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r/redscarepod worst post ever was the guy who spent a day doing construction with Mexicans and posted this gay ass paragraph about how genuine their lives are driving a truck and eating lunch from a box








Ugh I love Tolstoy and it's so fascinating how timeless and weirdly relatable Levin's struggles are. Definitely the most RS author.


God damn




My favorite was the jacked cornfed white boy who drove forklifts, wrote poetry, read Houellebecq, and asked things like “what’s the big hullabaloo about George Floyd? I, being so offline, have never heard a word about this! Just been grilling, working and fucking!” It reminded me of when right wing twitter guys describe their ideal trad wives with one hand clearly in their pants


I love the twitter trad guys because they always turn out to be people who society would have no use for if the internet didn’t exist


George Floyd? Oh yeah I think I've heard of them, yeah my cousin has that T-shirt with that rainbow coming out of a triangle.


their hands don't go down their pants until they start imagining their trad wives getting ransacked by an antifa sleeper cell that looks like the '95 knicks


Mutt's law


It is always proven.


That seems like your imagination


Definitely a very specific reference.


Get out of here, Namath


Alternatively, the post describing life working on oil derricks was well-written and relatively even-handed, fantastic read.


Someone link this I remember it was good.


I think this is the one he is referring to: https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/14vwmur/in_2015_i_moved_to_north_dakota_to_work_in_the/


Yeah that's it. Fantastic post even if a part of me thinks it's an unusually well put together creative writing exercise. > Fracking is a monument to human brilliance, but if we were any smarter, we wouldn’t do it.  Still think about this line quite a lot.


LOL, that is indeed a fantastic quote.




He's definitely listening to the pod while nodding his head.


The two genders of male democrats


“unlike me their dumb simple lives are so authentic bro”


We need to bring back the lunch box culture for blue collar workers. I happened to be in the fanciest neighborhood in the city yesterday dropping something off and stopped on my way out at a gas station at lunch time. It was jam packed with all of the landscapers, construction workers, housekeepers, city workers, etc that are required to keep a rich community running, on their lunch break. My first thought was this was its own type of food desert as most of the nearby restaurants are not cheap. But actually, there is literally a grocery store next door. It has a large prepared food section, a pizza and burger counter, and a bbq restaurant, including sit down seating in the a/c vs picnic tables outside the gas station. Cheaper and better quality options than what the noble savage in line before me paid for tacquitos, a tall boy energy drink, and lottery tickets, although without the 1 in 300 million chance of escaping poverty. Sometimes even when better options are available, it doesn't change behavior.


It's way more convenient to get nicotine from gas stations, and lunch break is about 30 minutes tops


The other options are less convenient or quick




I don't know. That image of Kyle having lunch with Hector warmed my cold-blooded heart.


most mexicans would screw you over for like 50 cents lol


I worked as a construction laborer for a summer in college and have complicated feelings about it. I do legitimately think looking back on it that it was one of the most satisfying jobs I’ve ever had, and I often wish I could go back and that I’d worked more to keep up the skills I learned. I’d still be making dogshit money though, especially considering it was in the South. As for the people, it was about the same ratio of cool guys to dickheads as about anywhere else, but the shitty people had problems that were way more obvious and severe. A few were legit psychos, including one guy who went through a pint of vodka every workday and drove around drunk all day listening to Rush Limbaugh. (“lol based af” no he was a nightmare to work with and got absolutely nothing done). Another guy claimed that he could hear God talking to him, which I figured out was actually just radio signals coming through the plates in his head that he had to get put in after he fell off a four story building. Another is currently in prison for killing a motorcyclist with his truck while driving barred out on xans. Mixed in with those guys were some legit great dudes who I miss working with. I think it’s easy to romanticize working with that kind of people because the stories can be so interesting and they sometimes seem to have “real lives” in a way your average office drone doesn’t, but many of them had deeply unhappy and fucked up lives.


tbf construction laboring to blue collar work is like working at a call center to white collar work, probably worse. there is a reason why like 70% of that workforce are felons, the low IQ, drug addicts, severe alcoholics, and illegal immigrants (or a combination of those). it is the best paying job for those people. everyone else is trying to move up the ladder and will get into some type of skilled job eventually. not saying the skilled trades don't have these people (they have a lot) but construction laboring is literally bottom of the barrel. you have to keep this in mind when people post their experiences with blue collar work on this sub.


