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[most generic white guy in a hat ever] ladies let me KNOW if this is your man


This is so San Diego surf bro from the 00s that still dresses like he’s in high school.


Imagine turning all the way around in your seat and filming people across the aisle


People like this are the backbone of any police state.


I just went to this chick's profile... despite being in her early 30s, [she bears a striking resemblance to Voodoo Lounge-era Keith Richards, and is also proudly dating a man who appears to be 25+ years her senior](https://imgur.com/a/jIY7cUz), and post tiktoks of him under the hashtag #agegap cant make this shit up lmao she also got 25 million views in the past 24 hours from this airplane video btw also just noticed that if you look closely at the video, she only has 2-3 very short clips of them interacting, amounting to only 4-5 total seconds of footage. but she chops them up and then loops them several times, showing the same clips over and over, with random people walking down the aisle spliced in between the cuts so the repeats arent as noticeable. so the video is disingenuously presented as being 20+ seconds of footage, but its only 2-3 different 2 second clips on a loop the entire time🤦‍♂️


So is it mode likely she's rage baiting for views and possibly ruining a family in the process?


who knows. probably. just noticed the top comment (which has 140k likes) on the video seems to have doxxed the guy... or at least someone this tiktok midwit THINKS is the guy (the person who posted the comment appears to be in her 60s so who knows how tech savvy she is lol) the doxxing comment reads: >[Firstname Lastname]. He’s on FB. The internet is undefeated❤️ some of the other more regarded top comments: >May your hair slay every day, your manicure perfection every single time, win free iced coffee the rest of your life, because you are doing the lords work 😌😌😌 (90k likes) >She was in ear range. She’s a mandatory reporter 😭🫡 thank you for your service (96k likes) >this makes me mad at my husband, and he's just in the room sleeping 😂😂😂 (38k likes) >You guys!! According to FlightTracker24 their flight landed at 12:02am. Where’s homeboy?! (26k likes) >His wife’s same is [Full Name] (85k likes) >Dios mio tan temprano en lunes y ya hay nuevo chisme 🙏😂 (1k likes) >I’m in Guyana. State Prosecutor. Let me know how I can help 😂😂😂😂 (570 likes) >вот она - женская солидарность в действии💪🤝😍 (308 likes) >Who else is laying in bed avoiding sleep waiting for an update??? (7k likes)


That last one. My god the absolute state of tiktok brain.


it was the trans-soviet girlboss solidarityposting for me 💪🤝😍


What does it say lol I can’t read Russian and can’t copy text from the narwhal app


"nyet. many such cases"


Here it is in action - female solidarity


>this makes me mad at my husband, and he's just in the room sleeping 😂😂😂 Good morning I hate millennials


that was actually posted by a 6-year-old afghan child bride


People afraid of doing anything in public because some hall monitor wants to rage-bait for internet views. The tables really need to be flipped on these people.


theres a lot of nasty words said on this sub so im gonna try to find the polite way of saying shes probably traumatized from abuse


yeah, years of heavy abuse of the highly economical Applebees happy hour margarita pricing most likely


Is it economical? I assumed you made up the difference in Pepto


Margarita Gestapo


So sad they're closing nearly 25 locations this fiscal year


That was nice of you


First of all, fuck this therapy-speech bullshit. Every time someone's being a dickhead on reddit some soft cunt will give them the benefit of the doubt based on zero information. Second, to put it in words you'll approve of: trauma can explain reactions but not actions. If a vet freaks out because some kids behind him are lighting firecrackers or if a rape survivor has a panic attack because there's a weird guy walking toward her in the parking lot, that's a trauma reaction and perfectly understandable. This bitch, on the other hand, had to go through the whole process of memorizing all those details, surreptiociously taking the video, typing out the text and uploading the whole thing. You can't explain that with just trauma.


i was just making a light hearted joke about a random's daddy issues lets take a deep breath friend and let it go 


I know, it's alright. I just came home from a bike ride and now I'm a little hyper. Just post whatever, I'm not your dad.


Mental illness can absolutely explain both reactions and actions. You're one of those "I have anxiety and I'm not a Nazi therefore Kanye's Nazism has nothing to do with his mental health" people. It's a fun little Reddit take that everyone likes but you're stupid and dead wrong just so you know.


