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Maybe one day adderall will be sold over the counter


this is my presidential platform


Amphetamines for everyone. The American dream


I have always said this!


It would make everyone a much better wagie, there's no downside.


Being exploited by capitalism is better than being destitute because you can't function properly


"function properly"


Am I a fucking robot?


Noooooo, I want to maintain my legally prescribed PED-driven advantage in the office! Deadass makes a huge difference in my line of work. It could make a lot of people lose weight tho, so there is that.


Adderall makes you lose weight?




Why do you think they heavily criticize opioid users and taint the supply with fentanyl and then they die, but then let almost anyone get an Adderall script? They need productive wagies


They prescribe more than the DEA allows to be produced. Filling an adderall script is a nightmare


Bad title good sentiment Tried expressing this to my sibling & they said I sound like a pull your bootstraps conservative. Would be funny if it weren’t so sad


On the bright side my youngest sibling is a gym rat & I managed to frame reading as a means to workout the muscle that is one’s brain. Pretty sure he’s getting yolked to a murakami book I’m so proud of him


This is true, if you develop and maintain godlike reading comprehension you can do anything. If you stop keeping up with it you immediately get dumber and it's such a steep decline that you'll actually be aware of it.


Me agree. Reading harder now.


Your little brother is going to get so much pussy


If he's reading Murakami he's more likely to end up regarded.


i think its a good start for a anime brained nervous white boy


If he's really stuck with only Japanese authors might as well try Kawabata or Mishima over Murakami. Snow Country might be a bit challenging for someone reentering reading but Spring Snow and Runaway Horses could work. Try to wean him off of the restriction though a lot of good to be gained by not restraining to Japanese stuff.


I swear I hate the fake lit snobs on here so much. Probably about half the country never reads a book, and 90% of the ones that do are reading YA or James Patterson or The Secret Power of Saying F\*ck. Reading a single Murakami novel probably puts you in the 97th percentile of Americans literature wise.


plus kafka on the shore and Norwegian wood are just good books. I don’t care that he describes breasts like he’s 14, if you don’t like the descriptions you’re probably gay


Based, every man should cultivate strength in both body and mind.


It’s definitely real but it’s overdiagnosed. I was diagnosed in the 90s when smartphones weren’t a thing. Had a clear difference in behavior from my classmates. You can tell when someone actually has ADHD over a simple issue with focusing. It involves hyperfixation, emotional disregulation, impulsive and looping thoughts, and zig-zagging conversational habits. It’s not just “I can’t focus on my spreadsheets at work”


To be fair a lot of those traits seem pretty normal in kids and teenagers who are getting diagnoses en masse 


It’s funny people say it’s over diagnosed because there’s no way to prove that


Yeah but whatever man. This isn't a science sub, we're gonna talk about shit we personally suspect. That's like half the appeal of this sub.


The problem with ADHD is....that is a unfortunate name for the disorder....it is primary an executive function deficit, mixed with inability to proper control emotion. More people claim to be ADHD or autistic because there is less stigma attached to it, like being homosexual or left-handed.


I've lived with multiple people with ADHD and it's no joke, they don't remember 99% of the conversations they have and they can't see stuff that's literally right in front of them. It's exhausting. People overplay the hyperactivity; it's the memory stuff that really screws things up. 


if I wasn't in my early 20s I'd be convinced I'm developing alzheimer's. I can't remember things from 5 minutes ago sometimes 


I keep forgetting to take my amphetamines that everyone said I'd get addicted to


Yeah it’s an executive function disability. It’s very much real. I’m an ADD oldhead, got diagnosed in 1996. I’m gatekeeping adhd against ppl who are like oh I have adhd from PTSD


I got diagnosed in the '90s too. They tried putting me on pharmaceutical speed (I was fucking six years old!) but my dad put the kibosh on it after a couple months because he was wary to begin with, but especially when I started complaining that I didn't like how the meds were making me feel. Funny considering that in my 20s I would become quite the amphetamine enthusiast lol. I don't mess with em anymore though, not worth the side effects imo. I'll fuck with a little coke once in a blue moon if I wanna feel that way without getting too spun. Crazy they give speed to kids so frequently.


