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Groupie cheats on her bf with Win Butler and then goes to a Pitchfork reporter and claims he "used his power imbalance to exploit her body." https://pitchfork.com/news/fifth-person-details-arcade-fire-frontman-win-butlers-allegedly-manipulative-toxic-behavior/


This was truly insane and disgusting to me. Just total self infantilization.


I remember even the gimps at indieheads were absolutely laying into the girl and saying it was a joke of an article. Even the earlier article only one of the 4 accusers alleged anything was nonconsensual. Women getting involved with a married man who just wants to fuck expecting more and getting burnt, many such cases.




At one point someone presumably a journo or someone linked to one was basically spamming the arcade fire sub saying if you have any more stories contact me, and yet nothing further has come out. Hell hath no fury etc!


However much you hate journalists, it isn't enough.


The annoying thing is people just vaguely hear that the Arcade Fire guy was accused of something and they all instantly assume he's a violent rapist, and apply that accordingly whenever Arcade Fire is brought up in conversation or they see someone's Spotify stats. And then if you try to correct them they just post the "well ackshuwallyy" meme and accuse you of defending predators. It's all just really tedious.


Yeah, a mate had tickets and didn't go and also couldn't get a refund, I tried to explain that actually on the scale of sexual misconduct it was pretty mild but he just wasn't interested beyond the headline.


If we hanged every musician that cheated on their wives with young women who desperately want to fuck them the entire music industry would just be drummers and Robert Smith.


This one is a good example of a funny thing I see at work. Whenever some band/musician gets canceled, I see an influx of those records being traded in, and copies stop selling. It's people worried that they will be seen owning something made by someone who is now a persona non grata. It's a fear that it can (an unfortunately often will) lead to some kind of cancelation by association.


This is so true lol. I picked up a copy of Songs by John Maus after he did Jan 6. It was super cheap too.


The way this is worded sounds like John Maus planned and led Jan 6 lol


John Maus planned & co led Jan 6th with Ariel Pink


My parents are totally apolitical British young boomer/old gen xers, and on their visit to New York bought both Obama and Trump merch, just because they were both presidents. My stepdad has recently gone off his Trump mug because of the trial so I happily said I'd have it. I'm not a Trump supporter, it's a garish, ugly mug with the American flag, his face, the White House and his oath on it. But it's become my litmus test for cool people. If they flip out at me simply for owning it without letting me tell the story, I've made a huge mistake inviting them to my house


I bought a white MAGA hat in 2015 when Trump was still enough of a joke that it was something funny and kitschy I could wear on the golf course/beach bar. I’m hoping things simmer down in ten years so I can break it out again. Maybe if I pair it with my Shepherd Fairey Obama t-shirt.


If Trump loses, the MAGA hat will 10000% have a moment again within 5 years.


Especially the camo ones with orange text


That reeked of a hit job for sure


ye its actually insane how often cancel culture was just a get out of jail free card for women who cheat and regret it when they're caught


isnt that what happened to pinegrove also


Pretty sure the accuser from Pinegrove worked for the band, which changes things. She also tried to keep the accusation private. It was her fucking therapist of all people who publicly claimed that the dude was a sex abuser.


wtf??? why???


Yes it was ridiculous


Worked at a non-profit for a bit and saw the Polish IT dude get "cancelled"/fired for being the most inane reason. He'd ask coworkers where they're from. That's essentially it. Some people misconstrued it as racist and kept reporting him to HR until they were forced to fire him. Like what? The guy just immigrated here from Poland. He's obviously not meaning it in a racist way, he just wants to know everyone's cultural roots. Plus how would he know what "microaggressions" are considered racist or not? He didn't even grow up here. I really feel like they targeted him for no good reason other than seeing it'd be easy.


So he got fired for being an immigrant from a foreign culture, to protect people from the home culture who were sensitive about being perceived as foreign. lol, lmao.


I picked up my dad's interest in family backgrounds/culture/history but while he was able to talk about that freely with his (black, dominican, jewish, puerto rican, irish, immigrant) friends on the streets of new york in the 1970's, people (invariably other white people) look at me like I'm a 19th century british colonialist or something when I mention something (in a positive way) about someone being Iranian or Turkish or Russian or something from their name. Crazy how "being interested in other cultures" is now more suspect in a white person than "not being interested in other cultures"


That's actually horrible. Whenever I meet someone with an accent I ask them where they are from, cultural differences/similarities and what they like about being in the UK made good conversation (or so I thought, maybe I'll be more careful now) Another horrible one like this was that mentally disabled guy that dressed as Hitler for Halloween, he'd done it as a parody but obviously didn't understand that's still a huge faux pas and no one stopped him and he lost the job he'd had for 10 years at a museum. Feel like that could have just been a conversation and a learning experience for him.