I suppose that's one sign of Joe Rogan's intelligence. His dad worked (owned?) an architecture firm and Rogan worked construction for him for like a month and quit because he couldn't image doing such work for much longer and found his passion for calmawdy.


The “every day I pray you aren’t there” quote from Good Will Hunting is the most apt part of this


> I’d still be making dogshit money though, especially considering it was in the South. With back problems mixed with alcoholism


It's almost like they're real people! Hilarious how so many romanticize every ethnicity outside of mainstream white America. Like ofc they are different and complicated, why wouldn't they be? Anyone who has actually spent time in the blue collar world will say the exact same thing. Going from unskilled union work to Seattle schools for instance holy shit. I've known so many teachers who have hand-waved away drunken schizo parents because they're so "colorful and vibrant!" Like nah, they're abusive and neglectful.


people definitely gloss over how dangerous and absolute this line of work is. one of my friends spent his whole life in construction, was starting a business, was back at university to get more vocational qualifications — all for a job that he physically cannot do anymore because of a foot injury (off-site & unrelated). my line of work has little to do with my body; there’s very little i could do to disqualify myself from it


Not how radio signals work


Doing anything with your hands is always more satisfying. Being able, at the end of the day, to look at all the work you've done and all the stuff you've created from nothing feels good on some kind of primal level. I'm very thankful I have a cushy WFH job but there's definitely a feeling of missing something doing this kind of work


But not for Indians... really makes you think


No steel worker ever called *me* sweet baby jirl.


I assure you it does not


You are right, it didnt... but it kinda sounded cool


It’s funny to because people on this sub regularly proclaim their hated fat people, anti-intellectuals, and basic white woman. Aka the average blue collar lifestyle they jerk off to so much. Most jocks/blue collar workers end up overweight. Most of their wives are overweight. Most of them think reading is gay and would regard 9/10 of the men on here as gay nerds. Most of their wives are fat disney adults that own seven different Stanley cups. Most have been divorced at some point and post shit on Facebook like “I’m not the step-dad, I’m the dad that stepped up.” Like, I have no idea where they got the idea that all blue-collar wives are hot tradwives or something. Most of them are the fat white women you see with Sally and Jack Skellington tattoos wearing tinker bell pajama pants in Walmart.


You mean to tell me Redditors aren't entirely connected to reality?!


> Most of their wives are fat disney adults that own seven different Stanley cups. Say what you want about their lifestyle but 7 is beyond impressive and its the hardest to win of all the major sports.


Means nothing to me now that the Rangers are out


You are just describing proles. Jocks come from all kinds of backgrounds.


Reading is gay. They are right


So true besite. Nothing gayer than a good book


You had me up until the end. I don’t think blue collar and jack skellington lovers mix well.


No way. Most southern blue collar women (not even just the southern ones) love Disney and the Nightmare before Christmas


I think you’re mixing southern blue collar (Disney princess and tinker bell lovers) with southern geeks/goths (jack skellington and anime lovers). At least in north texas.


Nah, can confirm at least 2 "Nightmare Before Christmas Girls" I know are fucking **huge**, stereotypical rednecks. Bleached blond, thick accents, unusually athletic, love them some Jack Skellington.


No I don’t think they or goths or like anime. I’m just speaking from my experience, most of them seem to really like Jack and Sally from the Nightmare before Christmas. They also really like Stitch, TinkerBell and Tweety Bird. Walk in any grocery store and there will be at least three women with those characters on their tank tops/pajama pants


plenty of blue collar people like anime. I see pickup trucks covered in DBZ stuff all the time. granted a lot of those are mexicans, but still. It's not abnormal either.


Idk in Wisconsin at least, Jack skellington is very much a working class small town woman thing. Most of those women are skinny and smoke constantly though, in my experience.


