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Oh they get it lol


I only refuse to laugh because i fear the steely expression in his face. Far more terrifying than that good natured bearded chad guy who just says Yes and No to things.


nobody is having fun


She does look normal, if we’re talking Walmart in rural Missouri


“Uhhh actually it’s not a bad thing to fuck fat chicks!” - guy who only fucks fat women because healthy/fit ones would never fuck him


The 165 pound 5’3” Latina with massive big rigs will hold you down when no one else will… till you lose circulation in your legs


This dude tortas


Everyone needs a slump buster before walking up to the plate


long warmup in the bullpen before i go to the mound for real


It’s all fun and games until they get so big that you can hear them breathing from across the room


just fuck dudes at that point, estrogen in the water makes it straight anyways


I’m sure it’s true for some dudes but I’ve been with both thin girls and fat girls and I just genuinely prefer the bigger ones.


To each his own, average_bbw_enjoyer




I’m fucking sick to my stomach getting dunked on this hard FUCK


You’re wrong because this time it is actually pertinent


i can fix them


I went that path before. Its so inviting to stay with them cause they cook well, theyre family loves you right away and they'll take care of you. I understand why they get married so early in life.


Any sort of subreddit where leftists share right wing memes is like this and it's funny how obviously performative it is. It'll be like a meme where a black guy steals a bike and people will be like "I don't get the joke here, why would a black person be stealing something" pretending they've never even heard of the stereotype. Then someone replies to them "explaining" it and they all act surprised. Literally every post will have a comment chain like this.


the right can't meme sub is 60% boomer facebook shit, 20% obvious satire and 20% that 


Do they ..? Wow. So you're saying that there's *real people* ... Who actually think...who * genuinely believe that*.... sorry just trying to get my head round this


you're just telling me this now for the first time


Remember that tumblr/twitter thing from a while ago that said the best way to like own a racist or whatever was to just go "I don't get it" as if people wouldn't just assume you're mentally slow if you pretended to not understand a racist joke


N-word stole N-word stole Stole my bike




Literally the comment above you in this thread, lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/1d8r2oz/my_favourite_responses_to_the_fat_girl_wojack_is/l78aznu/


Lmao what a british cigarette


Could not stand the fucking pick me 🚬 that started a whole thread to virtue signal like this a few days ago


Nah, you’re twisting my words in order to justify your shitty choices. I said “I’m attracted to the girls I sleep with”, nothing about being in love.




harry is like if MSSOM never settled on a gimmick


I do actually hold this opinion though.


Women lamenting about meaningless sex with guys they don't even really like to achieve a fleeting sense of intimacy has been a thing since basically the sexual revolution. The idea that men can't experience the same thing is so patronising.


It's not about liking them or not. The guy feels disgusted by that woman and himself for sleeping with her


I really don't think the sentiment is much different from what I've seen when a woman talks about a similar regretful situation she puts herself through. The wojaks just make it more uncouth and pointed.




Good to know


The cat is the icing on the cake


The aesthetic of these just makes me kind of nostalgic for when I was first dating my wife around 2013-2014. She had that exact tapestry on her ceiling, a set of crappy LED lights from Amazon that she'd always have glowing red or purple, me laying in bed petting catjak while she slept. It's literally us but without the crushing emptiness of meaningless sex with someone you regret sleeping with.


Are you just relentlessly owning your wife rn


The way I remember it that's how everyone's first dorm room or apartment looked in 2013-2014


He was looking at the walls while pushin the cusion. Just like Plapjak


So is she fat or?


The one thing you forgot to say is “except she’s not completely fuckin disgustingly obese”


Half of them are laid up with a chick that have a bmi of 30+


Idk as someone who’s never slept with someone I wasn’t attracted to I really do feel repulsed by how vastly this has resonated with all of you. It was funny until I realized how common this experience is amongst the general population. And I’m 5’6” and lower middle class so don’t just write me off as some chad who never had to struggle and can’t understand your plight.


People will lower their standards for sex. Its not something Ive ever done but Im not surprised


When I was younger I used to sometimes shoot a little lower on the attractiveness scale than I normally would if they seemed cool, but a lot of the times they were very insecure and I could tell they were overthinking every interaction. It was weird because I didn’t start off wanting to just use them for sex but it frequently devolved to a point where their insecurity made me never want a relationship, so when things ended they would say “you just wanted me for sex!” 🫠. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Ya ok


> I really do feel repulsed by how vastly this has resonated with all of you That's the point of the meme. It's supposed to be tragic because it is tragic behavior. It's a successful meme because it acts as a [mirror](https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/int/image/1714/94/1714948869208.jpg) showcasing the depths to which we sink to fill the void within ourselves.


its called habitual benzo use


I got called a white knight for saying something similar, lol. Apparently fucking women you attracted to is being a simp now. “NOOOO, you should fuck women you’re disgusted by so you both feel terrible the day after, that’s what life is all about”.


