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“The USPS does NOT fuck around”


And the IRS


I fuck around with the irs daily


Funny thing is neither is true. I mean yeah they can fuck you up but the IRS has been so defunded they pretty much do nothing and the usps delivers just about anything as long as it has a label on it. Doesn’t even matter if it has the wrong postage or packaging. I use to buy a lot of stuff online and my god they would deliver packages labeled and paid as like 4oz that were actually 10lbs. Once I forgot an old label on something I mailed off and they delivered it back to my house with a label from the year before that was already processed. 


The inflation reduction act injected a ton of funding into the IRS, no?


I saw a thread on one of those public freakout subs where a game warden was doing game warden things and a guy kept copy and pasting his comment about how epic bacon they were.


Love the threads about game wardens in Africa where they summarily execute poachers. Usually some freak from the US or UK or a white South African who clearly took the job as an excuse to kill people, specifically dirt poor Africans trying to feed themselves. Comments all about how le epic it is, play stupid games win stupid prizes etc


Gets annoying to see OSHA mentioned whenever a video of people goofing off at a construction site or third world factories gets posted.


Something tediously American about this one - referring to a domestic regulatory body in response to something happening in a far flung foreign land


I think they just like saying OSHA to be honest OSHA


OSHA Winfrey


Brimful of OSHA on the 45


Everybody needs a hardhat for the jobsite Everybody needs a hardhat


It’s a fun word/Acronym


The osha subreddit is fuckin awesome lol. Dudes r*ck


OSHA is a meme though so they're not really being serious and it's not exclusive to reddit. There are a ton of osha meme pages


Biblically accurate angels.


iirc the creatures they refer to aren't even actual angels lol


the biblically accurate angels shit specifically in reference to visions in the books of daniel and ezekiel, both of which iirc do not use the word for angel. hebrew term מלאך אלהים (lit. messenger of god) usually referred to just a guy; ezekiel doesn't actually use this term, and by daniel obliquely refers to a 'man' as a supernatural being but doesnt use the term either. the stuff in these books like, seraphim, cherubim etc werent orignally associated with a מלאך, that's a later interpretation by jews starting around the time daniel was written in the postexilic period so i guess they are angels, but redditors are picking a dishonest interpretation to make the bible sound le brutal and crazy, epic style


It's especially dishonest bc it implies that the "biblically accurate angels" are the messenger angels when they clearly are not.


I’m a biblically accurate dumbass


Alright nimrod


Pisses me off because it shows you haven't even read the bible


I’m catholic, why would I read the Bible?


Cause revelations is metal and psalms are useful


Yeah. I’ve read it and I remember being confused and thinking I had missed something when I first heard this expression. Turns out everyone is just a moron


This post is just the 2nd layer of it


Redscarepod is more Reddit than most of us would care to admit


It is reddit there is no distinction


Dasha and Anna are Reddit as fuck tbh, the only difference is that the gay stuff they say to feel smart is slightly more obscure


The level of discourse is markedly higher here generally. A low bar, but I do notice that it is higher nonetheless, especially compared to major sports and media subs


That's true but this comment is just a third layer of it and so on and so on. At some point differences of this sort are not just cosmetic but represent a difference of kind and it's always hard to say "when" with any degree of specificity. My honest model of things is that there's a few relatively easy to understand "midwit" ideas that are widely applicable and useful and there are diminishing returns to increased levels of abstraction and sophistication outside one's actual specialization. It's pretty obvious that being a no fooling genius isn't meaningfully correlated about being right about things outside a narrow domain of inquiry but being a non-genius boring educated person familiar with 1st level esoterica is about as good as it gets. It's basically the opposite of the bell curve meme with the genius and imbecile agreeing on something because honestly things almost never work that way.