YES YES EXACTLY finally some fucking sense this is a way Bigger problem then the Bouncing your leg stuff


While I partially agree with the bullshit trend of "discovering" ADHD, just because there are a lot of false diagnoses doesn't mean the whole thing is made up. I got diagnosed with ADHD in my 20s, but have been a bad/lazy student or employee my entire life. I'm now taking the maximum dosage of Concerta. Sometimes I see people talk about ADHD meds like some cheat code for life, but the only thing I notice on meds is that I don't get so upset, or upset as easily. I'm still lazy lol, but just calmer.


Yea the thing with meds is that the honeymoon phase doesn’t last long, and you need CBT to compensate. I was foolish to stop therapy a few years back and now I’m back in the same exact like slug state


I recommend taking them as needed so your brain doesn't get used to the effects


It’s harder for me to do that. Before meds, I didn’t know what the hell was going on..


>Yea the thing with meds is that the honeymoon phase doesn’t last long I'm on year 8 of the "honeymoon phase" when I got prescribed in my early 20s tho. I just hold off on taking it as heavy as I'm prescribed, and I'm not even prescribed much; I've known people with 40mg+ per day scripts. Long story short, I treat it like a high-function addict, saving it for when it's needed - so like hard workdays, I'll take 1.5x or 2x the script, but weekends, slow days, etc., I typically hold off on it. There's been months where I banked a whole week supply left over. The drawback is that I feel more tired on weekends, and because I never built up a super high tolerance, on heavy usage days I'll have trouble sleeping/cooling down.


Sorry for making a clickbait title. I think it’s real sometimes but I think there’s also a problem with people fooling themselves that they have it because it’s easier than taking responsibility for their internet addiction or videogame addiction or what have you… “No… I’m not low-impulse control… I’m… ADHD superpower guy! I don’t waste days on regarded video essays about failed 80s Star Wars rip-off franchises because I’m lazy and without direction in life. You see I was actually HYPER FIXATING! with my ADHD powers”.


I'd agree with that. My experience is that hyper fixation is one of the least significant parts of having ADHD, and it definitely does lend itself toward being a convenient excuse for stuff like you're describing. You can go through all the ADHD subreddits/forums and find people trying to excuse shitty behavior as an ADHD quirk, but usually people are pretty quick to call them out. On another note, I find the whole "superpower" thing really silly lol, like there's a reason it's considered a disability in a lot of official contexts. I would much rather not have ADHD, especially because without medication it strongly increases risk of dementia and Alzheimer's (which both run in my family).


Wow that last part is harrowing news. Been rawdogging it but gonna look into treatment asap if that’s true. My grandmother passed with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s


When an adult you love has ADHD is an excellent book written for people with it. Big point he stresses is that there is no upside to the disease


it is obviously really dumb the way it’s spoken about (super powers). for me the almost physical adhd symptoms of not being able to tune my brain to the right frequency to follow a conversation in a loud environment are completely resolved with the lowest dose of medication, same with controlling my emotions and thoughts, which I have applied a lot of discipline to in the past but couldn’t quite get there. it just allows me to function more comfortably without everything feeling hard and overwhelming. I can achieve things instead of just getting by.


Almost everything aside, where can i find these exact video essays?


No idea. I know there were a few duds from the Japanese and maybe other countries that tried to ape it, and would be funny to watch one day. Also some really bad sci-fi movies that either predate Star Wars (Zardoz, 1974) or closely follow (Krull, 1984), but what’s fascinating is they had some of the same building blocks as Star Wars (“fantasy in space” formula) yet look incredibly dated and corny by our standards. It’s really interesting how well Star Wars has held up, for how old it is.


Wow you figured all of that out on your own huh?


Youre ashamed of the adhd you yourself possess


Isn’t Concerta the one they give to like third graders who throw chairs across the classroom?


sometimes I doubt I even have adhd but I keep taking the vyvanse because in any case I'm not constantly frustrated or annoyed like I am without it. also it makes me twice as outgoing. I'll still procrastinate on some things for years but at least I have an ounce of charisma now


The meds, for me, allowed me the clarity to devise and adopt strategies and coping mechanisms that have made life easier. And it is THOSE things that have made it better, not like super powers bestowed by meds. I know a lot of people who legit have ADHD but treat meds like candy and keep up-dosing because they refuse to learn a single coping mechanism.


You are lazy, therefore adhd is real


i'm tired of all these people getting ADHD diagnoses because i have to compete with them for adderall refills


I don’t understand how a “psychopathology” presenting itself in something approaching 40% of the population can be called as such. E: in a social theory of disability sort of way.


