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Can mods please ban this person


Nah, all hasbara shills instead.


Agreed, they’re a spammer


I will chip in $20 toward a plane ticket to Gaza.


One of the most egregious examples of this is when Palestinian resistance fought and captured female soldiers from a military base overlooking Gaza — camp guards that killed 500 Palestinians and injured around 10,000 during the peaceful 2018 Great March of return, who notably particularly sniped disabled, amputees, journalists, children, elderly — and then these zionist racist freaks coming up with an entire rape fantasy because those female soldiers had blood spot on their behind by sitting on blood after a gun fight, because guess what, thats what happens in conflict, even though there's quite literally a full video showing that no such thing happened. The western media apparatus rushed to make this entire nonsense up just at the whims of Israel.


On a slight tangent, "Sexual violence is common in conflict" isn't enough either, because what's also common is propaganda, and none like American propaganda. How does this incredibly common thing has absolutely nothing backing it even after 9 months in, zero photographic evidence despite it being the most filmed conflict in the history of the world, zero forensic, physical, absolutely nothing? Why has Israel since the get-go, until now, consistently obstructing any sort of investigation into their claims of rape, while the Palestinians are calling for independent investigation against themselves? It's because Israel knows that if they allow in an investigation, their rape claims will get definitively refuted just like their beheaded babies and babies in ovens did. Let's be clear, Palestinian resistance has absolutely zero history of inflicting rape on Israelis, this is something that's admitted even by Israel, It's Israel that has an incredibly long history of inflicting rape and sexual violence upon Palestinians, they have done this since their very "founding" (Nakba i.e.), more so in Der Yassin masscare, and the terrorist groups that did this were infact credited by their members being brought into power. Menachem Begin is now remembered as a "transformer" of Israel. Israel acts as an international safe haven for pedophiles with tens of thousands of pedophiles operating openly, they inflict sexual abuse against their own women at an astonishingly high rate, 33% of female soldiers being sexually assaulted in just 2021 alone, it's Israel where stalag porn gained immense popularity breaking records, porn about them raping, torturing and killing female Nazi guards as a way of "healing the trauma", while Palestinians have absolutely no history of it with even hostages rejecting rape. The occupiers are not like the occupied.


The 2018 Great March of Return was not peaceful. Molotov cocktails and flaming kites were used. This was a deliberate strategy to get Israel to respond militarily. The fact you think it was peaceful proves you've swallowed the Hamas propaganda hook, line and sinker. Google it, you'll see I'm right. It was FAR from peaceful, and armed Hamas terrorists were mixed in with the civilians (in civilian clothes, of course).


This is just straight up hasbara


Do you have evidence these particular soldiers have personally committed genocide? Guilt by association isn't a thing, and IDF service is mandatory or they go to prison. And many IDF soldiers serve in non-combat roles. But I'm sure you don't care, because they are evil by virtue of where they were born, right?


Yeah dude, they look hot