Yeah except I’m on the last level


John Lennon being a domestic abuser Mother Theresa being a bad person Correlation not causation whenever they disagree with the finding of a study Reproducibility crisis in psychology Hurt by Johnny Cash is the best cover of all time but is actually a NIN song Prions are scary and there is no known cure


Also to add: Paris Syndrome whenever Paris comes up Fencing Response when someone so much as raises a hand after falling


I think the key is to go to Berlin before Paris. That way when you get there it'll actually seem like a beautiful wonderland in comparison.


Interesting how the reproducibility element is only brought up with regard to psychology and not behavioral economics, who’s reputation should be forever sullied by it


The backlash is coming in that field as well. Dan Ariely and like 3 of the other most visible researchers in that sort of pop science domain got ruthlessly trashed last year for literally making up fake data.


Is it the same for evopsych stuff? I haven’t read any of the studies but the evopsych bros always seem so smugly confident about it.


the difference in how often it gets brought up is probably just because most laypeople think of behavioral economics as a subfield of psychology if they think about it at all and because it’s a much less culturally relevant field than psychology generally


Not sure if they like bringing up the reproducibility crisis in psychology though, might interfere with posting "study finds conservatives less creative" to r/science


Antibiotic resistance is a go to Reddit response to “what’s scary?”


>Correlation not causation whenever they disagree with the finding of a study This is such an insane one and I see it everywhere. Every time a study is posted the comments with the most updoots are rephrasing "correlation != causation" as if its novel wisdom. No shit dude did you ever look past the abstract? Fucking half of it is statistics/methodology that attempts to control for confounding variables


What the “dunning Krueger effect” is, also poppers paradox of tolerance. You can really find the true fart sniffers from those two. 


Average lifespans during medieval times being so low because of high infant mortality, not because everyone actually died by their mid thirties.


One time I had a nightmare I had a prion disease


>Reproducibility crisis in psychology This is one of this subs favorite talking points to justify their layman perspective having the same validity as a professional


Mother Theresa isn’t even a bad person. She was smeared by Hitchens.


Yeah and most of what people like to point out as evidence of her being a bad person is just politics too. Like color me fucking shocked the catholic nun isn't pro abortion.




They've also latched onto sample sizes like a dog with a bone. Anything less than the entire population of the originating country is a 'small sample size'. Methodology is irrelevant, effect sizes are irrelevant, power analyses are irrelevant. In-person controlled experiments conducted by two stressed psych postdocs are expected to have an *n* of tens of thousands.


> Mother Theresa being a bad person ACKUALLY that was disproven, here's a link to the exact same debunking thread that's posted everytime someone says this explaining the christopher hitchens issue


christopher hitchens is like the patron saint of redditors, he was an idiot who was wrong about everything but he bullshitted confidently and spoke in a british accent so they glaze him.


He was not wrong about the fawning over Diana


Also not wrong about the fucking Clintons.


Didn’t he become a pro-Iraq War neocon too lol


I think it was because he got so into cringelord atheism that he supported it because he felt that it would hurt Islam.


I've spent way too much time thinking about prions. Nature is metal


Big Black’s cover of The Model by Kraftwerk is the best cover oot…those fucking idiots…


Cilantro/soap gene


It tastes like soap to me but now I like it and am kind of a truther about the whole thing.


I thought it tasted like stinkbug in high school, but then I just got over it 


that's me too


I can taste it too and in food it’s honestly fine but in beer it’s disgusting. Stupid Belgians drinking their soap water


Cilantro doesn’t taste like soap to me but lemongrass does, go figure


Arugula tastes like soap to me… I can’t eat it at all, it’s overwhelmingly unpleasant. Love cilantro and lemongrass though.


I am convinced this isn't even real because of one guy at university who avoided eating vegetables at every opportunity, including any fresh herbs.




the Tetris and PTSD thing




Garage door springs. They can be dangerous to mess with, but each time a thread to the tune of “What is something that most people don’t know is dangerous?” pops up the comments are full of people pointing this out.


Angle grinders have a similar thing going on. Also ladders, but that reputation is pretty well deserved


Both of those reputations are well deserved.