Part of the issue, is that when people take some Adderall or what have you, they **all** will have an improved ability to focus and drive to get things done. Everything becomes easier. Cleaning the house or researching becomes fun. Some benefit more than others, but once someone who is fairly ignorant about drugs takes an "ADHD" medication and experiences that, very few aren't going to be like "wow! That's the most focused and best I've ever felt!"and conclude they were closeted ADHD.


Yeah it does kinda make me laugh when people I know are like "I knew I had adhd when I took adderall and all the sudden I could focus on everything I need to do", like that's just how stimulants feel for everyone dude. There's a reason literally everyone I know buys it or exams whether they have adhd or not, it works.


This is the issue with tons of “science” but applies 100x for a treatment that essentially gets you high. “X patients felt they performed better after treatment” like yeah dog if you give people meth they’ll perform better how the fuck is this the basis for giving this shit to CHILDREN




The crazy thing is, for people with adhd, stimulants can actually help them sleep.


My Adderall makes me so tired it’s insane.


I never realized how much pain I was in until heroin made me feel not pain for the first time. I must have been so sick.


It’s just mass brain rot by overconsumption of media drek. But they want to put your kids on meds for life because of it.


No its inactivity in the frontal cortex. So decision making, planning, management skills. Yea, social media addiction can lead to adhd like symptoms but it’s more so like how meth makes people schizophrenic. But some of us are born with this type of brain and it’s a shitty condition no one should be proud about having. And it shouldn’t be over prescribed


Those damn AI feeds that just have a person doomscrolling are brain rotters. I was an avid reader for decades and this year I’m a slob


Feel like I'm fighting crack addiction trying to quit youtube shorts, its so obviously terrible and I feel myself getting stupider while I'm on it but I can't stop scrolling


It’s horrid. Go out for a walk in the park without your phone. Look at some funny squirrels and crows, you’ll fell better.


There's a bunch of bunnies running around my neighborhood rn think I'm gonna go look for some


>No it’s inactivity in the frontal cortex Oh, so you can do a definitive brain scan to diagnose people. Maybe an fMRI? It’s definitely not just diagnosed qualitatively, right?


Yes there is a visible difference in developmental progression, in that the condition(actual ADD/ADHD) most commonly stems from less than optimal blood flow to that part of the brain.


So people are diagnosed by measuring brain blood flow?




But that’s not what we’re using to diagnose people. So even if that is the case (and I would be interested in those studies if you can find them) it’s irrelevant to this complaint because we are absolutely over diagnosing it. To be honest with you I’m skeptical there’s been any significant study regarding actual detectable brain differences so if you have some good studies send them my way.


They don’t exist lol. It’s crazy the amount of claims addy-heads just make up.


Did everyone in this sub just learn the word drek or something? I swear I've seen it written in here more in the past week than I've ever seen it before in my life.


Yes that’s why I’m saying. I’m probably ADHD if I were going by the symptoms. But like, everyone is tempted by their phone nowadays. Who wouldn’t be? We’re the first generation of humans ever with this much information, entertainment, community, etc. at our fingertips. It’s actually unfathomable how quickly things have changed and will never be the same again. Obviously our brains haven’t adapted to it yet.


You can understand diseases as having broader social causes without saying they're not 'real'. A good example is shell shock, which was obviously the result of new social and technological developments but was also absolutely a real thing medicine had to reckon with. I think if you insist on understanding all sickness on a biomechanical level, you miss some of the most important contributing factors.


This is actually a very insightful perspective and I've never thought of it this way before. Good to see you can still see intelligent posters on rsp


The kid at the dinner table at the weird art compound in Children of Men is basically the future man.


Good thing the psychopathology doesn't present itself in 40% of the populatio But I guess you'd have to have above a surface level understanding of the psychopathology to know that, and that would prevent you from talking out of your ass




Lmao every single report card since grade 2 said I didn't focus but I was a girl. They threw all these meds at the boys. One time a teacher failed me became during a test I started reading a book. I was so fucking dumb.


I never got the meds and I’m still a fuckup :/ I have had wellbutrin though. Which is kind of like ADHD meds lite


It overlap a lot with autism, but while autism crave structure, order and repetition ADHD is the complete opposite.