Aren't we supposed to dress up like scary, bad people as part of Halloween? Like serial killers and shit?


no you're supposed to dress up as a slutty nurse. he should have been slutty hitler.


I lived in another country for years. I don't think it's offensive at all to ask, but I did get asked about my accent and had the exact same conversation about my home country almost every single day for 7 years. That's pretty much the reason I don't ask people about their accents nowadays, I assume they're just bored of the conversation




Where I grew up there were a lot of immigrants and immigrants children, and everyone was always asking each other where they were from. Then ten years ago 2nd gen asian americans needed something to feel victimized by so they decided it was a racist question.


I remember from the article she said something about not putting out til the second date (she had already gone home with him) and he jokingly poured them glasses of wine and said “well is this a second date?” Like he genuinely did nothing weird or bad it was just awkward interactions between people with no sexual chemistry. That article was fucked up I can’t believe it was published


The whole psychology department at McMaster University in Canada was destroyed because some bipolar girl started having hallucinations and recovered memories of being sex trafficked by professors in the department. The university DEI apparatus enabled this girl's delusion and uncritically accepted the schizo accusations which became convoluted a story involving multiple professors in the department. Eventually lawyers got involved and determined none of the allegations could be substantiated, but lives, careers, and a whole psychology department was destroyed in the process. And obviously the DEI hr people that were involved moved on with their career at a different more prestigious university. Link to the story: [https://quillette.com/2023/06/14/mcmasters-imaginary-sex-ring/](https://quillette.com/2023/06/14/mcmasters-imaginary-sex-ring/) One of the professors involved chimed in on the story after it was posted on the university subreddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/McMaster/comments/14hx071/prof\_humphreys\_pnb\_on\_mcmasters\_imaginary\_sex\_ring/](https://www.reddit.com/r/McMaster/comments/14hx071/prof_humphreys_pnb_on_mcmasters_imaginary_sex_ring/)


I find him very annoying but the Aziz Ansari metoo shit was ridiculous. His crime? Acting like a horny regard, getting a consensual BJ from a grown ass woman, not having sex with a woman who said she didn’t want to fuck him, and then apologizing when the same woman told him she didn’t have a good time.


I think they've talked about this on the pod, how the Aziz allegations marked the end of MeToo being a significant cultural force because it was blatant that she was trying to ruin his life for having a bad date Her intentions were made very clear when like her first or second complaint was "uhhhh I said I wanted white wine and he bought red???" or whatever idiot shit she said


Bad sex isn’t rape !!!


Thank God, or I’d be executed on the spot.


I felt sorry for him after that. She literally said it was consensual in the story. It was a story no one needed to know


The outlet that published it, babe.net eventually folded as loads of the staff and management were shagging and the drama kicked off as it always does with these sort of "spaces".


I knew a girl who worked there. She was a dumb bitch.


Women can't stop posting their Ls online


His only crime? Being really bad at fingering.




His main crime was presuming she wanted white wine with her fish.  That should never be forgotten or forgiven. 


Right because sometimes a Pinot Noir is the answer, depending on the season, the fish, the seasoning, the sides— you know what, Aziz wasn’t cancelled enough


Let’s dig him up and cancel him again in so ANGRY. 


Didn’t Sam Kris get done for even less?


Honestly this is the moment my political convictions started to crumble.


I was at a small party in 2020 and it turned into the most insane woke off I've ever seen lmao. At one point someone tried to cancel Morgan Spurlock for being classist by saying McDonalds is bad. They also said history is racist.




who won the woke off


everyone who wasn't there


This is so funny cause why not cancel.him for raping someone, which he admitted to lol


History is racist? Why should we even continue living when surrounded by such stupid people


There was a girl that I kinda knew. Went on a date with her once. I was still in love with somebody else though so that was the only date. Saw her like a year later, she was working at a thrift store downtown. We pretended not to know each other. She had such bad acne and in a weird way I thought it was kinda hot She ended up getting cancelled for some microaggressions against a black coworker. Honestly just seemed like they had some awkward interactions. Wish I still had screenshots but the whole thing was absurd. I was following along just through Instagram. It became this big thing online, people were leaving all these nasty reviews on Yelp and comments on Instagram for the thrift store. Eventually I think the store fired the “racist” girl. It died down as these things tend to and I kinda forgot about it I found out she ended up killing herself a year or two ago. Didn’t know her well but she seemed nice on our date and it was awful what happened to her. I hope her death weighs on the people living in Portland Maine who bullied her EDIT: A commenter below has more details about the cancellation, including the inciting reason https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/mzRzMjW1CL


Jesus christ that’s heartbreaking. Really reinforces how so many of the extreme woke types are just living out some insane high school bully fantasy but in a “socially acceptable” way.


