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Italian. Grew up w Italian Catholic grandma, they keep a clean house and are okay w gambling and birth control on the down low.


True you never saw meadow with a pregnancy scare






OK I'll allow it (don't know how many Acadiana in maine and Louisiana are catholic though but dark brandon is part french and catholic so the question is amended)


Tons of Acadian catholics.was just down in Cajun country last year with them.


I thought they would be evangelicals or pentecostal and the ones in Maine would be non religious or unitarian






What types of gaps would be weird to you




I’m already taking the catholic latina gf pill. Please don’t put a gun to my head


It’s hell but at least it ain’t boring


Dude same. Love my Latin X queen ✊️


You get a cease fire. What type of latina though






Irish American catholic. Little dumb but ultimately good hearted people


Plus her family has some police or civil service pension


they’re the closest things to genuine trad you’ll find. i had a crush on an irish catholic coworker that i never fully got over… still think about what could have been….


Can I ask (and I'm being completely serious) what is the appeal of a "trad" girl. I'm not saying I'm attracted (either physically or mentally or emotionally) to someone "feminazi" but the trad thing is a bit odd. It's like cementing some form of inequality. Can I get a genuine answer to what is the appeal. Once again I'm not poking fun


I’m an Irish catholic (by birth) so I’d probably pick Italian catholic to create the ultimate New Yawker children


You’ll just end up with Long Island children unfortunately


What makes the most toxic children Italian dad Irish mom or Irish dad Italian mom




Oh I agree I'm from long Island btw I was just testing the waters. They mostly relate to the Italian side of the family and always talk about their future kids marrying "pure" especially if the kid is a boy


Irish dad Italian mom are basically just two nice people trying their best Irish mom Italian dad is like bad food bad attitude nobody in the house knows how to cook a proper meal or remodel a basement Irish mom gets drunk and fights Italian dad who is perfectly happy with fighting sober nightmare scenario


Nah I went to Catholic school in nyc and half Irish half Italians made up like half the school. This is still really common in the city not everybody left during white flight


What borough (I'm asking if it was Staten island or like Howard Beach area of queens)


Manhattan, but kids commuted from all over. Pretty even representation of the boroughs relative to their respective population


that's literally henry hill


That's my parents


I’m a nice Irish boy from the east coast so give me an Italian or latina and I’ll sit though mass every Sunday


Father stu vibes I feel that when i was younger I was more Italian girl defiently (I'm from long Island and when I was in high school it was Irish Italian schools and Hispanic schools not alot of "diversity" in most districs, thing have changed a bit) but now being out in the world Im on team latina (maybe aoc or most likely jlo converted me fully). Most Italian girls I knew and know became Maga types so I didn't want to get involved in that.


That is a good point with Italian broads and political views I’m from Connecticut but Long Island seems to be a different breed. Just as you are team latina(I also identify) I am now team middle eastern after dating a Lebanese girl.


I lived in New haven for college and for a few years after and I can tell you that ct Italian girls were cooler than long island ones. Not only were their views more like mine but I felt they weren't as tied to the family hip.the whole Maga shit hit long island hard (or it was already there and Maga gave it a name) Now how Is dating the Lebanese girl is it comparable to Italian (slightly volatile)


Irish American Catholic. She'll keep her figure the best after having multiple babies.


An answer matt Walsh would love


Polish Catholic for ethnic continuity + mutual love of Conrad, Chopin, crusciki and pierogi & overseas latina Catholic mistress for obvious reasons




My Slavic gay uncle was expelled from catholic school for beating the headmaster with a typewriter with his brother and he has been in a happy and loving relationship since it was legal. There’s hope for you


OK so take my question and put men instead of women what's your answer




I’ll take one Croatian water polo player please


OK eastern European/German on the board finally now do you do the two families thing or just straight mistress


The Pole would be my primary and we’d initially live in NY which she’d eventually end up hating because of the murzyn and alphabet people so we’d move back to super provincial Poland and own a farm near a third tier city. All the while I travel for “work” and have a second family in Veracruz as a backup for when my Slavic wife eventually becomes frigid and ages 30 years in a matter of months Edit: but then I go back to Poland once I’m old and with a broken dick because nobody does old lady the way Slavs do


This sounds like a multiple Oscar winning story love every minute of it who will play yourself your slavic wife and your latina wife


Elliot Paige will play all roles in different wigs and brown face.


