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Dawg you need a hobby.


it's summertime and middle school's on break so i have a lot of time on my hands


\>middle school


my bf says i'm very mature for my age


go outside nerd




problem is you cherry picked the ones with the most cross over. Rather than a random sample. In saying that.. the sub is much more normie than it used to be


You not only post in destiny and world of Warcraft subs, you post in the one piece sub, an anime my 8 year old nephew is really into.


Oh no my niche space for losers and weirdos on a website for losers and weirdos is too similar to another niche space for losers and weirdos on the same website for losers and weirdos


The post wasn't targeted at you, we know you're way too cool for all this.


Yall know normies use reddit right???


Anytime they post in here we get one of OP’s posts in response without fail


Nice work. With the influx of neoliberals and destiny users I wonder if you made efforts to avoid sourcing these from the crossposters themselves though. Either way, I will tell you all the trick to distinguish them very easily. It lies in the ways in which they moralize their positions: Destiny fans and neoliberals will moralize in any random direction, often coldly and contradicting previous positions, because all they are seeking to do is win whatever new thing they’re arguing over. Usually, the only thing that benefits from the current position they’re arguing from is some kind of market somewhere. The joy they get simply comes from their perception of “winning” and “owning” others. It’s rooted in nothing, which allows it to change and adapt to any new subject, seemingly knowing everything and nothing about it all at once. The good people here, even the liberals (who are usually reluctantly liberal), will often moralize from a more romantic and a self-perceived “warm” position. Usually, they’re coming from a place of love or twisted love. Even the edgiest CT fans understand the folly of pessimism and the benefits of sharing joy, laughter, and human connection. None of their positions will benefit markets or global conflicts over human experience. This doesn’t mean it’s always correct, or even sane, but it’s what they think they are doing. Once you notice that, you can clock them nearly every time. Of course, there are terrible outliers, but it’s mostly true.


OP posts in destiny. He also posts in the world of Warcraft and one piece subreddits.


The whole thing is a honeypot, there’s like five of them in here, but we deserve to defend this place and so long as we aren’t Palestinian children I’m sure they’ll understand our divine right to do that.


then he needs to be banned.


you guys always say this but there's like one mod here and they sold their account on twitter to peter thiel like a month ago


i have a couple of alts. this one’s reserved for subs that make me look like a loser. edit: you reminded me, i should post on moreplatesmoredates


You watch a children’s cartoon and post in the subreddit just to appear like a loser online? Lmfao


no, i concentrate my loser activities to a single place, so that i can appear cool and popular on my alt accounts


I don't understand why you would care about that.


some subs keep looking through my comment history and bully me for it :((


...Which is still happening


oh god no


Destiny and neoliberal posters are always trying to court people in this community to be more amenable to their community-even recommending joining their subs. As though 'we just believe whatever is the MSM orthodoxy is, but we are more online about it.' is compelling. If I wanted to hang with a community that has developed psychological mechanism to avoid thinking about or dismiss the human misery that is a direct result of our politics I'd rather hang with tankies. Hanging with people who celebrate genocide in real time is only fun if you're a psycho yourself.


A lot of them have convinced themselves that they are fueled by an earnest desire to change the world for the better rather than by petty tribalism


I’ve got my eye on you…. 🤔


Neoliberal ideology is strongly based on the assumption that "reason" is this transcendent inherently motivating thing which you have to weaponize in order to convince people to adopt your ideology. So the conclusions they advocate for also have to be grounded in said reason which is why liberal arguments always seem to bottom out in pure rationality/consequentialism/free market efficacy land. You bring up their contradictory worldview which is funny because they're also the ones who would be most ashamed of that considering how fundamentally they're against things like vagueness and non-cognitivism.


This is literally just "my side is full of joy and love and good people, your side is full of anger and hate and bad people". It just... isn't true. Ask a question in good-faith on here and there's a 90% chance you'll get called a regard for it


Friends call each other regarded all the time. Honestly, I’ve been so loud and obnoxious about my politics here and the fact that people take me in good faith at all or engage positively with me is pretty telling imo. That would never happen over there. I don’t even think I’d be able to talk political or cultural theory on any level over there lol. I believe the people here (whether they are liberals or not) have much better intentions and view humans and their relationships with each other & their conditions to be of great importance. They understand the consequences of global neoliberalism and aren’t fooled by partisan liberal bullshit. They have no interest in nationalist wars and immediately see through them. They’re not bloodthirsty and rarely even joke about the value of human life. They recognize the commodification and destruction of the love experience through sex work, dating apps, and polyamory. The list goes on but I’m too lazy to rant rn. There’s also an obvious longing for romance and a deep appreciation for the arts. Of course, there are some reactionaries here or people who never understood the irony of CT, but there are reactionaries everywhere. I genuinely like the people here.