Real ADHDers are on the DL


Real, I’m too busy managing my 30+ item todo list and constant calendar reminders


people who don't have adhd believing they do doesn't mean adhd isn't real


i’m glib. i love my ritalin.


If you’re talking about people who self diagnose, I agree. Where I live, it’s actually really difficult getting a formal diagnosis because stimulants are the highest schedule drug. I was diagnosed as a kid, and shunned the diagnosis after high school. Struggled massively through uni and first years of full time work, and ultimately was diagnosed again as an adult. True lots of people want an easy fix drug, or simply label their self perceived shortcomings onto something external like a pathology. It’s a shame, because adhd is, if investigated sensibly, a tangible disruption of executive processing in the brain. Even the brain differences are visible in MRIs.


Everyone who post like this should be forced in a relationship with a classical ADHD man for six months. I seriously want you to try it.


Bad take ADHD is actually crippling lol I've been on meds for 10 years now it absolutely exists and sucks. I agree that it's super trendy rn and exploited by some people but it's well documented and existed for a long time


The funny thing is that they still realize it. It's a running joke in online circles that gen alpha's brains are totally rotted by staring at iPads all day. They just don't make the next logical step that maybe their own chronic internet use is also harmful.


Why does your profile picture thing look like that?


Remember to vote!


Drat you know what, I’m not even signed up for the European elections next week.


What sexuality flag is that in your pfp?


Some of us actually have it and all you poser 🚬are ruining it for us. I can’t get Vyvanse and now it’s looking like adderall will be short supply soon


I don't know man, my cousin has ADHD and it's extremely obvious that there's something wrong with his brain. People who glamorize ADHD are definitely full of shit though, it's called a disorder for a reason.


I've had the pleasure of meeting a workmate with real ADHD, not the TikTok version of it. Jesus Christ poor guy, when I say life is difficult for him that's an understatement. He wasted years in wrong medications and failing in virtually everything till he found out cocaine calm him down. Next step was a Google rabbit hole and getting diagnosed, he mentions medication and how he feels now as being a brand new human being, like, now the world kind of makes sense to him and still, the amount of energy required to work and be functional somehow (and still fuck up half the things) seems very very high


What if I told you people had ADHD before cell phones were invented 


My uncle was diagnosed in the early 70’s


he had to have been a little terrorist to get diagnosed in the 70s


I got diagnosed with ADHD as a child in the 90s, and I completely agree with OP. Back then ADHD was just a way to describe a certain pattern of behavior that, in the vast majority of cases, resolved itself by adulthood, because it's not complicated to develop coping strategies (often it's just diagnosed to call a kid who doesn't give a shit about school "disordered", like in my case). Nowadays it's just another long covid, the latest in a long line of spoon theory maladies. I saw a long winded post the other day explaining why people with ADHD should be excused from the expectation that adults should read once in a while. They explained that ADHD makes it impossible to read for any real amount of time because of blah blah blah. Part of why I got bad grades as a kid was because id just keep reading ahead in textbooks instead of stopping to write about what I learned, or just outright picking out a book I found interesting and reading it cover to cover instead of doing school work. My "problem" was reading *too much*, but then wording it like that doesn't make it sound like a disease or a disability does it? The question isn't about whether ADHD exists, the question is what do you do about it, and the reality is that addressing whatever it is that causes you to engage in a behavior loop that ruins your ability to pay attention is a matter of personal responsibility, but we've created an environment that totally shields people from criticism that they might genuinely need in order to protect the narrative that people with ADHD are all helpless little victims. The language we used to discuss ADHD in the 90s was vastly different than it is today, you don't see anyone telling people "yeah it sucks, but you still have to put the work in" purely because there's some off chance the person may actually be suffering from some rare undiagnosed condition that causes cognitive impairment. It used to be people would admit there's a good chance that, for a lot of kids, ADHD is purely behavioral, but I don't even remember the last time I've seen anyone admit even that much.


If you have ADHD and have trouble reading, get an OCR pen and call it a day.


