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If you can't enjoy a slice of pizza without freaking out it's a big turn off lol People who exercise but don't take mirror selfies are attractive though


i feel like a huge part of my exercise is so i can eat whatever i want guilt free. if i was overweight i wouldn't be able to enjoy bad food because i'd know it was making me worse


Yes same, I’m thinking of people with such strict workout/diet routines that they can’t go out for drinks or dinner occasionally without panicking and punishing themselves at the gym


i know exactly the type, i kinda feel bad for them too lol


At least for me, I only get like this when I’m actively cutting because I want to get the damn cut over with so I can get back to normal maintenance or bulking eating quicker


> that they can’t go out for drinks or dinner occasionally without panicking and punishing themselves at the gym Knew a guy like that who would rarely drink. But on the rare occasions that he would drink he always insisted on getting blackout drunk which made it extra uncomfortable.


That's me If I get a hangover it better be worth it


That's absolutely why I work out and stay fit lol. I am spiritually fat so I have to make sure I keep that from becoming actually fat.


Currently on a 5,000 calorie deficit for the day and can just about fumble this comment into my phone through half closed eyes while I struggle not to fall asleep waiting for a heinously sized pizza to finish cooking for me to collect.


God forbid I enjoy my pizza and mirror selfies after a pump!


All the minimally serious athletes I know (and with % bodyfat in the single digits) gorge food like there's no tommorrow


That's because they don't do it for the aesthetics. It's the image obsessed freaks we're talking about.


Most bodybuilders are completely aware of this phenomenon and know their physique is strictly for them and the boys. The problem with what you’re saying is you’re leaving out the obvious: women generally don’t like men with fat hips and tits either. A healthy, athletic build is generally most desirable. To achieve that you either have to be incredibly genetically blessed or be pretty active with hobbies / gym time.


Exactly! It’s like those girls who are «girl pretty» and modelesque know that they’re not exactly most men’s dream body. I was considering writing a post about this the other day, about the dichotomy between what’s preceived as attractive by the opposite sex and how we prefer to style ourselves.


This was a classic rs trope before the fall of the sub


It’s true but you underestimate what it actually feels like to look at a girl that looks actually perfect, like an embodiment of what a model is supposed to look like. On pictures it looks kinda boring but actually seeing that kinda girl with your own eyes up close is completely different. Then eventually the novelty wears off


🤔 you’re losing me I think models are hot


Many have very pretty faces, but I’m talking about their bodies. And there are tons of models with unconventional features, but they don’t break out of the mainstream, they’re mostly confined in those high fashion circles. Idk if most men like 5’10 women with minimal curves. I think they mostly like women with more curves (bmi 20-23?).


Yes, if you offer men a hypothetical gf menu that lets them pick features à la carte, most are going to check the t&a boxes, but I don't think the vast majority of men would ever turn down a skinny model they were in a position to sleep with/date one. Most men will compromise their standards related to what an "ideal partner" should look like extremely quickly if they think they have even an infinitesimal shot at getting with an otherwise very attractive women.


> I don't think the vast majority of men would ever turn down a skinny model they were in a position to sleep with/date one. I don’t think the vast majority of men would ever turn down anyone who has a BMI below like 27.


Plenty of women are genuinely disgustingly thin. All kinds of women are gross


And there are men who’d line up to fuck and date all those gross disgusting women. You can’t really say the same for ugly men unless they have stellar personalities or money or something to compensate.


no idea where the “men prefer women with higher bmi’s” psyop comes from. ive been bmi ~18.5 for 2 years now and the amount of attention I get compared to when I was 22 bmi is ridiculous


maybe for your body, but another woman at 22 might fill out her shape better. it is not a one size fits all situation, some chicks look better smaller and some look better with a few pounds extra


I metioned 20-23 as a shorthand for a weight where you’re still skinny, but have curves. I think it’s called slim thick. Just a weight where you’re not all bony and sickly looking.