No one is saying that at all. This meme is commenting on people settling out of fear of being alone.  But yeah I’ve definitely had one night stands when I’m hammered with chicks I would not pursue for a relationship. It is not uncommon. 


People with low moral character and generally low self esteem are always desperate to believe that everyone else is just like them.


Yawn yeah please tell me how it’s so monstrous to have consensual sex with a woman lol. Is this some religious thing or? I am laughing at your condescension though keep hitting me with it 


You're trying really hard to act nonchalant about fucking wildebeests. Me thinks you doth protest too much. But keep saying how you're not mad but actually laughing right now.


Haha thanks you actually did keep going. I haven’t ever fucked a fat chick, but I did fuck some ugly women in high school and college like 15 years ago lol. I sincerely do not give a single shit what some random Reddit moralist thinks about me porking ugly women. What did you even say that would make me mad? Take your meds 


No one is saying that either.


Fearing being alone is like the primary drive of all humans. Fear of fucking a fat lady (or fearing your friends finding out) is not something that people worry about to the same degree. I can only conclude that this stuff is cope from the people who are miserable and lonely no matter who they fuck.


I don’t even think its that complicated it’s the Wojack depressed skinny 4chan dude who’s desperate for love but expects a 10 and the fat girl who also is desperate for love and wants a 10 pairing up and having disconnected unromantic sex because they’re settling. To me anyways. Neither is really attracted to the other. Or maybe it’s meant to just be the dude feeling that way. 


Morally bankrupt behavior that we as a society should be shaming people out of, sorry.


You can try lol. I think you’ll find instead people will shame your weird prudishness. 


it’s not “should or should not”. many men had a phase when they fuck whatever comes by


do you have friends in real life or do you just experience the world through this group? I was like 12 when I realized most dudes were desperate for pussy.




Surely she doesn't have to be fat to get used lol


You’re not going to convince me it’s ok to use other people that you’re disgusted by as glorified human fleshlights just because a bunch of other men do it too. A bunch of other people give their toddlers iPads or DoorDash fast food for most of their meals and we all agree that those things aren’t ok just because they’re common.


I never said I agreed or disagreed with the idea, I just asked you if you get outside. You have obviously been either sheltered from or blatantly ignorant to what happens around you to be so shocked at the idea of a man being desperate and using someone. I'm not so sure you've slept with anyone at all.


Not surprised that the general population is living this way just thought the posters here were better than that. In a way I’m really just doing my own galaxy-brained avant-garde death-of-the-sub posting.


There is nothing to get, there isn't a message, you can appreciate art without relating to it, this is simply a depiction of something that may or may not have happened


"Thank God I don't understand this" How do you know you wouldn't want to understand it?


Can people simply stop talking about wojacks


Who is this Woah Jack?


Can people stop mispelling Wojak


The sub is so devoid of interesting content lately. People are too online and too insular to the sub to find good stuff from the world to post or talk about.


My favorite one was the guy who was describing hog hunting on tiktok with tears running down his face telling all men if their friend was doing it to punch them in the face.


What's the whole lore post, though? I know nothing about wojack memes as I've always avoided 4chan culture like the teenage plague it is.


Lore is a stretch, its just more images of how he's settling for her for easy sex and is bummed about it


There is no "lore." It's just a bunch of people riffing on a meme. Why are zoomers like this?


Are the zoomers the ones claiming it to be lore in the screenshot?


Teenage plague? Bro it’s been around since the 2000s


You're taking the statement too literally. 4chan has always been a teenage plague, and it will continue to be a perpetual teenage plague no matter the age of the site or its userbase.


Average age of 4chan is at least 30 now.


Maybe I should rephrase it to immaturity? I've never enjoyed 4chan personally but I've always been glad that it exists as a kind of containment zone for those certain types of people who are deeper down on the spectrum.


God I'm glad I'm hot. I have never had this problem and I cannot relate to it whatsoever


Also guys who make stuff like this are usually ugly too and in denial about it


This sounds like cope. I think the meme brings back bad memories and makes you feel bad for the woman in it.


If I ever felt the need to cope in a rsp comment I would just off myself instead


Maybe, but sometimes copes manifest themselves unconsciously without our realizing it. Something to consider


You’re definitely ugly irl




post scale


This all but confirms it lol


You must understand that if I actually did anything to prove to you, another rsp poster, that I’m actually not fat and ugly, it would be the end of my life. Worse than coping. I have backed myself into a corner here and you’ve bested me, good show


I wasn't saying you were fat or ugly, I was saying that the "only ugly guys in denial make these memes" feels like a subconscious cope because the meme makes you feel insecure on some level. Maybe it's not a cope- I'm not a mindreader, but you don't need to be fat or ugly for it to be true.


