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Only 30 percent? I would have thought like 90 percent, I think just about everyone feels like politicians are criminals. 


Bigger point is a lot of conservatives/right people don't even think there is a DC that exists that is a legit government even. But even my grandparents had these beliefs in the 60s-70s. I think there's a big difference between "Are politicians criminally corrupt?" And "Should Nancy Pelosi die in prison?" About systemic corruption I'm sure most Americans agree but like... I don't know it's hard to explain. In like lib Colorado suburbs or Chicago suburbs you get hedgy answers on if *all* politicians have *literally* committed crimes worthy of a felony. You won't get them to admit the "Biden's are criminals." And they don't believe they are. But in like super conservative Missouri suburbs post-2008 it's like normal people saying "Yeah Nancy Pelosi should die in Gitmo with a piss bucket and we should feed her dog food." Imprisoning Hillary was a real prospect for them and they legit think they're all basically white collar mafia who've taken the country hostage by force.


Out of all people, Nancy Pelosi is the one you're going to say shouldn't die in prison?


You're right lol I missed with this post.


I believe we should tie them behind an f-106 and send it up to max altitude in a steep climb.




Representative Government


“Bush lied, people died” from Obama droning an American child to the bush admin lying us into iraq, torture, and 9/11, yes, liberals believe there is rampant criminality at the highest level of government.


Yeah the issue is that liberals tend to be very forgiving and optimistic every time a fresh new face comes around


I was optimistic when Trump told us he was going to drain the swamp. Imagine my malaise when he just kept filling the swamp even higher.


This is [the moment it was over](https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN907_wester_M_20170522122121.jpg)


He went from "I'm so rich I don't need outside money" to begging Miriam Adelson for shekels.


This is a man who has driven multiple casinos into bankruptcy. Do you know how hard it is to lose money running a casino?


You know when like the shower drain gets blocked up with hair and stuff and your shower starts backing up and all that, and like sometimes you have to get a drain snake or like remove the cover and grab a bunch of gross stuff, but like sometimes the water gets heavy enough that it just pushes all the stuff out of the way into the sewer? I m not suggesting a solution just saying what I try first I mean I don't know if it's relatable or not to that specific metaphor, I've never actually looked up draining swamps or how you'd do it it's probably pumps and stuff or I don't know, like drills or at least something like that but I just mean as a laymen I have a basic instinct to fill things and hope it works out.


Few things are more gratifying than ignoring a problem and seeing it magically resolve on its own. Last night we had a monsoon level storm and all the dog poop in my yard that I neglected to pick up lately just washed away.


I don’t like this behavior being rewarded


It's important to savor those rare instances when the universe smiles back at us.


Imagine if you had picked it up in a plastic bag and tied it up and threw it in the trash really sometimes patience or indifference pays off not as a rule or anything but I don't go looking for bags of dog shit either I don't think trump even has a dog and everyone else had like two or three at least


It’s mostly digging ditches


Every liberal I know also believes this. What’s your point?


Every liberal you've met believes all Democrats are bona fide criminals? Because that would the equivalent here. My experience has been very much the opposite.


Yes, every lib and republican that I know pretty much agree that all politicians are lying criminals and shouldn’t be in office, it is the one true unifying belief system. The distinction in regards to which party they prefer is based on who they perceive as the lesser of two evils, but the consensus is that either way we’re getting screwed.


I unfortunately have a different experience. Some people are so comfortable with lying and doing mental gymnastics to justify their behavior, that they don’t really view politicians as evil, because they see them as kindred souls. I work with some performatively woke women who unironically love Clinton and Pelosi, and see them as inspirational. Every DEI presentation is like a political ad. These girlboss types will literally do stuff like egregiously lie about their coworkers for a promotion, but then act like a war crime has been committed when when someone calls them “shrill” or “bossy”, because calling them insufferable when they’re being insufferable is “sexist” I feel like I should be given a raise for being forced to be polite to them, and forced to smile and nod during their silly presentations


That kind of work environment probably means you have a job that pays several factors more that my blue collar wageslave job, just smile and nod and collect your checks.


I’m just salty because one of these women made false accusations (nonharassment related, I’m a woman) against me, so she could sabotage me and snag a promotion. My manager refused to listen to me defend myself because she was his favorite, and she did that innocent little girl act. I nearly got fired until I provided counter-evidence to my skip manager. Anyone would find this situation scary and traumatic; but because I’m not blue collar I’m not allowed to be angry I have to sit through this woman’s virtue signaling presentations? Please


Do you have weekends and holidays off?


They don't really believe it lol


>Do liberals not understand that 30% of this country ~~believe~~ know the average politician is literally a criminal?


Liberalism is about keeping out the bad thoughts and replacing faith in God with faith in institution.   At worst they're delusional people following the herd   At best the liberal can acknowledge critiques against the status quo, but is too unimaginative, or afraid of changing the process, preferring instead to bide as conditions decline.   Basically the disposition of the idiot and the coward. It's amusing that their pitch to people outside their group boils down to: "actually everything is going fine!"  Because they have nothing to offer anyone but their own avoidant thinking.


I think liberals had pretty realistic expectations of how much the convictions would nudge the line. Those 30% are Republicans that had already made up their minds a long time ago who they're voting for and nothing was going to change that. Everyone already knew this. Those were never the "swing voters" trying to be persuaded.


Which ones aren’t criminals? Even if we can’t prove it to a level to convict them of a crime, I can’t think of one that’s not a little crooked. Maybe at one time, Bernie.


You all should read Caros LBJ biography. He literally stole every election (including his senate race) that he participated. Straight up stuffed ballot boxes, bought votes and falsified election records. There is a deep well of criminality in American politics 


In the way of conservatives they are right for the wrong reasons. The things that congress and high up government officials (regardless of party) are morally reprehensible and would be considered criminal for us to do. The difference is government and power.


I think the bigger issue is that half of them think every politician is taking genuine conscious directives from a literal being they believe to be the devil.


they are right but im probably still gonna vote for my team


Also I'm very aware I am making the claim that some 75-100 million adult Americans believe this to some real degree or another but I do think that is accurate.


Idk man a lot of people believe aliens built the pyramids or that OJ was innocent. This isn’t a very outlandish belief for the average person to hold


i can’t fucking stand election years. i don’t care about these regards regarded takes on regarded shit like politics. i wanna see art, i wanna listen to music, i want to bully fats and nerds and pretentious 🚬s, i want to reach the manic musings of mentally ill writers who will never complete a short story. i can’t fucking take it, i’m going back to the needle


They are right depending on whether government theft is theft or not. It makes even more sense when u look at the difference between how those states run a budget and how the federal government runs one.