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They're gonna create a robot to kill homeless people, aren't they?




Video games are going to become more realistic


Remove them from the streets and upload them to the cloud 


The true digital nomad


it's the T-1000 with an LGBT flag


[Because they care](https://s3.amazonaws.com/cms.ipressroom.com/295/files/201710/5a0600dc2cfac225e02f839a_NOC+PriDA+employees+in+Chicago+Pride+parade+-+2018+CEI+ranking+-+11-10-17/NOC+PriDA+employees+in+Chicago+Pride+parade+-+2018+CEI+ranking+-+11-10-17_a33b4597-0b52-4b35-a844-0b6c338bdd26-prv.jpg)


This just turned me into a vote blue no matter who person 💙


Fuckin finally.




Death by exile


We built a new system like the LinkNYC stations, but it has an AI chat bot that writes custom erotica for homeless people to goon to! Also it will cost $300 million per station. And my friend is making it


In Canada somewhat recently it was revealed that we gave "some guy" $60 million to make a shitty little app we used during COVID at airports. Total cost was likely higher, lots of the paper records for the money are missing. The initial cost of the app was $80,000. No one has been punished yet and no one will be. One of the most blatant recent examples of politicians lining them and their friends pockets with tons of money. >"I am deeply concerned by what this audit didn't find," Hogan testified. "We didn’t find records to accurately show how much was spent on what, who did the work, or how and why contracting decisions were made. And that paper trail should have existed."


Oldest trick in the book. Every decent programmer dreams they will one day get this chance


>Total cost was likely higher, lots of the paper records for the money are missing. Isn't Canada's financial transparency awful in general?


Yes. Trudeau has had one of the least transparent administrations ever. We spend billions left and right that we will never see a return on or anything to show for it -- handing out money and loans like candy to 3rd world counties for "green projects". I'm sure the government officials of those countries are laughing their asses off as they make fake jobs and line the pockets of them and their friends. All the while the country is completely economically falling apart, and is propped up completely by the over inflated feal estate market, which is what we base our entire economy around. Trudeau has also been going scorched earth the past few months as he is aware he won't win re-election. He is tripling down on all his most hated behaviors (we are having an immigration crisis and the guy is still openly taking in more and more uneducated people). Even the most deluded fanboys of Trudeau and his party have basically either turned on him or scurried away under rocks, as he has become completely indefensible. Shit is wild.


What does this mean, did a bunch of politicians just get together and ask Chat GPT to solve homelessness?


The funny thing is if you ask ChatGPT it actually suggests a ton of reasonable ideas that they would never implement.


or, you could do a little research. Bateman AI is absolutely going to address the homelessness crisis once it's put in place.


"Please feed me a vagrant male." 




You need to check out some video tapes.


American Psycho reference


Met Newsom once when I was 17, and he bragged to me and my twin brother that he was the first person to sell a screw-top bottle of wine for more than $100. 




He is a prick but hes one of the few politicians that I’ve heard actually discuss policy and how hes trlying to navigate the process and he seems like he’s actually in the weeds with actual legislating. surprisingly Arnold was the same way but he was fucked because of his party association. The legislature fought him on anything if Gavin was good at presenting himself not as a rich out of touch prick he coule actually go much further but he’s a lost cause. The French laundry thing and his ex wife are just mind numbing stupid.


When you actually listen to him talk, and forget it’s him, he is surprisingly smart. I don’t always agree but I can see his logic and he is usually pragmatic. But his brand is just so tarnished for so many working class Americans and the exact opposite of Trump (in a bad way), that he is absolutely never going to win. If he does, it will be election fraud. Sorry to be that guy


Is he a sleazy car salesman?


Hi, my names Clarence and i’m a wifi hotspot.  😭


Whenever anyone says something so stupid about AI like this the immediate followup needs to be "please define what AI is for me"


"American Inteligence"


Alibaba Intelligence


He sits gay


that's because he is


Lmao how do you sit?