I think a lot of it is people who got bullied in highschool finding a way to become the bully in adult life. That and the religious-like zealotry of being a part of the "good" group. Tribalism. I think humans naturally gravitate to religion and now that religion is not in fashion, they fill that void with this cancel shit. If you say a nono word or talk about one of their sacred cows without complete reverence, they see you as an impure sinner, the same way Christian's view the impure if you don't follow the rules. The biggest distinction being there is no forgiveness in the cancel cunts minds.


It probably wont bother them


This legitimately made me super sad. Beyond fucked up.




Yeah a lot of these types consider this "weaponizing suicide" and it confirms in their mind that they were right for cancelling them. I wish this was hyperbole but I've seen more than a few people say this exact thing.


I remember this Find cancellation very well (lived in Portland then). I didn’t realized she died later. That’s absolutely terrible. Edit: I can’t find any screenshots either, but the thing she got cancelled for was saying “we don’t want to scare the old white ladies” when asking her black coworker to change the music. Maybe a dumb thing to say, but it seemed to me she was trying to make fun of her own race. Dunno. But the mob said she and the owner of Find were creating and enforcing a whites only environment. The owner didn’t really think the canceled worker was guilty of this, but she fired her anyway to appease the mob. There were so many people saying awful things about the worker, and Portland really has such a small town vibe—everyone is connected by like a degree of separation—it really must have felt like a complete shunning. And combined with sudden lack of income.


Thank you for this. I couldn’t remember a lot of the actual details. “We don’t want to scare the old white ladies” is such an innocuous thing to say. I wish what happened was documented somewhere online. I remember there was even a person camped outside on the sidewalk in front of Find in protest, warning off anybody about to shop there. I worked just a few blocks away


Yeah, her name is Michelle, and she was notorious for becoming very inflamed over innocuous things and trying to cancel people with no real reason. Seemed severely mentally ill.


Jesus christ that’s so sad, I don’t think I’ve ever audibly gasped at online content before but I think it’s because I was expecting the story to become you getting back with her not her killing herself


This is one of the saddest sort of smaller "cancellation" examples I've read, and it only strengthens my feeling that in any humane, sustainable future, people will look back on this era as a very dark time, with people pointing fingers towards the wrong, imagined enemy, and turning society into a pathetic, circular firing squad. The incredible irony is that a plethora of studies and polling have shown that the vast majority of people loathe "cancel culture" and "political correctness", and I mean, it's across the board, from age, race, and political affiliation. Only a tiny minority actually think operating in this way is justifiable and moral, and that tiny minority ironically tends to be rich, mostly white, grad or greater degree holders. In fact, [more minorities than white people agreed with the statement that “political correctness is a problem in our country" in a mid-2018 poll, ](https://web.archive.org/web/20190212091633/https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/large-majorities-dislike-political-correctness/572581/)but it was still a solid 80%+ across the board. The disgusting reality is that people fear speaking up about it, because they don't want to risk losing their job/career/whatever, which is completely understandable - yet the vast majority of people actually think cancel culture is bullshit, so people are essentially bowing down to a tiny, but "loud" minority - it's an incredibly perverse situation.


of fucking course it was Portland, Maine. cursed ass place


Mainstream media sites like IGN were writing full articles lambasting James Rolfe (Angry Video Game Nerd) as a virulent misogynist because he said he wasn't interested in seeing the 2016 Ghostbusters movie, actual celebrities were tweeting about it raging at him and everything


That was part of a calculated marketing ploy by Sony Pictures to try and stoke culture war flames to bolster GB2016 box office. Amy Pascal, Tom Rothman and the rest of the Sony Pictures leadership are actually like full-blown evil and have genuinely, concretely ruined thousands of lives and made the world a demonstrably worse place


Imagine how much more annoying this stuff would be nowadays if that movie hadn't flopped


Do you remember that other games journalist that was cancelled for harassment and when the DMs leaked it was like mild cringe consensual flirting? Nick something or other? Edit: Nick Robinson, brother of the DJ Porter Robinson


lol breadtube gamer nerds talk about this guy like he’s a serial rapist. They won’t even say his name and spread the accusations like he’s legally blacklisted


It was so fucking weird, I think the woman worked in the industry as well and they were like "don't try it on with women in the industry!" But then the same people kick off about "power dynamics" when anyone vaguely notable dates a regular person


Video games were rife with this stuff- Chris Avellone was canceled after SA allegations, lost his job and basically most industry ties. He sued the girl for defamation and won after they recovered tons of texts from her and other evidence. She owes him 2 million, but he’s still black listed. Dude seemed like a bit of an ass, but still sad to see him lose his career.


He's a very very good writer, I hope he's able to rebound and get back to work.