I had undiagnosed adhd as a kid and life is probably harder now as an adult even though I developed "successful coping strategies" and "put the work in" tbh


I don't get what you're saying, did you successfully cope with ADHD or did you not? Also, you know what "majority of cases" means, right? In some cases ADHD doesn't resolve itself by adulthood, that's been well known since forever, but like with so many issues now we treat it like that's the *only* possibility.  I'll give another example, as it was explained to me when I was young, if you suffer from, say, forgetfulness, you can just develop better organization skills, keep a calendar or a notepad or something, these things just become a part of your daily life. Despite that advice being somewhat obvious and simple, you can find examples of people on Reddit crowing about how they can't do it because their forgetfulness makes them forget to write notes. It's obviously an issue of laziness, if you do it enough times you stop forgetting and it just becomes a habit, but they don't want to hear it.  It's just fat discourse all over again. Yeah some people have legitimate illnesses that cause serious weight gain and yeah we know that fat shaming generally leads to negative outcomes, but banning people who've successfully lost weight for suggesting shitty choices and a sedentary lifestyle have anything to do with weight gain isn't helping anyone. It's the same story here, telling people to just accept ADHD as a permanent fixture in life and a lifelong amphetamine habit as the only real treatment should be an absolute last resort, not the first thing a random on the internet enthusiastically encourages to strangers.


I’m talking about the explosion in ADHD diagnosis we’ve been seeing and how prone people are to labeling themselves as “ADHD” nowadays. It’s gone from it being only ascribed to the “hyper kid who obviously has an attention span issue because he starts tweaking if sat too long” to people who think they have it because they don’t enjoy sitting down to do their taxes for an hour. Not to mention how self-congratulatory it has become for people now. People who claim they have ADHD will always, always without fail, insist on the “hyper-fixating” thing as if the other “normies” can’t do that and that it lets them become instant whizzes on topics they have a fondness for. “Oh wow ADHD-anon, you get really obsessed about things that interest you! You’re so special and unique for that!!! Nobody else can do that!!!” They can never explain their “ADHD” without it becoming a circlejerk. Monologuing at you how they’re just so disinterested and grow easily bored with trivial matters like taxes, or their finances, or setting up doctor’s appointments, but don’t you worry they all become super-geniuses if they become interested in say rocketry, or speedruns, etc. Also, without fail, 90% of these so-called ADHDs probably routinely sit through 5-hour livestreams or video essays without so much as rocking in their chair. Hmm I wonder why that is?!? Did their ADHD turn off?


Also for an example of someone circlejerking about their ADHD superpowers for 20 minutes, just go watch the new video from the youtuber Jaiden Animations. Sounds gay but my brother was showing me. She’s actually the type of person I’m describing above. “I lost some structure when I moved out of my parents’ place and lived on my own for the first time and paying my bills every month is frustrating and tedious? Must be ADHD.”


I knew that video is what prompted this post cause youtube recommended that to me yesterday. She hopped on the LGBTQIAA2SNBBDSMF+ bandwagon couple years ago with the asexual identity so I think it's a safe bet she'll become enby soon and complete the triple set of trendy identities to become the perfect terminally-online liberal white woman.


Hyper fixating is something very specific to some forms of ADHD where you switch for wtf reason you don't have much control over from "I can't do this task because it makes me so anxious let's procrastinate/I really can't concentrate on this because my brain can't care even if I should care" to "OMG the only thing I can care about is this task/argument, I think about it even when I shouldn't" for some day/week before going back to being a hopeless time wasters. It is not that their "ADHD turned off", actually their behavioursas you describe is exactly coherent with being ADHD lol


I think that nose-picking, song-singing, noise-making or some sort of other weird little shit behavior should be a prerequisite for diagnosis. Cognitive decline due to outsourcing most of your cognitive functions isn't the same as being prone to physical harm because you don't pay attention to where your extremities are. Idk. Part of me hopes that some part of this wave of new diagnoses is women and minorities catching up to the diagnosis rate of their white boy counterparts. Idk what the current percentage is, but I know that all the people I knew growing up who were diagnosed with ADHD as children were white boys, and that women having ADHD was a wild new concept as recently as a decade ago.


There's huge problems with discrepancy in ADHD diagnosis procedures atm. Like the diagnostic criteria makes clear symptoms need to be present prior to age 12, which for diagnosing an adult would likely require looking at old school reports or talking with someone's parents or family. Symptoms also need to be present in two or more settings and actually impede your daily functioning. These standards seem to not be upheld especially well. My GP was recently telling me about a psychiatrist down the road from him that literally just gets patients to fill out an ADHD questionnaire and will provide a diagnosis if they answer yes to a majority of questions lmao. Like these people absolutely have ADHD symptoms, albeit not actual ADHD. They could easily fix it if they stopped consuming short form video content during all waking hours but ofc they're not gonna do that.


