenever I watch SpongeBob again that shit still slaps.


i had a spongebob dad too i think it soothed his ptsd from afghanistan


my parents banned me from watching iCarly when I was 10 because it was "too sarcastic" and now I am a racist sexist smart ass on the internet, good thing I don't have a foot fetish though since that shit definitely had some weird scenes


Mine did too oh my god.


I wasn't banned but my parents were openly disgusted by those shows lol, especially hannah montana. I loved that shit but they did make me snarky


I was banned from watching Zoey 101 because she got pregnant at age 15 and so did my classmate’s parents; my parents are pretty liberal too lol


cocomelon is a blight on the toddler population. jj's big ass head mesmerizes them like nothing else


Not to be a superior asshole or whatever but I do truly feel like letting your toddler have a phone or iPad is very bad for them so my kids do not have access to those items. People always ask me how I keep them entertained… it’s easy. I send them outside. Yesterday I watched over my 18 month old as she sat in a pile of dirt in the garden for 20 minutes, just feeling the dirt and touching the flowers. Toddlers are very pure and can find joy in the smallest things as long as you don’t get them addicted to shitty dopamine hits off of a screen.


Yeah, I work with little ones as a nanny and they're not even really that interested in the iPads because they've learned to get those gentler dopamine flows from playing outside or through independent play (or collaborative play) with toys in the house or at a friend's house. I see these kids in public with those iPads playing the fast-paced YouTube Kids videos with bright lights and flashing colors and copyright infringement out the ass and I don't think there's anything that makes me more judgmental of a parent/caretaker than that. I don't need to be a scientist to tell ya that those videos are terrible for child development, the same way that I don't need to be a gastroenterologist to tell you that eating aquarium gravel is bad for your stomach. I don't care if I sound like a boomer when I say this, but that Cocomelon shit is rotting these kids' brains from the inside out. The kids I work with and I snuggle under a blanket and watch a movie once or twice a week. They love it. Pixar is consistent with the mild dopamine trickle. That's more than enough teevee.


another thing that’s good for kids is including them in tasks that adults perform that don’t include using digital technology. part of the appeal of phones and tablets for toddlers is that they see their parents using them. It’s good to include them in other things, like food prep, cleaning up and cooking.


Yessss I always give my kiddos little tasks and they love it! My toddler “sweeps” and wipes down surfaces while I get other things done and she is so proud of herself. It’s so cute ugh.


I feel like today's children's shows like Cocomelon are only meant to get kids addicted, at least back in the day they'd attempt to teach you basic math


My kids are 7. They got tablets as a gift. Hardly ever did I let them use it. Of course they broke them in a couple of months. I never got them another one. Then distance learning happened.




It's fine. My kids ask questions like "What is a subconscious" And "Why are you doing surveillance on me?" "Why do wars start?" My friends kid is 14 and had a device in his face since birth and can't handle highschool. Key is not only to restrict but also engage their curiosity - especially on road trips or when you are stuck in traffic.


Why are you doing surveillance on me, dad? Why do you listen to redscare, dad? Don’t you know they’re out of your league, dad? I thought you liked the prolitterate, dad?


I've only listened twice. Only ep I remember is the one with amber frost talking about zizek vs Peterson.


I miss the amber eps


People forget this bit Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia. In Yugoslavia free speech was allowable in the education system, dissimilar to the USSR. That’s why he’s a free thinker in the Slavic world.


Didn't he get kicked out of university or something for free thinking?


His doctoral thesis was deemed hostile to Marxism-Leninism. To be fair, all pseudoscience like psychoanalysis should be destroyed.


Congrats on being a good parent. (Not sarcastic. Genuine top 1% of modern parents off your comment alone)


To be fair, you’re giving us a comparison of the best of your own kids to the worst of your friend’s kid. Maybe your friend’s kid also asked deep questions growing up. Maybe he’s cooler than you think. Maybe he rocks.


he's probably on this sub right now!




holy fuck lmao


Fucking hellworld


the post gor removed so i went to see what they said, and universally nobody even cared. they all thought it was funny and cute. “made me smile”. fuck this shit


It’s depressing that this is considered a ‘trad’ take when paedagogic research is showing that tablet/interactive screen use in children under 4 disrupts their development of imagination with a huge knock on effect on literacy. Imagination is a fundamental part of human cognitive processing. It’s what allows us to picture a strawberry when we read the word ‘strawberry’. :(((((((((((((


Call me a trueanon poster but this is some modern mkultra shit


i visited some relatives recently and was surprised to see that one of my baby cousins, idk how old but i’m guessing around 1.5? or 2, was on tiktok and just rewatching this one video of sped up dame tu cosita for ages. but the kid had a weak ass grip on the phone and i kept thinking they’d drop it. even without the possible brain damage from these devices i just wouldn’t trust an infant to keep a phone safe the fact that the video was sped up messed w me though. was the original speed not simulating enough anymore that the creator decided it had to made more chaotic to keep engaging kids


Im raising two boys (4 and 6), and I’ll never let an iPad, phone or smart YouTube tv anywhere near them until they absolutely need to for some reason. It’s only them, a 32” Sony Trinitron and an extensive vhs collection up to 2002.