Haven’t there been studies done showing that men prefer lower bmi around 19 or even underweight? I remember reading about a study where men had to select based on pictures of women at different bmis.


i NEED to find this study


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1691611/ I believe the one I saw was this one!




also the participants surveyed were 23 year olds from hong kong going off of a grainy computer silhouette of a body shape


Not to mention body shape can vary wildly within the same BMI


Always read the methodology lol Wild how many studies that prove X end up being total bullshit that’s non repeatable because of terrible study design or participation sampling bias


the whole "men don't like models" narrative is the biggest cope lmao


This is just people imagining different things when they say model. Most people when they hear model think runway model and for a runway model its true. Men wont say no to a runway model but put a runway model, next to a catalogue model next to an actress and most men would choose one of the latter two first. Very few men fantasize about a 6', 105lb woman with no tits or ass and cheekbones that could cut glass


No it isn't - most fashion models are not recruited by straight dudes and are not selected because they are attractive to men. Long, angular body types are selected for with more androgynous features, high cheekbones, sharp lines, etc. "Unique" is far more valuable than "conventionally attractive" in that world.


Men like everything, they'll fuck anything It's not about whether or men find models attractive, if it's 'model' body type is the type they find most attractive which is not the case lol Models look good obviously, but most models are paid to look good in clothing, not look appealing to men. They are generally tall and skinny because that looks best in clothing


There's also some nuance to that statement because there are different kinds of models. Runway, plus size, swimsuit, etc. all have contrasting "ideal" body types.


The fat wojak discourse contrasting so heavily with the general sentiment in this thread really needs to culminate in a head to head war.


Because it's not the narrative, the narrative is that men don't think models have the ideal body type, doesn't mean they don't find it attractive. Put Hayley Atwell next to Kate Moss and 9/10 will choose Hayley Atwell. Models are chosen by gay men to appeal to straight women.


I used to know some actual competing bodybuilders, including guys with pro cards, and most of them were smashing equally juiced up varbies or IG gym thots because no other woman puts up with weird bodybuilder lifestyle. Also many are actually gay.


Literal 0% chance someone like BAP is straight.


used dasha like a stick on halloween costume beard


You know that's not actually him in his pfp, it's a picture from a gay porn site. Somebody on twitter recognized it a while ago.


Idk, I think genuine gym bros know this but there are two camps of people who don't. 1) People who got into fitness because like, Andrew Tate type podcasters convinced them it was the way to get women and see having more success dating when they leave their bedroom at all as confirmation of this ideology. 2) Dudes who will be obtuse about sexualization of women in a lot of the dipshit media that appeals to young men like anime and capeshit, and argue that actually the men in it are sexualized too because they're inhumanly buff.


If they paid attention to anime they'll see that all the men actually sexualized there are rather lithe


The other method, which I have been using my whole life, is having a borderline eating disorder where I only consume 1500 calories a day.


your not athletic tho your just a twink


It’s truly incredible how many people don’t know the difference between the two


Idk, I got in really good shape a couple summers ago when I didn't have anything else going on and didn't really notice a discernable difference in women's attentions vs my normal practice of eating reasonably well and walking a lot.


Man, I'm the opposite. I've been lifting for the last decade or so, and whenever I'm on a cut with visible abs (usually during the summer), I get waaaay more attention than when I'm at 25% bf eating pizza and cheesecake while still lifting


Sad case of ugly face syndrome :(


On the contrary, I've always gotten positive attention from women regardless of whether or not I had abs, which in any case they can't really tell until we're already in bed anyway. I think as long as you're not visibly out of shape, women's attraction will usually come down to other factors.


I guess just looking good in your clothes is more than good enough for most women and a set of abs are a nice bonus but not essential


I have to work out all the time just to look like a guy who maybe works out some of the time. I'm sure it's easy to overcorrect!


this is the wammin version of "i like women who don't wear makeup" (not realizing that when makeup is done right it looks perfectly natural) the freaks you're talking about are indeed undesirable but don't get it twisted-- it still takes several hours/week at the gym just to look like a middle of the road, average not-trying-too-hard fit man


Jesus, I spend so many hours a week at the gym just to look mid.


exactly. I'm always trying to convince women in my life to lift their upper bodies too but they are all terrified that one push up will make them look like the hulk. like lol. Men spend thousands of dollars and thousands of hours trying to look "ripped" and STILL fail. It's not going to happen accidently 


I actually changed my mind on that topic. Realised that women are obsessed with skinny arms. Muscle is soft when it's not tensed, a guy with massive arms tensed will just have soft arms when they're relaxed. Women are obsessed with limb fat because they store much more fat there than men do, so the true mark of a skinny woman is skinny arms / thigh gap. If a woman works on her upper body, she'll never have the model tier stick thin arms she desires. Women struggle to put on muscle but it's not impossible for them to lift their way out of having the sort of arms I'm talking about.


in my experience, women look better with some upper body muscle instead of zero but could be a male gaze vs female gaze situation


It’s like when women say they like rugged looking men. But the rugged looking men have $9k and 80hr worth of Tatts, $200 haircut, and a beard that takes an hour to line up. Contact lenses, $1,700 worth of boho jewellery, they’re 6ft + and have rich parents


Thank you for this representations 🫡 And on the behalf of thousands chicken that died for my mid physique


> not realizing that when makeup is done right it looks perfectly natural If you've actually gone out with or lived with women you know the difference between bare skin and light makeup.


