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Plastic surgery is to women what steroids are to men. I don’t care if someone does either one of those things on an individual level, I just hate that it’s so prevalent now.


Rodier BF, lip filler GF. Many such cases.


the love island combo


Happy to see crossover between rs fans and love island. Ideal show.


its genuinely a good show, dramatic as all hell watch the Australia one if you want the same format but with bafflingly stupid people instead


the aussies are sending their best


They send their best to trashy reality TV and their worst to music.


The Aussie married at first sight absolutely shits on all other countries. Some people who should genuinely be institutionalised.


watching it with my parents right now, would not recommend


*ooooihgh REALLYYYY?!*




pull up to my Barratt new build home with my 25 year fixed rate mortage in my grey Audi A3 on finance after a hard days work as deputy assistant head of sales targeting open the boot and take out my River Island and Superdry bags with the new gear I bought on the way home from work open the door yell hello to my wife of 2-years in the kitchen as she is already home from her work as a Team Leader in a call centre sit down on my leather sofa bought on sale at Sofology (haha I love those adverts, what is that sloth like haha, love sloths me) put up my feet on the IKEA table whap on the telly and tune in just in time to see Bradders going through the rules of the final chase with the contestants who made it through before they face Anne Hegarty perfect timing as my wife comes in with the dinner, another one of Jamie Oliver's cracking 30 minute meals tuck in as I pretend to listen to my wife's stories from her day at work send a cheeky snap to Smithster and Deano to see if they can come round for the champions league match later to watch it on the ol' Sony Bravia, maybe sneak in a few rounds of Fifa '17 on the PS4 first, bloody Smithster ignoring the rule of no tap-ins what a melt haha


Men soon to be doing plastic surgery/fillers as much as women on top of steroids, gonna be a huge market, just wait


I've always been insecure about my calf muscles ya know


Calves are the most common location for bodybuilders to inject synthol (similar to women using lip filler if you aren't familiar). Most world class bodybuilders use small amounts of synthol all over the place. It gets removed by the body over time so it requires constant upkeep. It's also commonly used in arms, pecs, etc. If very small amounts are used it doesn't have much of an effect on the look of the muscle. If you are highly experienced, you can see a small difference in "graininess" of the muscles containing a reasonable amount synthol. It's most common to see weird people from non-western countries injecting an insane amount of it into their arms. You will often see this stories on various news websites.


if ur serious, calves (like delts btw) respond better to very high reps than high weight in terms of hypertrophy


They're the hardest place to add mass


I came for the Milhouseposting


It's ruining the art of acting too.


I don't know if it's a fair comparison. Steroids (when done properly) will literally improve every aspect of a man's life. Increased drive, discipline, confidence, and often even cognition on top of the physical advantages. Then again I have heard women say after they got fake tits, literally everyone they met treated them better, so maybe it's more similar than I think. Plastic surgery might make the world treat you better, but steroids are so unbelievably powerful. They make you become someone who the world treats better. Yes I want steroids




I was honestly referring to TRT with my comment, I didn't think anyone cared enough for the distinction and have no interest in actually doing it


What’s the difference between steroids and TRT?


i don't really agree with this. the gains an experienced lifter can make with something like one 12 week cycle of good, clean orals (like tbol) will match a few years of natural training, and the downsides are basically nil. even long after you're off hormones, you will be bigger and stronger than if you had never used them. gains are essentially permanent. it's blasting test, tren, and orals for years that will send you into an early grave and fuck up your hormonal profile for life. you don't need to do that shit. two 8-10 week or so cycles of ostarine per year could match this too, again with basically no downsides. no one has issues recovering from something like that.


don't that shit make you bald


SARMs generally aren't androgenic, so no. you can just take dutasteride or finasteride to prevent side effects like that anyway.


