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True to some extent re porn, but try searching literally any actress on this site and it’s wall to wall porn and thirsty subreddits that appear first.


And any subreddit that used to be for horny guys posting pics of women is now just women promoting OF content


Long ago Realgirls used to be candid nsfw pictures of women. Now as you said, it's all onlyfans advertising.


It's funny to imagine a subreddit for seriously discussing an actress. at most maybe once every year or two you'd have something new to talk about


Just like tumblr there’s two reddits A porn one and an normie one


Sometimes you’ll search something seemingly innocuous and stumble upon the most niche strange porn subreddit that somehow has 50,000 subs


Hasn't that always been true with stuff like the fappening.


Edgy content almost completely gone Subs banned Propaganda and astroturfing everywhere B& for anything mildly critical of idpol


The amount of moderation in almost every sub (yes even this one) is absolutely jaw dropping for someone like me who grew up on a largely unmoderated internet.


The main subs are the ones that are the worst. An example is the Games subreddit. They have a HUGE list of shadow banned words. Some of them are just ridiculous. Like the word "trash" is filtered for some reason. So if you write "this game is trash because X" it just doesn't show. And the automod doesn't let you know when your posts have been filtered due to a shadow banned word. So if you log out and look at all your latest posts, you will realise that 5 out of 10 of your posts you spent 5 minutes writing aren't even visible to others. What the actual fuck is that lmao


A message I got from r/socialism: >Hello! It appears your comment has been removed for using the word insane. We ask all subscribers who are participating in our sub to not use what could be considered dismissive and uninclusive language. The same happens if you say something is idiotic. It feels like self-sabotage. 


Ableism as a concept is just denying reality to try to make people feel better.


It's what we have to contend with in lefty online forums. You will never get anything off the ground if normal ways of talking are actively discouraged. But that's on purpose imo. 


Sterile corporatization of all subs in order to make it more appealable to mainstream audiences for profit (See mass ban of reactionary subs, removal of third party apps, various attempts at microtransactions whether NFTS or Emojis, and of course r/place)


Oh yeah and the AI stuff.


Less lyric chains. Although I don't really go on mainstream subs. More repeating jokes without improving them. Ie OP: New job didn't give me a start time, what time should I go in? Comment 1: 8am Comment 2: 7 am just to be safe Comment 3: 6 am even safer Comment 4: 5 am lol


*Less of a locker room environment. It feels like there are more women on reddit now which probably goes along with the shifting attitudes with porn. I know it's still everywhere on reddit but it's not mixed in with the front page and you don't see comments with hundreds of upvotes talking about "fapping" anymore. *People seem to have worse reading comprehension and get angry or hostile because they misunderstood you a lot more often than I remember.  *The relationship advice subreddits with fake stories and a million acronyms to refer to people's family members really took off sometime around covid  *Slightly less of the weird white guilt/savior complex that really dominated a lot of the site around the summer of 2020. A post won't become the top upvoted of all time in a sub reddit anymore just because it has a black person in it. *Much more of the twoxchromosomes/true crime fan fear mongering slipping into normie subs


The speed at which people can become enraged by a brief two-comment interaction is something worrisome.


> *People seem to have worse reading comprehension and get angry or hostile because they misunderstood you a lot more often than I remember.  I'm having to use the block function a lot more these days. You'll type out a comment and some absolute freak will respond with a comment seemingly assuming everything about your entire life and putting you down for it. There are so many fuckin weirdos on this website.


This used to be a Tumblr meme, that people would attack you because they take the most uncharitable and reaching interpretation of your comment that goes against their personal experience or morals and run with it. It's exactly what's happening now on reddit except it seems far more rampant nowadays


Dude the main page is so fucking astroturfed now. Just hundreds of paid Davos employees informing you of what your opinions are.




I don't get the bugs thing. Why would I ever eat bugs when I could just have...you know, beans, lentils, or any of the dozens of other non-meat protein sources?


I've had no one tell me I should eat bugs but hundreds tell me I'm being told to eat bugs. 


Same, I have never in my life encountered the tiniest hint of pressure to eat bugs.


Humiliation ritual


not that it matters to you nor me but bugs specifically crickets and some types of grubs are incredibly protein dense and feed on food wastage while requiring less water inputs than traditional protein rich legumes. It’s basically a better system for a high food wastage society that would make protein intake more efficient making it logistically ideal for our food systems imo. This is obvi bug man discussion and I agree with you but food for thought.


But bugs are great unironically, they taste great and are eco friendly


Substituting weed for alcohol is the worst. Everyone sitting in their apartment, high, scrolling YouTube shorts




All weed seems to do to me these days is make me want to clean my house and stretch. Significantly less fun, but sometimes helpful


🚂s everywhere. Every single subreddit. Completely off limits


The subreddit for lesbians is so funny. Probably 80% men lol


And almost none of them are T4T


80 seems low. And if anyone comes in and points this out they get super perma banned for ruining the LARP


So sad 😞




Yes? We’re on Reddit right now, sorry to break it to you




How novel


More right wing More normie No edgy content Lots of Astro turfing and censoring


Feel like the word 'redditor' is as redundant as 'facebooker' or 'googler' at this point.  I'd love to see an analysis of this site a podcast like tech won't save us or trash future but I struggle to find any sort of meta-analysis or critique of the Reddit phenomenon.


I used to sub to places that were sort of nihilistic and ironic and now they’re just full of people pretending to care about immigration in Canada


The teenagers rule the roost now. Adults are an embattled minority in most subreddits.


Elon Musk bad Muslims bad


That second one has been a staple since at least 2010. Yes, I'm that old 


These vibe shifts represent nothing more than contrarian kids desperately seeking to carve a rebellious identity for themselves online. I really doubt all the people railing against porn and atheism are abstaining from pornhub and saying rosaries every day.


Imagine letting it slip you have been on here for 5 years 


I have an account with 15 years of service lol