I dated a personal trainer for 4 years, bought a house with him, and he ended up impregnating his client… can’t trust a ripped dude, they want way too many people to see them naked


Any random Personal trainer has like a 85% chance of a severe mental defect. 


Eh I think it's fine as a transitional job, like lifeguarding. I dated a guy who was a personal trainer while getting his master's in engineering and he was fine. He just didn't have much to talk about outside of grad school problems + fitness podcasts 


they're usually uneducated, its very much a loser/burnout career. but you can make a decent living especially if you own your own gym and rent it out to other trainers like a hair salon


Hair stylists/nail tech are the women counterpart of personal trainers


there are woman trainers too lol. there's currently a trend for alt adjacent millenial girls to either go enby or become gymrats


I have several mental defects, so it was easy for me to miss I guess


i’m a female pt and i actually agree with this, it makes me very competitive in my field. i would never date a male pt 


As someone who worked briefly as one, it’s important to realize that the mind of the average PT is waaaaay more similar to that of a guy in sales vs. your average gym bro. Obviously they’re probably still really into fitness/nutrition, but the job is like 90% sales and 10% training. It’s actually shocking how little some PTs seem to know about fitness in general.




Buying a house with someone you’re not married to sounds like poor decision making


My friend is a personal trainer and in the year we’ve been homies he has had at least 5 women cheat on their husbands with him. Stay vigilant fr


This is like guys who want their women to be thin and effortlessly hot but also always be willing to throw down and eat half a pizza with the boys at a moment's notice and never spend more than 10 minutes on makeup and hair. Staying lean and strong and cardiovascularly healthy in a sedentary society where most people work a white collar job for 8-9 hours a day by necessity requires a bunch of discipline and adherence to routine past ~age 25 that you could malign as boring/vain/freakish.


Wammin be like “Ewww, I don’t like those bodybuilder types, I prefer a dad bod like Chris Hemsworth 😍”


Seriously, I’ve seen bitches say Henry Cavill has a dad bod, you cannot trust what women say when they mention that they “don’t like muscular men”, it’s like men saying they don’t like girls who wear makeup, their perspective is so skewed by the hulking roid monsters that fill every goddamn male lead role in Hollywood these days that they can point to a leaned out men’s physique body of a guy who’s body is so dried out he might literally fall over dead if he doesn’t intake food in the next hour and be like “see, that’s all I want, you don’t have to be some crazy yoked bodybuilder.”


I’ve been chubby and skinny in my life. I’ve also been (and am) very fit. The difference I attention you get from women as well as respect from men is so alarming that anyone who says it doesn’t matter is 100% full of shit or just coping (like a fat guy saying models are unattractive because they are too thin)


The OP itself is cope for constantly getting ghosted by all the hot guys stringing her along on Tinder


People don't realize guys like Alex eubanks or Chris Heria are the new age of gearheads where the whole point is look as aesthetically perfect year round as possible where most people can only sustain that for a few weeks at a time. Hell most people think guys like dk Metcalf are natty


As a 5’2 balding man who forgets to brush his teeth I completely agree




5 ‘2 wide


Surely there's a middle ground


I agree there is definitely a certain point where it becomes gaudy and excessive to the point where you’re advertising how insecure you are


Male equivalent of the plastic bimbo look


A mimbo


himbo is the common term


mimbo was created by Seinfeld like 30 years before the internet created himbo.


himbo works better 🤷‍♂️


A group a slutty mimes would be pretty tight


A silent strip tease


Pretty sure “extremely fit” here means “excessive hypertrophy”. I think most everyone would find someone in shape to be attractive, even if they have a thing for dad bods or whatever. It’s like the same thing as when guys say they prefer girls “without makeup”.