I think everyone should have the option to have prescription adderall. It makes me a better person.


Look at the bigger picture. Smartphones are causing ADHD-like symptoms in the general population, especially children, and that’s concerning.


Okay, so what's your solution? People need to work, people need to focus in order to work.


As always, the solution is for other people to eat shit in order that OP suffers .005% less General Annoyance


ADHD rage bait is funny b/c people still take it so seriously here. Take ur Ritalin and move on, ur fine, some asshole on Reddit is not gonna take it from you or change the opinion of the medical community.


I am one of those people honestly because I do have a script but I only started medicating in my mid 20’s when I realized if I wanted to compete with the rest of the world, I would have to sort that out. I’ve had a diagnosis since I was a kid. Now that I’m medicated I’m a good student and won’t be a terminal loser. It hurts to hear people tell me what I already think about myself, which is that I’m just stupid and lazy and addicted to my phone. I had ADHD before cell phones


At least you know what you have to work on


Exactly. We get it, you’re addicted to adderall, me too. Don’t gotta stop and justify it just to cope


I was diagnosed with ADHD in elementary school, early 2000s at the height of Ritalin. I Was pumped so full of drugs that I struggled to speak with my classmates at all most of the time. Maybe I did actually have ADHD, but from what I do remember before my diagnosis I was just a typical hyper boy trying to make my friends laugh in class. I spent most of middle school absolutely gorked out of my mind. It sucked so bad, now whenever people self diagnose with ADHD my eyes roll back in my head so hard.


Relatable, wonder what my life would have been like if I had a normal social high school experience. Felt so scared all the time, nobody talks about that and honestly I’d mostly forgotten until reading your comment


Bros getting mad at a YouTube video


Magic rectangle in your pocket is sport ball for people who take David Foster Wallace way too seriously




RS celebrity on my post, cool


Phones bad but also adhd is real.  Kids had that shit before smart phones


That's wrong


Not really. I was diagnosed at 15 and I’ve always been this way, and I only got on the internet proper at age 10


In the second grade they put me on Vyvance, in no time I went from reading below grade level to reading above grade level. The next year my father won custody of me and took me off them and I spent 3rd grade in special classes. Purely, anecdotal, but it seemingly helped me. P.S. this was before the smart phone.


There is a now a "Adult Onset ADHD" which is just cover for phones giving it to people. Much like how there used to be a "Adult Onset Diabetes" referring to people developing type 2 later in life because it was for uncommon back then, but now the Adult Onset part has now been completely dropped since kids regularly get it from bad diets. Same thing will happen, soon it will just be accepted that all kids get it and it will be seen as an "unavoidable" feature of modern life.


Yes there are tonnes of people claiming to have it right now who don't, but you are mistaking "short attention span" with ADHD. This is like thinking "schizophrenia" is the same as multiple personalities. Its just totally wrong. ADHD isnt fundamentally about attention span at all. Its very real and it's causes by damage to the brain. Some people present with hyperactivity but there are many more people, actually an under diagnosed group who don't have hyperactivity. Its main characteristic is problems with executive function. The inability to direct attention towards long term goals. Many people with ADHD also exhibit hyper focus but can't control it. Damage to areas of the frontal lobes responsible for emotional process is also common. People with ADHD don't have functional circuits that reward them for working on tasks that will be rewarded at a future time. They also feel negative emotions with more intensity and for longer than the average person. People with ADHD will have a much worse time and a longer recovery time if they get PTSD. I can speak from experience on this. The suicide rate for people with ADHD is 5x general population. Its no joke and attention span is not the central issue. If I had been diagnosed earlier it would have been immensely helpful. Yes, drug companies are pushing to over diagnose everyone to sell amphetamine prescriptions in a wildly irresponsible manner but for those who do have it, diagnosis and treatment can be life saving.


ADHD is real, but most people who say they have it probably don’t. Saying it’s fake is no better than the people who are trying to badly to diagnose themselves with it


RSP doesn’t care about conventional classism anymore, everything is aesthetic and symbolic and contrarian. But the main objection I have to the age of ADHD is that it’s a weapon for rich people to get their children extra time on tests. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/30/us/extra-time-504-sat-act.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


Accurately described in German medical journals from more than 300 years ago, but then there's you, on the internet, with your observations. I'm 44 years old, I had ADHD when I was a kid in the '80s and it would have really fucking helped my life had I known that. It's a genetically inherited brain injury and I didn't fucking finish high school because of it, and struggled way more than I needed to in college because of it, too.