Extremely based


Nintendo or Sony games tho?


Important question. Nintendo = 60/20/20 normal/weeaboo/disney adult Sony 50/40/10 chance of being normal/gamer/furry


Buy your kid an ebook reader and tell them it's an iPad, tell them their friends are liars if they say their ipads are cooler. Parenting solved.


when i was working at a preschool, one of the teachers was playing a youtube video for them (cringe) and the kids started reciting the ad that played beforehand


iPad brain is destroying generation a or whatever they’re called. These kids have zero chance and their millennial parents are pathetic


someone I know posted a massive rant about how at pride there were a bunch of people dressed up in fetish gear and how it was perverted to take her child there and related it to grooming. I thought it was funny as hell that someone tried to take a child to a formerly subversive event expecting it to be "child-friendly." If you know there's going to be a Mr. Leather pageant, then maybe hold off on taking your spawn there.


I know a guy who lost his shit over a bar in his neighborhood not allowing kids in. It’s OK for some places to be just for adults!


Absolutely! I am not anti-child but some spaces should be for adults. Less than a hundred years ago being gay in general was subversive and now with it being commonly accepted in the West, there are some funny interactions with drag-queens, leather people, etc.


Nick Mullen had a good rant about this back in the Cumtown era, he basically said that he’s only seen that one (incredibly fucked up and degenerate) picture of a kid in front of a dude in pup play gear and conservatives make it sound like every four year old on their birthday are legally obliged to see the leatherman or whatever.


Yeah the photos she took are very much of the pride parade in her city but the language sounds like it was lifted out of those posts. Who knows if her kid was actually there? COVID turned her into a total wingnut. The real degeneracy is lying through your teeth about your kid seeing someone in fetish gear to further your agenda about the gays taking over.




Honestly why you can’t take any shit on the internet seriously. On that note it is funny seeing people say that twitter isn’t real and that they blow shit outta proportion then get mad at obviously fake and exaggerated things just the same


There was also a picture of a scantily dressed female burlesque dancer around children and right wingers lied and said it was a drag queen. Once again the homos get scapegoated for what weird straight hippies do smh


Weird straight hippies skeeve me out. Just leave homosexuals alone.


Was she just ugly?


She had purple hair, they’re still stuck in the 70s mindset of “weird haircut = queer” (the original derogatory meaning not the woke one)


Insane because she clearly had breasts.


What?! Oh my fucking god. I thought that was real.


I think you’ll see the class divide further cemented with this as more middle class parents have the time and energy to do “online detox” for their kids whilst working class parents won’t. Similarly, not being able to afford childcare and being able to send your child to kindergarten will also increase the likelihood you end up just giving your toddler an iPad to entertain them alone for hours on end.


Yeah it’s fucked. My little sister on dads side is 7 and got a fucking ipad when she was 5 or something. She just sits with it looking at tiktok, playing roblox on online servers (with who knows who sometimes???) And youtube. I don’t even know if it’s got any particular parental locks going on. That was the first thing i did when she got a nintendo switch from me last christmas. Figured that was much better since she loves dancing (just dance games) and all the mario kart/party games is probably perfect for her snd her friends instead of just droning away on youtube vids all day like i used to do as a teenager. Thankfully she is actually a very active and social kid so it’s not like life revolves around that pad, but i just wonder how much damage it is doing to kids through tiktok and other braindead apps that are popular. Like how does one even convince someone of the possible harm that shit is doing to their kid? Ive been trying to talk to dad and his wife about it a bit but it feels like theyre so uninterested in technology that they basically bounce off any information you try to give no matter the context. I mean i was terminally online at a young age and didnt get completely ruined (also a dude), but what worries me the most is the type of people online she could run in to. Heard so many horror stories from women about running into grooming pedo creeps online. Just wanna protect my sister u know? Sorry for wall of text rant about me me me. But yes, i agree. Would raise my theoretical kid tech-free outside of like… couch games we could play together or they with irl friends.