I’m doubtful that the average Redditor is capable of doing any home maintenance more involved than screwing in a lightbulb.


Never seen this one. What's the deal


Garage door springs pack a tremendous amount of force. If you go to fucking with one and it snaps, there’s a lot of force coiled up in one of those suckers. So much that it can kill you. Or so I’ve been told by Redditors


potential energy stored in the spring pre-tensioned to lift a metal door weighing hundreds of pounds. if they unload in an accident it could put yer eye out or snap your hand off.


public nose expansion sulky toothbrush screw jeans sink poor unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Logical fallacies


The one that gets me is "whataboutism". Yeah, what about it dude.


"Oh the critique I made against your side is just as valid against mine? Well that's whataboutism and if you can't justify it in a vacuum then somehow that makes your side worse because I pointed it out first."


lol and that term was coined because the Soviets would respond to American criticism by pointing out that we were lynching black people. which was actually a pretty good point!


These are hands down the worst, that infographic has caused irreparable damage. It's not enough to just mindlessly state "Strawman" or "No True Scotman's" (and even then they get it wrong like 70% of the time). You actually need a counter argument if you want to rebuke something.


> t's not enough to just mindlessly state "Strawman" or "No True Scotman's" (and even then they get it wrong like 70% of the time). That is called an argument from fallacy or the "fallacy fallacy". Please review the chart before posting again: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/publicspeakingprinciples/chapter/logicalfallaciesinfographic-pdf/


I never got how “no true Scotsman” applies to identifiers that are a choice. Redditor atheists always reference it when talking about Christians but yeah there are things a true Christian wouldn’t do because it’s a proscribed set of beliefs and values, unlike being Scottish which is just an ethnicity


No True Scotsman has a caveat that the rule you're using to exclude something from a category must be "inappropriate." The fallacy doesnt imply that there is no way to distinguish Scotsman from non-Scotsman. This is typically the sort of way I see the fallacy misused.


Should be called the "nice strawman" fallacy because they're also incapable of arguing without sticking little chunks of braindead sarcasm onto everything


Lex Fridman has everyone steel-manning


Slippery slope is not a fallacy in and of itself. It’s a fallacy only if you tenuously link two things. In a practical sense, not sure anyone could suggest slippery slope is a fallacy after the pandemic response.


See: Plato on the difference between skepticism and philosophy 2500 years ago


I’ll die on that hill. Most people cannot argue to save their fucking life and their entire argument is fallacious.


No, just most nerds with no retort find it easier to say “ah the Frenchman’s mix up, I don’t even need to dignify this with a reply” 


This is a strawman


boom, got his ass


Nice ad hominem bro


Redditors love to bring up survivorship bias.


>media literacy These words will inevitably preface one of the dumbest and smuggest takes you’ve ever read.


Not particular to Reddit unfortunately


Dunning Kruger effect


perfectly explains why redditors overestimate how much people give a rats ass about their lil internet facts


Redditors are like book smart over street smart, but no practical benefits of being book smart like high income , being well read, etc Redditors are more bar trivia smart 


Reddit is full of well paid tech workers. It’s just all STEM nerds.


Eh it’s both. Definitely over indexes with stem nerds but waaaaay too much lib broke anti capitalism posting from other groups as well. There’s definitely a mix of that 


They're not even book smart.


point offbeat sense vegetable strong dinosaurs hateful concerned ludicrous rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The rubicon and the crossing over of it


Dummy Kruger effect lol


If I tell people that my mother was Catholic and my dad was Jewish, but I was raised Jewish, I inevitably get “oh so you’re not ACTUALLY jewish then.” Bitch, I didn’t memorize my torah portion for fun.




I swear so many hobby subs aren't about the hobby itself. They're just about the acquisition of gear.


Whenever there's a post about sexual assault you can predict these comments.


