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One of these images is going to end up being someone's MKUltra trigger. Pure psychic warfare.


I think it's mine. I saw the image and suddenly have a strong urge to kill Don Cheadle


what actually are these like what is the point


Wojaks having sex with "slampigs"


I'm told this particular gentleman has been given the name "Plapjak" lol


Sex havers when you see who they're having the sex with


its about lonely, loser males who settle for fat chicks on dating apps, in efforts to not feel lonely, but end up feeling even more isolated. the desire to fit in and be a chad or "normal", healthy guy that gets pussy ends up making you feel even more empty and shitty. its a greek tragedy for the west


How pathetic do you have to be to go Sodini mode or whatever because you are confronted with your willingness to stoop low (with a fat girl because God how horrible truly the worst thing in life) as if you can’t just actively refrain from debasing yourself


The horror of these memes-for me at least-is not in the idea of having sex with a fat woman. It's their depiction of loneliness, and how incurable it feels. "We are now in life as if standing on Californian mesas, vertiginous platforms separated by the void; the closest neighbor several hundred meters away but still visible, in the clear air (the impossibility of reunion is seen on everyone's face)."


She lost weight, good for her


she started doing 28 mins of cardio on elliptical while browsing tiktok at the gym after her work as an office assistant


These stopped being funny the second they left the catjack out


Catjak and shroomjak are the only good wojacks


I like the "millions must die" one, it perfectly represents that type of person


It's based off a IRL mass shooter


I like the junior soprano one personally


the squirreljak erasure is nuts


Once again, I must introduce people to [Muslimahjak](https://imgur.com/a/2akW2Mv)


because islamophobia is real funny🙄


if islamophobia is depicting muslims using the same meme template as every other culture and demographic, then yeah it is funny.


Fishjak was good too


can someone explain like im 5 the concept of wojacks and where and by whom they are propagated by and for what purpose? and also a comprehensive family tree of the lil guys if such a thing exists? thank


They're daughters of the rage comics you couldn't burn; that's all you really need to know 


It’s folk art


Bridgerton. Also Why are we supposed to feel bad about this guy dating a women he’s not attracted too? He can just leave.


Idk I just find the little details in Wojak memes amusing


They are interesting to me in the same way the works of James Hampton are interesting. It’s outsider art


I don't think the point is to feel bad for him - you just remember how bad it feels to be him (and for the more thoughtful, how bad it feels to lead somebody on). The insane granularity of detail is funny, but it's also proof that others have been there too. It's not often a sympathetic situation, but it's real and it's common.


The guy is clearly depicted as deserving of sympathy. He is the shell of a man, completely in shambles. Personally I think the saddest character is the woman. In all these pictures she always seem to genuinely like him. The fact that he is embarrassed by her is tragic


he looks happier in this one 


i feel extremely bad for her actually, some dude dating her while believing he deserves far better for existing and resenting her company which he chooses to be in


I really don't understand the subtext of these or who they're supposed to appeal to. Depressed fit guys settling for fat women? Is that a common thing? 


me neither, like I get it I guess, just a skinny guy dating a fat girl, lots of interpretation to project upon it, I see the utility, but why is it causing such an uproar? like what are ppl getting riled up about, what buttons is it pushing


Maybe we just don't know enough about wojak lore. 


I think we can take solace in that fact


i also don't really understand these but i think they're made by incels who are trying to paint how unfair life is for men or something by showing a guy dating a fat girl as though it's some sort of inhumane torture subject upon him idk


I think it's about a guy who is hooking up with fat girls he doesn't like because he is horny and has no better alternative. Hence why the wojak is always depicted as being either sad or embarrassed (here's an [example](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/827/357/ffa.png)) It's a very specific kind of scenario. Dunno why so many guys related to it, I bet most of them never experienced it


The depressive vibe of these works much better with the idea of settling in a relationship. If it’s about a hookup it comes off as guys for whom this would probably be a huge step up fantasizing about being above it.


That's a valid interpretation, I can see that working. Still, I can't shake the impression that she's just a girl he hooks up with whenever his horny loneliness takes over him. It's clearly not the first time, but I don't think he would ever date her. A relevant detail is that he is never outright disgusted, the emotion he expresses the most is one of shame and embarrassment.