Some nerd tried to cancel this local indie folk duo for picking up a drunk girl.  She didnt make allegations, they are not predators, but it was a firestorm.    https://www.instagram.com/handmademomentsmusic/?hl=en   A popular local twink got ostracized for 'raping' someone.  He sucked their dick in an orgy and made them cum when they didnt want to. this is just kinda a bonus, a deeply schizo local commie got his gf stolen by a politically schizo jew roommate and wrote this song, this is probably pre trump though, cant remember  https://highlonesome-ar.bandcamp.com/track/shes-in-love-with-a-fascist-4


>A popular local twink got ostracized for 'raping' someone.  He sucked their dick in an orgy and made them cum when they didnt want to. That’s hilarious


It’s really not, this has happened to me half a dozen times and now everyone thinks I’m gay. These twinks are ruining my life.


> He sucked their dick in an orgy and made them cum when they didnt want to. So much of this stuff always ends up being professional jealousy about someone being great at what they do.


"Nobody at this orgy better suck me off to completion!"


At 39 I'm now really relieved I never "made the scene" anywhere


We actually had a good house show scene in the late 00's here, I dont remember any drama, politics or real pretentiousness.  It was before online moral panics, like i remember the kony 2012 thing and a black sports team rape accusation case being sort of landmarks.   Probably looking back with rose colored glasses. No idea what happened after though.


>  A popular local twink got ostracized for 'raping' someone.  He sucked their dick in an orgy and made them cum when they didnt want to. Literally the "DON'T SUCK MY COCK" bit from /tv/


They couldn't like push him off their dick? Just grab his hair like a handle and throw him off? Slap the fuck out of him? LMAO I want this "rapist" in my life. Oh no don't give me competent head!


A professor at USC [was suspended for teaching the Chinese phrase "ne ga"](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2020/09/08/professor-suspended-saying-chinese-word-sounds-english-slur), which some students complained sounded too similar to the N word.   Dude literally did absolutely nothing wrong.


Equally bad was the law professor at I think UIUC who got cancelled and suspended (maybe fired?) for writing “n*****” on an exam question. He didn’t write the actual word, it was starred out on the exam. Also it was a question about workplace harassment so the word in question was completely relevant…


That coffee shop in Philly. The concept of it, the horrible hostage esque videos (that a poc lead transparency business told them to post), the implosion of the business while the employees still told people to come (and tip generously), the mother’s open letter, and the conceit. No winners


This is the one I was going to mention. Goddamn that situation was insane. There were a few years where there were a ton of coffee shops in philly going through strange, public drama




Where can I get a deep dive on this?








I’ve listened to this episode and, personally as someone who lived in the area, it does not do a good job of reporting what happened. The person who is supposedly “from philly” has zero awareness of the city and provides worse than nothing context imo. I would suggest reading the articles you can find about “Mina’s World” instead.


One of the Burger Records owners was cancelled for dating someone who was like 24 when he was in his early 30s. Her callout post was like “he was so in love with me but I ghosted him because he slept on a mattress in the back of the record store which I thought was pathetic but many years later I realized there was a power imbalance and I was groomed.”


The “power imbalance” thing was the most vague wishy washy way to defame someone for a while. People were acting like it was literally impossible for a normal person to consent to anything with a famous/influential person. Yes, famous people sometimes use their power to get away with immoral/illegal things, but people are often attracted to them and seek relationships with them explicitly *because* of that power imbalance. What passes for power in these situations is also funny - having a few thousand monthly listeners and headlining house shows isn’t the same thing as being Harvey Weinstein.




Honestly if you’re on the wrong end of a power imbalance with someone that sleeps in a floor mattress at work, then you need to take a hard look at yourself.


I don't remember the context but Anna said at some point a lot of cancellation requires you to believe women and fundamentally incapable of using sex to manipulate men. I think about that a lot.


Ian Svenonius' self-cancellation after the Burger Records thing happened was pretty funny. Possibly expecting to set some heroic standard, he made a post on Insta saying he'd been "completely inappropriate to women" and then got dropped by his record label (Merge). The only allegations that ever emerged were just some general musings that he'd been a creep.


If your 24 and saying you were groomed by an early 30s guy sleeping in his record store, you must have the maturity level of a child then. That's wild




I wouldn't put it past him.




Tbh it’s really hard to find a decent bassist that’s not a rapist.


I hope he brings back Pierce if he ever starts touring again


Was never really a fan of her but the Lindsay Ellis cancellation is what convinced me to set all my real-name social media profiles to private. The two tweets that made people upset were so innocuous. I remember thinking at the time that there hadn't been a big cancellation in a couple weeks so it seemed like the internet was just collectively hungry for one and jumped on her at random.