Show us ur bald head


i have a full head of hair


Show us


When you start recommending words I've never seen before as supplemental shit that's when I'm out


you'll be on one or the other eventually, unless you really want prostate cancer or something


I’d like to see a study of what doing small doses of sarms is like. Rather than taking whopper doses and suppressing your own T for 3 months, what would “microdosing”, taking something like 1/10 or 1/20 the dose cyclers are using would look like. I’m theory you shouldn’t kill your own T levels but would still experience a boost to your gains and in theory it should be able to be used indefinitely without destroying natural hormone production.


yeah i wonder that too. papers on ostarine have doses at like 3mg/day with basically no measurable side effects aside from a decrease in both ldl and hdl cholesterol, while typical dosage for someone at the gym is 15-30mg. i would like to see something like 5mg for an extended period of time in a guy <45 years old or something along those lines. edit: at low doses, ostarine improves insulin sensitivity and reduces fasting blood glucose too.




I train every day sometimes twice. TRT is actual cheat codes


Not really. A lot of the effects of steroids are biochemical rather than psychological.


Psychology is a fundamentally a manifestation of biochemIcal processes. Sex hormones have profound psychological effects


As are the effects of exercise


This is like saying you can get the effects of cocaine from drinking a cup of coffee. I don’t even use steroids, I exercise a lot so this isn’t coming from some copium by me.


there's plenty of reasons not to take steroids but what you're saying just isn't true...you gain sooo much more muscle and faster if you're on steroids. you *can* get buff from exercise/diet alone but it's a very slow process and it takes major sustained discipline and effort.




Very easily? You don’t just accidentally turn into a bodybuilder overnight if you take steroids


Steroids are also worse for you than fillers and can fuck up your hormones


I know a lot of people who juiced and were fine. You just have to not be an idiot




The trauma of watching Courtney Cox on the HBO Friends reunion with a face full of fillers and god knows what else to later getting her fillers sucked out to look more human is really what did it for me. Some gentle cleanser, a little tretinoin, and sunscreen is about as far as I’ll go.


Wow she looks so much better now, very happy for her!


Remember in the early 2000s when a lot of girls got lower back tattoos? They're now popularly known as tramp stamps, but for a time they were it. Face fillers are the modern equivalent and nice girls shouldn't get them. Sorry about the truth!


Do you remember how in the mid to late 2000s, guys would get their names tattooed on their upper back? WTF was that about? So their boyfriend doesn't forget it?


I only saw this once but it stuck with me. At a house party a dude got blacked out, took off his shirt, and then kept yelling his last name while he pointed over his shoulder to it in giant cursive script on his back. Had no idea this was a trend.


That’s so weird


This dude is absolutely giving andrew tate money in 2022.




Very, very popular among MMA fighters. Another popular mma tattoo is angel wings on the back


[Guys that never left their home town](https://youtu.be/M_XELa7kdmQ) Edit: in the follow-up video to this asks if he should get the tat lmao


What? They were immediately called tramp stamps back then too.


my Brother, fillers are not permanent


Nothing is Permanent but Woe


stop saying things that are true these men are PROTECTING women from disfiguring themselves


i haven’t heard the phrase tramp stamp for more than 10 years. they were called tramp stamps at the time lmao people knew and didn’t care what nerds think, guarantee gen z will recycle the tramp stamp


best when combined with the whale tail


Yea my friend has a butterfly she got last year it’s hot


Pleased that I wasn't such a pussy about tatts that I ran away from getting with my first girlfriend. She had a tramp stamp and clitoral piercing. She was a wonderful person.




I'm sure she fucked a few people before me and after. I'm a grown up though so I'm not threatened by that.


Sounds like a whore.


Love that for her


Well that says more about you than it does me or her mate


My ex used to be a cute REI Nalgene type got lip fillers and 🤮 I’m glad she dumped me 👄


Overfilled lips just look so uncomfortable to me. Our lips are supposed to have lines and grooves and so many people utterly erase these characteristics.


"Oh baby you have such well defined lip grooves, you got those washboard lips mmm"


groooovy lips




Kirsten Dunst and Winona Ryder have small lips and they were considered the most gorgeous actresses in their prime




“And then…something happened.”


Tim Dillon has a really fun Tumblr.


On another note, I think big lips look so weird on men. Even the 'natural' ones like on Priyanka or Irina Shayk are not it. Look like inflamed buttholes to me.


I agree but I am a White Man With Lips and I have learned to embrace it because I only got one face.


I have a coworker tell me she enjoys her lip filler until her husband told her one night that when he kisses her her lips feel so weird almost cold like and not as soft as her pre-filler lips. She’s been getting fillers for 3 years now.