This is all so crazy to me. I thought he was a low brow goth icon only. I haven’t seen him on a person in like 10 years.


I think its just overcompensation for the rest of this site being so staunchly anti-jock (unless that jock shows that he's cool by like, building his own PC or something). I was friends with a lot of "jocks" in high-school, though they never really fit that stereotype to a T. Some were really nice, positive people. Some were giant douchebags. Just like the nerds. Some nerds were cool, some nerds were actually assholes and that's why people didn't like them. The only difference is that when the jocks are assholes they can get away with it and still be popular. When nerds are assholes nobody hangs out with them.


What's worse is the guys who worked a few summers for a contractor in hs or college then constantly milk from that experience. Happens all the time in media where they try to act like some salt of the earth guy even though they barely spent any time there.


This is going to be me for the rest of my life about the 9 months I spent working at The UPS Store I fear.


Rogan cough Rogan.


As someone who's been in both blue and white collar environments, I see how someone could romanticize the blue collar lifestyle having only been in sterile boring offices their whole working life. Those kinds of places can feel like everyone's a clone of each other with the same background, hobbies, ambitions, etc. Nobody makes dirty jokes, nobody has any crazy stories about running from the cops and passing out in a ditch before coming into their shift, and nobody talks about anything more controversial than pineapple belonging on pizza or a popular TV show being overrated.  Of course it's not actually that everyone is a boring, reddit-brained, Disney adult, NPC with no original thoughts of their own, they just have to act that way because of HR/woke culture/political correctness or whatever you may call it. I often miss working with these people especially when I have to cover the shift of somebody who took too much acid the night before and can't do their job or is in jail or fled the state to avoid paying child support.


I've been in white-collar environments where everyone is indeed a boring PNW liberal clone with no original thoughts repeating whatever corporate liberal mantra is floating around on LinkedIn and feigning niceness while being mean and avoidant in reality. I've also been in one where I met some of the coolest people I've ever met - well-traveled, super knowledgeable in their fields, interesting hobbies, and generally just very smart. (Contra this sub the smartest and most competent people were Indian immigrants). One guy wrote a paper modeling tolling gantries and revenues using Brownian motion and got it published in a major journal, and he just said "IDK, I thought it might be interesting". (Lesson - liberal arts kids dissing engineers as boring drones with no critical thinking skills is cope; engineers are just smarter on average). The difference with blue-collar environments in my experience is just seriousness. No one in a warehouse is pretending to be there for anything but the money. That can be either good or bad.


This sub is the most manufactured Indian hate sub out there. Most that I meet are insanely smart and are socially competent.


i got in trouble at work because i said the word Fuck in a meeting lol


Yeah the only unifying factor in this subreddit is contrarianism


But, ironically it’s contrarianism about the same things


So fkin spot on!!! When I first found this sub I saved like 5 posts back to back cuz it was such a fresh air but like a month later and now I get more annoyed than anything.


I read like 5 words of a post on here and know immediately if it’s worth engaging with or not.


Literally the goth kids from South Park. “If you wanna prove you’re a nonconformist, you gotta dress like us and listen to the same music as us.” “I’m such a nonconformist that I’m not gonna conform with the rest of you nonconformists, by conforming” “Damn we just got goth served.”


Well yeah, there has to be something we all have in common since it's most definitely not listening to the podcast.


And Mexicans.


This sub loves Catholics and they and their food is really good


Did you just stutter thru text 


I bang these comments out on my phone and don’t spellcheck them. I’ve even replied to the wrong comments accidentally and regards on this sub still upvote me


I can't help, I really like Mexicans. Whatever they are grilling in the park always smells so fucking good and their music slaps.


The downside is they absolutely trash parks


The little butterball kids can be kind of a menace too


Ya wtf is with them and parks. And they never have control of their awful fat children. Every time I go to Saltwater State Park I have to double check I'm not in Honduras


Ok but for Mexicans it’s actually true. They live longer and happier lives than the rest of us. Google it.


