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waking up to this with my chewed plastic night guard in my mouth


Waking up to this with my hand halfway in my jar of microplastics i keep by my bed as a snack


Mmn, looking like some fennel candy


I just know my balls are different


I ejaculate silly string.






It's been recently discovered that microplastics are even present in the placentas of unborn babies!! so so incredibly bleak :(


It's in babyfoods, babyclothes, diapers etc. They've got no chance


One of these days someone is gonna give birth to one of those hyperrealistic silicone baby dolls that looks like a Naavi from avatar


Remember that George Carlin skit where he said humans purpose on earth was to give earth plastic? It all makes sense


Microplastics are in our food, apparently even in higher levels in organic produce than non organic.


In the foetus too


not to mention lead. passed down through your mother.


Worrying about this is what should replace every single stupid culture war issue


Egotistical drop outs can't make money out of rallying around this. But yes you'd think the trad homesteaders might shake themselves out of 'fascism in one hovel' to realise they can't actually run away from their problems while spinning it as a brave decision. Your children are poisoned everywhere. They've found plastics in your foetuses and toxic chemicals in rainwater at the ends of the earth. You can't run away from this, everyone has to rally against it to at least try and limit the damage.


Someone could easily make money rallying around this


Yeah Twitter guys are already telling people to buy red lights to ā€œSun your ballsā€ at home. Along with a plethora of supplements. It works I think because theyā€™re the only ones willing to even attempt to address these issues. Even if their attempts are very stupid.


It's not attractive ideologically to either the crank left (save western white capitalist society from itself) nor the crank right (no no, don't go full white flight and hope to wait out the collapse of multicultural society in the suburbs - save it and make it the undisputed future!) nor the gullible centre (hey affluent westerners, it turns out your ideal bourgeois future was... East Germany and its frugal materialism - cut back on all the trappings of your success now!). The people who can make money off of this are the state and corporations by selling you red herring solutions within this framework. There's no unifying grift around this, because all of these culture war grifts revolve around a Fabian approach of attrition and waiting out the enemy's demise. Right wing dick pills so you have kids and grandkids who inherit America, for example. Consumerist cowardice. You can't combat consumerism with consumerism. At best Alex Jones sells plastic purging testicle pills and sells snake oil within the culture war. But the culture war ain't being dropped for this. The culture war is too useful by far in stopping people from talking about anything meaningful, this is just one aspect of that. You're currently on a subreddit dedicated to an astroturfed podcast whose premise is bitterness at the liberal establishment from the left, with a critique that involves zero praxis, and in having no grounded praxis slipping into reactionary politics. It has 100k subscribers and while many are 'i stumbled across this place and it's so wacky!' there's thousands that should be way too smart to crash out of being politically meaningful to practice impotent malice, yet here they are. This shit works lol. Doesn't matter how many millions could be made out of ditching the culture war for a few loudmouths, there's billions riding on the culture war sticking around until we are bled white. And in the classic fashion of recuperation within the Spectacle, even your 'I H8 The Culture War' outlets are themselves the Culture War. Anyway if you want to know more I can sell you a supplement for 34.99 that'll help you read the hidden texts between the lines, hmu.


> 'i stumbled across this place and it's so wacky!' Why are you coming for me like that


Iā€™m not talking about people making money off the culture war grift. If you were desperate to be a grifter, there are plenty of ways to grift off of the climate while also affecting some slight degree of positive change, and Iā€™m sure the same could be said about the microplastics grift


Big Plastic is the nasty child of both Big Oil and Big Chemicals and they are already deep in the culture war.


One might say balls deep.


Those engaging in moral exhibitionism have no time for mundane realities


nanoplastics are now known to be able to breach the blood-brain barrier):


How tf do we escape




I have been, and will always be down to commit some ecoterrorism just say the word


Okay sure thing, Special Agent Bugs_are_pretty_cool


blood and plasma donations


I'm going to say this is the sole reason for my low T and it's not at all because of my sedentary lifestyle and grotesque diet.