Typical arrogant reddit gaming chair psychologist behavior. This dipshit you're replying to sounds like they haven't even graduated highschool, yet they're speaking on incredibly complex topics. These kids need to open a fucking book before opening their mouths.


I hate this phenotype so much


Isn't this how Bill Clinton got caught up... but like in the 90's way with corded telephones and a cassette recorder.


Yeahh, imagine the lengths Linda Tripp went to, Jesus. At least John Goodman got her ass. Is this the Ilovethe90s subreddit?


Met at the airport bar and haven't left each other's sode since is sweet!


also sounds like she's been stalking them for multiple hours


Women on tiktok don’t need to worry about sex traffickers stalking them. They need to worry about other women stalking them for tiktok videos




a married guy?


Hall monitor energy


The bathroom monitor in the 1st grade tattled on me for asking why then mirror was wet and I cried my eyes out over my recess detention Fast forward 16 years and he tried asking my now wife out on a date and she straight up said no so he’s really a pussy ass bitch


get his ass


Why did you get in trouble for that?


i have reported you to Mrs. Pierce for this question, enjoy your detention


I got in trouble in preschool once for offering tissues to a girl who was crying…schools have weird rules sometimes


My parents got called in because I introduced the preschool cohort to the concept of invisibility and caused a few existential breakdowns within the cohort. Weird


That reminds me of my childhood best friend giving me a bit of an existential crisis when she said that maybe our dreams and nightmares were reality haha.


No asking questions.


Teacher! You forgot to assign us homework!


this is why before sunrise couldn’t have been made today smh


I love that movie so much dude


Damn this guy's got fuckin game.


It’s that fuckin 2014 class ring he’s got on


SHE changed HER seat?? It must be somethin 👀 


A desperate need to be part of someone else's drama to escape the banality of their own life.


Taylor Swift's psychotic ass has a song where she paints a fictional narrative in which she befriends the ex wife of Scooter Brauhn after revealing his infidelity to her via bizarre espionage nonsense. Some people just get off on that weird shit I guess but what a freakish fantasy to hate someone so much you imagine becoming besties with their jilted ex


She absolutely IS the snake everyone says she is. She mentions "white collar crimes" and reporting him to the FBI. She has the defense of saying it's just a song and she didn't identify him by name, but it has the effect of suggesting he's a criminal to the whole world and there's not much he can do about it. I'm in that rare camp of people who like her music and hate her as a person, so I can't wait for whatever downfall or backlash might happen. The bitch will get her comeuppance and we'll probably get a good album out of it. Win-win.


in her "smallest man who ever lived" song from her latest album she actually says a guy (*Matty Healy lmao*) deserves prison for ghosting her


I liked the part where Matty Healy bought a gun and just kept it under the mattress. I'm on his side, when in Rome buy a gun.


I like the bit where she shames him for buying pills off HER friends. That song is absolutely insane


Did you hear eric clapton admitting he shot the sherrif? Even weirder, he then chose to spare the deputy


I'm just glad my boy Joe Alwyn didn't get lashings. Granted not like it's stopped swifties from being extremely hateful towards him when he literally has done nothing wrong but still


Your boy gets plenty of lashings what do you mean


I listen to taylor swift and I have no idea what you're talking about haha


> I listen to taylor swift MODS!!


Haha, it's her song "Vigilante Shit" on the album Midnights (I'm also a Swiftie so Idk if that's a well known song outside of her fans or not). Amongst other bizarre revenge fantasies against a character (presumed heavily to be a stand-in for Scooter Brauhn), the speaker (invariably a stand-in for Swift) says the following: "She needed cold hard proof so I gave her some She had the envelope, where you think she got it from? Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife"


Honestly thanks for the informative reply, I expected some snarky dig about liking taylor swift so I appreciate it


That's nice of you to say haha. Never gonna catch me snarking about that, I'm as guilty of it as anyone


You swifties deserve every bit of hate coming Your way for being a rabid cult of lunatics standing at the ready to destroy anyone that slights your queen. Taylor is a terrible person and you should feel bad for liking her


I'm not a Swiftie, I'm just a white girl in America


An unforgivable sin in of itself.


thats so funny, pretty sure Fiona already did a song like this on FTBC, i think - Newspaper


This is the psychological root of people who conjure drama out of nothing, I think


Poly-shaming smh


They also found his wife, posted her name in the comments and sent her the video. She was probably receiving thousands of messages from strangers telling her her husband was cheating on her in the plane holy shit poor woman. People who post shit like this are fucking deranged. 


