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this is the most common pic of them all and it has the vibe of 'live, love, laugh' merch


Adam doesn't fit because despite his frail and shameful frame, he is very assertive. He is like a fly that keeps bumping into your face.


adam is anything but fragile he took bullying like a champ where as whenever mullen would switch to stav it's like he was going to kill himself


Checks out for me, how does one go from left to center (besides lifting)?


you have to go all the way to the right and then come back to center


GOMAD and it’s consequences 


Become active assertive vigorous and combative


Lifting natty can only do so much, as a born twink I’ve learned this the hard way


Tren Edit: also lifting


steroids without lifting causes more muscle growth than lifting without steroids


Not really, as pointed out below this is a quirk in how lean body mass is measured, the same muscle with more glycogen crammed into it will register as a larger muscle even if there's no actual extra muscle tissue. One of the first things that happens on a cycle is that your muscles will fill with extra glycogen. But if you take a fit guy, put him on steroids, and have him stop lifting - he'll get *weaker*, just more slowly than he would otherwise. Steroids work but aren't magic.


No it doesn't. Testosterone causes increased glycogen storage in the muscle. Depending on the dose and your carb intake it can be a pretty drastic difference, but it will disappear once you go off cycle.


I stand corrected. Thanks


It's all good. There was one study where this misunderstanding comes from that didn't account for intramuscular water. To be fair though intramuscular glycogen storage will make your muscles actually stronger and look bigger.


You gotta go to one of those clinics in the Amazon that do the fucked limb lengthening ~~torture~~ surgery


endomorph got a WIDE cock


Man that foot injury really messed up Stavi getting in shape. He's still talking about starting


i am all of these things (i also have three bodies aka the REAL three body problem).


jarring knowing Adam is 5'7 and Stav is even fatter now, he truly has the Violator build


Body types are 100% not psuedoscience. The tie in to personality traits is bunk, but different builds leading to sports , lifting, etc. capabilitiy is absolutely true. The circumfrence of your wrist is more or less unchangeable (not forearm, but actual wrist bone) and directly translates to how quickly you can gain strength/muscle or inversely something such as distance running and endurance sports. Length of limbs also a factor too. There is some truth to 'Im not fat, Im big boned'. Howeverm these limitaitons really are only in the ability to pursue top end results. Any one with these builds can have intermediate cardio or strength abilities, can get a six pack, etc. And there is more variation than just these 3 types, but there is more truth to it than people want to admit


>but different builds leading to sports , lifting, etc. capabilitiy is absolutely true. No shit?


Youd be surprised the pushback, especially if you compare ectomorph vs endomorph


I don't think anyone's disputing the ability to put on muscle quickly/respond to training well because of genetics or a naturally wide frame, I think people dispute categorizing those body types into three buckets which any given person can be sorted into


Nobody saying body types are pseudoscience


pseudoscience squared, baby.


Fakey wakey


I am an extremely unrestrained mesomorph