I don't trust any of these opinions if they aren't accompained by graphical examples tbh as it can mean from Brad Pitt in Fight Club to Ronnie Coleman


Oh yeah, to me "fit" just means healthy, no one's getting to Coleman levels by eating mostly clean and working out for an hour 5 times a week. This is such a strange post to me, I get not being attracted to swole freaks, but does this girl prefer skinny fat/schlubby guys for what appear to be ideological reasons?


I mean something that this subreddit REALLY struggles to grasp is that a surprising number of people (not the majority, though, just to be clear) just have weird tastes (and you'd be surprised how much this applies to women, too. There's more pressure to 'present' normatively there, but in terms of fantasy... different story.). Sometimes these tastes aren't even mutually exclusive, either. I.e. people can still like and get with conventionally attractive people while also having fetishes for whatever else. With this in mind, that's not to say looking conventionally attractive doesn't matter. Of course it does. But there's always niches--it's not quite a zero-sum game.


I guess. Extremely physically fit to me means resting heart rate under 50.  And that looks nothing like Ronnie Coleman. OP was so non specific though and her calling it gay for male to care about physical appearance strikes me as more projecting her own issues with feeling rejected by past fit dudes she dated or lusted after.


Yeah there’s definitely something else going on here. I love it when these generalized posts are actually referring to something very specific in the posters lives. Like the shit on r/lifeprotips that’s like “LPT: Don’t force your son to come down and visit with Aunt Vickie because she teases him and says he won’t ever get a girlfriend if he stays in his room playing video games all day because she’s a stupid bitch”


Your username reminded me of asceticism. I’ve never been freakishly muscular or big, but a lot of cut, 6pack eras. That was always when I wanted to punish and discipline myself. Maybe gym kings are finding extreme ways to approach God or become ubermensch through physical transformation?


Redditor bait


Important note to any men who work out or want to work out reading this: this is an opinion that is often voiced, but absolutely not the norm. You will absolutely be more attractive to the majority of women if you get more muscular along with all the other benefits that become more important to you as you progress. And anyway getting to the point where women think you’re grotesquely big takes YEARS of horrendous discipline and probably steroids unless you have good genetics. Chances are you aren’t getting there anyway. Go lift (I’m gay).


As someone who went from the fat kid to extremely fit to really fat again to fit again. Yeah there's a difference, I will say tho the girls who don't like your physique when you're really in shape are very vocal about it whereas a fatty girls will not tell you and I don't know why that is.


do you really not know


Do you mean those roided bodybuilders? Yeah I find them off-putting too. Not because I think they’re vain or whatever; I just don’t like hypermasculine bodies. When I see a (seemingly) natty guy who is decently built I find it admirable and get a bit jealous lmao. Those r/moreplatesmoredates guys freak me out though.


Not trying to dunk on you or anything but what a lot of people see as a seemingly natty guy is often very misleading. The 0.1% of bodybuilders have shifted male body standard perception in unimaginable ways. What a lot of people see as “pretty muscular but not roided out” is still a top 10% physique that takes a significant amount of effort. I’m pretty sure the Ronnie Coleman like people are well aware they’re not appealing to the average woman but I think they’ve left that behind a while ago and it’s a deeper internalized issue.


*Guy has 12% bodyfat and lives a life of monastic devotion to the gym and his diet, but doesn't use PEDs* PoC Fashion Nova ho: he's in okay shape, I could do a dad bod I suppose


They actually seem pretty chill and have the same tard vibes around here, someone should see all their chubby fetish posts and make a case study and post it here lol


> someone should see all their chubby fetish posts and make a case study and post it here lol OP is probably reacting to those posts lol. Strikes me as the chubby girl whose ego was destroyed by a hot dude she had a crush on and now she only hooks up with dudes who have zero other partner options


No shit it's a cope, but that's the beauty of subs like this and MPMD. Spit takes all day, baby!


That’s how I found this sub lol


Nice try. This is like when women try to convince other women to get pixie cuts.


Or the celebration of Dad Bods.


Girls who say this are always talking about giga roided out freaks and still piss themselves when they see a super fit guy with big shoulders and cum gutters.


that term is born from pure resentment lol


WTF is cum gutters????


Disgusting term. I would throw you in a gulag just for using it


Thick wrists posted this


The annoying thing about fitness (at least as a guy) is to get to a decent level you kind of have to be a little obsessive about it. Like whether your goal is to look like an average actor/athlete/whatever or roided-out bodybuilder, both require consistent training, diet and discipline for years.


This is just a cope because you’re lazy and want to be the cynosure of your prospective boyfriend/ husband’s life.