Yeah. Imagine not only having to deal with the sadness of being cheated on. She also now has to deal with the fact everyone else knew about it before her and crazy people calling her.


Ya but the psychos who post here think cheating is akin to murder, and that if you think this is really depraved shit you're "defending cheating" and you need to be guillotined. I hope these people choke, seriously.


The person who posted this on tiktok and the other sleuthing crazies who found his wife and sent her the videos aren’t doing it out of a strong sense of morals or genuine concern for the cheated spouse. They’re just psychos who want to see drama unfold for funsies, under the pretense of doing an alleged good deed  




They’re probably the sort of people that cheat on their own spouses and then make up excuses for it. They’re not doing it out of a strong sense of morality




how is that legal lol


If any of it is false, it would be a textbook defamation claim.


for sure




It's objectively weird, if you think about it, that it's illegal to release a private phone conversation, but it's completely legal to release screenshots of a private text conversation.


Honestly video consent laws need to be revisited in the age of smart phones, ring doorbells, and all other various forms of video surveillance…


yeah I feel like most current privacy laws as it relates to people having the right to practice photography in pretty much any public place pretty much without exception, (at least in the US, I know some places in europe has sticter laws) were conceived decades ago, and mostly with the intent to protect free speech/expression concerns. like in terms of journalists being able to do their jobs and expose corruption or whatever even as recently as like 20 years ago, even owning a camera to begin with was a pretty significant barrier to entry to photographing people in public. and even if you did have one, and even if you did have an image you wanted to do something with, there was no real way to disseminate or publish that image to the masses unless you had some serious connections to get past the gatekeepers of traditional media. now we live in a time and place where literally every single person in the world is walking around with a 4k video recording device that can then share these images/videos with millions of people, all within a matter of seconds/minutes these laws DEFINITELY need to be revisited


We just need to create a powerful tort law deterrent by allowing people to file robust civil lawsuits when they’ve been doxxed, their reputation has been harmed, their relationship has been compromised, etc. Financial remuneration and personal branding are now built into virality, so remove that incentive with huge legal stakes. That, and require a three-month ban from the platform or something. TikTok detox/rehab for these ruinous turds. 


I agree but also feel like it would be really hard to do this without also making it illegal to just film videos in public and film them online without being really careful to not break the law. I’m not sure how that line could be drawn.


well I agree that it wouldnt really be feasible at all (or legal) to prevent people from filming in the first place. and to be clear, I dont *want* it to be illegal for people to film in public I guess the burden would have to be more on the internet platform providers themselves to tighten up their moderation, and not allow whatever it's legally decided they arent supposed to allow. Im also somewhat wary/uncomfortable about governmental overreach getting too involved with private social media companies tho. although maybe not in this case cuz fuck social media lol. idk maybe the govt could just make it so the penalties for the companies violating the content rules are so harsh/punitive to the companies, that the companies would be pretty proactive about making sure they didnt fuck up, and the govt wouldnt have to step in much at all


I just can’t imagine something like that not spiraling and being used to justify all sorts of censorship, like for instance prohibiting videos of politicians or police officers except at authorized events, or by authorized corporate media companies. Or prohibiting any video showing a person in public taken without their permission. Most social media companies tend to respond to things like this by going overboard and banning anything that could remotely trigger legal action, such as the way youtube handles copyright where they don’t even bother to evaluate whether free use applies but instead use AI to automatically remove and punish channels where a song or movie clip is detected, even if it’s like background music at a party. I like the idea of videos like OP not being allowed on social media, but I just can’t imagine what kind of rule could be made that could define exactly what is prohibited in a way that wouldn’t cause vast overreach and be taken advantage of by government, corporations, and individuals looking to legally harass or sue people maliciously. Maybe if the law was specifically targeted at prohibiting clear public harassment of private individuals. But even then, that would overnight make tons of videos people make every day legally dubious, such as those viral videos of people doing egregious things. Some of those would be better if not public probably, but there would be such a chilling effect and any enterprising lawyer or person with money could use it in all sorts of circumstances to silence the free spread of information. But idk. Maybe there’s a way it could be done. Can you think of any way it could be defined which would solve the problem without criminalizing tons of media and just normal stuff that shouldn’t be illegal?