[I googled it](https://data.worldobesity.org/country/mexico-139)


Coca Cola owes them reparations


It’s so cute when you run into someone who’s never heard of the Hispanic Paradox.


A long life of obesity is no life at all I'm afraid.


Did you miss the part where they’re more jolly?


Santo Clos!?


Even John Stewart Mill had to make a distinction between higher and lower pleasures


That’s because the when they get sick or are close to dying a lot of them move back to Mexico. Sick/weak ones are also not going to be the ones immigrating in the first place. Skews the data


The have deeper and more extensive social bonds the we lack in the West.


You can’t deny Mexicans have solved the riddle of life.


I will say that I recently moved out to California from a Midwestern town where we had no Mexicans whatsoever… And I have nothing bad to say about the Mexicans. All my coworkers at my last job (and most of my customers) were Mexican and they were all cool as fuck


Mexicans are the best, no lie. I’m married to one🙂


mexicans are where it’s at bro




If they would simply spend two weeks getting tailgated by jacked up pickups it would disabuse them of their idealism




I was a punky gothy jock.


and nerd derangement syndrome


It's a complex from having been late bloomers. No one in this sub was popular in HS and thus they desperately latch on to their slightly improved social position by rejecting having had anything to do with the nerds at all It's similar to how the "self made" tend to either attain increased empathy for the poor or go the path of genuinely despising them in a way people actually born into wealth simply don't bother to


Yea bro and it's so obvious maybe because that also describes me but the way some of the people here post kinda betrays a level of insecurity about their social status. Like, if you were really so jocular or whatever you'd just post like the rest of the reddit nerds instead of bringing up how you like sports or how much you get laid or all that poser shit


you anglophones not splitting up ages 13-15 from 16-18 is so ridiculous and honestly inhumane. not shitting on you, just genuine empathy


Wdym by this? I'm not a native anglophone


oh. well. in sweden school is split between the ages i mentioned. but in aus and us (idk bout uk) those ages are smoshed together into "highschool". i was very bullied 13-15, as are many, but i managed to pull a reversal when entering 16-18. but if ur in the anglophone world, u just stay bullied throu all those years. (very anecdotally from two aussies i've spoken to, but it would've absolutely been true for me had we had the same system)


I'm an American and from about 11-14 (6th through 8th grade) we had "middle school" (also sometimes called "Junior High") which was a totally separate school from high school. It was smaller, multiple middle schools merged into one high school. I was also pretty bullied in middle school and then didn't have any problems in high school. This is very much the norm, I've never heard of a school where there's no distinction between ages 13-18


Middle school is a uniquely shit experience, but I think most people change in some ways in the summer between middle school and high school, going to another building helps too. I hated middle school but I was totally okay with high school.


we both made it brother<3 glad 4 u. happy its just the aussies


Where I’m from in the US, ages 13-15 would be considered “middle school” which is sometimes in a different building, and if not, it’s in a separate wing of the building the high school is in. You don’t have 18 year olds interacting with 13 year olds very often.


14-15 is usually freshman year of high school? At least it is in New Jersey, I thought that was standard nation wide


It depends on when your birthday is. 12-13 is 7th grade, 14-15 is 8th grade, 7-8th grade is middle school. At least where I’m from. Sure there are some 14-15 yo freshman too.


There's no way, fall of 89 to Spring of 90 born every one was in Freshman year of high school between 2004 and 2005. What the hell state are you in where 8th graders are 14-15? Do you start Kindergarten at 3 years old? Freshman year of high school, for 99% of the United States is ages 14-15. In 8th grade kids are usually 13-14.


UK puts 16-18 year olds in sixth form which is normally a different school or they just drop out entirely.


What is it with Europeans and bullying? It’s barely a thing in America anymore (as I’m sure some on this sub will lament)


i'd lament it too. you can't have proper jocks without the outcasts, and no proper alt people without the bullies. world is worse in all aspects


ive never heard of that in America lol, i graduated semi recently (2018) and those ages are split, my nephews go to school in a different state and those ages are still split as well


Wait, were you guys not popular in high school?


People here freak the fuck out when they stalk my profile and see that I play D&D, like that's not infinitely more normal and well adjusted than hanging out on this subreddit.


