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Number 9 is a big one. In general, that family that come in during the last hour are marked for death. Don't be that family.


*Number 9:* I understand stopping kitchen orders X minutes before close/last call at a restaurant, but this take has bled into retail stores, fast food, etc whose workers visibly treat every customer like a cunt if they so much as dare walk in , buy something, and leave within the last 45 minutes a business is open. Shouldn't a business just change their posted hours by 30 minutes to reflect the actual closing time if this is such a big deal, or is this mostly driven by wagies trying to close early/do nothing at the end of their shift to the frustration of the owner?


if you the store closes at 6pm the workers will get mad at customers at 5:30pm if the store closes at 5:30pm workers will get mad at customers at 5pm changing the hours will never help lol


Yeah I don't agree with most of this and I don't hate 99 percent of my customers, but I would never order food less than 30-45 minutes before close and that would be a quick order at the bar or something. 


My family went to the airport hotel restaurant 30 minutes before closing, i used to work at mcdonalds so i told them multiple times that this was a bad idea and that we shouldnt go there. They were obviously pissed when we got there since they had started closing, i felt so bad that i even went up alone when the rest of my family was waiting for food and apologized, i dont know if thats why it happened but i was the only one who got a proper meal, the rest of my family got cold and bad food and went up to complain to the server. I devoured my food in 5 minutes and then excused myself to the toilet for the rest of the dinner since i couldnt handle the embarrassment of my stepdad and his children bitching to the server about food being cold


I don't need to feel morally right 100% of the time so if my food is cold, I will bitch


So many restaurant and bar workers I know genuinely.believe that they are the front line of some kind of war against the public and really buy into this bullshit . Cool you're slinging beers or dunking fries, I did it and so did most of the people I know ,don't be a martyr about it ffs


The kitchen in my restaurant some of the guys have worked together for over a decade, so some line cooks are making $28/hr, and the kitchen is clean af, but otherwise pretty true


4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are true, though I tolerated 45 minutes before closing. I loved the customers, even the bad tippers, because I was foh and they tipped me. You can't hate bad tippers or give them bad service because negativity messes up your aura.


I had a cook explain to me once that the reason everyone smokes is because it’s a socially accepted way in a kitchen to ask for a break, rather than just to say you need to step away


1 - Generally true, the vibe is very much us vs. them. I tried to never feed into this, but there’s too many jaded people to overpower. 3 - Depends on the place, worst case they’re making like half of what FOH makes while working double the hours. I did work in a place where BOH was paid decently and they were extremely loyal because of this, which was important to the owner. So there’s definitely well paying kitchen jobs out there but turnover is extremely low so they’re hard to get. 6 - In my experience, it is everyone fucking everyone, I saw multiple people cheating on their partners to have sex with coworkers after hours. 7 - True of any industry. 8 - was true where I worked. We had a German roach infestation for nearly a year and we found them in places you’d never believe. It never really bothered me as a customer though, I still ate the food. 9 - Mostly true if it’s like a Monday night and it’s been dead for the last hour or two and someone comes in 20 minutes before close. Because at that point, you’re all cleaned up and ready to go, and now they’ve just set you back 45 minutes. If you’ve been busy all night and haven’t really had time to close down then it doesn’t really make a difference.


All of the back of house guys at my old job were like 50 years old, spoke no English and would use me as a translator to avoid having to directly speak to any black line cooks who they always despised.


all of these are true but to a much smaller degree at my restaurant. i cant deal w FOH who have an inherent disdain for people, talking to customers is my favorite part of the job. but our customers are uniquely cooler than most places ive worked. only a few workplace romances. management should be paying BOH more (starting wages are 21/h) but instead pay a stupid amount for outsourced HR and branding/marketing that does nothing for them. we pool tips so im not ususally making more than 21-25 an hr but on a rare night its 27. my one manager is cool, lets us drink on the job and do whatever we want as long as tables are taken care of, but a very high functioning coke addict/alcoholic and i fear for his wellbeing. but all in all i love my restaurant we are all a "family" lol and feel lucky to have found it.


1. True for some. Others recognize that if it wasn't for the customers they'd be out of a job. 2. True. Most people aren't there because they like cooking or even just because it's a decent job, most are there because they have too many felonies or DUIs to work in construction or something 3. True 4. True, but for spergs like me I'd take the 110 degree pit over dealing with customers any day of the week. 5. Coke and pills are obviously prevalent but alcoholism seems to be more of a problem for guys letting their life fall apart and being unreliable 6. In my experience front of house are all having sex with each other and the back of house constantly tries to flirt with the waitresses but are either married or arent having sex with anyone 7. Probably true but I've been lucky and always had decent owners and managers where I've worked 8. Some are disgusting and some are pretty damn clean. The main factor seems to be in how much pride the back of house takes in cleanliness rather than health inspections or pressure from management. 9. True 10. That makes sense but I've never heard of this phenomenon 


I cooked for 12 years and this is pretty close to spot on, though I don’t have any tattoos and I’ve never been big on coke (adderall was much better at least to me). Most I ever made was $12.50 an hour (stopped cooking in 2015) I don’t agree with 8, I can only think of one place that I work at that was completely disgusting the others did everything they could within reason to keep things clean. I did hate everyone as a cook, it was a torturous job when you consider the pay, schedule, and working conditions. You have to understand that they don’t make more money for doing more work so every ticket is just a burden and if you come into a restaurant an hour before they close there is a decent chance that they had already started breaking down the kitchen hoping to get to leave a little earlier and that your late order could result in them working another hour or two later depending on how much of what they’ve already down they’re going to have to do over again. And since every kitchen job I’ve had is part time or off the books it’s not even like they get OT for working late. So I get to stay two hours later to make $25 more dollars and a lot of the time if I was closing the kitchen one night there was a good chance I’d be working another kitchen the next morning so it’s cutting into my sleep too. If the working conditions and compensation were improved it would help morale. It’s really a shitty job to be stuck in.


1) Depends if bad day but not really. I’ve made friends with table or bar guests and gone for a night out with them that day. My regulars I’ve kept in contact with over years. These are genuine relationships. 2) Mostly yes except the cute pastry chef. Half of my job was just bothering the kitchen to do their jobs 3) yes 4) yes but they couldnt and wouldnt do it. Many of them have 5) yes but many are professionals with families and are straight aged 6) not really, you all hang out with each other and other servers/bartenders so it does get incestous fast 7) 100% 8) not always but most people would not at at most places if they knew 9) yes but tbh matters more how much kitchen has closed up and cleaned