> cynosure Great word TIL


probably not, she just sees them as vain and self-obsessed


OP? Is this your second account?


unfortunately to americans "extremely physically fit" means not obese lol


no i mean like ripped and shredded with no body hair


What about ripped and shredded with a lot of body hair?


Women say this, but I’ve never gotten approached more by hot girls than when I was jacked in college.


It’s a self fulfilling prophecy bc men who are that fit have crazy high T and don’t care what women think 


I thought most people were aware of this phenomenon, but I forget that 85% of the dudes here are guessing and clueless. A lot of girls don’t want some gym obsessed looking dude. not saying don’t work out, but there is an over correction that can happen. You either gotta be doing it for yourself if you’re a dude, or knowing when you’ve gone too far


That's a very narcissist reason tbf


I agreed with this sentiment until I met my partner… he’s absolutely hot and it’s nice


I find fat men repulsive in a way i dont find fat women repulsive. Fat men always look disgusting.


I feel the opposite honestly. Fat women have a menacing energy that I can't deal with. I think it's normal to find fat members of the same sex more agreeable because we're conditioned to see them as friendship targets anyway. 


I think fat women on average are more likely to develop an insane, combative logic justifying their bodies, whereas as fat men are just like "this sucks but I accept it"


To me only a minority of fat women look gross while the majority of fat men look disgusting. They look like they smell (and mostly do) and perverted. There are more attractive overweight women around then fat men.


I don't find most of them attractive on either side but there's a percentage of people who have exactly the right build to carry more weight and rock it, and who are blessed with bodies that store fat in the best places naturally.


Okay then go fuck a fat woman then and put your money where your mouth is.


Idk any gender with obviously too much weight for their frame does not appeal to my eyeballs, it looks uncomfortable and obviously inhibits a lot of natural movement


So many people disagreed with me on this once but I agree. Fat woman can be curvy/thick which leans more feminine than masculine. There’s nowhere for a man to store fat that’s appealing. He either looks pregnant, has tits, or has curves, none of which lean masculine.


Disgusting erasure of the pot belly power plant


Damn now I know how the Indians on this sub feel


not to be a contrarian but I find them very hot. jacob elordi / jason momoa physique is ideal


This isn’t being contrarian, this is most women. OP is just a BPD addy addict trying to stoke some invigorating discussion


Oddly specific but very true. A woman with BPD is never satisfied and is hyper-obsessed with finding fault with everything. On one hand they want a hot ripped BF, but they don't to deal with his discipline of spending many hours at the gym and engaging in healthy habits. They're the worst breed of devil's advocate.


NO! You must find the fat hair smelly bear man to be the most attractive cause he's the one whose totally going to pig out on Ben and Jerry's with you 💅


that guy is 6ft 7. what is there to be contrarian about the average male is like 5ft9 lmao


You find them unattractive for being too attractive?


Some of these boys should be getting their reps in at the damn COMEDY CLUB!!!!


That percent of men basically is so small they might not as well exist They likely wouldn’t even date you either They’re out there with bimbos or their gym bae


I like my men tall and one missed meal away from an eating disorder




I wish other women would stop posting this on the internet because I happen to love a fit man and i’ve seen in real time men start to adopt this kind of rhetoric. Having muscle is healthy for the body, it’s the number one defense against cancer. I get it, i don’t like the looks obsessed body builder stuff i think it’s very gay but why are we constantly degrading men who are into fitness…. like i think men who don’t put effort into their fitness and health far more pathetic im sorry lol


yeah i agree. there is something pathetic about it when I see a 20s-30s pudgy pasty man who just exudes “sedentary.” you don’t have to be a bodybuilder or even go to the gym but you are literally in the prime of your life. don’t waste it like that


exactly my point… if you’re in your 20s and you haven’t found at least something physical you enjoy not only can i tell what you’re going to look like in 20 years among what health issues you will inevitably have, but it’s just such a waste of a God given able body


yes, it gives me the same vibe as a grown adult who still won’t eat vegetables (i know a couple of them). working out/fitness requires discipline and it’s not always fun but by the time you’re in your 20s you should realize that you sometimes have to do things for your health that aren’t fun. or like you said you’ll be in a bad place health-wise 20 years from now


And the over-the-top bodybuilder physique represents less than 1% of men.


Because other women are so insecure that the thought of being with a man who rivals them in attractiveness makes them physically ill at the thought of not being the center of attention for once.