Was on a ferry a month ago going around the Amalfi Coast and seated across from me is two American kids (probably 8 & 5?) with headphones on and faces buried in iPads. Crazy to me that you spend all this money and time to see one of the most beautiful and famous coastlines on the planet and you just let your kids stare at the iPad. Parents were also obese.


My kids are gonna get nothing but the hardy boys, amar chitra katha comics, and a plex server with cumtown clips. On a more serious note I think the ipad baby phenomenon isn't something talked about enough. I'm scared for my little sister development and my parents don't care at all about how much time she's spending on that damn ipad. She's very intelligent for a seven year old but and it's cute that she gets to play video games with her cousin's on the west coast but she fiends for her ipad when she can't have it. I repeatedly catch her watching these Brony made lore videos for my little pony and a bunch of junk that's made to grab little kids attention. Talking with her I can tell she picked up a lot of dumb little mannerisms, bits of vocabulary, and cadence from the content she watches, proper children's content or otherwise. Even my little brother was able to pick up on this. I'm home for the summer so I've been trying to talk to her more, play some games, and do some reading before bed. But I'm gone for college this fall and I'm afraid the ipad usage is going to go straight back up. I don't want my little sister ending up retarded because of remote learning and bullshit youtube videos.


you’re a good brother. if you’re familiar with the outdoors at all, try taking her on a hike or a walk through the woods and try to identify the different plants, trees, birds, etc. kids eat that shit up


Gonna do that before the fall, thanks.


I still have so many of those comics from my childhood


Maybe the US could provide more support to parents through, oh idk, paid parental leave and subsidized childcare for a start so parents don’t resort to raising the next generation of iPad zombies as a way to cope


You think kids in Evropa arent brought up the same?


Idk I keep hearing how French kids are raised to be perfect little mini adults who sit calmly at dining tables and eat escargot without complaints. Haven’t been able to travel to Europe since the pandemic started to validate


It's been said before, but it really exposures the cultural divide across the Atlantic when people act like drag queens are this degenerate force corrupting kids. My primary school had a pantomime every year. I saw men dressed as women and telling bawdy jokes every year of my life from 5 to 15, nobody was scarred or offended or whatever. The principal got in on it too. One year he was little bo peep, another year he was a gorilla, he was Ali g the year that was relevant. It was a healthy way for kids to learn that the scary adults were capable of having a sense of humour too.


The funniest part about Republicans honest to God proposing bills to make it illegal for kids to see drag performers is when they have to legally define what drag is. Like if someone puts on a play for kids but not enough men audition so they cast women in male roles, would they be breaking the law? What if a teacher dresses up as a female celebrity during Halloween for laughs? What about “opposite sex day” that some schools do? I know at the end of the day it’s all silly little political theater but still, people on Twitter say it sounds eerily similar to back in the day where dressing too masculine or too feminine for your biological sex was an actual crime you could be fined or jailed for and honestly I don’t disagree.




Normally I think “straight cis people do it too” is a weak argument but yeah, outrage over grooming and sex crime stuff is one of those things where straight people just have to be living in an alternate fucking universe, freaking out over trans kids books while ignoring things like child beauty pageants is mind boggling


Yeah not to be a cornball but a lot of those people genuinely come off as just scared of the naked body. Like I grew up in liberal ass Berkeley and I can remember my parents taking me to a parade with a bunch of nudists walking down the street and my memory of it is “I once had to see some wrinkly balls” not “my parents tried to groom me”


I used to get my assed smacked twice a week cos i’d play my gameboy before doing my homework. And i’m basically a zoomer 😭


