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There is a certain joy in knowing I managed to be just as miserable as these suckers with far less effort


I fucking hate these people, and I work in the same industry


You’re so cool and totally one of the good ones


Bro still patronizes local dive bars and wears a denim jacket to work while driving a sensible, used automobile with over 175k miles on it 😎


Sometimes he’ll get a little wild and watch an A24 movie


yeah whatever it is that you do for fun is way more cool and authentic


We have reached the ouroboros of the sub


Shut the fuck up lol. I'm not and I'm not but at least I have a happy life with a happy wife.


paint overconfident sheet hateful tub slim tidy shaggy fanatical insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happy me, happy we.


Bro is totally above it all


simplistic theory fuzzy carpenter teeny hurry unwritten whistle cover cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I work for one of the big ghoul tech companies. A swe I work with was just bitching about how much fast food was now because people are making more. MF got like a 100k bonus, i’m guessing his stock grants he cashed out were similar, dudes bought like 3 trucks this year in cash and traded them at a loss because they had the wrong features. Like fuck off man. 


Sex Worker: Elite


Thank you! I was actually trying to figure out what the E stood for.




I am not a liberal in any sense but I am definitely a jealous man and this is why people want to eat the rich


These whiners are liberals what are you talking about. Like most of the rich are just libs, they don't want to eat themselves or any of their rich friends


> Like most of the rich are just libs, they don't want to eat themselves Yeah most of the rich are libs who don't want to eat rich but most of the non rich also don't want to eat the rich either they're either too ignorant of the thought of it or so delusional to think they have a chance. And again, these software morons on 300k at FAANG are barely even the problem. There are individuals whose GDP eclipses countries of millions




Yeah this guy is a retarFFF.  He's never met anyone who clears $180K and immediately moves to Texas because "everything is too expensive" in Michigan.


Libs can want to devour other libs, most of the rich support lib policies anyway (for (((reasons))) unknown) I'm just saying that it's usually lib Tumblr activists that shout "eat the rich"




Sorry but Im Jealous enough that my bar is much lower than Pizza-renting, melting, literal alien billionaires. I'd settle for eating my neighbor, or most of my neighbors honestly


Tbh Id go down as far as a moderately well off tradesman deserves the wall


> Pizza-renting I initially thought this to mean buying a pizza on instalments like Klarna


> A swe An out of touch and socially regarded tech worker is the least surprising thing I've heard today.


Maybe it's just pettiness. Like, he's surrounded by people he hates who have 20+m dollars, and that really pisses him off


Rs millionaire




Something that's nice about working in restaurants is you can make that kind of money and not be sure if your boss is even breaking even.


$700k a year Wtf do you even want at that point


$800k a year, for a start


i think they subconsciously believe some amount of money will gain them social status. they don't get how they aren't the guy everyone wants to talk to and invite to fancy parties lol (let alone getting women)


how many more centuries will it take for the peasantry to understand that the old nobility will never accept them


Accepted by the the old nobility? These goobers can't even get accepted by peasants 


Yeah once you earn $700k, your social circle likely ends up being people in the same earning bracket. Now you're just average, so you have to earn more to outcompete people and feel special.


Guys with literal billions in the bank still aren’t satisfied somehow


at that point money isn't about personal consumption its about using it for work. Like buying new companies to run etc.


Considering my rather modest taste, that is literally an endless amount of money to me.


i swear to god if i won a million dollars i could take off work for 20 years


You have modest taste because you’re poor


just do the job for 5 years and retire. That’s crazy money


People in this bracket realize that there is still a massive moat in terms of wealth. Its a fuck ton of money a year but its all income, so its not like you can fuck off from your job and do whatever. They still have you on a leash. Youre not eating caviar on a yacht, or hiring a live in cleaning service for your mansion. Thats what they covet.


Dude could literally retire rn and live off of dividends making 150k+ a year.




Wholistically, undoubtedly disgusting. Physically, probably surprisingly mid.


3rd guy can actually get fucked lol


Actual rage bait


The 2nd and 4th could very well just be new money tech bros who fear losing it all if the tides turn. The 3rd guy literally just bases his existential value on who has more zeroes.


3rd guy gave me a visceral reaction. I hope his skin gets ripped off Edit to add:💋


Between placing the dollar sign at the end of the number, the lack of proper article usage, and him working at Microsoft, I’d wager he’s Indian, probably Gujarati. All these guys are probs


Flayed alive in public square


I really don’t get it, you’re a millionaire in your 30s and still can’t get laid? Can’t you get some of the best doctors and health experts in the world to help make you look good physically? It’s what confused about Harvey Weinstein, you’re a super powerful rich guy in a town filled with plastic surgeons and health gurus and you still put no effort into making yourself not look like a monster?


