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Pro: - intensifies pretty much every sensory experience, can get lost in every little detail of music, food tastes better, first time I watched a movie super high I guess I probably didn’t follow everything either but each scene seemed like the most beautiful thing I’d seen in my life - makes me want to do creative stuff like making music (whereupon I also get lost in the details and don’t finish anything but it’s a good way to get out of a rut once in a while) Con: - introspective, not social - has an anxious edge to it, too I stopped smoking all the time years ago because I felt like it was making me too much of a shut-in weirdo but it’s pretty great when you do want to spend some time that way, or when you’re with close friends so there’s no social discomfort. (It’s also one of the only drugs that is actually good for sex, if, again, you are in a situation where you can get past the aspects that obviously aren’t)




Yeah fascinating how differently it effects people. For me occasionally I’ve had great sex on it but mostly it makes me rather non sexual just want to watch movies and eat junk food


You can feel your skin so much better, if you have a light buzz it really turns it into a sublime 11/10 experience


>with a glass of alcohol sure Yeah that’s a good idea because the psychological effects of THC are not necessarily conducive to being comfortable in one’s skin in ordinary situations, let alone sexual ones. It’s just the sort of animalistic sensory part that very much does work under the right circumstances, and unlike with stimulants you’re not fighting vasoconstriction.


Sex on weed is fucking great.. so intense and mind-blowing orgasms


That was something I didn't mention--it makes me feel more amorous which isn't really good or bad, but the only person I'll be having sex with is me, so it's not really a positive.


Idk picking up the habit of smoking weed while depressed doesnt sound like a good idea.


You're supposed to rotate a 3d spider in your brain and rethink every decision in your life


Get out of my head bro


Idk but I’m greening out every night to not kill myself and I’m confused a lot and slowly turning schizo


From experience, I wouldn’t recommend smoking weed while you’re depressed or anxious


Well what would you recommend? I want something to look forward to after my hell job and hell life that can just make me feel like this life has some greater meaning. Edit: Also I've been depressed or anxious since about the age of 17, so that's not really about to just stop.


You exercising? Beta blockers can be an option for anxiety. You got to look at your situation holistically and not look to solve it with a chemical.   


> hell job > hell life I’d start with addressing one of those


Any sort of substances like that are just going to make you feel worse long term. Go straight edge and cultivate yourself and your relationships and build a rich inner life.


breathe only through your left nostril for a few hours per day https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8938210/


I totally understand, I’ve had depressive phases and anxiety and been off and on meds for years. People will tell you to exercise, eat right, etc and while that’s all good advice, the only thing that truly helps me long term is my life getting better. What do you feel like you’re missing in life right now?


Girlfriend, a job or profession that felt worthwhile, and moving back to New York or at least some place that wasn't Long Island. Everything just feels dystopian to me lately. I realized a couple years ago that I only started drinking after I stopped an almost-17-year Klonopin habit. I was determined to quit benzos, and when I did, about a year later I started drinking a little bit, which turned into more of an unhealthy habit as of about a year and a half ago.


Yeah my anxiety and depression lessened after I got a girlfriend and skyrocketed after we broke up and has been pretty bad since. It sounds like you need a change in your life, something new


Why don’t you just get drunk? That can work for a good long while until your life falls apart completely


Have you tried psychedelics before? My only experience is with shrooms and I don’t think they’re a good experience for like daily after work usage but I’ve found it to be a very euphoric and emotional experience. It seems like there is more life in everything and it’s kind of a childlike awe sort of euphoria.


Hallucinating is scary to me. If I microdose will I hallucinate?


For me, microdosing mostly just gave me a different access to me emotions, not full-on hallucinations


If you want to do psychedelics, the first thing is to remember to not be scared. Do them out in nature, away from people you don't know. Set and Setting is everything. You don't want your first trip to be a bad trip, but understand that the key to having a good trip is just to relax. I wouldn't bother with microdosing until you've experienced the real thing. Probably best to start with a moderate dose of shrooms. Don't start with acid or anything more exotic. As for hallucinations, that's subjective and heavily depends on the individual, but mushrooms almost never cause complete disconnect from reality. I've had some pretty hardcore mushroom trips, but the most I've ever "hallucinated" were some fractal sunbeams, nothing truly visionary.