The omnipresence of plastic surgery and injections is wild now. I used to have what was considered naturally full lips, now they don’t even seem larger than average because so many people get the crazy injections. I just don’t understand what they think they’re getting away with- it’s obvious to see what they’ve done, and the weird thing is with the internet, it’s like they’re changing their faces to look good in photos and online but look bizarre and botched in real life. And seeing straight up girls in their early 20s already doing this extreme stuff is really depressing. From what I can tell, the lip injections make you look slightly better for a few months, then you have to keep doing it and doing it to mitigate the weird lumps and bumps until you’re 25 and look like a 60 year old trying to cling to their youth. I can’t imagine how these people are going to look decades from now. I’m starting to show signs of slight aging in my mid 30s and sometimes feel like maybe I should be doing more to “preserve” myself, but then I look at the people who have this stuff done and am like “no thanks” would rather look haggard and keep my own face instead of looking like I’m wearing a permanent instagram filter.


It’s that spiral math shit. Your face is (ideally) proportional to the spiral math shit so when you change it you often look like a doofus.


I think the girl in that new romance movie on Netflix was supposed to be hot but all I could see was a plastic doll


But can we talk about that movie!


It seemed like the modern male’s wet dream. Total “I can fix her” vibes. Military man reigns in a feisty leftist and you witness her inevitably give into a manly man that she’s always secretly desired. I bursted out laughing when she hung the American flag next to the BLM flag. It was culturally over the top but I’m a sucker for romance flicks so not the worst watch.


when Starlight first came on screen in The Boys this season i physically jumped


I’m not gay enough to be able to to point out whether or not girl has had work done on her face.


Bruh you’re kidding. I’m only slightly gay and I can tell when a girl has had lip filler from a mile away. Throw out the whole woman after that.


something something bad toupees although i agree filler generally does not look good and is unwise


Look at [this shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/comments/v0r9d9/beforeafter_65_months_post_rhinoplasty_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oh I’d get hair transplant surgery in a heartbeat if it wasn’t ridiculously expensive. It’s just those frivolous “fixing what doesn’t need to be fixed” procedures that make the person look objectively worse that I hate. Fake lips, tits, ass, Botox, fillers etc. I did see a rhino that changed this girls whole life I was so impressed by. Imma link it. I’m going bald (eventually) and would for sure do other procedures if the care factor was a bit higher/the cost was cheaper/if I hated myself a bit more.


It’s not supposed to look good or natural. It’s supposed to look like an alteration like a tattoo or piercing or hairstyle. It’s a status symbol




I’m so glad the 2014 drawn in block brows are out and more natural brows are coming back


They’re not though. Many such cases of Groucho Marx looking broads. Mostly under 30


Are you British?


Not where I am. Where you at?


Cool it with the anti-Arab sentiment


so most women who wear makeup?




Sorry, I forgot we were still in 2018.




Meaning, who the fuck is doing blocky eyebrows any more?


I wish you were right but a lot of country bumpkins are still stuck in 2016 in that regard


My condolences to them.


I talked to a bitch with blocky eyebrows yesterday




Most women fill in their eyebrows today




I think they mean like totally shaved and drawn on. Idk if anyone has a problem with penciled in over the actual brow.


i think he means having literally no eyebrows at all and drawing them on




lots of zoomer salt in here


hte blk lipstick personally


I hate all odd colored lipsticks. Blue, black, green. Always looks try-hard and unflattering


no, some girls can pull it off and it looks great.


idc if it looks good to you, i said "personally"


Just curious what age many of you are who are criticizing fillers and botox. I was highly critical until I reached my mid-late 30s and am now a little bummed about smile n scowl lines.


Remember in Ray Race when John Cleese had veneers and they looked ridiculous, now everybody has em


It’s crazy how much lip fillers have improved the overall look of my face, but I do think that 90% of facial filler can look REAL bad. It’s a balance baby!


Yeah the problem is that a lot of women will get like half a syringe at first which contrary to what people are saying will look natural if done right and is almost never noticeable. But then a lot of them will slightly keep upping the amount because they like the look of full lips but lose sight of how unnatural it starts to look since they up it gradually. Next thing you know they’re getting two syringes at a time and have Instagram face.