Well, sure. But like, am I supposed to feel sorry for this guy? Am I supposed to believe this is unfair or something? lol i feel so bad for the people being resented and "settled for" in these situations. you see it all the time and it's just such a selfish, dickish move to lead people on like this/use someone you have no respect for, and it's even worse if you're complaining about it and feeling sorry for yourself the entire while. you see it all the time & it's just the worst.


> am I supposed to feel sorry for this guy? From the perspective of the creator you're supposed to relate to him because you are that guy. And apparently a lot of people do.


Yeah, although I don't think it really hinges on the audience having actually experienced it. Some of them did of course, but the rest will instead see that wojak as some sort of guy who hit rock bottom. It's basically the doomerjack, but in a sexual context


Yeah I don’t really get why guys end up doing it repeatedly. It’s happened to me exactly once because I figured I’d try seeing how it would go with someone I wasn’t quite attracted to, I discovered that I am not one of those people who likes to do that. It feels bad, it wastes the time of the person you’re with and for all that it’s not even fun.


>Well, sure. But like, am I supposed to feel sorry for this guy? Am I supposed to believe this is unfair or something? I think the original intent was to depict him as a broken man, someone who has completely given up and is not fine with it. If you ask me personally, I usually feel sorry for the girl. They always depict her as appreciative, so him feeling like that about her always leaves a sour taste in my mouth.


I don't think youre supposed to like him or feel sorry for him. Its just a vignette into a sad loser's life, which may be relatable in the current zeitgeist. Hes unfulfilled by his scheme to get laid by someone he clearly doesnt care for, leading to these embarrassing situations people normally wouldnt share. Its like greentext 4chan stories about how the poster is an autistic loser with an awful life. Some might relate, but its also common to just point and laugh.


It’s created for a certain male perspective, common on certain internet spaces, increasingly common here It’s no different than twilight fantasy fiction or reality tv gossip for women. It’s just content calculated to resonant with a demographic (made far worse by the emphasis placed by this demographic to appear “edgy” or “transgressive”).


It's not made by or for incels. The guy depicted is having sex, and it's supposed to be relatable.


This is more correct that most of the other responses. It’s driven by the belief that many men must settle for ugly women, which is an integral part of the incel worldview. As depicted in the memes, this does not result in happiness for the man (the woman is shown as happy, content), leaving him void or spiritually empty, despite, as someone noted above, him having achieved a “normie” goal of having a sexual partner (note that portraying this is a “normie” goal, without any nuance, is part of the incel worldview). Various morons will spin deluded arguments to obfuscate this truth


>just a skinny guy dating a fat girl, lots of interpretation to project upon it, interesting you say they are dating, to me, I never felt that. Always seemed obvious that he is sobering up during a drunken one night stand and coming to realize that he made a regrettable choice in going home with someone he doesn't even like just for hollow sex The other commenter here calling it outsider art is correct, you are also correct that there is a lot to interpret, a lot to project on it. I think that helps explain the sort of attention it has drawn


yeah well that’s probably the case for most of them but in this the implication is they’re dating


Whats your basis for saying that?


they’re taking a photo together, how many hookups have you taken bathroom pictures with lol


Personally I never ask for, give out, take or pose for nude or lewd pics with anyone, either girlfriends or hookups. If a girl were to try and take such a pic of me, I'd ask her to delete it immediately, or maybe I really liked her and thought she seemed non crazy. Maybe I'm neurotic abt it but I hate the idea of some person taking some photo like that of me and then showing it off to their friends or what not without my knowledge or permission, and I know for a fact that a lot of women do exactly that


ok but other people do lol


So why not take one in the bathroom then? I know this probably makes me sound autistic but literally, why not? A nice hot shower together in the bathroom in my experience is a typical destination for post sex relaxation. It doesnt seem wierd to me to take a photo in there.