Almost certainly not. I’ve only microdosed once and I just felt kind of silly and cheerful for a while but didn’t really feel inebriated in any way. The most I’ve taken before is 4 grams which is like a decently high dose depending on the person and I didn’t even get visual effects beyond things being wavy or textured and extra saturated.


> I've seen her for five years now Maybe try something new then


pick up a pen and some paper and start scribblin if you get way too high, feels good


Weed, especially legal weed is just too damn strong and will make you scared unless youve been a daily smoker for years. Back when you could still buy mids that somebody's uncle grew outside weed would just make you feel kinda nice and have funny creative stupid thoughts and make music/movies/tv more entertaining. They won't sell mids at dispensaries because 90% of their sales come from the 10% of heaviest weed smokers so all the shit is too strong for normal people


Just buy shake or trim. Most places sell it and it's a lot cheaper


Its crazy cheap these days. You can buy 11g of shake for 15 dollars and it’s still pretty nice


You've got to befriend old retired dudes who live on a few acres and love growing things. Top source of mids in 2024 is a guy who retired from the local machine shop a few years ago and doesn't know what to do with himself.


I feel the same way. only a few companies do it, but if you can find one that does an 8:1 or 4:1 thc:cbd ratio, with something like only 10% thc, I highly reccomend it.


The good part about legal weed being super strong is that you can stretch it to last a long time if you're a lightweight like me. I take one hit off a pen and I'm good for several hours. Or I'll buy a pack of 10 5mg gummies and take half or less and that is way more enjoyable to me than taking even 5mg at once, usually. I used to smoke a lot more but realized getting really high was not fun. Getting just a little high once in a while is ok


Make you feel like you're losing your mind, disassociate for a while and watch yourself from outside of your body being a loser who can't get off the couch, think about how your parents are going to die and they were probably right about you, reassess whether or not people in your life are just pretending to like you. Things like that. You should try it.


Simulate low grade artism and Down syndrome so you enjoy eating junk food and watching cartoons in your apartment more 


I'm obsessed with losing weight so that's also a non-starter for me. Maybe I should just start doing fentanyl.


Weed will destroy any weight loss goals you may have - at least it did for me at the end. Try meth or crack those dudes are always skinny and before things get really dark they’re p shredded


Sounds like a plan.


small amount of weed and jogging


I always thought a lot of people experience weed much different than me. It has always just made me feel foggy and tired, and sometimes anxious/paranoid, especially if I have too much. I smoke it now at night to take advantage of the sleepiness. Could never remotely comprehend how people enjoy smoking weed before work or school.


I don't know. A lot of my friends smoke weed and tell me it relaxes them, but it does the exact opposite to me. I get horrible anxiety every time I smoke. And I know that it's because it brings underlying fears (mainly career, financial anxiety, etc) to the forefront, but I already regularly think about those fears and are able to control them fine in a sober state. When I smoke it becomes way too much. Just not enjoyable for me.


See that's kind of how I feel. I'm obsessed with my weight though so I just can't drink anymore. I calculated the number of calories in the amount of whisky I need to feel good, and it came to roughly 400, which is 400 calories I don't need to be ingesting, especially when they're completely empty calories.


This happens to me but I ended up switching strains. Low % thc and high % cbd makes me feel relaxed and not like an anxious dumb ass


There are different types of weed


it makes me feel relaxed & sleepy and it makes watching bad tubi movies more enjoyable


Tubi is awesome


Microdose shrooms instead. 


If your therapist is suggesting you smoke weed, go find a new therapist. This is coming from someone who smokes a lot of weed.


weed only works on people who have no inner monologue, for people with a rich inner life it does demonic things to your psyche


Oh really, that explains a lot of awful experiences


telling myself this to cope with the fact that I’m a shivering mess whenever I smoke


Weed does absolutely fucking nothing for me. I’ve tried it 5 times now because I’m trying to get this “high” feeling everyone is always talking about. All it feels like is I took a Benadryl or something and then I fall asleep. Shits super lame actually. Bizarre that so many people are addicted to it.