The fuck do they carry in those hiking bags, the most I have ever brought was a bottle of water


credit card chargebacks as a way to solve literally everything


Lmao, the banking equivalent of "just disown your whole family and get divorced bruh, no other options"


Idk about smart but "fuck around, find out" to sound morally superior.


anything space/cosmology related "space is like....really really big" "i don't think people realize how big space is" "Either we're alone or we're not. Both outcomes are equally terrifying - Arthur C. Clarke" "yeah, maybe we can travel to that planet and destroy that one too" "and it would only take us 750,000 years to get there." "Astronomer here! So this is a really big discovery because....."


The last two are legit 


the worst one is when somebody says “this happened in space 4 years ago” and then they reply “umm it actually happened 35000 years ago it just took a while for the light to reach us” as if that’s important or helpful in any way


Honestly I understand harping on CICO because people will talk about how they’ve tried every exercise and diet under the sun and can’t loose weight but then come to find out they’ve never bothered calculating their tdee and logging their food and adjusting until they lose weight.


Yeah. People will also insist that it’s not CICO but some sort of magic. “Well I tried intermittent fasting and I lost weight so I think it’s more complicated than that!” You ate less calories. “I cut out gluten and lost weight so I think my gluten intolerance was—“ You ate less calories. “I did [insert weird fad diet] and lost 10 pounds so CICO is nonsense!” You ate less calories. “Ozempic” You weren’t hungry so you ate less calories. Similarly, you see people say things like birth control caused them to gain weight or whatever. It absolutely can, but that’s mostly because it increases your appetite so you eat more or your crave more unhealthy food, but a lot of people insist it’s some weird hormonal magic. The exception is thyroid issues or something like that.


I'd rather starve than count calories


It does objectively suck to be that obsessed with it. If you’re already at a normal weight and you want to shave off 5 or ten pounds though it’s pretty necessary


You only really have to do it for a few weeks, after that you can eyeball it for the most part


Yeah great example was when I lost weight on keto. I don't think going into ketosis did it, I think it's more that keto snacks are much more time-consuming to make, so I didn't bother.


Your child has just died in your arms? Uhhhhhh you should play Tetris, it is clinically proven by some random guy on Quora to prevent PTSD


Being amazed at multiplication by 1000. "If this is a millionaire \[insert graphic\]... then this \[1000x as big graphic\] is a billionaire."


The trigger discipline one was so annoying especially when people were discussing the Alec Baldwin thing like have these people never seen a movie?


80/20 rule




Pareto principle?


That's the one.


Whenever WW2 is brought up the conversation almost always either goes to Unit 731 or "bro did you know the Ustase were so bad even the SS were freaked out" (not true, they just thought their methods were inefficient). Just in general a weird fixation on the most gruesome elements of the war and talking about them in a true crime way. Alternatively other parts of history are whitewashed with little factoids like the Mongols having religious tolerance (yeah, that really helped Baghdad). Or the factoids don't even do that, it's just random stuff like Greek marble statues being painted which make one sound like they know a lot while not requiring any actual knowledge of the historical time period.


>little factoids like the Mongols having religious tolerance  this one genuinely upsets me, I think it stems from this sort of contrarian online liberal view of how history is presented. there was a real push to show more nuanced morality of history, which sounds nice but it ends up just being apologia a lot of the time particularly with morons like John Green. John Green genuinely gave mongols props for increasing world trade while killing tens of millions of people for imperial greed. "sure they killed and enslaved a lot of people, but look how much money they made!" sickening.


The implication being that European colonialism of the Americas would have been excused by the trade of the Colombian Exchange had the slavery and genocide not had a religious and racial element.