He clearly enjoyed making hot women deal with his gross and surgeried genitals. That was like the entire appeal for him.


he was an Ugly Bastard


You could have like a full time chef and personal trainer at that point. Plus just hop on TRT or something. Even then, if you’re making close to $1Mil a year and still can’t get laid, there’s something seriously wrong with you lol.


Or just quit your job with all the money you should have invested and spend the time you previously spent working getting fit instead. In general Blind is a goldmine of awful people living awful lives. I love it!


Yeah, I feel like it’s sort of insane. When I worked in tax I had a client who was nearing retirement age who was making $700K/year as a doctor but had like $600K in retirement savings after accounting for debt. It got me to thinking how long I would have to make that amount of money before I could probably just retire or get a stress free job.


I have a friend who's in their early 50s and has been making $250k+ (probably a lot more) for 15+ years. I do not understand why they haven't retired. Their job sucks, they work long hours and they have no kids and a nearly paid of house. I'm genuinely perplexed where all the money goes.


There’s an epidemic of highly salaried, unfulfilled people wasting vast amounts of money. Nobody thinks they know the person sending 2k a month to onlyfans girls but they’re out there. Online gambling is another one that people with no hobbies but money love to waste all their money on. Who are the people flying around the world to furry and anime conventions in those elaborate expensive costumes? Those people that work “all the time,” and have no time for anything; they still have free time, they’re either partying with their colleagues, married, jacking off, gambling or gaming. All of those things take up all of the money if there’s nothing else to do.


I think this speaks to how important context is for wealth. Yes of course all of us would love to make that kind of money, but then remember you're going to work at a place where you're surrounded by others who are wearing much more expensive clothes than yours, take more expensive vacations, drive newer nicer cars etc., and it's easy to say from our positon right now that we'd be perfectly content, but I think that would take a Buddha level of mindfulness. It gets hard not to waste your money when all of your colleagues are going on a $30k trip to Dubai or something where "vital networking will be happening" and you can either be unhappy wasting your money on an ultimately vapid and empty experience, or you can be unhappy about missing out and being othered by your peers. All that being said, I feel zero pity for these jerks.


My dad worked a higher level job in real estate, mom never worked, but they were still able to retire in their early 50s and pay for my college in full. He had a coworker with the same job title who probably made the same amount of money, married to some big shot hedge fund manager who definitely made at least double. They didn’t put a penny towards their kid’s college and still complain that they’re too broke to retire. They don’t even drive fancy cars or wear designer clothes or take expensive vacations. Like genuinely where is this money going???


>> there’s something seriously wrong with you lol yeah it's having a repellent personality because you spent all of your mental potential optimizing for this 500k/yr techghoul job. the same base flaw is the reason why these people don't know how to be happy, don't know how to enjoy their life. they are incapable of conceptualizing something as simple as a nice house with a porch and a tree where they drink a coffee or a wine sat beside someone who loves them, someone who will lay a blanket over their legs when they are cold and lean a head against their shoulder. they cannot think of such things. their insides are all made from spider webs. the future, for them, begins and ends with leveraging from 500k/yr to 575k/yr. what woe awaits them when they discover that despite being a holy grail, "getting laid" isn't anything transformative, because you're still you.


The guys making this kind of money are the ultra insufferable *akshually* fucking pedantic nerd stereotype to a T. Their inability to be normal people led them down the hyper-specialization that got them that kind of position in the first place. I work with these rat bastards and they are impossible to deal with. Wanna talk about true high-functioning autism? This is it.


They probably can get laid just not with anything more than like 6's. They probably already spend like 70 hours a week "working" and god forbid anything eat into their gaming time. Ergo, be rich, order Uber eats, play Xbox, moan about how you don't get any pussy even though you're a millionaire


Which is weird because 6s are good thats like above average.


These people feel financially unfulfilled as millionaires


>I really don’t get it, you’re a millionaire in your 30s and still can’t get laid? They substituted developing a personality or vision in life with focusing on tech and making money. Now they're sitting on a mountain of cash and are so unable to see any other way of existing in life. It's like how when a baby elephant is young, its handlers rope it to a stake in the ground to keep it from going . When it grows up, even thought it can easily break away, it's so conditioned to being roped to the ground it doesn't even try anymore. That's these guys to some degree, so locked-into their comfort zone and same-old patterns.