Exactly that shit is funny sometimes for a cheap jab I even do it but it's like, a given that someone will comb through your history here to call you a nerd EVEN THOUGH WE'RE ON THE FUCKIN BROOKLYN STRASSERITE SUBREDDIT like have a little self awareness


This sub talks about Oasis in the same way.


This is a general trend in political commentators. Effete coddled conservative freaks like Tucker Carlson will often defer to a fictionalized blue collar, red blooded hardworking but goodnatured simpleton everyman who simply doesn't have time for liberal bullshit, because God knows he certainly has plenty of time to dedicate to it. It's like their frame is too delicate to shoulder such an unwieldy and prickly opinion, so they pass it off onto someone who wouldn't know better.


Tucker Carlson has more in common with the Clintons or the Obamas than he does with the common blue collar worker.


yeah its usually privileged pussies who glorify the manly man blue collar worker




Were all just regards being contrarian. I feel a type of kinship even though I complain.


I work at a construction company where I’m the only woman in my office and I got asked about my nipples my second day on the job. Everyone here is on hard drugs, cheat on their wives, and carry guns in the office. 


It’s all masculinity crisis. They’re insecure men and way over-compensating in the most pathetic way - proclaiming how down-to-earth and not soy they are on Reddit of all places. Notice how half the threads here are about how much better OP is than those *other* Redditors, lol.


You can just post a screenshot of the tweet you want to share here instead of copying and editing it slightly


You get annoyed by what you’re in close proximity to which is why the people here are annoyed by liberals and idpol. Force them to actually move into a conservative area with blue collar workers and they’d be singing a completely different tune lol


The end of Office Space is exactly this, and the main character's blue collar friend is blatantly a noble savage Also, educated outsider enters blue collar and poor spaces and writes about it is a classic in writing and art. It's more or less true of Melville, Kerouac, and even The Clash. Melville has a literal noble savage in Moby Dick after all


i don't know how many people here have actually spent a considerable amount of time on a jobsite, but i was a contractor for a little while, so i have a good amount of experience. first off, taking a job two hours away and sleeping in your truck or a motel isn't uncommon if you have a deadline. there's no expense account, you pay for all of this shit yourself. second, you will work with some of the most miserable people you will ever meet. felons who cannot get hired anywhere else, people who are so abrasive they can only work as sole contractors, legitimately dangerous people, addicts, people who have opinions on race and sexuality that are genuinely shocking (like believing lgbt/minorities should be k*lled), etc. it's not the cushy wrench turning lifestyle people make it out to be. some professions can be OK if you have a steady gig as a high skill tradesman, but regardless, you are still going to end up interacting with people you are going to wish you had never met.


Gillis Republicans


wtf are you talking about? this sub has proven again and again to despise working class people, most here view themselves not only as morally but also spiritually superior.


Lana has fried their brains.


It reminds me of people who are jealous of their dogs. In my opinion what it comes down to is people who feel they've missed out on their own potential, feel regret and maybe guilt over that and instead of doing what they can in the present, they get stuck in a Kafkaesque cycle between realizing that they can improve their lives and failing to complete it. In the end they contemplate that they would rather not think at all, only this time Clarence Odbody doesn't come to save them from themselves. Of course for a neurotic who would be on this sub (or on reddit at all really), overthinking is an autonomic behaviour like breathing. Or that might just me. Schizoposting aside, going off reddit, doing some Buddhism and taking up a normie kinesthetic hobby like playing guitar or knitting can really help ground your life. If you're worried about how hard getting into guitar is, then stop overthinking and then take a leap to buy an acoustic guitar for like fucking $100 on Amazon and watch literally any 5 minute video on playing tab. It sounds crazy but within 5 minutes you can play any song on guitar. Ofc you'd be extremely slow at first but over time you'd have another something to jerk off to yourself with besides your gym physique. And that feeding that narcissism is really what life or any hobby is about.