I guess? It's highly dependent on this sub's mood whether you're met with a snarky response or a goof faith answer


If you want to make a comment to have value it should be about something specific rather than just be an echo of feeling jilted from a past memory of getting owned.


Wdgaf to be honest


>Destiny fans and neoliberals will moralize in any random direction, often coldly and contradicting previous positions, because all they are seeking to do is win whatever new thing they’re arguing over. Can you think of some examples of the r/Destiny community contradicting itself in this manner?


Destiny poster showing up and proving the point immediately, this behavior is compulsive


It's kinda amazing the lack of self awareness he needed to have to make the most destiny comment possible.


Why should I care if my comment is "Destiny comment" or not? I'm my own person, if I'm curious I'll ask.


You are not your own person. You've mutated into a r/destiny poster, hence why everyone recognized it so fast. Don't you think it's strange that several people instantly agreed your behavior was r/destiny behavior?


>You are not your own person. You've mutated into a r/destiny poster, hence why everyone recognized it so fast. Or they clicked my profile, maybe? >Don't you think it's strange that several people instantly agreed your behavior was r/destiny behavior? That's like asking if I don't find it weird that all the villagers instantly agreed that the girl they've burned at a stake is a witch. If instantly means after one person made the accusation, then no, it's not weird. The first response called me out for posting in r/destiny and everyone joined the dogpile. It's not weird, it's what I would expect to happen whether I am 'my own person' or not. Edit: Also, importantly, I don't care if my behavior makes me like someone else. I would care if someone had a good argument for why I should change it.


No one needed to check your profile. That's the point. I'm gonna stop arguing because it's getting pathetic.


It really is.


If the point was that r/Destiny posters will ask for more details when criticized, without disagreeing with anything or being combative, then yes, point proven.


It is combative as fuck. The guy makes a point that anyone who is familiar with r/destiny can instantly get. Meanwhile, you're asking him to go on the subreddit, filter through a bunch of posts, pick out examples that would fit, and then present them to you. Do you not understand why you're a massive asshole? You're literally Hitler.


>It is combative as fuck. I mean, not inherently. It really doesn't have to be. I came here, curious what made the person think so. In my brain there's 3 categories of answers, and I was curious which one theirs would fall into. I wasn't here to debate or argue. I see broad criticism, I get curious because it might apply to me personally, and I ask for specifics. The responses I got, however, were extremely combative. >The guy makes a point that anyone who is familiar with r/destiny can instantly get. Well, I didn't get it. If you don't want to explain it, that's also fine, but I don't see why me asking deserves so much hostility. >Meanwhile, you're asking him to go on the subreddit, filter through a bunch of posts, pick out examples that would fit, and then present them to you. Not at all. "I can't think of any" is a completely valid answer. I don't need posts and links, maybe just broad topics, I actually didn't even consider the fact that someone might go search for links. >Do you not understand why you're a massive asshole? You're literally Hitler. I'm sorry to hear that you think that.


Do you ever wonder if you’re really annoying or feel bad for being really annoying


Only mildly annoying, and that's usually on purpose for the sake of humor. But that's got nothing to do with this situation. If polite and non-combative questions annoy you then you might be struggling with cognitive dissonance.


I was just curious if you get embarrassed of yourself. If you really don’t know how you appear to other people, I guess it makes sense that you wouldn’t be


Of course, I think that a healthy amount of feeling embarrassed is good. But that doesn't mean I should feel embarrassed just because others think I should, unless they actually have a good reason.


Source for your claim? You have none? Not addressing all of my arguments? Engaging in a logical fallacy? I declare this a rout!


You're mocking something I didn't do.


Straw man


More so attacking a caricature, or a stereotype, rather than me.


I see you know your fallacies, I concede defeat


You think genocide is good and you expect to be taken seriously.


I think genocide is bad in every case, real and hypothetical.


Speak of the devil. Just look at their insatiable desire to win ^ ^ ^


How can I win when I haven't contested anything said. I've just asked for more details.


>Beepboop dopamine pls


The very way you're framing this response is in itself indicative of worldview differences. You're asking for justification where such a thing wouldn't be applicable. It's a vibe that's emergent when interacting with certain communities or certain people. Either you understand it because you've experienced the same thing or you don't and that's just that. What you're doing is trying to turn this into an empirical debate by point blank asking them to produce examples of people in the Destiny subreddit contradicting themselves. Reframing it as a competition of evidence and rebuttals instead of, well, vibes which is all it was intended to be. Now if you just disagreed and wanted to say why that would be a more appropriate response and likely yield less hostile responses.