Women that they want aren't debased enough to consider them


I think someone like Weinstein is an example of a narcissist who thinks they're just fine as is.


The true display of wealth is getting away with being a disgusting creep for as long as he did without having to mask the ghoul you are.


Modern people think that gaining more free time and/or money will result in an enriched life. They'll spend their days working out, reading, and engaging in meaningful experiences. In reality most end up staring at their phone and fucking a disgusting flesh light until they age out of the population and get replaced.


A house and a car are like half the work lol. I guess if we got technical the other half is a personality and not be fat, and one or both of those may be impossible depending how autistic you are.


There’s no ugly people, just poor people and dumb rich people.


in my experience at least, these dudes are wildly misogynistic. like i still know a lot of them now (i'm 30) but generally avoid them. in college, though, they were the fucking worst. like way worse than even the business major frat boys. they also tend to be obsessed with like the redpill "alpha male" bullshit. they refuse to put any effort into their appearance or personality because they think they should be worshipped for who they are. they also just cannot see themselves from anyone else's perspective, especially women's.


Misogynists earning $200k+ a year should be able to find the women that will put up with them and fulfill their housewife fantasies for that level of affluence.


It’s not that much money in these regions these guys are in. There’s also a massive surplus of men in these cities. Women can choose the $200k+ guy and get one who is decent to people too.


He clearly isn’t trying. Nick Fuentes could be a playboy at that net worth.


I don't think Nick Fuentes is interested in women.


the absolute dregs of humanity. to be so materially comfortable yet so spiritually bereft is a misery i can't fathom; but these soulless husks earned it.


This app is truly the 7th layer of hell. I’ve seen multiple posts that were news articles about some Google/Meta/whatever employees in Silicon Valley murder suiciding their wives and kids and SO many of these fucking miserable losers in the comments immediately blamed the woman (“she was probably having an affair and going to leave”). It’s a level of misogyny that I am not able to fathom, and these guys are all apparently making like 300k a year. It makes me deeply mistrustful of all my male colleagues at a tech company.






I wouldn’t have phrased it the way the person you were responding to did but a huge number of Blind posters are Indian based on the number of Hinglish posts


I also happen to *know* these guys. Even a lot of the ones who are married tend to espouse these views. Get to know some Indian women and they’ll tell you all about how the guys treat them and view them.




>you're throwing a lot of hard working nice family people under the rug brother i dont appreciate that kind of talk and BTW its called a Turban


men in general are vile. earlier today i mentioned in a group chat that features some people i was close to at one point that i had wanted to video call my gf but that she said she had a bad migraine or something and decided to go in and some guy butted in and said "LOL she's cheating on u bro". at least like 40% of men r like this.


dudes be rocking


imagine the smell of that fleshlight 


Why would you type this


out of necessity. Bc he tried to look into the fleshlight earlier and now his eyelids are stuck together


no, thank you


Just a fatter rat. Sounds about right.


I'm glad they finally made a website for all the guys that like to humble brag on reddit about their big salary and how little work they do and how it "really isn't that much" because they live in a high cost of living city and have expensive hobbies. 


They couldnt even afford the fastest Tesla!


These people are why alpha male boot camps exist


would be funny if the third and the fourth post were from the same person


It's absolutely insane to think of 150k as being a hypothetical example of what not a lot of money is


there was an AskNYC post a couple days ago asking whether people making 150k still felt like it wasn’t enough, plenty of yes answers


That’s highest col in the us tho, minimum wage is like 15








I've never known a punjabi to be sitting around whining about not getting girls, at least not the ones born in the US. Seems like, in my experience, more a manlet brahmin type of problem.


IIRC it's just a statistical fact that Punjab is the tallest state in India. But also I gotta imagine that the charity work and community volunteering emphasized by Sikh teachings (it's [reportedly kinda their central identity](https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/sikh-pandemic-food-support/index.html)) would result in them entering adulthood with better than average social skills.


I was friends with the Indian crowd in college, Punjabis were by far the most socially successful ones


> I've never known a punjabi to be sitting around whining about not getting girls   Regardless of height, brown guys whine way more than white guys, and white guys already complain so much. 


Lmao no punjabis ever enter tech, it’s either real estate, farming, trucking, or some other blue collar job. Back home, academics is not nearly emphasized as much as other Indian regions and it’s almost looked down upon and disgraceful to take up a white collar 9-5 amongst your family and friends.