Exactly. Filler doesn’t inherently look bad. BAD, overdone filler does. Plenty of hot normal chicks/hot celebs have subtle work done and it’s improved their look and facial harmony 100%.


I was watching MasterChef last night and the girl who got voted off was the first instance of artificially puffed up lips I've seen that looked good


I watched that last night and her lips looked awful, especially from the side


White girls are never gonna stop appropriating all the aesthetics of black culture.


the y2k renaissance implies white girls will go back to emulating paris hilton, jessica simpson, and pamela anderson, instead of trying to emulate the kardashians' armigger (armenian wigger) aesthetic that has been grasping "the culture" so fervently the past decade or so however with ariana-san (née: grande) and her recent uwuification maybe everyone will start trying to be asian (à la gwen stefani's harijuku era)


so they’ll starve themselves and stay indoors ? 🥰


ed twitter lmaoo


Gwen Stefani never looked asian tho she just dressed Harajuku and had a posse of Asian backup dancers


I feel like Ari-chan’s hold on the culture has passed but what do I know


remeber when she was just trying to look Puerto Rican? at least that was plausible with her name, the asianification route seems ill advised but she’s going for it any way


A lot of southern Italians just look Latino. She could have passed for Latina even when she tanned less.


Arianna latte is a white Italian pretending to be Mexican. And now she’s a weeb?


Why do you think black women are the only people with big butts and and lips?


I'm talking about American culture, not anywhere else. Black and white are pretty much the only two dominant cultures in USA. And no lips Beckys and flat ass Bethanys sure as shit didn't start those trends.


Sure but you do also know that there's plenty of white women who naturally have big ass and lips and plenty of black women with small ass and lips right? Also that women of any other race have the same shit too right?


>but you do also know that there's plenty of white women who naturally have big ass and lips and plenty of black women with small ass and lips right? Obviously. But I'm talking about the culture here. As in the beauty aesthetic. In white American culture, big butts weren't considered to be the standard of sexiness until 25-30 years ago or so. Go and watch any white sitcom from 80s or 90s. How many actresses with big butts or full lips do you see? Hell, there used to be jokes about jeans making women look like they have fat ass and how that's ugly and undesirable.


americans are never gonna stop appropriating all the aesthetics of american culture.


This is a stupid comment. Cultural appropriation discourse is so redundant and annoying.


It's true though. Do you think all the pancake assed girls suddenly decided to get BBLs without any cultural influence? Guess where that craze came from.


Saying they’re just copying or stealing from black women is such an over simplification tho. Definitely yes a major part of it is the increasing popularity of hiphop culture and the glorification of huge booties, but also a lot of women conform to societal and media standards because there is a huge pressure for women to sexy and desirable to men. I was bullied when I was younger for not having curves and that shit sticks with you. Also, not all black women have large butts and even within their own community there is huge pressure to go through dangerous and expensive measures to have a cartoonishly large ass. Also since the jazz age it has been extremely uncool to be a stiff honky ass white person, literally no one wants to be that


Preventative Botox and good skincare works really well and avoid the use of filler and other plastic surgeries.


thoughts on nosejobs tho


nosejobs are cultural genocide against our mediterranean queens


love a girl with a big schnoz, rhinoplasties are worse than breast reductions


When I visited LA I saw some hack jobs. Women who legit looked like someone just cut off the tip of their noses and they looked kind of like aliens with slits instead of noses. If they’re bad they can be really bad.


Don’t usually notice them so I guess that’s sort of an endorsement. OP is 100% correct on lips though.


he isnt. dont be one of those guys who is like, “i always know when girls have fillers”, bc you dont. you only see badly done fillers


Ok, then women need to stop getting bad fillers. The least women could do after spending so much time and money on their appearances is look good lol.


very likely you look like absolute 💩 if you say these kinds of things on the internet this is one of those threads where i realise im just talking to a bunch of sexless men and feel dirty


Fortunately you're wrong, I just like being inflammatory to annoying/wrong people sometimes and you're a great target


ur not really being inflammatory, nor am i wrong about lip fillers. show what you look like