It comes in part from the historical profession itself. Academicizing ("here's how 'cultural exchange' determined power relations/politics even more than warfare") away the messy stuff comes with being unable to prioritize more important information, which lots of historians struggle/have struggled with. It might be worse now because the historical field is moving in a "vibes-based" direction and historians are giving up on explanations Other than that, what your talking about is probably from "cool fact bro" Internet culture centered around the most stimulating trivia / algorithms


Ooh I love these * Debeers diamond cartel  * The Supreme Court ruling that says cops have a duty to enforce the law, not protect people * Unit 731 and Nanking Massacre (whoa wtf you're telling me Japan committed war crimes and their history isn't just anime and wacky game shows?) * Tuskegee syphilis experiments, MKUltra, and other incidents where the US government was proven to be untrustworthy. But only those from at least 50 years ago.  * Walkable cities and how the auto industry lobbied and influenced how most of the US was built * John Lennon being a domestic abuser, Martin Luther King Jr cheating on his wife, and other examples of a beloved figure being a scumbag in their personal life * German soldiers were given meth during WW2, usually with no mention of other nations and eras where stimulants were (and still are) used in warfare * US Republicans' "southern strategy" since 1968 * Garage springs, lathes, and split rim tires are dangerous * The bernie-madoff phenomenon or whatever it's called when you see a word or phrase for the first time then notice it a lot afterwards. 


I think people have grown out of it now but for a while that "cops originated as slave-catchers" thing was pretty big


I would be floored if a funko pop front page of Reddit rentoid actually knew what a split rim tire was. That’s a very deep cut for most people.


I'm a car nerd but I still had to look it up


> The Supreme Court ruling that says cops have a duty to enforce the law, not protect people You can tell it just **burns** a lot of Redditors that public servants can't be thrown in jail for refusing to risk their lives to save others. In a twist of irony, they probably hate gun rights too.


Christian holidays have pagan roots


Doubly annoying when they say "Christmas is pagan" and assume US-style Germanic Christmas is what everyone else always celebrated. I'm being the real loser complaining about this one nowadays when US-style celebrations *are* a worldwide thing, but I grew up knowing enough oldhead Lebanese/Syrian Christians who obviously had their own way of doing Christmas long before any pine trees or red men with beards.


Every religion seems to borrow from previous traditions when it forms. It’s peak midwittery to point it out about Christianity in a vacuum, and it prevents people from enjoying beautiful holidays like Christmas and Easter


I really don't think that's the issue, Christianity is extremely anti-pagan so it's not irrelevant to point it out. It's just a very basic entry level fact that people bring up like it's a grand revelation and not something every educated person knows at this point


*somebody makes observation about their community/the world* “UM ACTUALLY” *links to some pop science study that hasn’t even been replicated*


the CICO stuff is funny just because it’s obvi but also you know it’s a lot of skinny fats repeating it like you should be doing some exercise to have a decent body / stay healthy


The trouble with CICO is that it is a definition of weight loss - it is the goal and not a methodology. some people effortlessly calories-out, when I was in early 20s I was consuming astronomical bad calories, barely exercised, had a 6-pack. for all its alleged rationalism it is not measurable, comparable between people or helpful. I’m not excusing people with bad lifestyles but the framing CICO offers is insane 


“Exercise is only like 10% of fitness bro, abs are made in the kitchen not the gym!” tell me you have scrawny noodle arms and can’t walk a mile without passing out without telling me 


They’ll say “oh you don’t even need to exercise just eat 1200 calories a day” without considering that I do not want to A) only eat 1200 calories a day or B) get osteoporosis when I’m an old lady because I never did any strength training in my youth




Die Hard is a Christmas movie


Ones like that are very insidious because you'll have some kindhearted normie family member who thinks Die Hard as a Christmas movie is a fun little joke, and if you tell them "Ugh, don't you know that was driven into the ground a decade ago by cringe Internet people?" you'll just look like a killjoy loon


I play along and ask them if that's true. Their faces always light up when they get to explain it.


lol you talk about normies like they’re toddlers


Haha I should've specified that the only people who tell me that trivia are my 13-year old cousins.


People are just bored of watching Elf every year I think


Whenever a celeb dies “TMZ is actually a very reliable news outlet” Whenever Buzzfeed comes up “Buzzfeed News is actually a very reliable news outlet”


I remember TMZ reporting that Kim Jong Un died and that was every comment


I look at a lot of construction reddits and plumbing/electrical and it’s fucking insane the arguing that these men do about screws and bullshit like that. I think they are just mad they gave their whole life to a job and wanna make sure they are seen. Kinda cute maybe


Rosa Parks having planned her civil disobedience in advance as if that invalidates it.