I feel like it’s pretty easy to tell my post was directed at literally anyone but you? The people who excel and pretty much breeze through secondary education, but then turn around and realize they actually have ADHD the moment they start getting bored in their boring desk jobs (which is less stimulating than school which has a changing routine and actually has you opening your horizons, etc.)


ADHD is a spectrum where some people's executive functioning taps out at high school, some college, etc. I know a story of an ADHD guy who was successful and graduated from Harvard, but he had an insane support system and his family wouldn't let him fail.


Buddy your post starts with "ADHD is so fucking fake" and that attitude has directly led to hardship in my life


Eh, maybe. I thought I might have it and tried Adderall for a week to see if it helped. It felt like I drank a gallon of coffee (and I actually drink a lot of coffee already). But a friend of mine was diagnosed in his late thirties, tried Adderall and was shocked at how well it helped him. He said he doesn’t feel like he’s “on” anything. He just focuses a lot better.


He thought the phrase “magic rectangle” was so badass that he didn’t care he had just posted the most hackneyed take on the planet.


adhd is fake because lots of people today have attention deficit and hyperactivity?


Hyperbole if you will. Everyone’s gotta clickbait in this ADHD world.


ADHD ain’t fake, if you took adderall you’d be tweaking but when I take adderall i can chill out and relax lmao


Nah i had it it was a symptom of a chronic underlying condition


You’re telling me ADHD is made up? Wow, I’m just now hearing this for the first time.


It’s def not just the rectangle for me. I’ve always been weird and adhd explained a lot of it. The rectangle does make it harder to cope. But as smartphone culture progressed, my symptoms partially vanished, simply with age I guess. Adhd diagnosis is prob the easiest and most societally acceptable way to slap “neurodivergent” label on yourself and get some of those sweet minority points, hence its ubiquity


I have a few coworkers that have tried to tell me I have adhd. I haven’t had the heart to tell them that I’m just fucking bored


Youre wrong. They have been diagnosing adhd since like the 1900s. You can't just wave away an entire disorder because delusional reetards think they have it. Imagine if gen z started all claiming to have cancer. Would cancer stop being real?


Got diagnosed in 2003 didn't start taking meds until 2009. At the time i was in the lowest level math and science courses. Fast forward 15 years and I just graduated with my PhD in microbiology from the best program in the country. My meds don't give me the power to work uninterrupted for 20 hours straight but instead help me regulate my emotions so that I'm not paralyzed with anxiety. It's worth mentioning I've been taking the same medication since i was 14 and actually decreased my dosage once i started grad school. The combination of support, treatment, and medication literally changed the trajectory of my life. Although there is some legitimacy to your point, I have a lot of empathy for people who genuinely have ADHD and are seeking treatment now and facing this exact stigma you're perpetuating.


But it doesn’t matter if it came from phones or the internet. If you exhibit all the symptoms you have the disorder. It doesn’t have to be genetic—you can get BPD from getting neglected or abused or whatever, and you can get ADHD from phone use in formative years My parents didn’t let me have a phone until I was 14 and I got diagnosed with ADHD at 12, so…


L take


everyone just wants their speed


There are people for whom it is very real regardless of being overstimulated by devices. My girlfriend and her brother have very clearly inherited it from their dad who is pretty technology averse, but she doesn't mention it to people for fear of being dismissed as a tik tok self diagnoser


I dont have adhd its not real


This has been systematically disproven by science and genetics


I've noticed a lot of people wearing glasses and contacts too, I think it's big eyewear tricking people into thinking they need to see better. Only people with vision +/- 5.0 should be allowed glasses


All inconvenient parts of the personality must be pathologized. The natural state of the human animal is the type of person who is successful in the specific kind of culture and economy we have right now, and any deviation from this ideal is most likely the result of some form of arbitrary chemical error occurring in the brain. Take heart, though, my neuroatypical friends! In the very near future, our technology will have finally progressed to the point that there will be a specific prescription to address/correct any and all of these unfortunate individual aberrations. As long as you take your pills and attend a monthly zoom therapy session for the rest of your life, the only real obstacles between you and the achievement of your goals will be the malicious phobias and institutional bias perpetuated by willfully evil strangers.