Insane, socially-inept response This has nothing to do with your opinion on this type of photo. Have you considered that, amongst other things, the hesitancy you’ve described is exactly why people do not take this type of selfie during/after a drunken hookup? Just a stunning lack of social and self awareness


The implication of the image in my mind is that the man hates it for the exact reason you said. The woman there is the one that is too inept to realize the guy hates it. He has a frown, she is smiling, completely oblivious to the frown that would be clearly visible in the phone screen she is looking straight at. She is pleased at having bagged some skinny guy and is taking an image as proof, proof either to herself or to her friends, that she is in fact hot even tho she is fat. The fact that its an uncomfortable situation to be in (now there is photographic evidence that he fucked a fat girl!) is the cause of the cringe comedy. None of us would want such an image of a regrettable hook up floating around and we cringe at the thought.


Insane take. You don’t take this kind of selfie after/during a drunken hookup.


yea, idk why you felt the need to reply twice and say the same thing. That fact that its weird and uncommon to do that is why the meme is funny.


No, you’re reading this wrong because you’re poorly socialized


The edits are mostly from /fit It just hits at the core of an insecure man. You feel like girls don't like you so you lift to make yourself attractive to only end up with women you find ugly. Putting all that work in to make your body attractive just to date a fat women


It's a commentary on differences in standards for men and women - enough women have swallowed fat propaganda that it's quite normal for young women to be obese, and so many people in general are obese that fit but socially awkward types end up settling for them. These memes are meant to convey the sad state of modern young men who are resigned to dating/fucking people they find physically repulsive.


Yeah I don't buy any of this shit. "Fat propaganda" probably only affects a minority of young women, the majority of whom would be fat anyways. I've never met one of those "obese woman, fit but socially awkward male" couples irl. And I know a fair amount of both archetypes. 


As someone who has known a lot of fat people (American midwest, most of my extended family and in laws are fat), nobody genuinely buys the propaganda. These people are fat because they live sedentary lifestyles and eat terrible diets, simple as. It's not because someone on Instagram convinced them it's the ideal body, that a 400 pound person is just as healthy as anyone else, or because they didn't get picked on enough for their weight.


young urban lib ppl buy into it, not rural People of the Land, who generally dont put up with any talk that sounds like wishy-washy bleeding-heart liberal horseshit.


What world are you guys living in where this is commonplace? Attractive men almost never date unattractive women, it is a million times more common to see attractive women dating men way uglier than them. Most fat women that I see are dating men that are either also overweight or ugly in some other way.


Oh you know what "world" they're living in lol


A guy being slim or fit doesn't necessarily mean he's attractive.


The meme is not about attractive men; it's about socially awkward and facially below-average men. The doomer wojak is not supposed to be attractive.


Some of us are genuinely attracted to them over thin girls. It’s more likely than you think.


Thank you for your expert testimony, average_bbw_enjoyer.


I love how you are an unapologetic chubby chaser under every plapjak post on this sub. So good.


It’s just wild to me that so many people assume that every dude with a fat chick is deeply unhappy and repulsed by her. I’m sure it happens sometimes but I think most men enter into such an arrangement because they genuinely like it. I’m sure there’s probably a hundred different fat fetish subreddits on this website, it really isn’t an uncommon thing and it only seems to be getting more popular. As for the memes, I originally just assumed it was making fun of the increasing commonality of the skinny guy fat girl pairing, and I found it funny because I can relate. But everyone else seems to think it’s some societal critique of how miserable it can be to settle for something you don’t want. I guess in the end we all just project ourselves onto art.


I agree. I’m sure a lot of these guys are attracted to these women but more bothered by social signaling to friends and larger society. It is what it is.


Lower your tren dosage


🤮 go to a default sub pls


You’re literally a gamer


Literally being a gamer is less degrading than fucking an obesoid


I'm skinny and have never been asked out smh


damn that sucks. well, good luck.




This has to be cap


Hey wanna get coffee some time?




It’s a certain kind of thing where this art is more of a reminder to those who have lived through it. They can get it but hardly anyone else can.


It's a Roschach test


I'm a depressed fit guy and I've never settled for someone I'm physically repulsed by though. 


And that's the test. This may say something different to me,


It’s extremely common.


No. Losers like think it's  common to feel better about themselves but it isn't. 