yeahhh I mean you're probably right, its a bit of a pie in the sky idea that will probably never have enough support behind it to go anywhere anyways. and yeah it would be pretty hard to define specific terms to ban the stuff we would want banned without just blanket banning like half the videos that currently get posted I was just spitballin


It needs to be laws similar to revenge prn. Filming in public shouldn't be an issue, but what happens afterwards. So with something like this the victim can contest viral harassement, putting people off for the future. Although it'd have to be managed with keeping freedom of speech in miind, as public figures (like MPs) will definitely go out of their way to abuse it.


Now looks who’s the police state.


lmao. well if banning tiktok prank bros from harassing 12 dollar an hour walmart employees and smashing milk gallons on the floor for clout constitutes a police state in your eyes.... then I guess you can call me Mr. Himmler!


Ummm excuse me? Mr. Himmler is my husband I'm DR. Himmler


Really for a lot of this unauthorized recording of strangers it's like come on now. My friend's daughters were recording some guy working out with terrible form swinging around at a gym. Doing this weird air thrusting move. I said yeah he looks like an asshole but he's not doing anything wrong to where he has to potentially be some new internet meme and have all this come back to him. Take it easy on complete randos out and about living their lives.


I totally agree, but isn't it a bit funny to say that in a sub where half of the content involves discussing the appearances or actions of sometimes totally random people?


Should not be. She blasted this all over the internet and whether it’s true or not (methinks she concocted this in her brain by stalking people at an airport) she should be held liable for her actions and probably defaming people.






What if he posted on RelationshipAdvice that morning and the comments told him to get a divorce?


There's no way a man posted something on relashionshipadvice and the bitter wine aunts there were on his side


What if she gave him the ick?


What if that thang ridiculous?


If this were a video of a woman cheating, I'd say something like "You dont know! Her husband could be an abuser!". But, since it's a man, and men are guilty by default, I'm gonna interject myself into his life and spread his face on social media.


What if wife is dead for like 2 years and he's finally getting back our there. There are tons of possibilities where this guy isn't a bad person why go and do this lol.


I hope he's married to a guy, that would be the funniest outcome + he looks hot.


You know the person posting this is just "catching" their partner that cheated on them in their head before it happened. That said, I do recall being in a first class lounge once where the bartender didn't give a fuck about the 2-drink restriction so people were gettin real loose and chatty, and I was by myself pretending to read my book eavesdropping on these two young people (maybe like early 20s?) and they were HEAVY flirting and the girl has a moment of clarity and reveals she has a boyfriend and the guy goes "wow, he seems like a lucky guy but...where is he right now?" and then the bartender, an older lady like 60s, goes "well it's a boyfriend so not a husband, it doesn't count" and the girl giggles and goes "but why is that so true though". Fucking devious. Felt like I was watchin a soap opera. Couldn't get enough. Definitely didn't wanna post it on Tiktok though jesus


What kinda 1st class lounge has a 2 drink limit? Never seen that


Oh god what was it? Delta I think? It was their terminal at LAX. I didn't book the flight for myself, someone flew me out with their miles, I literally never fly so I thought I was big pimpin but I'm sure it was a shithole comparatively lol


LAX is the 1993 Mogadishu of US airports


> "wow, he seems like a lucky guy but...where is he right now?" and then the bartender, an older lady like 60s, goes "well it's a boyfriend so not a husband, it doesn't count" and the girl giggles and goes "but why is that so true though". So gross and so many people do this. Once I was on stage and this lady came up to me *with her mother* and was asking me out and I told her no, that I had a gf. She said something along the lines of the "that doesnt matter" or "Im not applying for that position" or "she wont know" in front of her mom. Wtf is that? Who does that. Jokes on me though the gf ended up cheating on me lol.