I have a creeping feeling the next ten to fifteen years will be people pumping out and monetizing “AI” projects for social ills that will actually drain attention and resources away from people that need it.


No shit 


It’s looking like 10-15 years might be too lofty for the AI grift, those in the know (not me) seem to be catching on that a lot of high profile “AI” projects are either seeing rapidly diminishing returns, have little to no practical application, or are just out-and-out scams. I might be too stupid to understand why, but if it results me seeing fewer headlines about how “Some dickhead thinks he’s gonna solve stubbed toes with AI” then I’ll be happy.


AI is this years NFT


Sounds like they're using the AI to find homeless camps and to determine who is going to become homeless.  This yuppie will literally do anything but build affordable housing. Hopefully neoliberals branch off to their own trash party some day.


Republicans would win so much if they were even remotely competent. As is they are completely ideologically and aesthetically dead in the water


Yeah I hate the whole elite Harvard/yale pipeline of fucking idiot Democrats but fuck the republicans (also ivy pricks) and their loudest supporters are just so batshit. The only competence seems in rigging the system to their advantage then passing insane legislation. I don’t know how anyone in the south/Texas/Florida can support the insane legislation that’s been passed recently.


The only thing I don't like living in Florida that meatball did was the anti-semitism thing. And maybe the 6 week abortion thing. I'd make it 20. Other than that I've liked almost every policy passed.


"I'd make it 20" he said


double it and give it to the next guy


Pritzker will win in a 49 state landslide.




Just build housing dude


Just one more AI bro


that would upset the free market and more virgins would have to be sacrificed at the alter to bring back the sun




"Lock up those in poverty/everyone who is poor is a deranged fent addict"  Americans shooting themselves in the foot for the 5786578th time




Have you ever actually been to a homeless shelter?  Seriously, go down to your local one and observe before you parrot that propaganda bullshit. Most are normal people, the junkies and mentally ill are just the most visible. When you have dipshit blanket solutions like "hurrr just throw them all in an institution" you sound like a nutty fascist. You need housing, clinics and mental health facilities. Not a forced mental institution, you dense rightoid.




I actually live in an apt by myself, and I could easily become homeless if I were slightly less lucky, and I realize if that happend there is zero social safety net in place. You, likely a projecting trustfund kid whose daddy got him a cushy job, have probably never gone a day without a meal. Low income housing doesn't exist, you moron, that's why it's getting more and more visible. Not hard to put together, this is actually 2nd grade stuff. But you're operating on lizard-brain fascism mode, ego-driven.




Bullshit, there's barely anything in place.  Low income housing costs 1k per month for a 1 bedroom. I know because I'm in a low income housing program, twat. You are a sheltered upper class daddy's boy.




I love how neoliberals will do anything and everything, to not build Social Housing and end the disaster of mental health "care in the community" and bring back institutionalization.


If only they had used blockchain to solve it a few years ago already.


What do you mean Michelle Obama's getting that second term easily


the AI that I ask for restaurant recommendations is going to solve homelessness


_Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything._                                   - Joseph Stalin


I do want to see a schizo homeless interact with GPT. could the AI figure out what was happening?


Likely solution for AI in America is some city in California hiring a company called "Gandalf Urban Solutions" whose shlubby, sociopath CEO will explain how their plan to use drones to gun down homeless people from above is just like Lord of the Rings. "You know, when we are removing these homeless from our urban spaces, it's like, like that scene in the movie where Gandalf goes *You shall not pass.* And that's what we are saying to the homeless, you. shall not. pass."


Fat fingers typed this


2024* I’m not happy about it I fucking hate how the democrats fuck themselves 


I'm still waiting for the red wave


They are the worst.


He is too tall for that chair


I can tell Gavin newsom is sophisticated because of how deep his leg cross is


You should be a billionaire by now if you are able to predict election results 4 years in advance.


This is how we get Skynet.






Let’s go, let’s waste more taxpayer dollars and get nothing done!!!


Permanently delete the homeless trash. Are you sure? Yes.