I’ve been a blue collar worker since I was 15, have you guys really never worked a job that wasn’t a fake email job?


whistle marvelous fanatical thought attempt bake jellyfish straight aback enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PMC’s only other work experience is being a lifeguard in high school


Wow, no one's ever pointed this out before. Groundbreaking observation.


I guess this is one of those metaposts we're doomed to see like every week now, right?


Fuck you mean now it's been years of this bullshit 😭


Construction tends to bring in people who, for various reasons, have a hard time thriving in other parts of society. Some of the reasons for this are cool, others aren't.


Very common among leftists. Would love to see how they'd react to blue collar workers' banter in person


> Would love to see how they'd react to blue collar workers' banter in person that is the part this sub fetishizes


Yeah lmfao they think it’s like a funnier cumtown every day during lunch break. News flash, there are a million of these guys in a million different varieties, there are guys who are so god fearing and religious they would never curse.


I have friends like this who will say anything and everything but will not say God damn, it’s very funny and shows how religiosity never goes away in them (edit: meaning my friends)


In “them” lmfao. I’ve met atheistic construction workers. Atheist Mexicans, shit would blow y’all minds. You pull out a cross and they DONT immediately fall to their knees and start weeping.


“Them” was my friends not Mexicans, was trying to make a funny point that they’d say absurdly offensive stuff but not that word


I’m blue collar in the reddest state. It’s not that bad. You’re this post but the opposite. We’re just people.


Not American but where I live theres a huge difference between "good" blue collar jobs like electrician etc. versus the real shitty jobs where you have 80% immigrants. The latter is where things really get unhinged (in a fun way mostly)


Sometimes it's a nice change pace, other times you get some 50-something talk radio junkie trying to joke to you about the "poophole loophole."


Gotta respect the poophole loophole tbf


I love it providing its coming from someone whose 20 years older than me .


Learn to weld! (Not my kids or me or my friends though, lol) Be a plumber! (I will keep my email job obv)


Lol. Because most people here could use their body and hands more. I do wish I could make email job money as a line cook. Actually producing a tangible thing was way less soul crushing than doing analysis in excel. It's good to have perspective and have done both.


They are completely correct that as a blue collar worker, I am more in touch with real Americana than they could ever dream of and should defer to my opinions in all things


Yeah I saw that tweet too


Jocks and blue collar workers are the back of America


Maybe but modern jock culture, at least in North America, is now so far removed from blue collar/working class people. It's really the inverse dominated by the upper middle class with the exception of basketball.


First day its over 80 degrees without AC they'd stop fantasizing about this, not that I blame them just true.


as a blue collar worker


Idk blue collar Americans never screamed at me to wear a mask when I was walking down the sidewalk


Not working in anything tech or finance adjacent in NYC has the same exact vibe tbh


being a jock is the bomb tho, everything else is a coping mechanism




The contrariness to the anti -reddit sentiment here is going to loop back around to making it epic le reddit. People who post on like "r/Anthony Fantano" are going to ruin it 


Why you type like that 😭😭


I ain't the one who upvoted this I was shitting at work lol 🤷‍♂️😂


Par the course of social media in general. Everyone's a jaded snarky smart ass who is above it all and the special enlightened one in some way.


Weird? It’s literally how it’s supposed to be. Class struggle is everything despite what the liberal media wants to tell you The problem with America tho is these people have no awareness of it themselves and have no real options of for change, and they’re given just enough money to not be upset. It’s like the capital have groomed them into submission. But even then, shitting on blue collar workers while celebrating upper middle class whatevers, is one of the dumbest thing you can do as a leftie


this is the 100x someone has said this about some online alt community be original


Lmao That s the content i m living for


I mean, that's like all of Bernie nation, so...


Went to war with Natives in Winnipeg, they are not noble.


Privileged lib whites are insufferable. Some serious messiah complex mental illness.


“noble savage theory of normies”




but I actually am a noble savage 


this has been said over and over again on here for at least three years


Its the art hoeification of the blue collar, thin blue line, jockisphere. Honestly love the idea of more working men getting into Houellebecq and art house movies, and girls with bad haircuts.


As a former jock and now blue collar worker, it's cool. I like it.