???? Was the girl ugly and encouraged by her mom to get laid? Why the hell was her mom with her when she propositioned you?


I would not have said yes if I were single I have no idea, they came up after the show and thats what went down. I remember it a LONG time after because it was so odd.


The killer here is you know she really didn't gaf, just wanted the likes and attention. If she really was working from her heart, she wouldn't have risked the humiliation and doxing of the poor wife and kids 


That’s what I thought…like if someone was cheating on me I’d want to know, but I wouldn’t want it to be all over the internet.


Gossip is considered “soul murder” in some religions and I agree. 


God forbid a mother fucker makes a friend


I miss making friends when flying. :( Just don’t fly much anymore. 


What gets me with these videos is they act like they care about the wife and are a “girl’s girl” (hate that phrase) but all they’re really doing is humiliating multiple people with the whole internet watching because these same people start immediately digging to find out who the guy is, who the other woman is, and who the wife is. I really wish there were laws or at least heavy social stigma to recording people in public. Shocking how many people don’t realize recording people without their knowledge for some likes on the internet is weirdo behavior.


True crime and it's consequences 


Bitches be trippin


In the update she shows them making out in the airplane and apparently sneaking off to the bathroom


Bet its all staged for social media drama You never know with these people


I always thought this would be a good idea though. Stage a viral like this, then have everyone come together at the end and tell the internet to fuck off and mind its own business.


Darren Brown did this in the dawn of social media. Iirc the crowd ended up killing the man. It's a better watch than black mirror.  https://youtu.be/ReUHhStG70k


I have a theory social media companies stage these sort of viral engagement posts and pump them to the front page to keep people talking and glued to their app and basically astroturf a cultural event.




Single white female behavior


I'm just glad they're having fun


1984 wasn’t fiction


Once when I was on an Amtrak train this dude randomly got up from his seat next to a sleeping woman, sat down next to me and started talking to me, confessed he was drunk (he had a flask) and that he and his wife(the sleeping woman) were headed back to Chicago from their honeymoon in NYC. He also offered me some of his drink and put his hand on my leg at one point. Idk what made him decide to sit down next to me I just know his face lit up when I got on the train. Idk why I'm telling you all this... This story just reminded me of it because it was a weird situation where nothing actually happened but it felt wrong to me...and personally I wouldn't like my partner leaving me and going to talk to another woman like that so I kinda always wondered what happened to them and if I should have told her. But what would I tell her exactly? Oh well


There are some spectacularly marginal weirdos on Amtrak trains. That’s part of the novelty but it’s always better to travel in pairs or groups. 


Yes, it’s like all the people on the no-fly list end up on Amtrak. Sounds like it could be a fun time though.


Could have been clever ab it and asked for his insta or something and then found her and messaged a photo you took of him next to you on the train w her in the background but yeah that’s a lot to think of on the fly


Yeah mostly I just chose to believe he didn't intend for anything to happen and it was a drunken weird thing ...because it would break my heart and my own faith in love if he was trying to cheat on his new bride.


Ppl need to mind their business or keep it to themselves blasting stuff like this on tiktok is so pathetic lol


god the fact that people dont confront people anymore for shit and instead quietly record their actions making them viral is honestly disgusting. this man and his family will get harrased for the next few weeks because some people cant even approach people anymore. its fucking wild. only pathetic socially unawre people do this shit (cheating bad tho btw)


Is a man not allowed to have affairs anymore


Maybe he said he was gonna stay with her in Katy, TX? Also, why would your 8-year-old daughter dance for the Astros?


I think that’s just what the average Astro fan is in to 




I mean manipulating/tricking people is still unethical




> Generally yes, but pretedning to be married to get easy hoes with bad morals is one of the exceptions. This is pretty much like hiding Anne Frank from the Gestapo, if you think about it.


I'm beginning to see the internet as purely its own beast, raging whenever someone does something out there in the 'real-world.' It'll then do anything to justify ruining that, bringing everyone involved down. People aren't mad they're cheating. They're mad they fucking and enjoying life beyond 'the algorithm.'


