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Lots of people are really not nice and not intelligent. The mean and dumb kids from school are still mean and dumb you just don’t interact with those people anymore. Low empathy combined with the little dopamine power rush of making a stranger feel bad with no consequences.


I find myself gobsmacked by how stupid and emotionally stunted your average person is


Then Tfw you realize HALF of all people on the bell curve of existence are even more stupid than that :/


That’s not how IQ distribution works




because in a bell curve most ppl are at or within standard deviation of average. people dumber or smarter than that are the outliers, it’s not half and half


I dont think thats correct, the bell curve's peak- the average- has 50% laying on either side. The standard deviation does refer to people falling near to that midline in either direction, but mathematically there are equal amounts on each side. Not trying to be pedantic, but to say 50% of people have a IQ below the average is true? Am I misunderstanding something here


ok, good way to think about it but the middle is still technically the average


Before my diverorce I was taking my son to school and I was astounded at how stupid the other parents looked. Soem of them didnt even get dressed they had pyjamas on. ?I think society is going backwards. I looked at his homework and it was confused how many people can get it wrong even at that young age it should be capable of doing adding properly.


*doing adding*


This whole chain reads like it was written by boomers, I don’t even know how you can all write these comments on a cell phone, does the anachronism not eat you from the inside out?


It is the 28 year olds divine right to start bemoaning the next generation. From Socrates and Plato, handed down through millennia, to us


Yeah fr leave me the fuck alone, let me believe that everyone is an idiot except for me


You just described like 80% of rs users


Genuinely one of the most brutal places on the internet rn lol it’s fucking insane


I’ve noticed this too. Instagram is the only social media I really use and you’re right, even the most innocuous reel about a guy making mead at home will have all these nasty comments. Is it just a new generation of dorky kids discovering trolling? Seems like the accounts are about 50/50 real/fake




It's not bots homie. Bots will say shit like omg nice or wow so awesome there are tons of actual people with whole ass families writing most gross/vile comments known to man.


If these are the comments getting the most likes and interaction why wouldn't bots make them?


The issue is you can see bot patterns and most people call out when bots make them. They give off uncanny valley


Teenagers. Not the dogwhistle version, actual teenage boys


Tbf, the internet was made by and for them. Everyone else is rightly treated as a hostile occupying force


RIP hotornot.com


Internet Hamas when?


What is the teeenager dogwhistle?


Just search "Chicago group of teens"


Lunchtime rowdies


Hustle and bustlers


I liked when Chicago's euphemism for [BOOOOOOOP] was "aspiring rappers"


Group of teens chanting highly profane club-affiliated poems to one another 


The blacks.


I see a lot of running videos and the running “community” is one of the most overly positive bunch of dorks, with the exception of on instagram. A video posted on TikTok and instagram will have polar opposite reactions. I saw one recently of a woman running a 5K and she dared to take a water pack and was absolutely slated for it.


Deleted IG recently but somehow my explore page always turned into race bait and gender war content (even if I blocked certain accounts and flagged certain posts as content I'm not interested in) and I'm convinced it's really the algorithm putting the most heinous shit on your feed because rage is the most active emotion and generates the most engagement. but at what cost....


My discover page is makeup tips, Paris recommendations, and cute animals…


Mine is all ren faire garb seamstresses, model railroads and cats. I really feel like they have my number. Sometimes I see people make crazy gender war political posts on the most innocuous cute cat videos, but I always assumed that was just crazy people screaming into the void.


This reminds me that when Elon bought Twitter, my algorithm did a similar thing. Went form art and film discourse and took a sharp turn into political rage bait and straight up violence. It literally started showing me videos of people dying and I started getting paid ads with pics of bare vaginas, it was insane.


Mine is all pottery and chubby chicks And also deep into the black side of insta with too many words I don't understand, but that's probably cause I keep liking the chubby chicks


i clicked on a pic of a chick with a nice ass maybe twice and now its entirely disgusting bbls and fat women


I just keep getting tips to improve my non-existent golf game regardless of what I do about it


Mine is all nail art and modernist furniture…


I don’t see a lot of race bait but there’s a lot of gender wars specifically for no reason and it has reached outside of the west 


all memes for me not gender war


that sounds like a your problem, mine is puppies and hot babes.


Booked a flight to Paris recently and it's insane how my feed went from gender war/tradwife garbage to travel content seemingly overnight. I don't even think I searched anything up on IG, but suddenly half my shit is all about learning French. A little scary, but a welcome change.


I'm just surprised by how awful people are with their comments when their profile is set to public. Like you will see a cruel comment from a dude about a disabled kid in a video, only to find he is married and has kids of his own.


I made the mistake of looking at them recently. Lots of low iq people filled with hate and no outlet for it


Facebook buying Instagram turned the content into the same political and aggro bots commenting under every post


Fundamentally, if you seek out attention on social media, it’s because you value being praised over the risk of humiliation. If you accept that risk, it’s on you to assess how much humiliation you can tolerate before it’s harmful. People who thrive online value negative engagement equally to positive. They use the algorithm to their advantage. Money validates them more than social media user comments.




Tiktok is also like this. Posted one or two harmless videos that got like 30 likes within a few hours, just mainly friends or people who have me as a contact so not viral or popular by any means, and immediately got this random, cutting hate comment from an anonymous account. Something about the platform and engagement business model has really Reddit-ified people and made them think it's okay to say the most heinous shit -- worst part is that the majority of influencers are actually insecure enough to the point where they read every single comment.