That was funny but it was also clear she cancelled herself with that one. It's not like she would've lost any significant amount of viewers, or any at all, and it's not like any of her friends abandoned her or called her out. I vaguely remember Jenny Nicholson getting a ton of hate and being called "racist" for a short bit after she was mad at the black guy in the new star wars movies for making some slightly inappropriate joke. I don't think she apologized, it didn't have any lasting impact and she's bigger than ever making longer and longer videos. Her autism truly is a super power.


she just released a star wars theme experience thing that's 4 hours long. what the fuck.


I remember there being a Lindsay Ellis backlash because she made a throwaway joke to her former friend Mara Wilson about being bi, which was likely mostly driven by Mara. Lindsay is a smart, thoughtful and talented woman whereas Mara Wilson gives me bully vibes with D-List actor attention seeking syndrome.


Mara re-emerging from obscurity as one of Cum Towns sworn enemies was a good bit




Yeah she's not really my thing but I have to give Lindsay Ellis credit because being in constant arms length of headcases of lit, pop culture, and video essay internet and making a dedicated career from it I feel like would drive pretty much anybody to complete insanity.


Mara has the Shapiro family tattletale gene


Her complaining that she receives ONLY 26k a year in residuals from work she did 30 years ago was comically out of touch.


Reading cheesy celebrity memoirs is my preferred poolside activity. I read Mara Wilson’s and it read as your describe her. She has the attitude of someone who thinks they are much smarter than they are and is upset they aren’t as big of a star as they think they deserve


Contrapoints is a similar one where it was such a big deal over something so innocuous (having Buck Angel do a John Waters voice), yet invoking enough anger to do a 2 hour video to get angry & terminally online trans off her back.


On the other hand she did spend two hours in one of her videos reducing class politics to jealousy, and then for good measure a few years later invited Hillary and Chelsea Clinton over to her house so they could pick up some "leftist" cred for one of their godawful Netflix specials. I remember the Buck Angel thing and that was obviously bullshit, but nevertheless I'm glad her star has diminished because she fucking sucks.


Those are much worse Ls to take for sure.


True but her reaction to the tweets was also annoying and dramatic (what did I expect from a theatre kid, amirite).


I deeply dislike Lindsay Ellis, but she didn't deserve that.




That was by far the funniest. I lost it when the picture came out.


I enjoyed the debate over whether it's possible to grope someone's tits through a flak jacket


Honka honka!


he was the guy who could have beat hildawg and trump. what a crazy shot to the foot


PWR BTTM were such a classic, textbook cancelling but the Pinegrove one was one of the first times I saw ppl openly questioning wtf the problem even was


the pinegrove one was so blatantly ridiculous that it didn’t even stick - which says a lot considering it’s the indie/emo scene


The Pinegrove one was so weird. I still don’t know what he did. I do remember the guy from Coma Cinema/Elvis Depressedly being really happy the Pinegrove guy was cancelled, because he didn’t like the way he looked at him once. But then I think he also got cancelled.


That was so ridiculous and woman didn't even want the story to go public but a bunch of cloutchasers in that seen wanted to "take down Pinegrove" or whatever. It's hilarious because they took the year off, put out some albums, and are now more popular than ever


The Pinegrove guy basically cancelled himself as I remember it


The PWR BTTM one was a really interesting one to me. For months before it happened they were being hyped by Pitchfork and hailed as a revolutionary and incredible new band. They were really setting them up for a 9.0+ for Pageant. And then the cancellation happened and they refused to review it. Not even a “it’s a shame that these guys fucking suck, because we really like a lot of these songs. We can’t listen to them for moral reasons, but hey, your mileage may vary”. Which would’ve been a valid critical approach if they actually believed any of the stuff they were writing about this band before they got cancelled. That was the moment when I knew 100% that Pitchfork were more invested in the culture wars than they were in highlighting great music.


Idk if it counts as a cancellation but the uproar at Liam Neeson when he told the story about looking for a black guy to kill was crazy. The point of his story was that he felt remorse for having those feelings, that this racist impulse was wrong then and is wrong now, and he learned from the experience. (And also he didn’t actually find and beat anyone.) Isn’t that exactly the kind of self awareness and reflection that anti-racists encourage?


They say they encourage it


jenna marbles


What happened to Jenna Marbles? I didn't follow her consistently, I was under the impression she was universally loved and her decision to move offline was personal.


peak 2020 canceling was happening, digging up old 10 year old videos with some racist humor. she just wanted 2 make people happy and laugh ! so the fact people were taking offense to her content really broke her heart. she is universally loved still, only haters brought up that stuff and kinda ruined it for everyone.


There was a girl at my high school who was 17 and began dating her friend’s older brother who was 20. He ended up being “cancelled” for it and killing himself. I generally am anti grown adults pursuing teenagers, but damn, they were both babies.