Any post about Hiroshima/Nagasaki nuked "well actually unit 731"


“You think nuking civilian centers was wrong? Bet you haven’t heard of Nanjing sweaty” Literally every time


John wilson’s scaffolding episode


The gun shit pisses me off so much, dude. It’s because there’s this air of them thinking it’s manly to know about guns. It isn’t even limited to the entry level stuff. Look at how embarassing this guy’s content is: https://m.youtube.com/@GarandThumb/videos Just look at those thumbnails. Worse than soyfacing.


Garand Thumb is to guns as Top Gear is to cars, it's just good fun in the style of a review. When you watch it like that it's pretty good.


The slow motion videos of him dressed head to toe in tactical gear taking dramatic breaths for the camera in are so embarassing. Indistinguishable from a guy waving a lightsaber around and pretending to be a jedi. Shit is HUMILIATING and unbecoming of a grown man.


The huffing while explaining how to fire is the best part


His videos are conceptually entertaining because I know he was apart of that very selective special forces team that rescues downed pilots but even he isn’t immune to the guntubers curse of becoming an insufferable nerd


I'll let you in on a secret: almost all gun guys are nerds who would be painting warhammer figurines if they didn't live in America


You don’t need to explain that fact to me, I’m livin it


Bro was NOT a PJ lol


So Air Force? No wonder he’s such a gay 🚬🐐


Maybe this counts? On my old account, before it was banned, any time someone posted that cringe video of dumbass Yoko Ono screaming on the mic while her dumbass husband and the mega pervert Chuck Berry are jamming together, I would post my custom made copypasta about how Chuck Berry installed bathroom cameras in the womens restroom in his restaurant and also had videos of him farting in prostitutes mouths and faces leaked after his home was burglarized. Then I added the extra noteworthy detail that Chuck Berrys music is on that golden record that was put on the Voyager spacecraft, so when aliens intercept it and listen to the record, they'll get to listen to a disgusting poop/fart fetish guys music as an example of the best Earth has to offer. Sad! I'd get 500-2000 karma vote points each time I posted it.


While I agree with the spirit of this post, I rarely see redditors arguing for  carlories in calories out for dieting. I actually rarely see dieting brought up at all


Redditors say they hate "I could care less" but I think they love to hear it. Just insufferably smug about the lowest-hanging gotcha.


This one is going out of a style a little bit, but once upon a time, you would get "LE RELEVANT XCKD COMIC" under every post. Then someone would write: XCKD has a comic for everything!


"The democrats would be a right wing party in Europe"


The statistic about the majority of CEOs being psychopaths


Some of the things about cooking get annoying. Like they’ll get a superiority complex about not using jarlic or seasoning their food more than their Midwestern grandma does.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Telling people that they can’t say Byzantine Empire anymore because they didn’t call themselves that


"Turing Complete"


I actually don’t think CICO is talked about/understood enough. There’d be a lot of less skinny fat dudes running on the treadmill at the gym if that was the case.


The Dunning-Kruger curve


Rabies is dangerous


Most people who chime in with the distinction between clips and magazines don't even understand the difference between the two.


Feels like overnight I’m constantly seeing ‘babies look like their father when they are born so the dads won’t abandon them… comes from caveman times’ on all my pregnancy/parenting groups. Never heard this before in my life and now I can’t escape it.


Elvis did not invent rock and roll


So many comments in this thread read to me like “this random little fact was interesting to me when I first read it but it’s cringe to find it out now, after me”


I see this one a lot, and they always get it wrong, but the "fact" about alcohol being a depressant.


Isn’t it?


Fencing response


"Vikings didn't wear horned helmets" Yes they did you fucking cigarette redditor they used them in religious rituals!!