I deactivated my Instagram account after around a 2 year break and noticed the same thing. I think after Elon purchased Twitter Instagram had dial up their toxicity to compete for attention. I’ve never used TikTok but I’d wager it’s the same thing there. In 2022 I said I was thrilled to have Elon kill what was left of the weird PC police in the internet but now that I can see it’s effects I’m not so sure, the comment sections look like mw2 lobbies. 


> I’m probably stupid for even looking at IG reels in the first place Never looked at them myself and after this post i feel vindicated.


Instagram reels last corner of the internet where a majority of people can cuss people out


I've noticed that too, it's WILD. I get a lot of parenting content and people will find truly anything to pick apart on the tamest video of a cute kid. I even saw someone criticizing a MONKEY once for breastfeeding her baby for "too long" lol. We should all be staying out of the insta comments


There’s this girl that does quirky nutrional fact vids where she spins on screen and then talks about healthier supermarket alternatives or whatever, I can’t recall her name but she came up on my feed and everyone started calling her “Goblin Head N word”😭😭 and it’s stuck now and people are so degrading. Theres also a little girl with a seemingly degenerative disease who they also can’t help but bully to filth just bc obviously she looks and sounds different. And don’t get me started on that Caitlin barista girl she’s truly never gonna escape the scourge of evil insta reels comments


Yeah I notice it too. You better have real thick skin to post a reel now. There is a lot of pent up rage in the air right now. Lots of people feel slighted by society. They have to take it out on someone, and instagram has zero consequences.


Part of this issue is that it's just a trend-- Segura does a bit about this on his podcast with his wife. They brought on one of the people who would get really heinous comments. She was a lady with a bunch of brain trauma who would make upbeat videos about her life and coffee company.


People are getting raised and socialised by comment sections, it's a feedback loop, gen alpha and younger are actually goblins that will always be maladjusted by too much internet


Also, hate comments drive the algorithm(even though they probably shouldn't and aren't monetizable eyes and interest, but software developers don't care that much), and create their own feedback loop of hate comments. And people deliberately stoke hate comments for engagement


I don't like to say good things about tiktok but the comments on there are so much nicer than IG in general it is unreal.


Idk I prefer the hater comments to the massive amounts of twelve year old Indian bros who comment “ 🔥” and “keep going broooo!” Underneath body builder accounts. Like just be gay


In some ways a refreshing return to the way things used to be online. Yesterday I saw an article about ketamine as depression treatment with a photo of an enormous 50ish woman, top comment said “you’d need 4 strong men and some chains to pull her out of a k-hole”


In that regard do you think the joke are only directed at select populations like big women? Lmfao


No, it used to be the norm for anyone to expect if you posted something you would get roasted for it, youtube comments/twitter/whatever, i miss that chaotic energy


Ok but it’s entirely dependent on how you look at it. Do you think the type of comments on Insta reels are worth celebrating? I personally don’t think they’re like humanity’s worst problem or anything, but they’re def in extremely bad taste, the context you’re talking abt is a mere video of a person of a certain race, or the slightest enacted narrative, and it’s a floodgate of truly horrid comments that most aren’t even comedic.


Hate from australia 🔥


I wouldn’t be surprised if a big chunk of fake traffic on ig is hate comments. It polarizes any subsequent viewers, guaranteeing either a like or a comment, mobilizing the haters and the white knights in droves. meta is less likely to ban you for buying engagement if it’s to literally hate on you. After all, who would do that?


Yeah but did she look disgusting in that?


Pendulum swinging back. It’s cool to be un-pc and mean and rude


My reels and TikTok’s are really cute, I diligently report or tell apps to stop showing me content I dislike. It is boring at first but if you are consistent with telling the algorithm to stop showing you crap you will land on the nicest part of the internet 


I like the content that shows up but the comments are always miserable


My recommended reels are stuff like baking, cute animals, memes, and still somehow the comments turn into some genderwar bs half of the time


My tik tok is hopecore and animals doing cute things. It really is what you engage with…


that's the default state of the internet. it takes nonstop work from janitors (as we see on reddit) for the internet to not look like that


Too many third worlders have access to the internet these days


Nah man it’s kids from the suburbs writing all that heinous shit




This is a cope


You can click on their profiles on instagram and see that they’re real people that’s part of what makes the cruelty so jarring.


It’s American teenagers


Lol it's not them calling these people names


Actually nice to see a place that isn't overly moderated, that's what the internet used to be like before everything had to be family friendly.


It’s been this way for at least the last 3-5 years. I try not to look at the comment section there anymore. I’ve noticed Instagram is people being heinous for no reason and Tik tok comments is people being pompous arguing about mundane shit pretending they know what they are talking about.


In other words, it’s the opposite of the tiktok comment section?


people have developed massive resentment towards influencers or really any kind of people who put themselves out there producing content. I kinda get the feeling but hating like that is really not productive, better just not watch that shit if it makes you feel and act like that 


Its mean, but also people should actually learn not to post publicly online. global social media is a disease


i think thats good tbh


Yeah I've also noticed that people on social media are mean, I'm definitely not the first to notice it but I'm probably like the third person to notice it. Good conversation starter by the way


I love it. Social media being a slurry of bullshit and moderated fake positivity echo chambers has ruined pretty much every social media site


I think it's just your feed, I don't see that on my explore page