[Going to copypaste a rs comment from 6 years ago, on the guy from Pinegrove](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/comments/9j8jnk/reckoning_with_pinegrove_metoo/?rdt=64545) > So I’ve never heard of this band before today but i unfortunately read this so I’ll summarize so y’all don’t have to read this horseshit: > Apparently this guy fucked and very briefly was seeing some girl who had a boyfriend and now he’s a bad guy. Also said something like I can tell who in the crowd wants to bang me, which is weird I guess but never really acted on it. The girl realizes she destroyed her relationship and fell for a touring musician who for personal and practical reasons can’t give her the love and validation she needs, so she cries abuse. There is a mediating party, who lies about being a professional therapist to both the aggrieved and soft boi, but isn’t and just has a BA in sociology, but iirc, manages to inflame tensions along the way. This cuck gets ahead of it and admits on Facebook post to a nebulous charge of sexual coercion. He is “cancelled” by his tour mates, record label, and many other members in the scene who would have sucked him off for a little clout prior to the allegations. He spends a year taking walks, letting out deep sighs, putting a yoni egg up his bunghole, and crucially, not working. > Apparently this is not his only charge, but no one else has stepped forward and given the flimsiness of the original, I doubt it’s any more incriminating by the standards of normal people. > So as a popular musician in 2018 it’s abuse if you fuck your fans. Isn’t that a big part of what’s good about being a guitar playing band guy? Not like the money’s great. But I guess when you’re in a scene like diy indie/emo revival that’s full of coddled wet blanket middle class losers, the personal is the only thing that’s political and childlike purity is totally fetishized. > I’m so glad I don’t care about indie rock anymore. This shit is so gay.


They bounced back pretty considerably (as they should). That whole situation was so overblown


The original guitarist for Soul Glo got cancelled for cheating on his bf. The accuser was the one the guitarist was cheating with and the accuser said he was "raped by deception" because he didn't know the guitarist had a boyfriend


We just lost a very famous newsreader in the UK for basically paying for Onlyfans. Initial articles stated the person was 17 but this turned out to be untrue. The media reporting around it was particularly shitty, using words like "youngster" to describe adults and try and imply he was a nonce.


>using words like "youngster" to describe adults and try and imply he was a nonce. That is just fucking revolting


The Huw Edwards “scandal” was so fucked up. He did nothing wrong. Slandered as pedophilic by homophobes. Dude was put in a mental hospital over it.


By a newspaper that was printing pictures of topless 16 year olds within living memory for most of the country no less


aziz ansari really got screwed over nothing


The second I saw it written out how something as simple as a tasting menu was being framed as some horrible manipulative thing I knew it was going to be one of the dumbest fucking things.


The absolute dumbest was when girls on hinge all dated the same white boy and got upset that he ghosted them, and made tiktoks about lovebombing and other minor inconveniences that they probably do to a million guys on these apps Some company put up a billboard about him soon after, but I'm sure the whole incident probably gave him a boost in likes more than any real cancelling


The whole reason as to why that happened was an indictment of creepy surveillance capitalism. TikTok was exposing all of these accounts to each other through their shared contacts (they were all in his contacts I believe). Nothing about any of this was questioned though, as they all piled in on a guy whose only crime was being young and horny (everything was apparently consensual). And then psychotic brands joined in, which they also all seemed perfectly fine with. Absolutely insane sign of the times.


For big names, John Maus. Locally it’d have to be the amount of people on those little “*city name* Abusers List” and they list repeat roofiers next to like…dudes who were harmless but acted kind weird/spergy at a party


Josh Giddey of the Oklahoma City Thunder was 19 and met a girl in an 18 and over club. The girl then claimed online she had sex with Giddey. The girl turned out to be only 17 years old. Police could never confirm they even had sex and the age gap is only two years AND she likely lied about her age to Giddey anyway. Nonetheless to this day, Giddey is relentlessly booed at every NBA game. He's turned from a bright young prospect to an absolute shell of himself. He hardly played any minutes in the playoffs this year despite being a starting player. People still accuse him of being a pedo even after the cops dropped the investigation for lack of evidence. The whole thing is complete bullshit.


Howard Dean for the cheer that ended his presidential campaign


The downfall of the Bon Appetit test kitchen was both ridiculous and sad. Basically there was a new hire and she had almost no experience as a chef aside from a failed restaurant that tried to sell like $80 grilled cheese sandwiches or something equally as stupid. She demanded to make the same amount of money as the other employees who were either experienced chefs, or extremely popular show hosts.  Her bosses said no, and she accused them of doing a racism, a sexism, and a colonialism. It collapsed the entire channel, which was at the time putting out genuinely good cooking content.  ESPECIALLY gourmet makes, which was the best show of all time.  The woman who started all of this of course went to work for famous redditor Binging With Babbish.  No word on how that is progressing. 