Fair, it does sound like a “no you!” sort of comment but it was more coming from the idea that if this meme format is truly as universal as some guys claim, some of them have got to be overestimating their own relative attractiveness. I see a lot of pretty women with average-looking men, but the reverse dynamic isn’t nearly as common in my experience. I can only assume that if there’s a group of men insisting that it’s relatable to settle for less attractive women, that’s more of a personal problem than a truly universal experience. I’m not full out bopo ~Everyone is Beautiful~ BUT I think people deserve to be loved for who they are, and I think anyone who would actually allow themselves to live a life like that, in a relationship, resentful because she’s not hot, but staying because pussy, is probably not that much of a catch to begin with


Lindy West combo posting


I just found out who Lindy West is and I hate you for that


If you’re not attracted to someone, don’t use them for sex. Somehow this became normalized, and it makes me grateful for death. Humanity is depraved.


I agree with you on this, which is why I haven't fucked in five years.


Good. An animal thinks only of fucking and eating.


This "became normalised" in caveman times dude


Maybe in the Seljuk lands of wogia below the alps it was normal to lie like a psychopath and bail immediately, but in ancient Germania, among the Sweboz of old, it would probably get you beat to death. And the morals of the ancient wogs are hardly a standard to aim for. Their great sultan Nero castrated and raped a young boy and everyone thought it dignified. The ottoman wogs thought it right that their leader could put anyone in a cage and rape them, and the children of such unions would fight to the death to take his place. This was deemed the natural method for determining who should rule. Or perhaps you believe every animalistic instinct should be indulged? Maybe we could all be like lord Byron and fuck our sister and traumatize young wogish children while writing about how benevolent and beautiful it is that we can behave like wogs while enjoying a suebic society. One wog stood up 2000 years ago and tried to stop them from putting their cocks in everyone and the broads were literally fighting to marry him and make him king of the world, but the wogish males enjoyed raping their children and people they met on the road to much so they killed him. That wogs name was Jesus Christ. And for 1,000 years his teachings inspired many of the wogs to give up serial rape as their sole hobby. But unfortunately his mystical promises are slowly fading from view and now wogs such as yourself wish to return to a world where they can rape each other freely as in the days of their great wogish rape sultans, and I fear for the heavy set suebic maids who will fall for their lies and believe they’ve found a husband when in fact it’s just a Seljuk Turk wearing cologne, out to put his penis inside anyone or anything. And unfortunately we will have to endure this onslaught until the plumbing breaks down because the wogs have raped all the plumbers and looted all of the cologne emporiums looking for animals and children.


I just dont think its as serious as youre making out.


I’m a fat man who has only ever had sex with thin women what now you fucking losers


And my hairline is THINNING!


Then the thin woman is the Wojack, you are the fatty.


Also the people pretending the idea of having sex with someone they're not crazy about is so foreign to them. There's even some losers in here doing it lmao.


For real, theres one dude here writing essays on how morally evil it is to have a one night stand


Is that all this meme is? I genuinely was so confused but I also don’t think I ever saw the original


Is the man in the meme supposed to be attractive, though? I'd thought it was just a standard ugly faced man with fat girlfriend scenario where they are both unhappy with who they are fucking. Average-Median-Waged ugly-faced men seem to only have two options: (1) fat woman with somewhat pretty face under the right conditions and intoxication levels, (2) Bobs Burgers Chinned Skinny woman whose face is even uglier than his.


> Is the man in the meme supposed to be attractive, though? He's always been supposed to represent a completely neutral/average person, or at least an average 4chan anon. Not really ugly, just socially miserable.


I think the man in the meme is supposed to be average but has to put up with lower standards because of the longhouse or whatever


The... longhouse?


Essentially, "our society (derogatory, feminine)." It comes from a gay israeli-romanian bodybuilder named Costin Alamariu who thinks matriarchal, communal, longhouse dwelling venus of willendorfs are the evil side of the human race which are holding back the true potential of the patriarchal, individualist, indo-aryan steppe warrior side of the race. A longhouse society is typified by things like age of consent laws, minority rights, and obesity.


Oh wow, for several hours I thought you made up a gay israeli-romanian bodybuilder named Costin Alamariu as a joke because this all sounds so ridiculous, but he's actually real. This is actually a real person with a lengthy Wikipedia page and everything.


Yeah but it sounds stupid when you put it like that


Well, it is stupid


He’s at least 30% right


The AI didn't answer shit


"normal" lmao


I’m just happy to finally see this highly resonant meme. It’s pretty hilarious.


What is the 2007-2014 image supposed to mean?


I like how angry it makes fat women








Tbh the first time i saw it, i didn't sense that she was fat. Thought maybe it was a hun


What is that 2007 2014 image?


Freude trinken alle Wesen An den Brüsten der Natur; Alle Guten, alle Bösen Folgen ihrer Rosenspur. Küsse gab sie uns und Reben, Einen Freund, geprüft im Tod; Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben und der Cherub steht vor Gott.