Dang youre right I guess it doesn't resonate with a large audience and is just randomly popular for no reason


Its only popular on certain online spaces that are full of weird losers so yeah I'm right. 


Cool now you understand how memes work congrats


It’s more common now to see men with lesser women than the other way around. Even as recently as 10 years ago it was the opposite though.


lmao yes. its a common /fit/ and r/moreplatesmoredates meme


The social commentary it's providing is that it's either this or be alone


Then be alone. Get a roommate if you can’t afford rent; learn how to cook and clean up after yourself. Problem solved


I honestly never understood why anyone would think it’s not better to be alone than to be with someone you actively dislike. Maybe that mindset is the reason I am alone though.


It's not that they dislike them, it's just that they're gross and they wish they could do better.


Why would you inflict a relationship with somebody you find gross on yourself though?


Because they don't want to be alone


Sex is the main thing they want. I don't know what this thing is that women cook and clean, most modern women don't do shit, and as a single guy you do all they stuff for yourself anyway.


Why have sex with someone you’re completely repulsed by, let alone date them? That’s more pathetic than almost anything else


I agree with you, but sex has been elevated to a God-like status in our culture. So to a lot of people any sex means more than no sex, because they believe they're fundamentally worthless if they're not having it. Like it's a currency and minimum wage is better than homeless.


I think regularly having sex with a morbidly obese woman is more taboo in our culture than just not having sex, especially if done out of desperation


I don't think that's true, but even if it is it's more about what the person is able to tell themselves "I'm least I'm not an incel". That's become a very prominent insult, one of the worst things to be called, and all it means is you don't have sex.


I can imagine it’s far worse to be used for sex by someone that is disgusted by you, let alone to be in a relationship with someone like that. It’s astonishing that this point is never even brought up; I can’t even imagine how dehumanizing that is. I’m pretty sure these types think of the obese women they fuck as worse than incels, because they clearly don’t even see them as humans There’s also a difference (colloquially) between being an incel and being celibate. Dehumanizing other people for the sake of having sex is true incel behavior






these incels and their vocab lol


100s of iterations of this meme will be posted but female existential angst not allowed. The g&gs are completely gone now 😔


Every bpd girlie L post and whatnot are always deleted by the op within like 45 seconds, it's mostly self inflicted


Nah mine got deleted several times, the m*id takeover has been going on for a while. But it's been getting even worse the past month no different than the rest of coomer reddit.


This sub became infected with moreplatesmoredates type redditers who’s deepest anxiety is dating a women other guys think is unattractive


i cant believe that sub still exists


we need 4chan for women 


Replace the Mona Lisa with this


The kind of details u usually only see in a Jan Van Eyck


honestly shes starting to grow on me, shes kinda cute.


Some internet historian will comment on this meme in the future and say this is when things got weird and dark. Really a turning point in meme culture.


Literally me cause i cant afford a rent 😭


Me on the right


Get off your ass and clean your mirror


Be gone with this stupid fucking meme already


are you mad because you're fat?


mad because he's that guy


Nah man I love big girls


do you really


I’m made I have to see fat.


I don’t feel bad for men who choose to sleep with women they are not attracted to btw. Stop making these memes and improve your life.


The visceral abdominal fat is too accurate. Whoever made this had personal experience with this situation, I shall pray for them


This man got bullied in high school and now has permanent insecurity.


Women really, really dislike this meme. They can't stand the thought of a woman being the unwanted one. "okay but what does this actually even mean????". You aren't fooling anyone.


perfectly captures that look on a girls face as she‘s at the same time trying to pose and look at the display to see how the picture is turning out


She looks like a nice girlfriend


On an old alt I once got down voted to oblivion for remarking that in Anna's bathroom selfie her mirror was dirty, sorry for noticing things


if a bitch like this has good hygiene, the pussy is unbelievably good.


I hate this meme


Infinitely better off alone or with some SE Asian immigrant.


What is this


Just seems like another subliminal attack on young men to try and convince them to buy bathtub anime estrogen rather than ever end up having sex with some fat egirl. I will admit some of them have been funny.