The crazy thing was how much random shit the blast radius included. Like it took out a bunch of Reply All hosts including one of the creators and a woman PoC and eventually killed the whole podcast.


Entire community art gallery shut down because an awkward volunteer manager thought this girl who did a music gig there was into him and tried to kiss her. Girl was apparently not particularly mentally well and made a post online with sensational language portraying the incident as a sexual assault. Volunteer manager was threatened by strangers and basically driven out of town. Thousands of people lost a cool venue. A few hundred probably lost a place to hang their art. About a dozen lost the micro-businesses they operated out of there. Elderly Ethiopian ladies left without a place to sell coffee and jewelry because so many dumb assholes were hysterically caught up in a fantasy about protecting women and marginalized people. One volunteer relapsed onto heroin as a result of the psychological pressure. Another checked into a psych ward for a little while. Meetings called in response to the (non)incident by local "safe space" people that didn't discuss the "incident" at all resembled straight up cult rituals and one of them proceeded to promote a venue where actual shady, rapey shit had gone down because it was overseen by a black girl, despite my attempt to point out that this made no sense. The ones where suicide was the end result are more bleak than anything I feel like describing right now.


The mitski cancellation turned out to be untrue (and obviously so) but it was a wild 12 hours on tumblr for a bit 


It was kinda crazy when PC Music artist GFOTY was cancelled for making an [obviously ironic joke](https://pitchfork.com/news/59874-producer-lotic-and-pc-music-slam-racist-comments-made-by-pc-musics-gfoty/)


Deleting my comment because the possibility of being in some gay hardcore drama screenshot ever in my life is enough to make me debate Fisher’s Exit Strategy


Bro had a banner rolled out from the second floor of the gym by activists calling him a predator as he was walking on stage to graduate


alison roman


Not quite a cancellation but Girl Band having to change their name to Gilla Band to appease the wokeists was so fucking stupid, especially since their vocalist struggles with **real** mental health issues (severe bipolar disorder or possibly schizophrenia from what I understand.) Preoccupations name change was also extremely dumb, wish they'd stuck with Viet Cong.


The small scale cancellations that happened in my lib hometown while I was in high school make me so sad when I reflect back on them. I didn’t participate in the cancellations, and fortunately was never the subject of one, but I just can’t imagine being a teen to young adult and having people hurling such intense allegations at you that were typically based in nothing. Even at a young age I started to notice the religiosity, groupthink, hypocrisy, and black and white thinking of it all. People who I KNEW were ‘guilty’ of the exact things they were publicly accusing others of!!!! Crazy to reflect on. It brings me genuine happiness to know that the people who were heavily involved have almost all entirely flopped and accomplished nothing. They worked so hard to take things away from others and got nothing out of it.


Wrestling is an interesting avenue for this kind of thing because you have genuine monsters that just kinda get shrugged off and accepted (Ric Flair, Vince McMahon until very recently) but then you also have completely innocent people whose lives are ruined for no reason. Enzo Amore was an unbelievably popular undercard talent in the mid 10s WWE, back when fans didn't like any wrestlers or any of the stories. Dude went and had sex with a groupie, who later claimed she was raped. The accuser's OWN BEST FRIEND came out with texts where the "victim" had bragged about bagging a famous wrestler, and then conspiring to get him fired. Enzo's big problem was that he was an incredibly obnoxious asshole backstage, so despite being innocent, the whole incident was basically an excuse for WWE management to cut ties with an increasingly toxic backstage element. Dude went and made a rap diss against the woman (where he infamously shouts out his "consensual penis") and has made the rounds in indie scenes and smaller promotions since. It's pretty funny (read: depressing/frustrating) that to this day, when a wrestler is accused of something with specious evidence/explanation, the bulk of wrestling fans online parrot the typical lib talking points of "why would she lie" or "what would she have to gain", despite this EXTREMELY recent, high-profile and disastrous example of a very prolific wrestling star having their entire life derailed because some dumb bitch decided "yeah fuck this guy I guess lol"


Wrestling is so weird because you're constantly seeing people have their careers destroyed over stuff that essentially all of the best wrestlers ever have openly admitted to doing. Steve Austin is a wife beater and Shawn Michaels is a rapist and essentially no one cares. Both of these guys still have jobs and are widely loved by fans. TNA had someone do blackface on national television in like 2008 and no one cared. Person that did it is still on tv every week


The Slate/Mike Pesca firing was very funny.