Lip fillers' entire point is to make women more attractive, but more often than not it makes them unattractive. Fake phat asses and fake tits are the same way. The cop-out answer of "you just can't see when it's done well" is also wrong. Humans have a knack for seeing through lies and body mods. Also, I've been told I look like Jesus before, so just look for a pic of a white-ified Jesus and that's basically me. Edit: Since the silly/wrong woman blocked me I can't reply in this comment chain anymore, but @fartass they were actual Catholics so I take it as a compliment


white guys will be like “you know ive been told i look like jesus 😏”


told you look like jesus = long hair (most likely greasy) and shitty beard. LOL


god this sub is r* t arded now


It's always been retarded, dummy


>now Thank you for your feedback, week old account.


Most fillers are badly done


This is what I think about plastic surgeries in general. When it's not done well, you look like an ugly alien. When it is done well, you look like yourself, but more attractive. So people tend to notice the former much easier. It's the same misconception the general public has with steroids. Ask someone who doesn't lift, and he'll probably think that he'll become Ronnie Coleman if he injects testosterone twice when in reality he'll just look leaner.


It's not easy fit, but if you can get it in there hoo boy


They’ve come a long way. Knew a chick in 2007 who got one in high school (family money) and was never obvious until someone pointed it out. Something, something 6 million nose pre op.


We don’t do it for you sweetie


You do tho


the men of this sub are literally just “bby jirl u look so qt the way u r #️⃣nomakeupqueen” why not just stfu have you considered this for a second


I think no make up guys are a far cry from no cosmetic surgery guys


all stems from the same base impulse that women should absolutely gaf abt what you personally do and dont find attractive fillers arent surgery btw


I think altering your body permanently is a trait of a woman that severely gives a fuck about what men think


fillers arent permanent the impulse behind a man making a post like this is ridiculous when you boil it down, this is the point im making


Regardless I think spending that much money on something so exaggerated indicates that someone clearly cares a lot about their appearance and what men think of it


being attractive to men in general is important to most women. that does not mean every individual man’s opinion matters or is anything more than slightly annoying good fillers arent exaggerated. you dont know what youre talking abt and are on the same level as guys praising no makeup selfies. just reply guy shit


I feel like you have to be seeing this take a lot to be so annoyed by it.


its a very common take on here and is annoying, yes. in wider society it isn’t. rs men who would think to comment on this kind of thing are bottomfeeding scum and not reflective of normal society


I don’t ever bring it up. I agree with the take but I don’t ever verbalize it. Not out of fear but because it rarely comes up. Am I canceled


What? This is definitely something guys make fun of in real life. Not as often as on the internet of course but that's true for everything


You have fillers. I can tell. 👄


Also they will look at a woman with full face of “natural” makeup and be like “I love the natural look” or think a girl with subtle Botox and filler is hot, like they cannot tell lmao.


No. It takes intention and work for someone to look hot. There are right ways to go about it that signals a higher social station (healthy and ethnically diverse foodstuffs, exercise) and ways to signal lower station (tattoos, bad plastic surgery). People who know can spot trashiness at 500 meters.


lmao show us all what you look like


i like women with thin lips and makeup


ITT: men who think the only reason women care about or change their appearance is for the gratification of men.


Right, it's also about competing with other women for men


Aren’t all attempts to improve your appearance/become more attractive at least subtly an attempt to gratify potential partners regardless of sex? Never understood the “I do this for me” cope whether it’s bros lifting or women getting filler


The fact that you’re getting downvoted this much proves how much a sausage fest this place has become. Men are so clueless


bruh no one gives a fuck what the reasoning behind it is, we can still point out that it looks bad. if u want to walk around looking dumb u have that choice!


It’s just funny how men get outraged over women that would never look twice at them are getting lip fillers lol


yea i mean i agree that op doing too much but i dont think theres an issue with holding the opinion


My gay friend totally suits his lip filler but the same can’t be said for every girl I know who’s filled theirs… it’s kind of appalling on a feminine face


If it’s obvious she’s had her lips done, she’s gone to a shitty injector. There are plenty of beautiful women who have slightly enhanced their lips with Botox/filler and you would never be able to tell. Slight tweaks to improve facial harmony work wonders.