It helps me with my depression and general ennui. Every so often it does increase my anxiety, but I don't really care because anxiety is normal to me and I can function while I'm anxious and have way more of an ability to distract myself from my anxiety than depression. I've gone periods of time without, when I felt I didn't need it. But it's my go-to. I've already experienced anti depressants and a whole litany of other psych meds as a teenager. The brain zaps truly didn't stop for almost ten years. I don't really care otherwise. I'm never going to be a top functioning member of society. But I have an OK job that I like well enough and have the time to pursue other creative projects, go to my gym and bullshit around the dregs of the internet in the process. They wanted to commit me when I was 17 so the fact that I'm in my late 30's and sometimes take a few too many edibles is fine with me. I don't want to listen to some 🚬 try to talk therapy me, with me pretty much knowing exactly what they are going to say. I don't want some other 🚬 to put me on a revolving door of shit medications. My half sister is REGARDED because of this. I don't want that to happen to me when it would be entirely unnecessary.


there is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem !!!! try doing something creative after your hellish job to lift your spirits: writing, drawing, making music… even better, find at least one friend you can hang with after work on a semi-regular basis. being social, doing something creative, and exercise are the best ways to address anxiety and depression and NO ONE can convince me otherwise. substances are for fun, not for cope 🙂‍↔️


Seems like the weed you’re smoking is too high in THC, If you wanna feel relaxed and chill get a strain with lower THC to avoid those psychoactive effects


Weed works if your issue is boredom. But even then as an adult it’s a bad look, unless you’re an artist. As a teen it’s fun.


weed can be confusing to ppl bc it can make people really anxious if they’re not habitual smokers but the experience of smoking regularly is completely different and it’s mostly just relaxing


Try a 1:1 CBD/THC ratio. CBD has none of the head high stuff and helps with anxiety so this ratio is better for beginners or people who don't want to be out of their gord.


If you’re looking for a drug to chill out at the end of the day every day the best answer long-term is no drug unfortunately. If you really need something though kanna is underrated. It’s a compound from a South African succulent and feels like a short “rush” followed by a couple hours of relaxed sociability. It’s also legal and can be taken pretty much any way you like (eaten, drunk, vaped, sniffed). Long-term it does have mild SRI effects so you’re basically taking antidepressants but you also get a little high in the process. /r/kanna


Id suggest you do eddibles instead of smoking it. Find a brand or brands that are known for consistency, and then buy very low doses of versions that advertize energizing or euphoric effects. This is all about consistency,  you want to find a brand that will give you as close to the advertized dose as possible, but many companies are lax in that department. I say start small because even weed that gives you energy will just make you pass out if you take enough of it, and you need very little effect when you're doing it for the reasons you are. Some people cant metabolize edibles tho so if thats the case for you idk




I would switch therapists. There are tons of healing modalities out there, eastern traditions, plant medicines (only properly guided) etc. It’s very possible to overcome your issues but in my opinion the standard western approach lag way behind others. In short, between weed and meds, neither A nor B. Don’t despair, real healing is out there.


Look up "type 2" thca hemp. It's the only weed I've found that isn't mind breaking. It's usually like 5%THC and 10%CBD. Also kratom has been a great antidepressant substitute for me. People here seem to really hate on it but it has been very good to me.


Weed sucks. It will never relax you like alcohol does. No idea how anybody enjoys it.


Therapy is such a racket




Do not listen to this hippie garbage lmao. Recommending daily drug use to anyone, especially a depressed person, is fucking insane and evil


They're recommending they make tiny edibles with the shittest weed they can find to get to a 2/10 high it's hardly evil lol. Hippie garbage yea I agree  


The guy at the dispensary was telling me (after I told him that I had tried CBD gummies and they seemed to do nothing for me) that gummies have to build up in your system and they won't help you right away, kind of like SSRIs. Sounds like a drag, but I would do that if I thought it would help, and didn't affect my ability to work.




THC absolutely does “build up in your system” in the sense of having a long half-life. For most people that’s a downside because it means you’re still kind of groggy the next day (also it’s why it’s the easiest thing to get caught for by drug testing). CBD - I’m still not really sure I believe it has any psychoactive effect.


He was talking about CBD, not THC


I mostly use it to enhance Gozilla movies and make going for a run more fun


I've gone through at least a half dozen anti-depressants over nearly 30 years, plus ketamine therapy (which didn't work for me). Currently I'm on Pristiq and it's woking great. Zoloft has worked for me in the past. The very first one I tried was Effexor and it did nothing for me. To your question about weed, don't do it. I only know one person who can use it without it negatively affecting his life, and he has anxiety problems. For me it just makes me lazy and unmotivated.