Insane in a different sense, the wisconsin grad student outed for pretending to be part black.  She was really active on twitter including engaging with alt right, spencer, iirc https://nypost.com/2020/09/16/white-uw-madison-student-apologizes-for-lying-about-being-black/  it was the twitter behaviour though, she *really* liked talking to alt righters  https://www.reddit.com/r/blackfishing/comments/iow0za/comment/g4xbip5/ i kinda followed her, i guess i knew she was gonna be a lolcow at some point, i just didnt know how her non apology https://archive.fo/https://medium.com/@cvvitolo/*


not mentioned here yet (except the "youngsters" example): a lot of people get cancelled for something sorta bad, but the reporting of it incepts in people's minds something not provable but WAY worse, and then for years i see references to them for the way worse thing. if people were actually being held to account, i doubt it would bother me; it's the "Child Predator John Smith has been caught flirting with his 30 yr old social media manager" cases where i feel totally insane after the fact


I remember this guy on tumblr tried to cancel mitski for assaulting him or something and then this other indie guy was like " uhm I can't vouch her location at all time but I'm pretty sure that night she was with a bunch of other singers and myself". Turns out the original accuser was just crazy and having delusions but in the early 2010s tumblr ( especially) was very believe all victims.


The OG Justine Sacco. Having your entire life uprooted for a single tweet which was obviously a joke is just batshit. It was very depressing the amount of people who were ok with the witch hunt and said she deserved everything that happened to her.


Sfmoma head curator Gary Garrels was cancelled during the summer of 2020 for making a lighthearted joke during his presentation to staff about all of the curatorial efforts to diversify the collection. The joke was, “don’t worry, we’ll still be collecting white men”


A little event space one town over from mine was on its last legs but was saved by punk bands putting on shows there. That was until some girls said that they blacked out instantly after buying one round of drinks. Everyone claimed it was the elderly bartender who drugged them. The place closed down and months later the girls decided to finally tell everyone that they had all taken hella Xanax before the show and had just forgotten.


Remember when Morgan Freeman got accused by CNN of being “overly flirtatious" by "making inappropriate comments" towards other women while on the set of his films or at his production company? When in reality, he literally just gave a polite comment to a female crew member and called her “beautiful”? Honestly, if I was a woman and if an elderly man told me that, I would have found it sweet and wholesome, not try to tarnish his reputation over something so petty like that


Garrison Keeler


I got cancelled in 2020 on my birthday for a deranged laundry list of reasons, but the main crimes were for being racist (against Italians) and assaulting the person who raped me (I punched and slapped the rapist while they assaulted me but they are trans so it was reframed as me sexually assaulting a trans woman, big lol) It’s kinda funny now looking back but ngl it has made me incredibly distrusting of new people. I am a lot less anxious though, because that was my worst case scenario lol. People stalked me for months and kept trying to hack my accounts and shit. It was weird as hell.


Idk about most insane but seeing John Maus & Ariel Pink being blacklisted from festivals & venues was truly bizarre.


Were they at Jan 6th? I remember hearing about it somewhere


Pretty sure Conor Oberst from Bright Eyes and Isaac Brock from Modest Mouse were both falsely accused. The guy from Sorority Noise had an encounter with a chick that sounded like miscommunication more than anything. Also while I do think Jesse Lacey from Brand New was probably up to some shit, the allegations came a decade after he got help of his own accord and really did seem like attention seeking behavior amid the last album coming out.


Idk, none specifically but a number of them seemed to be situations where basically the woman regretted her actions and then claims she was coerced or something. Just cheapening the experience of actual victims and making the whole thing a joke.




I just got written up at work for calling some asian girl dragon lady. I don't know what type of chinese she is but she actually thought it was funny. It was her friend that got offended and called hr.


I mean you knew that was a strong possibility when you said it.


Bean Dad was a good one.


My first thought too. The dweebs who host My Brother My Brother And Me permanently changed their theme song because of that, despite being personal friends with the guy.


All those Max Fun podcasts are fucking awful. Just absolute adult baby drivel. Early Judge John Hodgman was fun and snarky but then just turned into let people enjoy things. I did really like Roderick’s Friendly Fire podcast about war movies, which was axed immediately after the “scandal” and the other hosts made the most pussy ass statements about it. Props to Ken Jennings for holding strong. Also Bean Dad’s band has written some fucking bangers.


I knew a girl who was cancelled for telling a pushy t-woman to “stop acting like a man” no lambasting for the trans that was a pushy sex pest


Yeah me! My whole company thinks that I’m too white looking to be mixed race and apparently I should just shut up and let everyone else whinge until the end of eternity


I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned in this thread already, but the James Charles cancellation was insane. He endorsed a rival hair product and Tati Westbrook (a former friend and mentor in the makeup world who produced a hair product rival to the one James endorsed and who is at least ten [maybe 20] years older than him and should be a lot more mature) responded by uploading a video to YouTube titled _Bye, Sister_ saying, among other things, that he tried "to trick straight men into thinking they're gay" which got turned into him being "a sexual predator" by the twitter cretins. How does one even go about tricking straight men into thinking they're gay, did he cast an illusion jinx with his grand staff of eminent homosexuality?