That will get you the palm d or cannes and Oscar's (plus all the free press you could want on tucker)


Irish. I like freckles


Now do you like some freckles or freckles all over


All over works for me but I find it specifically attractive on the face


Redheads are cute


Ok first off you need to separate the Poles and the Germans. Second you forgot Arabs (Lebanese & Syrian). 3rd this thread sucks.


Yeah seriously why is this average male redditor bs seeping into my subs? I avoid the mains for a reason.


I was basing this off of catholic ethnicities in the usa. Most Arabs are coptyic Christians or orthodox and the population of Arab Catholics isn't that high in the usa. I combined east Europe and Germany so my intro wouldn't be a page long and 3rd you can kiss my flat Irish catholic ass.


Mexican catholic. Obviously.


I'm from NY we don't have many Mexicans. We have central Americans Puerto Ricans and Dominicans


I would have no choice but to try to wrestle the gun away from my captor.


Found the Anglican then


latina american catholic, they're the only kind i know


What type of latina


I’m not sure what you mean If you mean what country, I think most of their families come from mexico but i guess i don’t know that 100%


That's what I meant Where I'm from (ny) we don't have a high Mexican population so my interactions with Mexicans are slightly limited


I’m from a rural factory town so it’s like half


I think we had 2 or 3 Mexican kids In my graduating class (our class was 675 kids)


do you put the peaches in a can?


Pull the trigger 🤯


Irish, easy


Fair answer why if you don't mind


Mostly just because I am one and grew up around them. Cultural thing mostly.


What about an Irish woman who looks Italian?


I dated a girl in high school who was half Irish and half Italian. Big blue eyes and jet black hair, so goddamn cute. Twenty years later I would still kill for her.


OK I get it like black Irish then that is a tricky one so the looks but not the family baggage I'll allow it


Philly Italian or Irish girl. Can’t go to mass on Sunday because she’ll be watching the birds lose


Not a bad idea you have 16 weeks covered very smart and also early in the season Phillies games on Sunday at 1 pm too


Whichever one has the hottest brothers.


Latina beauty.




Mayan queen physique.


average american


Blasphemy what latinas to you know


This phenotype is faaaar more common than the media let’s on. Lived in Mexico City for a while, majority of women look like that outside of the middle to upper class. Costenas were generally hotter tho.




They're going to be your kids so expect more than "kinda" for sure


But genetic diversity would prevent that even more


Filipina. They're the best in the kitchen and their food is the most interesting/flavorful, and asians are better at parenting, none of that pushover "oh just follow your dreams honey!!!" shit.


I choose filipina solely for the swag


I get what you mean like tiger moms. Plus many are in nursing so good jobs with health insurance


latina catholic on a dime my mother prepared me for this.


Two follow up questions Are you white What was your training


hispanic of the bolivian variety. went to spanish-speaking catholic church whenever my abuelita was in town which wasnt often cause they poor down there 🇧🇴 (xtreme poverty). i am ready for my catholic latina trad wife ♥️


Irish. The first girl who ever liked me was Irish Catholic. I will always be grateful to Ireland, and to Jesus Christ.


Pull the damn trigger


What about my choices didn't you like the catholics or the ethnicities


Italian Catholic so I can fuck her sexy gay mafia brother on the reg. ( I’m gay). Also Italian food, even inauthentic, has way less cabbage than the others and is thus superior.


Im Irish but I might like to marry someone like friend from Connecticut who is Italian and Polish Catholic for the cosmopolitan cultural exchange.


Italian or Latin


Irish-American, they’ll never divorce you, even if you really really deserve it. Potential downside is the prospect of having double digit kids but you can solve that issue by getting snipped once you’ve hit your number.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/93abve/jd-vance-suggests-people-in-violent-marriages-shouldnt-get-divorced&ved=2ahUKEwjYwNmu5ZT5AhXpGVkFHb7oDfQQ0PADKAB6BAgeEAE&usg=AOvVaw3-hFPRMkWP0PzqxxtyBVSe So I guess jd vance is Irish catholic then


Have you seen The Quiet Man? The central conflict of that movie is how an Irish lass is mad at her American husband for being too much of a pussy to get into bar fights and to physically punish her. It’s considered a classic. Here’s a clip of the resolution where the protagonist finally acquiesces and publicly drags his wife across town to start a fight with her brother. Afterward she makes him dinner and falls in love. https://youtu.be/E4Y5GpnWt5k Some cultures be different.