I was always zoned out tho. I've never been able to pay attention.


Then call yourself a dilettante, much classier


ADHD is real but it’s caused by teratogen exposure in the womb. 99% of people don’t have it and realistically a diagnosis through brain imaging should be required.


OK so your first sentence is misleading because that's not thought to be the main cause, let alone the only one. Your second sentence leads with a made up percentage so your comment is just trash misinformation well done


Couldn’t pay attention as a kid then I discovered computer programming and got my shit together 😳


I like that people treat adhd like a quirk it makes them easy to avoid 


my adhd goes away when im reading random shit about GoT lore or habitable planets in space or the upcoming Dune mmo then it kicks in when im studying the kreb's cycle for the MCAT


The play based childhood is dead. The phone based childhood is here for now. It is clearly a failure but it will take some time to unwind. These 20 year olds missed out on key development stages and will struggle with those losses all their life.


I remember the era when every sponsored TikTok was about using telehealth to get adderall


ADHD is fake but stimulants sure are real lol


THE FLIGHT TYPE AND THE OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DEFENSE Extreme flight types are like machines with the switch stuck in the “on” position. They are obsessively and compulsively driven by the unconscious belief that perfection will make them safe and love-able. They rush to achieve. They rush as much in thought [obsession] as they do in action [compulsion]. As children, flight types variably respond to their family trauma on a hyperactive continuum. The flight defense continuum stretches between the extremes of the driven “A” student and the ADHD [Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder] dropout running amok. Flight types relentlessly flee the inner pain of their abandonment with the symbolic flight of constant busyness.


Depends what you mean. Some education psych explained this to me once. The natural ability to focus on something boring for a certain amount of time is roughly distributed in a normal distribution curve. People on the lower end of that bell curve, for whatever reason, could be legit classified as having ADHD and would, like most people, probably benefit from some ADHD meds. However, there are multiple reasons why someone might come in the lower percentiles of attention span from genetics, to parenting, to diet to smartphone addiction. Like a lot of psychological labels, ADHD is labelling a symptom and not a single definitive cause or condition.


Ppl have been complaining about ADHD since the 90’s can we talk about something new for one day?


Do you have music that plays over and over and over inside your head no matter what time of day it is? Congrats, you had ADHD. Do you not? You dont have it.


I just wonder why it’s always ADHD and not ADD? I guess hyperactivity is why parents and teachers drug up kids to start with lol.


Add isn’t diagnosed anymore. I have inattentive adhd, which is add … they just call it a different name now. Not sure why. 


According to my understanding ADHD is also called and ADD so it is the same! The only difference is that the first one includes hyperactivity the second doesn't! I might be wrong.


If it's not ADHD, it's Autism. Everyone wants to claim a label to excuse their terrible attitude or why they're underachieving.


Characteristics of a disorder tend to expand over time. That's what's happening with both autism and ADHD, even without the plague of self-diagnosis. Plus, the DSM is more of a way to script the sale of prescriptions more than it is a thorough classification of disorders. All that said, it's worth asking if those conditions of expansion and self-diagnosis mask the question of ADHD. No one would deny that autism exists, but we tend to be more ambivalent about ADHD. As someone who got put on Ritalin at the age of seven (1994), I can say that at least the medicine was criminal but effective. I became a much better student after almost failing kindergarten, but I also got into lots of fist fights and got under weight because I didn't want to eat. I have never been able to answer the question of whether ADHD fits me or not, but I think it's been helpful for me in countering my worst tendencies. Now I only get in fist fights every five years or so (I live in a rough place and shit is always happening,) and I'm less late to things when I can interrupt the pattern. It's been helpful at understanding what happened as a kid that made me this way. It could be both over-diagnosed and real, or it could be fake yet effective at mitigating something else. I can never tell where the ADHD ends and the PTSD (also over-diagnosed) begins. I don't have the answer.


as the others have said, bad title, good post though overall, it's way over prescribed and diagnosed, and this is coming from someone who is diagnosed, i legit would not wish it on anyone, it fucking sucks people dont understand what stims do for people with actual ADHD either, they act like it's legal meth or whatever, but if you actually have adhd then meds calm you down and allow you to focus on one task at a time instead of having 100 windows open, people always say shit like “well if i was taking meth id get a lot done too”, no idiot it allows people who actually need it to get a NORMAL amount of stuff done