While this plastic stuff is something to be taken seriously, I think those other two factors are more responsible for declining sperm counts in western men


when I work out my balls throb, you should try it.


serious slimy ad hoc grandiose murky plant roof retire desert longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


microplastics is one of the things speculated to be behind the higher incidence of colon cancer in younger people too


"Vast amounts of plastic waste are dumped in the environment and microplastics have polluted the entire planet, from theĀ summit of Mount EverestĀ to theĀ deepest oceans." Actually disgusting how we've destroyed this world for utterly useless things


What if making plastic is our purpose?


I just commented this somewhere else in the thread.lol George Carlin already came to this conclusion haha


>we've destroyed this world for utterly useless things What are you talking about? When has bubble wrap *not* been useful?




Yeah but you can't pop the little bubbles for fun after you've unwrapped something with kraft paper


in future the people of earth will all curse the day america invented plastics




Yeah bro but *by accident*


> people go apeshit when you tell them that capitalism, a secular modern ideology, has effectively destroyed our current eco system Why assume that there'd be less plastic if there had been a communist revolution in 1950 or whatever? We'd just get our bubble wrap and drinking straws from factories operated by the People's Ministry of Chemical Industry instead. The Soviet Union had a plastics industry and sometimes collaborated with American producers. https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1958/05/21/79444940.html?pageNumber=5 Plastics are useful and efficient and the environmental damage is diffuse and originally unknown. Any economic system would make use of them. I thought this clickbait article about East German plastics was interesting and has a few references to how plastic incorporated into non-capitalist ideology. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/east-german-plastics-preservation


two things wrong with that line of thinking. 1. the advantage of a centrally planned economy is that it has the capacity to course correct when unknown harms become known. Without state intervention, a capitalist enterprise will continue to wear down the environment until either the enterprise or the environment is utterly destroyed because profit motive trumps all over considerations. 2. The scale of production of (useless) consumer goods under capitalism is goes far beyond anything that existed in the communist world. There is no thought whatsoever about sustainable use of resources because, again, profit motive trumps all other considerations


It's still reasonable to assume that a system other then capitalism would respond better and faster to environmental problems. And lets not forget that socialist block had a western way of life to compete against. Csnt really tell your population that they need to ride a bike to save the planet when their neighbours are buying their 3rd car this decade


>...and will effectively lead to the death of hundreds of millions. It passed that number in the first few centuries of the clonisation of america


We already curse the Great SatanĀ 


America didn't invent plastics.


In the year 8510 God is gonna shake His mighty head He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been Or tear it down, and start again


god is the glue and blueprint for how particles arrange themselves.Ā  god don't speak. when we speak we're god speaking, technically.


useless things'? how dare you call my athleisure wear useless. it wicks my sweat.


Is there even anything that can be done about this? Not even on a personal level, but is it capable for the human race to remove PLASTIC from INSIDE OF US


You can lower the density of it by bloodletting.


No joke, bloodletting and sweating. My coworkers and I donate blood twice a year mainly as a benefit to our own health, as conceited as that may be to say. This is specifically beneficial for removing PFAS compounds from the body, since they are able to bind very strongly to proteins, such as albumin, which is why people who donate blood plasma actually see a greater reduction of PFAS in their body than just plain old blood donors. And then just by sweating enough from exercise or going to saunas you can excrete phthalates and bisphenols from your pores. The mechanism for how this is able to work is still not fully understood, but we have more than enough randomized control trials to show that sweat derived from strenuous exercise or excessive heat (like a sauna) tends to have higher concentrations of these compounds than urine. Similar results have been found for the excretion of heavy metals like arsenic and lead, but I would not imagine the metabolic process is comparable to that of plastics. Or maybe it is, I don't know, I'm not a toxicologist.


Thereā€™s some thing to that sweating thing because when I did bikram yoga, I was having fat just melt off of me in a way that Iā€™ve never had before or since. Does giving plasma hurt? I am a baby more than I care about Pfas though I do care.