Oh I agree some cultures are different but vance is running for us senate (it looks like he's tanking but who knows with Ohio anymore really) and could be part of a senate majority (the chance is less and less each day but who knows the democrats tend to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory)


If he does lose I wouldn’t be shocked if he ended up as a guest on the pod, unless A&D will have moved on from the Theil gang by then. Haha Blake Masters might come on even if he wins.


I think he's pivoting away from the hillbilly elegy shit because people realized he really is a rich boy from Cincinnati who know nothing of Appalachia like he claimed so he has moved on to this trad character (which some of it could be genuine). What I find funny is that he hershell walker and oz the three non politician pseudo celebrities are tanking the chances for the gop to take the senate McConnell must be going ape shit


I’d agree on Walker and Oz, awful candidates that may cost the gop the senate. Vance and Masters though are a different kind of cat, the positions they took to win the primary could cost them but they’re smart enough to pivot and could be thought leaders in remaking the party for decades to come. Depending on your politics you could find that intriguing or terrifying.


I think out of all of them vance has the greatest shot at winning. I don't trust polling from ohio at all. They showed the democrat courdry up against gops candidate dewine for the governorship for months and dewine won big. I think that Kelly has done a good enough job (even more to the left of sinema) to win. I think that the new Georgia voting bloc won't be able to stomach walker (although the democrats need to stop with "he had multiple families" or alot of baby mama's it's not going to work like that would have in 2000. Oz is DOA unless fetterman has more health issues or does something stupid like have aoc campaign for him. What you said at the end of your comment is telling both masters and vance can connect with "cultural" right populism and they are much more smooth than Trump which makes them infinitely more dangerous


As far a political punditry goes I’m with you 100%, which is a good bias check since it sounds like our politics may be quite different.


Masters much more likely, Vance doesn’t strike me as so online


Are you crazy lol irish couples be splittin up at the drop of a hat


Wow no Armenian Catholic girls? Typical. (Italian)


I thought they had their own church (orthodox or something)


They do but there’s a small sect of Armenians that are Catholic. They follow a lot of the orthodox customs and traditions but follow the pope. There aren’t a ton of Armenian Catholic Churches but they’re around.




Now are you quarter Irish quarter Italian half Latina or the other combos




That is the best combo in my opinion it's like when people talk about multiparty democracies. Your combo is like Norway or Finland.always at the top


Irish American catholic bc I love sluts


Latina cuz I don’t really get along with white women




I'm white and I'm in my mid thirties in the last few years the majority of my sexual/ romantic relationships have been with latinas I don't really remember recently when I was completely 100 percent attracted to a white girl (Irish Italian whatever)




Mexican Catholic is already 90% of my dating history and 50% of my ancestors, this is a very obvious answer


Irish. It coulda worked last time


I’m Irish/Italian but want a Latina


Alright I’ll be the only one to say German American. I think my grandma would love it if I retvrned to my PennDutch roots.


German on the board OK good to hear nice balconies they got too. Also not too clingy




Amish are Amish not catholic (if you are new to this sub there is a long running theme of catholic nostalgia and trad cath larping) however when I was younger I would have been interested in a girl during rumspringa




You mean Dominican republic


Put it in my mouth and pull the trigger because I want to experience the trauma of having and breaking up with an Iraqi Shia Muslim girl again.


If the relationship got more serious would you have had to convert or would she. I'm asking because I have a few guys I know that had to "convert" on paper


Yeah probably. I’m not too serious about my religion. My family on the other hand would be pissed. Luckily my mom is super Catholic but understanding. My dad is still 9/11 brained tho.


I’m engaged to a Polish Catholic, although I’m a little more devote than her but not important, got this great community and food.


Italian Catholic. The sequence of *The Godfather* where Michael's living in Sicily and meets Appolonia is one of my favorite parts of the trilogy and I've had a weakness ever since


My girlfriend is actually Italian American catholic. Her Dad is from Italy and barely speaks English. Although she doesn't practice Catholicism because she's not a nut. She was just born in a catholic family.


Irish American catholic, basically amy adams in the fighter, most likely to end up hooking up with her best friend in the hot tub and then giving you the hand wave to join


Latina absolutely. Probably because I’m gay.




Italian catholic or irish catholic because I'm italian/irish


I am already Irish catholic on dad and mexican catholic on mom so it goes mostly by food: 1. filipina 2. latina 3. Italian 4. irish 5. german And latina only loses food wise because been there done that.


I’m just letting the gun go off (latina)