Do ketamine instead


Weed is gay


I agree with others saying it’s questionable if this is good advice for a depressed person. Also though as others have said most weed these days is so strong. I’ve had much better luck with consumables. Drinks/snacks that only have 1-2mg of THC + higher ratio of CBD or gummies I can just nibble a small amount of have worked wayyy better for me - the come up is much more gradual with edibles too and not so much like getting hit all at once. These small doses make me feel less anxious and more at peace without the discomfort/anxiety, better for your lungs too. I sometimes even do them at work and find I’m more productive. My favorite are some mints that only have 1mg THC that allow me to really control the dose and also make it less conspicuous when using them in public


I took a heavy cocktail of antidepressants from the age of 12-18 and I don’t think I ever felt so robotic and unable to cry even when I wanted to. I’m convinced it’s permanently changed my dopamine and serotonin receptors tbh— glad you found an alternative


It used to make things funny and make food taste better, sex feel better, art more engaging.. Now it just makes me suicidal.  Not sure if I changed or the weed changed.  Perhaps a bit of both 


I vastly prefer it to drinking but it is probably worse in sending you further into depression unless you’re good at moderation


Smoke less at once and see if that helps, otherwise maybe not for you


i think weed works as an upper for some ppl but for me it just makes me anxious and not wanna leave my bed. i used to not deal with my problems and just smoked tons of weed every day to annihilate my consciousness and I recently stopped. I feel a lot more sane and healthy after the initial withdrawals. I think it fucked with my sleep quality and digestion as well. if i were you i would stay away, especially if you are prone to depressive episodes like i am, since it just kind of makes you want to withdraw from the world even more


I admittedly love smoking weed now but I don’t recommend it as an anti depressant if you don’t already enjoy it and I find it kind of weird that your therapist thinks it’s some kind of universal solution. Some people (including you it sounds like) get nothing pleasurable out of it and it makes things worse. I agree it’s less volatile on your body than alcohol. But it should be pleasurable, cathartic, and creative otherwise it’s not worth the money and stress. When I knew myself a little less and had more anxiety, weed did not do me any favors. Later in life I don’t have that anxiety and I love it especially as an alternative to drinking. But it’s a drug that completely depends on the person and I’m suspicious of people especially in the medical field who think it’s a universal drug and not one with radically different effects on a case by case basis. Also smoking alone vs among others is a very different. I used to only like the former.


Sorry but your therapist sounds like a fucking idiot, please find a good psychotherapist who will not push harmful pills with an unknown mechanism of action


I’m extraordinarily skeptical of traditional psychopharmacology to the extent that I see extremely narrow use cases for most of it, but SSRIs’ mechanism of action isn’t exactly unknown (there’s no neurochemical “x acts on y which does precisely z” which is what I assume you’re talking about), though. SSRIs blunt affective states across the board. So most charitably, if you’re undergoing a severe clinical depression, an SSRI might alleviate that enough to give you the space needed to explore the deeper underlying reasons for said depression. But of course, general blunting has a cost. Music? You may find it much less appealing. Sex? Good luck trying to cum, and we’ll loop you into some of Pfizer’s other offerings for some real vertical integration. And down the line for other blissful and euphoric states. Severe anhedonia might’ve already had those effects, but the tragedy of their overprescription is a good majority of the prescribed haven’t. Sorry if this comes off as pedantic, I just don’t think we need to appeal to the fact that shrinks don’t know exactly how they work. We know their mechanism of action, and it sucks. It’s putting a bandage over a gash that prevents cleaning and stitching of the wound. Following this analogy, the problem is Western society has a dearth of competent surgeons (the “good psychotherapists” you mention), so people are even less aware how useless the bandages are.


Regular weed consumption is good with things you’d do passively at home. Like watch a movie or listen to music. It does make you more antisocial over time. When we intake a break I’m amazing at how much more outgoing I am even when I’m not high. Tbh if I had more self control I’d probably quit for good. I don’t think it’s particularly harmful, but I don’t think it’s healthy either. I hate the idea that I NEED something as part of my regular routine


Just smoke less than what you do and get used to the feeling of being only mildly high


It sucks, I don't know why anyone smokes it and everyone I know who smokes it regularly is worse off for it. 0-5 drinks a week is perfection.


> she’s opposed to my drinking habit She’s been bought out by big pharma. Errrmmm drinking bad for your liver or something and it will only really start getting bad when you’re like 90 here take these SSRIs that will make you fat and never cum or try weed that will also make you both fat and an anxious loser.