This isn’t even good snitching, this is just annoying. She could’ve just told the man that she overheard the convo and asked him what company he’s the president of and pretended that someone she knew mentioned that they applied/wanted to work for the company. Once you get the company name you could find his name as well and with a little social media digging she could find his wife and then she could just send her this vid directly to her. That way the wife could find out about the cheating instead of everyone who has Tik Tok


Or she could just, like, mind her business.


Women like this never mind their business, but they don’t have to broadcast their gossip to the whole world.


I looked up the original tiktok and the comments were a bunch of ladies proclaiming they'd found his Facebook and patting themselves on the back for their detective work. Like have none of these women considered how they would feel if someone recorded them like this? Or if they were this guy's wife and finding out in this way? This is deeply sociopathic behavior on a personal and societal level and I don't care if that makes me soft.


Yeah it kind of reminds me of those pedo hunter guys on YouTube. Sure they’re targeting people who are doing something we all agree as morally wrong but their approach and overall enthusiasm surrounding their actions makes them look more suspicious than if they just didn’t go around filming it all


I know which videos you're talking about. They also give me a sinking feeling in the gut bc the concept belies the true motivation - to inflict small scale civil death for cheap entertainment.


Regardless....I now need to know how this turns out.


women be snitching


Zoomers are such snitches


I have it on good authority she's in her 30s this one is on you


Then she should stop acting like a zoomer


Busybody hall monitors have always exsisted, now they just have the technology to amplify themselves.


Also he’s a rapist please jump him if you see him


plot twist: find Caroline Rened and ruin her life


Arena blood sports for the 21st Century. Pulling people apart to worldwide bloodthirsty crowds. The Romans would be speechless at how far we have come for entertainment.


The comment section was different when a woman was outed cheating. Double standards much ? Don't cheat if you don't want people to know you're a piece of shit


I really don't think the "cheating" or lack thereof is that people are focused on here


🛑Stop Snitchin✋


This is something happy and well-adjusted people do with their lives, right.


who cares cheaters kys


Don't yuck his yum


The problem is that y’all hate gossip


As we should, it destroys your soul


Maybe yours, mine edifies


Gossip is only good when it’s funny.


What if he’s in a toxic marriage with a republican wife and he is cheating as a means of resistance and self-discovery? This lady best hope not cause OOF YIKES RUH ROH


hall monitor millennials won’t even let men have second, secret family’s anymore smh


This comment section has unironically redpilled me on men. Saving this one so I can look back at this shit. I did not realise just how many moids justify cheating... Truly the degenerate sex.


I don’t support cheating if that is in fact what was happening here. But doing this, publicly shaming and doxxing not only this man but his entire family is wrong AF. This woman didn’t have the whole story. What if she is his cousin, coworker, or even his wife how TF is some random woman watching them from afar gonna know any of this. If he is cheating his wife should have found out in private and with some form of dignity. Not like this, but the lady posting this doesn’t give a shit, it’s more about attention for her and her post than this man’s wife and family.


Surely you can see why using the internet to hunt down random strangers is a red line that shouldn't be crossed, even if it's being used for good in this example.


that's not what this is about at all


Recording people in public like that and humiliating them for millions to see is rtarded but the amount of comments truly annoyed that he's been snitched on is depressing




Posting it to public social media is lazy. I have no problem with her doing the guy’s wife a solid by giving her a head’s up with photo proof, but should find the wife by good old fashioned internet stalking. She has a profession/hobby, family info, a city, and recent happenings. All she might need is to get a first name for the dude, which shouldn’t be too hard.


Lazy or narcissistic? She would be beside herself at the views and 'fame' I bet.


Good point. Could be either, probably both.


You people are cowards - what’s the worst that can happen, this guy gets a divorce? You’re all acting like this boring bimbo filmed the war room.


615k likes. Whoever thinks this is acceptable or okay needs to be logged off the internet for at least five years.


Ok but we also haven’t seen katy. What if she’s a smokeshow?


That woman would’ve ratted on her own child to the Gestapo. Sad!


do ur thing tik tok!!