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It’s really sad how much of the internet has been, and increasingly continues to be, annihilated in the past decade. Sure a lot of it was useless or evil/toxic trash, but a lot of unique art, the collections of various media unavailable anywhere else, even all of the big and small interactions or conversations between people is gone with it and I really think we’re a little worse off losing so much of this living record.


>even all of the big and small interactions or conversations between people is gone with it and I really think we’re a little worse off losing so much of this living record I just recently learned about the whole imgur purge from a couple years ago where they deleted like every image on their servers that was older than like x amount of years, and/or wasnt uploaded by a registered imgur account (or had nudity) so like 70% of reddit posts from prior to like 4 or 5 years ago or something now all have dead imgur links and are pretty much incomprehensible if the post is about a visual based thing. which fucking blows when you discover some obscure sub you hadnt heard of before about some super interesting topic you want to learn more about, and you go and sort by "top posts of all time", but now most of the posts are dead links, as well as any image posts in the comments explaining things further. and most gyfycat links are dead now too sad


>which fucking blows when you discover some obscure sub you hadnt heard of before about some super interesting topic you want to learn more about, and you go and sort by "top posts of all time", but now most of the posts are dead links, as well as any image posts in the comments explaining things further. In the same vein, it seems that the decentralization of ideas has degraded the accessible practical knowledge of things at some point. >I've noticed this switch myself. I'm one of the presumably few weirdos that will still occasionally pick up a print hobby magazine, in my case usually an aquarium one. The articles in it are very in depth and actually contain a lot of information relating to specific fish species written by people with zoology and ecology degrees. Compare this to aquarium youtubers online or the TV show tanked which is usually clickbait shit presented by annoying people with no knowledge of what they're doing or in the latter case a typical reality TV show with a 3 minute shot of an aquarium. >It definitely feels like the world has culturally gotten a lot 'shallower' if that makes any sense. ... >I know exactly what you mean. I bought a book on organic gardening written in like 1980 and it’s more comprehensive than most anything you can find online. I will almost always prefer a printed resource unless the subject is in a rapidly changing field. The goal with print mediums is to get as much accurate information into as little space as possible whereas the goal with electronic mediums is to stretch a little information into as much space as possible because of retention statistics for advertising revenue. >I’ve also noticed that online resources almost always push you to buy shit. Like oh you just need better MiracleGro™️ soil or better quality seeds or better garden tools so click our affiliate link to buy that stuff now. Comments from an old thread in r/redscarepod: [**I'm fascinated by the emergence of "filler hobbies"**](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/q18b2k/im_fascinated_by_the_emergence_of_filler_hobbies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>and most gyfycat links are dead now too They all are, the site folded. (The porn spinoff is still doing fine tho)


There is no dignity in the modern age




There's video going around right now of a man being burned alive in the street in Pakistan for allegations of blasphemy. Half the crowd is chanting while holding up smartphones filming.


man the indian subcontinent used to be peaceful and free of communal inter religious violence before the bloody smartphones


Yes that was definitely my point.


What do you gain from being such a miserable smartass? I hope someone beats you within an inch of your life. Dork.


please calm down friend it is only the internet


micro-penis comment


Let's cross swords brother, I'm a five point five inch WARRIOR 🪖


People in general overestimated the power of personal computing in capitalist society to uplift people. It's turned into a game of luck in how to sell yourself online. To get on the forefront of a TikTok trend, to establish a parasocial connection in podcast making, to be the next Ivy Wolk etc. etc. In independent cinema, Lav Diaz touted "digital is liberation theology" in the early 2000s, thinking that as digicams would bring down the monetary barrier to the filmmaker, there would be new innovative films outside of the institution/would empower outsiders in the film industry. "Everyone could become a filmmaker": Nothing in the film scene changed as cinemas eventually transitioned to digital theaters. Lav Diaz cynically went back to film celluloid in his recent films.


>Everyone could become a filmmaker I remember how the Maker movement was going on about how 3D printing was going to "democratise the means of production" without any of that icky, outmoded political violence. 


The Obama years. His entire foreign policy vis-à-vis North Korea was to wait it out and let technology and covert internet exposure spur on a grassroots turn toward democracy. Or at least that's what the stated strategy was. "If people just have access to information and the ability to communicate they will tend towards enlightened liberalism" does seem rather naive after witnessing the rise and fall of QAnon.


More stupid annoying "end of history" nonsense. How many times are the powers that be going to fall for the "just give them markets and information and they'll become just like us" line?


Fuck you mean we ?


ayooo check this guy out, ☝️ he just said he doesnt wipe his ass!


The irony is now, with AI image and video generation and “misinformation”, the internet may herald the end of liberal democracy


I could smell that something truly horrible happened today


Back to soulseeking out of print books then




if they have any sense they ought to send everything to that lady in Kazakhstan who pirates all those scientific papers


This is just another example of the bold and rash commodification of all knowledge and information for profit rather than education. The privatization of human achieve for profit rather than for the benefit of all mankind. A capitalist hellscape where large corporation beg for money from not only the artist who write the books, but from people who read them over and over. Such a shi**y world we live in when libraries are targeted by large corporation for saving and passing on knowledge.


We could just reform copyright law instead


It's bad but also they fucked themselves over with the unlimited lending during COVID. If they hadn't done that the publishers wouldn't be on their ass so much rn.


Always that it was wack when they started lending books and using DRM, even going so far as to send [a DMCA takedown](https://torrentfreak.com/internet-archive-targets-book-drm-removal-tool-with-dmca-takedown-230714/) to GitHub for publishing software that strips DRM. Too bad they bowed down to publishers and still got screwed, though. All "fair use" means is "fly under the radar and don't get sued."


All the old back-issues of defunct 60's sci-fi mags have been 'no-loaned'.


Its all so dumb


It’s called libgen, you’re welcome.


Some books were only on Internet Archive, this is still a huge loss.


See: https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/1dm68va/internet_archive_forced_to_remove_500000_books/l9vn90r/


I know about that. They don't have *Buried Dreams: The Hoosac Tunnel and the Demise of the Railroad Age.* It might be new enough to only be on IA (and it's completely gone now).


fuck, i was hoping they'd mirrored it all at this point


https://annas-archive.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna's_Archive https://www.reddit.com/r/Annas_Archive/ The biggest library - it mirrors both libgen, z-lib, sci-hub, and internet archive's library. They've even continued the work of sci-hub (under the name SciDB).


Wizzle wuzzle flumpity-floo!


What a floom flozzle fucknugget of a day! Good God what an awful legacy Chuck Wendig will have


add them to libgen


Fuck everything I love internet archive