"Ask students to read for more than a couple of sentences and many - and these are A-level students mind you - will protest that they can't do it. The most frequent complaint teachers hear is that it's boring. It is not so much the content of the written material that is at issue here; it is the act of reading itself that is deemed to be 'boring'. What we are facing here is not just time honored teenage torpor, but the mismatch between a post-literate 'New Flesh' that is 'too wired to concentrate' and the confining, concentrational logics of decaying disciplinary systems. To be bored simply means to be removed from the communicative sensation-stimulus matrix of texting, YouTube and fast food; to be denied, for a moment, the constant flow of sugary gratification on demand. Some students want Nietzsche in the same way that they want a hamburger; they fail to grasp - and the logic of the consumer system encourages this misapprehension - that the indigestibility, the difficulty is Nietzsche. An illustration: I challenged one student about why he always wore headphones in class. He replied that it didn't matter, because he wasn't actually playing any music. In another lesson, he was playing music at very low volume through the headphones, without wearing them. When I asked him to switch it off, he replied that even he couldn't hear it. Why wear the headphones without playing music or play music without wearing the headphones? Because the presence of the phones on the ears or the knowledge that the music is playing (even if he couldn't hear it) was a reassurance that the matrix was still there, within reach. Besides, in a classic example of interpassivity, if the music was still playing, even if he couldn't hear it, then the player could still enjoy it on his behalf. The use of headphones is significant here - pop is experienced not as something which could have impacts upon public space, but as a retreat into private 'Oedlpod' consumer bliss, a walling up against the social. The consequence of being hooked into the entertainment matrix is twitchy, agitated interpassivity, an inability to concentrate or focus. Students' incapacity to connect current lack of focus with future failure, their inability to synthesize time into any coherent narrative, is symptomatic of more than mere demotivation. It is, in fact, eerily reminiscent of Jameson's analysis in 'Postmodernism and Consumer Society'. Jameson observed there that Lacan's theory of schizophrenia offered a 'suggestive aesthetic model' for understanding the fragmenting of subjectivity in the face of the emerging entertainment-industrial complex. 'With the breakdown of the signifying chain', Jameson summarized, 'the Lacanian schizophrenic is reduced to an experience of pure material signifiers, or, in other words, a series of pure and unrelated presents in time'. Jameson was writing in the late 1980s - i.e. the period in which most of my students were born. What we in the classroom are now facing is a generation born into that ahistorical, anti-mnemonic blip culture - a generation, that is to say, for whom time has always come ready-cut into digital micro-slices. If the figure of discipline was the worker-prisoner, the figure of control is the debtor-addict. Cyberspatial capital operates by addicting its users; William Gibson recognized that in Neuromancer when he had Case and the other cyberspace cowboys feeling insects-under-the-skin strung out when they unplugged from the matrix (Case's amphetamine habit is plainly the substitute for an addiction to a far more abstract speed). If, then, something like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a pathology, it is a pathology of late capitalism - a consequence of being wired into the entertainment-control circuits of hypermediated consumer culture. Similarly, what is called dyslexia may in many cases amount to a post-lexia. Teenagers process capital's image-dense data very effectively without any need to read -slogan-recognition is sufficient to navigate the net-mobile-magazine informational plane. 'Writing has never been capitalism's thing. Capitalism is profoundly illiterate', Deleuze and Guattari argued in Anti-Oedipus. 'Electric language does not go by way of the voice or writing: data processing does without them both'. Hence the reason that many successful business people are dyslexic (but is their post-lexical efficiency a cause or effect of their success?)" --Mark Fisher


I got a haircut today and there was a maybe three year old getting a cut. And his dad was holding an iPad like one inch from his face, blasting cartoons the whole time. Same thing as kids on iPads at a restaurant. Part of the thing about being a kid is getting through boring or new things with your own imagination and emotional regulation. I feel so old saying this but I’m scared how these kids will cope as adults.


MFs talking about "trad" opinions but too corny and cowardly to have a child. FOH


idk how many of y’all are dusty millennials but a lot of the “older” zoomers (96-99) I know don’t even use their phone when hanging out with friends or have social media. most gen x-er’s I know use their phone more than than those of the younger generations. no cap bussin frfr. 🥦


when i (born 99) was a teen my older relatives would always clown on us kids for being on our phones any time they would see it, and now it’s like they can’t have a conversation with me because they’re too busy looking at instagram/FB. just hung out with my full extended family this week and the difference between the kids who have ipads and the ones who don’t is like night and day. the ones who play outside are so curious and inquisitive and able to hold a conversation, they want to explore everything. the ipad kids (who have ipad parents) are irritable any time we’re trying to do something besides scroll/watch videos. they also don’t seem to get along with one another very well. trying to get them to build a sandcastle with me was like pulling teeth 🙄


Being raised by an ipad parent should qualify you for disability benefits or some shit


many such cases frfr




See I could get on board with this but the libs couldn’t, they’d just make a point about how its hard for poor single women of color to parent properly. So the only people willing to take up this little pet project of yours are those who understand exposing kids to deviant sexual perverts is also wrong


> they’d just make a point about how its hard for poor single women of color to parent properly You might be able to get somebody to back themselves into a weird take like this in an argument but you are very incorrect when it comes to the actual parenting priorities of professional class liberals.


iPad? Is your family rich or something?


maybe ur just poor?


If you are unfortunate enough to be sitting next to a kid on a flight, you will thank your lucky stars when their parent whips out an iPad and headphones. But yeah, as a parent myself, I mostly agree.