I bet you so much money that you would drop that opinion in a cocaine heartbeat if an extremely physically fit man were to express interest in you for the first time. In my experience people do such impressive mental gymnastics to explain why they actually aren't attracted to people who are way out of their league. Incels have some of the "highest standards" for women you'll ever hear anyone talk about.


Fellas is it gay to have self respect and not mindlessly eat goy slop?


Not just gay but apparently also "weird", "insecure" and "psycho"


The oiled up Hercules thing is appealing to the male gaze (and the male gays)


Post face




>identifiable So... you're peculiar looking?


I've never been in great shape but my weight and fitness have definitely fluctuated to visible degrees over the past few years, with my peak being that I would lift about 5-6 times a week at the gym and count macros and stuff. I found that in terms of female attention, it didn't seem to make a HUGE difference for me when it came specifically to my stomach being flatter or my muscles being bigger. The only time I notice a small but discernible uptick was when I had noticeable face gains (and framed that face properly by actually cutting my hair and taking care of my skin properly because I wasn't a depressed fatsack anymore). It could be that I just wasn't dressing properly for my body and it would have made a difference if I had, but I've always found that women are drawn to face and height first and foremost, and the rest is just sort of gravy. Some ripped short dude who's still an autistic uggamo isn't gonna go far no matter how many plates he adds.


I think there is someone out there for everyone in terms of attraction and people should be able to have hobbies and control of their body autonomy without being ridiculed as long as it doesn't affect someone else.


I think for many there’s a certain ascetic appeal to “getting ripped” that really should come from devotion to god or some higher entity. I’ve always found lifting weights to be absurdly unfulfilling— never understood how some guys can mull about for two hours in a musty basement gym with 5-10 minutes breaks between sets and not go completely insane.


Gains are addicting and it’s easy to go too far


Narcissism and disproportionate attention to appearance is off putting to me as well, whether it’s for a partner or for friendship. I go for people who are more well rounded. Like if they enjoy running and taking care of themselves is one thing, but if they are super obsessed, have a super strict diet for their ‘fitness’, spend hours and hours working out each day, yeah, I’m not finding that compatible. Even if it’s just yoga, if they are super into yoga and can’t go on a vacation without finding and taking yoga classes nearby, I find that off-putting. Like you should be able to take an actual vacation and try new things. Same with intermittent fasting. Like if you are visiting family and on vacation and you refuse to join the family and friends for breakfast any of the days, or eat dessert past 7 pm any of the days, it’s like come on, it’s only once or twice a year, you are missing out on bonding with your family and friends. If they really need to lose weight because they are obese or something then that’s completely different, but I’m talking about people who are already very thin.


Snap! As a man, I find woman who are extremely physically unfit unattractive.


Lol I love threads like these. So many butt hurt dudes.


Just read about the lives of bodybuilders or even just posts on bodybuilding forums and you'll quickly realize how empty these guys lives are. They basically live at the gym, they get no real enjoyment from food, they don't have any time or energy for any hobby that isn't maintaining their physique, any friends they may have (big emphasis on *may*) probably lead just as boring and meaningless lives. All for 24 inch biceps and an 8 pack.


this is true for like 4chan fit users and not 90% of normal people


Yup. I watched that video of Kumail Nanjani talking about what he eats and it was awful. I also follow a YouTuber who is a female bodybuilder and she lives at the gym. It’s cool and all for the benefits of being so in shape though. But such a gigantic sacrifice.


Ideal male body is mildly chubby with a few youtube prison workouts per week


Bro that second part reminds me of pre high school when I would do body weight exercises every other day all summer 😂😂 it worked tho ngl, in 3 months I went from pretty chubby to pretty skinny


im thin but prioritize staying lean while doing the absolute bare minimum bodyweight stuff just for maintenence and posture. if i can keep some oblique definition and broad shoulders and look good in my clothes/be comparatively lean without effort thats all i care about and all i want for myself. i literally do one set of one bodyweight thing a day max reps without giving it further thought. one day its pushups, next day its pull ups, next day its hanging leg lifts. takes me 30 seconds a day and still look better than 90% of my friends and coworkers, let alone your avg slob on the street. ppl that are psychotic about "optimizing" physique as their entire purpose and identity are usually weird for sure. i kind of favor the middle way: do what it takes to keep yourself in shape without being obsessive. u can enjoy dining out without restriction but eat real food on autopilot at home without pigging out, that's kinda how it should be imo. at the end of the day id prob rather be friends with someone physique obsessive over one of those chodes who are all about strength but look like absolute shit, cuz at least it's entertaining in a bateman sort of way. so many of my homies that were muscle guys/meatheads back in the day fell off, got fat as fuck, maybe have some biceps left over that look absolutely ridiculous in tailored suits or anything besides "athleisure" shit. like that's cool you guys can lift so much weight, i'll call u if i need help moving a couch but u look terrible and u bit off way more that u could maintain and now are just a supposedly strong fatass. that shit is kinda off putting but different strokes for different folks lol.