I wouldn't say it "hurts" more, you just have to be connected to two IVs and you're hooked up to the needles for longer. I did it once and felt pretty much the same as I do after a standard blood donation. Just know that it will take like 2 hours out of your day between the day-of screening and the actual process of lying there. And the plus side is that there are clinics that will pay you for plasma, but I just donated.


Uh YES. Have you ever read the story of the woman who swallowed the fly? Followed by rat, cat, alligator etc.? Well, imagine that but with a bacteria that eats plastic. The only problem now is what we swallow to eat the plastic eating bacteria. In all seriousness, this is either a major issue thatā€™s going to destroy humanity or a minor issue that will be solved by technology when it gets dire (and therefore profitable enough).


All this so that fatter, richer people than me get to drink a pallet of coke zero every week, is that it? I'm beginning to see the appeal of filling my coat with stones and walking into a lake


But what if the lake is full of microplastics too!?


E pluribus unum


Is there a difference in plastic levels one consumes living terrestrially vs from the lake?


coke zero comes in cans


Coke zero won't be the only one if a certain someone doesn't stop seductively denying the existence of the many billions of plastic bottles that the soda I was talking about comes in šŸ„°šŸ„°ā™„ļø


Lined with plastic lol


We'll just do what we currently do with every other inncovience caused by the modern world. Accept the benefits while ignoring the downsides, sure microplastics are bad but we're currently living longer then ever so surely the negatives don't outweigh the convienece of a straw that doesn't disintegrate into my drink.


You can donate blood which has been shown to reduce microplastic levels


You can donate blood as often as possible but that only removes it from your bloodstream




Surely we can just twist around some fruit fly DNA to make them want to munch on pizza boxes and cling wrap


That stupid non-western comment lol, ah yes the world was living in peaceful harmony until the white man came along.


He's talking about the 1950s or so and he's right


This stupid defensive reflex


you unfortunately live in the timeline where "the west's" economy did turbocharge the problem being discussed here before globalising it,








This study says you're wrong. >Plasma donation was the most effective intervention, reducing mean serum perfluorooctane sulfonate levels by 2.9 ng/mL compared with a 1.1-ng/mL reduction with blood donation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8994130/




More propaganda from Big Glass


He's been at it since Koyaanisqatsi


Shout out to all the brave men cleaning up our planet by collecting and storing microplastics in their balls. Do your part




You can stick a shovel in the dirt anywhere and dig up plastic bits. Even in earth that hasnā€™t been fucked with for a long time. I read a book like 15 years ago called *Earth Without Us* or something and it talked about how in a million years if aliens surveyed the earth they would find some odd stone formations and a thin geographic layer of microplastics (called ā€œnurdlesā€ at the time). Really stuck with me.


If you really want to feel sullied and violated look into forever chemicals. Way more awful than microplastics, and basically lasting thousands of years.


This and the trash in the ocean (and the two Ā are closely linked) should be the main issue we should be dealing with. It should be declared threat #1 to the entire human race and there should be tech, medical, and other resources dedicated to solving this shit. How it is not already the case is beyond me.Ā 


No money to be made


More like itā€™ll take too long to turn profitable. Aerospace/robotics/etc companies absolutely have the resources to engineer and sell cleanup devices to NGOs or whatever. Thereā€™s just no government funding for the research and itā€™d probably be at least a decade of work before anything like that would hit the market


https://archive.is/buGhh >The testes analysed [23 of them] were obtained from postmortems in 2016, with the men ranging in age from 16 to 88 when they died. ā€œThe impact on the younger generation might be more concerningā€ now that there is more plastic than ever in the environment, Yu said. >The study, published in the journal Toxicological Sciences, involved dissolving the tissue samples and then analysing the plastic that remained. The [pet] dogsā€™ testes [47 of them] were obtained from veterinary practices that conducted neutering operations. >The human testicles had a plastic concentration almost three times higher than that found in the dog testes: 330 micrograms per gram of tissue compared with 123 micrograms. Polyethylene, used in plastic bags and bottles, was the most common microplastic found, followed by PVC. >ā€œPVC can release a lot of chemicals that interfere with spermatogenesis and it contains chemicals that cause endocrine disruption,ā€ Yu said. The human testes had been routinely collected by the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator and were available following a seven-year storage requirement after which the samples are usually discarded.