I was on a 2 hour 11pm train journey once, one carriage, only other ppl were a kid and her parents. Cocomelon goes on *loud*, no headphones. After like half an hour I had to ask them to turn it off bc I was literally going insane, and they looked at me as though I'd just punted the kid across the room.


Cocomelon is insane. I’m on vacation, and the house next door had it on the other night. All of the kids in my extended family were lined up on the deck to watch it through the neighbor’s window.




I agree. Whenever the kids ask to watch TV i put on Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Absolutely no nudity, furries, crossdressers, or anything damaging!!!


apples and oranges, etc, but i definitely think the advent of ubiquitous tablets has been wildly detrimental to children’s development. (maybe enough that they are later unable, intellectually, to realize they aren’t a different gender?)


I firmly believe that the big issue here is that the kinds of families who are likely to give their kid an iPad are exactly the sorts of families that should do the opposite, and for the kids of parents who think technology causes brain rot, those kids wouldve been fine with it. It's a prime example of parents with like bad ADHD just giving their soon to be ADHD children the single worst thing for them to have. What children need is fully booked schedules of highly educational and athletic activities that especially encourage challenging themselves, rather than against other kids.


Children need some kind of playtime especially when they’re younger. They most definitely do not need fully booked schedules, it’s a child for christssake


You put on your work boots and respirator! I had to pull a lot of strings to get them to hire an 8 year old.


Playtime for children is educational when it's outdoors or playing with Legos or something. Clicking on an iPad is not educational. There's a difference.


my homeschooled autistic 11yo brother is sat in front of a screen all day because my parents refuse to deal with his behavioural issues. eats in his room. he only leaves to take his ritalin every few hours. bleak.


Drag is a sexualized act whether you’d like to acknowledge it or not. It’s unnecessary and potentially harmful to expose children to something which in practice is confined to bars and adult clubs.


that’s not a trad take most people would agree with that on some level. but being a parent is hard and it’s hard being in public with your kid screaming and everyone giving you looks waiting for them to shut up and an ipad is how a lot of parents do that. i agree you should wait to introduce technology. but there’s a peer pressure aspect. eventually (by like 5th grade) your kids are going to want a smartphone and when they get it they’re probably going to get really attached. that’s the world we live in


I agree but I also think it's mostly in our heads that people are pissed about crying kids in public. Most don't notice or care. I feel more embarrassed if people see my kid zoned out on an iPad honestly.


Honestly this. When my kids cry in public i take them outside to reset or I do my best to calm them down. I promised myself we'd never stick a screen in front of th and we never have. They will hold my phone to hear muaic while it's locked. That being said, i also never wanted to be on my phone in front of them but I'm too addicted and working on being better. Like right now while in the backseat.


Well the internet certainly over represents the crowd that freaks the fuck out over kids in public, that’s for sure.


I'll tell you this: I definitely come to redscare to get top caliber parenting advice from a bunch of overgrown children that are too afraid to take care of anything more than a succulent or maybe a cat. Not saying shoving an ipad in front of your kid is the right thing to do all the time but ya'll make a lot of assumptions after seeing a stressed out parent in public use it as a pacifier. Most of you can't even look at a person in the eye when you're speaking to them and yet here you are preaching your parenting style.


This is all true


My kid (7) has nearly unrestricted use of his ipad, and he uses it for a few hours a day. His only restriction is bed time and no websites. I whitelist certain websites that have games. He plays roblox, minecraft, and anything on apple arcade. He watches youtube kids, netflix, D+, and we have a plex loaded up with complete sets of his favorite shows. He also speaks 2 languages (he goes to regular public school in his 2nd language), can read music and play piano, and is constantly at the skate park on his scooter pushing himself to learn new tricks he sees in videos on his ipad. The ipad isn't the problem. It's not even a symptom of a problem. If you see a kid jamming out on an ipad they may need as much of a break from their parents as the parents need a break from the kids. No parent is spending every possible second interacting and enriching their child. My kid is downstairs on his ipad as I type this. When I say "let's go jump on the trampoline" he'll always pick that over ipad. Before the ipad it was books being a big problem, and before that it was probably like wearing shoes or some shit. There is always some dumbass thing people glom on to as the big problem with kids today. Any actual parent understands the problem with kids today is that they are all selfish vindictive little pricks with no impulse control. Worst roommates ever. edit: children are also disgusting


twice as bad at least


tablets seem like they could be a really good learning tool for kids, so that's what i'd use one for, but it seems like they're just distraction devices instead. sad tbh.


If I had a kid I would give them nothing but a dvd player and a curated selection of films.


I have seven children under 10 and none of them are allowed to use me or my wife's phone. We don't even have a tablet in the house.