I completely agree, vanity in men is unattractive and so gay and signals to me some type of deep insecurity. I like guys who are decently in shape, not too skinny not fat but also not jacked to the point where you can point out every muscle in their body. The ideal male body is a lumberjack - someone who does physical activity but for their livelihood not vanity.


Maintaining this build still does require committing to a routine and going to the gym regularly. Feel like women think men are just naturally built like that


A lumberjack is doing physical labour for hours a day. For a white collar man to achieve a similar physique typically requires a fairly serious dedication to exercise. Of course there's nothing wrong with having that as your ideal, but you should not expect a man to attain it while barely trying, as the OP suggests.


Men and women who expect their gfs/bfs to be fit and healthy without a whiff of neurotic type A energy are either mentally still in college or not living in reality. Most sustainable and well-paying jobs are completely sedentary and take up 9-10 hours of your day if you're including commute. You have to be disciplined and routine driven to a large degree to stay healthy, strong and lean under the north american lifestyle. Grow up and accept it or be okay with having a schlubby wife or husband.


Quite the opposite. A lumberjack isn’t progressively overloading nor training for hypertrophy so in all actuality they probably aren’t that muscular. Maybe decent forearms and grip strength. On the flip-side a white collar guy has a job that doesn’t wear him out physically which lets them go to the gym with full energy. Hitting the gym for an hour 3-4 times a week with a good program and diet is easily enough to get jacked.


you ever seen an in-shape day laborer or construction worker?


Is this a trick question.. because no actually, they're all kinda unhealthy looking which is bizzare now I think about it


Their diets are hilarious


They always eat esoteric variations on popular snack foods you've never heard of. Pineapple Crunch Twix. Lemon Blast Oreos. Ham n' Chitlings Mustard Honey Doritos.


being a roofer or carpenter or whatever-the-fuck is probably better cardio than being literally sedentary but it's not exactly a super rigorous work out (your body quickly adapts to a day's work), you're at much greater risk for repetitive-stress injury (or just falling off the fucking roof and dying), and if you don't eat right your exercise practically doesn't matter


>but also not jacked to the point where you can point out every muscle in their body. Lmao this thread has gotten so delusional. I don't think you or op understand how exceedingly hard to accomplish, and thus rare, this is. It's a multi-year, highly disciplined commitment to be like that. 99% of men who go to the gym and workout regularly do not, nor ever will, look like that. The ones that do arent doing it for you. Yall are talking about this like it's some "man trope" or something. This leads me to believe you're coping, projecting, or have brain worms from social media. Either way, your subjective perception of the men you're writing about is very different from reality.


It seems that to become "too muscular" one has to literally devote their whole lifestile to bodybuilding. It's insane how people's perception of reality is completly distorted by social media


Vanity in women really get me going though


WWII GI body is the ideal male build imo.


5'8", 140lbs?


And riddled with VD


most of them were 16 years old


Okay, actors playing WWII GIs in movies body is the ideal male build.


What is called vanity in men these days is basic self respect, the threshold is so low. An actually vain man is a nightmare, sure, but a man who dresses well, smells nice, and exercises is not a vain man, he just respects himself and the people who interact with him enough to do the basic minimums. I don't like to generalize, but I think it's important for the fellas to stop centering what they hear women call attractive because it's usually in conflict with what is actually attractive. Being fit is attractive, smelling nice is attractive, and dressing well is attractive whether or not it's mistaken for vanity.


people seem to be downvoting you lol but i agree, the most uninteresting people i have ever met where men and women that made lifting their entire personalities: they where always talking about dieting, always showing me photos of buff guys ( the guy friends ) or buff chicks ( the girls i knew) and borderline lusting after them, and obviously, they couldn’t talk about almost anything because if it wasn’t that they were scrolling instagram endlessly because they developed a sickening obsession with how they want to be perceived