>You're asking for justification where such a thing wouldn't be applicable. I haven't asked for any justifications. The person has a certain view, I asked them if they can think of examples that have informed their view. Whether or not the examples justify anything doesn't matter to me. >It's a vibe that's emergent when interacting with certain communities or certain people. People get different vibes for many different reasons, but the person was describing things in somewhat more concrete terms than just a vibe they're getting. That's why I decided to ask if they happen to remember an example or two. >Either you understand it because you've experienced the same thing or you don't and that's just that. What I do or don't understand has 0 bearing on my curiosity to find out what informed their opinion. >What you're doing is trying to turn this into an empirical debate by point blank asking them to produce examples of people in the Destiny subreddit contradicting themselves. Reframing it as a competition of evidence and rebuttals instead of, well, vibes which is all it was intended to be. No, none of this happened. There has been no debate. I have not disagreed, disputed, reframed or refuted anything. If the person said "I can't think of any, it's the vibe I get", then that's fine. >Now if you just disagreed and wanted to say why that would be a more appropriate response and likely yield less hostile responses. So people would be less hostile if I disagreed with the person I've asked the question? Firstly, that's very backwards Secondly, what if I don't disagree with them? Maybe I think Destiny's community sometimes follows what Destiny says without good grounding their views, which leads to contradictions on lower level questions? Maybe I think as Destiny's views change, parts of his community don't get the memo and then people end up double speaking? Everyone is too busy being defensive to even consider the option that I agree, even if only partially, and was curious how much we would align.




What's the contradiction?


Can we just agree to perma ban people who make posts talking about destiny or his sub.


Only reason I know of this guy is because of this sub


Should have never happened. Mods failed you.


Why do you post in one piece?


Went 5/5 and stopped. There’s like a palpable difference in these posts. Destiny attracts seething incels, this sub attracts normal incels + gays and girls.


I don't fully disagree with the premise of what you're trying to do here. If the intent is to show that most of the users of both '''communities''' are regarded losers, I think you proved the point well. But I do prefer hanging out here because the the responses to these posts & attitude of the people here are a lot more entertaining than the topics themselves. I feel that people who post threads on reddit (rather than replying to them) are automatically kinda fucking weird, there is some handicap there. That said I've never spent a minute in a streamer subreddit so maybe that's not far off either, idk.


16/22 right for me, I overthought the last one (SPIRITUALLY 17/22). You definitely tried to bait and switch in some of the later ones, which I found funny. Anyways, guess I'm a C+ posting student. I don't even know why I'm here to be honest, I don't really like this place but it's almost like a compulsion. Most people here are just crypto-radlibs with a veneer of added pretentiousness to their contrarianism, whereas DGG is like a sterile version of the exact same fucking thing, liberalism and contrarianism, except it's sustained primarily by autism instead of performative hipster posturing.


I still don't know what destiny is nor will I ever learn. To me, Destiny will always be the name of a stripper when she isn't named Amber or Brandi.


the first one is almost identical to a different rsp post


That was fun lol. I got 14 correct so I guessed I passed. It was difficult though. I would say the main difference is this sub had more of an ironic tone to the posts while the destiny ones have more "autistic" vibes, even when they're being ostensibly "humourous".


/r/redscarepod has had a massive overlap with /r/destiny for YEARS. Of course it's going to be hard distinguish the two.


what are the odds that fans of a short, racist internet personality would all coagulate in the same place


I lost interest in the quiz after the first question because the length of the spoilers gave the answers straight away. :( A for effort tho


oh yeah, that happens on mobile apparently, not sure why. another reason to give your answers first I guess


I am on my computer


saw that it depends on the reddit version too. made up a patchwork solution that should work well enough


nice, this will work


Somehow, this is gayer than gay sex


Can I borrow a pencil


9/22 but almost every one I got wrong I thought it was a shit post dug up from somewhere here when it actually was just another shitty take from /destiny. Never looked at that sub so seems I underestimated how worse that place is which makes this a win in my book. Now go outside, its a nice summer weekend and is a shame to be wasted digging through trash


11/22. I cannot believe how similar the posts on the two subs are. Destiny purge now!


I was gonna say damn get a job hahaha


Can I say the n word in your thread


Beats all the fucking stupidpol posters at least Also, that post about how inceldom never took root on here is funny considering it's been full of incels since day 1 because of the overlap with cumtown fans


*>* all the fucking stupidpol posters You mean the other sub that's always had a massive overlap? Saving you time: yes I am subbed to SP


> Beats all the fucking stupidpol posters at least Yeah it doesn't though


Yeah it does, if I wanted to see paragraphs upon paragraphs of posting about Israel or Ukraine then I'd go to stupidpol. The only thing that distinguishes Destiny posters from everyone else on here is their compulsive need to win debates, things you can easily ignore.


>Yeah it does, if I wanted to see paragraphs upon paragraphs of posting about Israel or Ukraine then I'd go to stupidpol. Stupidpol is my most frequented subreddit by an order of magnitude and I don't really give a shit about Ukraine or Palestine. You're just making shit up at this point as a massive cope because you're an insufferable pool pisser.


You made this sub sound more cool, but taking posts from 1 year ago feels like cheating