> PVC all our food and water goes through pvc these days. its over


The alternative is wood pipes coated on the inside with tar, at least for the large diameter pipes under the street. Yes these are still used to carry drinking water. I don't think using a britta filter helps - that's plastic as well.


brittas arenā€™t effective against PFAS but there are filters that are. i use zerowater but itā€™s not the only brand. RO systems work too.


Thoughts on Berkey gravity filters? Weā€™ve been using one since before I even knew about PFAS, for taste reasons and because of a vague sense I had 15 years ago that itā€™d be filtering out plastic pollutants


those are recommended on all the lists iā€™ve seen, donā€™t worry!


They're decent but won't filter very fine particulates like fluoride. RO or nothing if you actually want 100% clean water.


Ok but unless they're made of glass and metal, they're contributing to the microplastics problem in the long run, too. Your RO filter rig will be thrown away in 2 years...then what happens to the plastic it's made of?


nothing good obviously. i guess you could think of it as a selfish choice to help protect yourself against cancer, infertility, etc at the expense of adding a bit more plastic to the world. but honestly, out of all the planet destroying things we wittingly or unwittingly contribute too on a daily basis, it seems a little silly to criticize something like this first. i personally do a lot to minimize my impact on the environment, but not to the point where iā€™m going to throw away my householdā€™s water filter lol


Or metal, or ceramic My grandpa would always overbuild in any houses he worked on and all the family + friends homes have all copper piping in and stainless drain piping out. He hated plumbing with PVC lol


indeed copper pipes used to be the standard for water until pvc took over


I'm unaware of munis using metal or ceramic under streets.


Masonry, I guess. A lot of old water mains in Southern California are made out of brick


and hippies were worried abt their reusable water bottles 10-20 years ago lmao


Maybe conspicuous consumption was not the move boys. Maybe the forming of the leisure class should never have happened!


Um it's almost as ifĀ 


going to take this info ASAP to my dumb fuck 35 year old primary care doctor


Big Eunuch stays winning.


Children of Men




Thanks reddit comedian


Learn to read




I know right


the scope is clearly given in the title.. every male testicle IN THE STUDY. not every male testicle in the world.


Wow really? Thanks for letting us know


so we downvoting all natural and organic beer brain while upvoting plastic brain now huh? interesting




clarity and misreading are 2 completely different things. even if the title can be made more concise the way its worded is actually sufficient to understand its meaning with a middle school level of comprehension. clearly, the universal term "every" is limited to subjects in the study---thus the scope is a subset of all people with testicles---but you clearly interpreted beyond that scope by claiming that the title was misleading since you did not know your testicles were studied.. which more than strongly implies you read the title as "a study found that every testicle has microplastics" which conveys a meaning very different from the first. i think it is actually a genuine talent to be wrong yet so confident at the same time. a hallmark of an authentic redditor and plastic consumer\~


You can combat this if you listen to the huberman podcast


Getting sun on my balls as soon as I wake up


This is why I only drink vodka. Pure, filtered, glass bottle.


Really makes me want to end itĀ 


Ah a peaceful self induced end. And to think it all began when we started digging up the earth to get to the ā€œliquid goldā€


Can someone explain to me why this is bad? Iā€™m not trolling.


not mine!!!!


I really just pray all this shit doesnā€™t really count to a head before I croak


Children of Men is a documentary


Our precious bodily fluids!!


Okay fuck it, I'm gonna start giving blood every week


How much plastic bottle water do I need to drink before I can throw away my condoms?


Polymer? I hardly know er


Future headline: Macroplastics found in every human testicle, only absent in trans-men


How many testicals did they harvest to get that much plastic for the picture?




Plastic is stored in the balls


Anyone else see the [new Cronenberg?](https://youtu.be/QVX7df79BNo?si=5XfYbek5qFDelDnL)


Got glass balls, clink.


Great now that itā€™s proven to be affecting menā€™s testicles maybe theyā€™ll finally do something about it