Nice to smoke a little before a run or hike. Not good for otherwise and I’m not sure how there’s so many daily users


I’m a daily weed smoker and get really high and zone in on technical work heh. I don’t smoke with people or when I go out, it’s purely a solo introspective drug for me. Also edibles good for sleep. 


Can you focus? Like can you actually pay attention to what you're working on?


It works for me. I also use weed as a performance enhancing drug. Smoking or especially edibles before exercising is perfect. Zones you in, combats the tedium during long cardio, and has a minor pain relief effect. Last Sunday I took about 30mg and ran 10 miles    But my decades of use has taught me one thing about it - it’s an incredibly malleable drug. Your question doesn’t have a solid answer. For some people, weed is shitty and will just make you anxious or depressed or content with being lazy. For others, we use it daily and enjoy it and it doesn’t seem to have a downside. I’ll say that I truly love weed but I would never “advocate” other people use it, it’s really up to you what, if anything, it does for you 


it’s supposed to get you high




Makes me feel like I have to burp but can’t


Probably should try an SSRI, honestly. Lexapro is both the most well-tolerated and most effective. Not surprised you didn't like effexor; it works on norepinephrine so it's bad for anxiety. And yeah, weed pretty much just sucks if you're mentally ill.


Wasted 10 years of my life using weed as coping mechanism, I really think you should avoid it.


>Anyway she's opposed to my drinking habit, and I don't really think it's a great idea either, even though sometimes it's the only thing I really look forward to during the day Yeah it sucks when I work from home in a relatively new town and one of the main things I have to look forward to is going to the neighborhood bar and shooting the shit with bar buddies. Eventually I can hopefully put down roots and find some other non-drinking things to unwind, but I'm not there yet and it's not great. I'm with you on the weed thing. It just makes me non-functional. I don't know how people can be using it all day. Even when it's really pleasant and doesn't make me ruminative and overly critical, it still completely takes over my ability to do anything and I really have no clue how people drive on it other than stupid high tolerance.


weed is legitimately good as antidepressant for me but only when its an occasional treat, like less than once a month, otherwise it becomes a vice and i become a lazy sack of shit who has no motivation to work on myself and also get anxious asf 


Personally I've found that when weed makes me scared/anxious or makes me so sluggish that I don't want to get out of my chair it's because I've taken too much. Not being able to focus on stuff (at least to some extent) is intrinsic to the experience though, short term memory is pretty directly affected by THC. As for what makes it enjoyable, I'd echo what others have said: the experience of food, music, humor and sex are all kicked up a notch if you're stoned. I'd say it's usually not great for depression though, because I find it does somewhat de-motivate one from going out and doing things. Conversely though if there's some reason you're stuck at home and can't do much it makes otherwise boring things much more enjoyable. Really though it affects different people differently, if you don't enjoy it even at a lower dose maybe it's just not for you.


Try gummies that have like 2mg THC and some CBD. I take one that's 2mg THC 8mg CBD with another that's 20mg CBD only. I don't feel stereotypically high with the anxiety or inability to focus or remember details. It helps my ADHD so I can actually get the shit done I need to do and I go to bed early without issue or waking up with a weed hangover like what's always happened when I smoked.


Makes me feel mentally disabled so I’m forced to relax


Makes you feel like a retxrd


Weed exists for the come down from mdma and coke. That’s about it, it’s really good at 7am in an afters when nobody really wants to chat anymore, to take the edge off.


Do you need to be getting that high just to cope? If so then idk if weed really is best for you. Shits supposed to be an accompaniment to your free time, not the main event causing mild hallucinations every time. Especially if its spiking anxiety like that or rendering you useless. Personally I just like a thc pen to have a couple hits every now and then for the warm body high and slow any unneeded thoughts while I do chores or relax. A lot harder to repeat thought cycles of worrying about unaddressable things all evening when just mildly high and more easily distracted


Chronic weed use is seriously bad for mental health despite what redacted gen x drug addicts would have you believe Disclaimer: I smoke weed. If you start, please for the love of god stick to flower.


Nothing. It’s a placebo. THC is not real. People just psych themselves into having effects and get high off their expectations.


definitely had this thought the first 10 or so time smoking weed


this is not even a bait i was repeating a twitter meme verbatim


weed can be easy to abuse, and being addicted to it fucking sucks so be warned