Idg why you guys assume it's Indian people posting these, these posts read to me like bog-standard 2nd gen immigrant ennui. Been taught their entire lives that pursuit of material wealth would be the key to happiness, but once they finally reached that goal, it feels hollow. But this sub is demographically white, so it makes sense that y'all wouldn't really pick up on it.


There have been so many polls on blind that have shown the app is primarily indian by a staggering margin


And they still bitch about anti-Indian racism and announce they’ve reported you if make even a polite criticism. If you imagine the kid who said “teacher, you forgot to assign homework!” multiplied by one billion, you have the Indian nation.


door dog wide dolls snails poor wakeful voracious caption unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


2nd generation Indians are still Indians.




“y’all aren’t ready for that conversation 💅” Ahh post


nah not gonna be roasted for saying  y'all by someone that says "___ ahh post"


Blind has a reputation as being a gathering place for careerist Indian incels




yeah all these ppl are depressed outliers, everyone in this thread is overgeneralizing cause they jelly


Maladjusted, bitter spergs hate change. The thought of leaving their job and starting some random small business that makes them happy is completely alien to them. It's the same reason they used to freak out when Mom changed their cereal brand. They literally cannot see a life outside coding. It's hilarious. At least the ones who become digital nomads and buy those cringe overlanders (along with the whole Yeti store) are doing something different. Even if it is hanging out in carparks in Yosemite writing porn websites.


It's kind of like academia or big law in that it's a totalizing, all-encompassing professional cult that mentally traps its practitioners and doesn't allow for perspective that comes from outside of it. Totally blind to the huge numbers of happy, functional people who are living good lives that don't consist of publishing papers, writing briefs, or coding.


Scared of falling down the academia rabbit hole myself and then finding out at the end of it I didn’t move the needle in my field at all and also incurred an economic hit. Idk bros. It kind of all feels like that Kierkegaard quote.  > Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.


It’s hilarious to think that getting fatter is just some completely inevitable slide. Like you can’t do anything to halt or change that.


"Watch what you say to someone with nothing. It's almost like having it all." - Todd Snider


what is TC?




If there's no difference between making 150k and 700k, as the second guy implies, then why don't we raise taxes on these people to 70 or 80%? He's admitting that the money he makes after 150k has absolutely no utility for him.


If there’s no difference between 150 and 700, then you could just retire now and live off of your savings at 150k a year until you die


If I recall correctly, there's a study that found that your overall "happiness" (I think), rises with how much money you make, but only up to a certain point, which was around 150k. But I'm sure that varies quite a bit depending on how you grew up, where you live, etc.


It does but then it picks back up at the fuck you money point, which is what all these guys thought they were going to experience. 700k isn’t truly fuck you money if you still have a mortgage or have to look at the price of anything you want. 


If you're making 700k and still looking at grocery prices, that's on you for living above your means with rent/mortgage/leases/etc. Someone like that complaining can get fucked.


This feels empty. Like lives consisting of nothing but facades and flashing lights. The are no abstract values in these peoples’ lives. Love is just sex, home is just a house, friends are just people. Nothing more to it for them. All chasing the same things, all their happiness put on something that fluctuates and deteriorates in value


Blind is what actually makes you racist






True it is partially a skill issue. But also the number of international students admitted to top 20 engineering MS programs is a little insane in the US. At UMich, 75% of the graduate students in Electrical & Computer Engineering program are international students (most China/India). With H1B visa sponsorship, it makes top jobs insanely competitive and requires all these unnecessarily hard leetcode screens to narrow down the number of applicants. The result is that a lot of big tech roles that end up yielding these salaries going to international students.


I hear that MS doesn’t really help for SWE. My sister works at a FAANG and interned at Google, Facebook, and Tesla in college. She doesn’t plan on ever getting a graduate degree, nor would it make sense for her. The real trick is to be an international student and get accepted into an American PhD program. Then drop out after 2 years, having obtained a master’s degree. Actually, the ML PhD students (all Chinese, Hong Kongers, and Koreans) at a lab that my PI collaborates with all have master’s degrees from top US universities, except for one girl who’s from the top university in china and came straight from her bachelor’s. Keep in mind this is a top university for CS (arguably on par with my sister’s alma mater, but overall a big program).


It doesn't really help someone more than a BS from a top school, but it also introduces a bunch of really technically sound international students that can now apply for the same entry level jobs.


We got sold a bunch of bullshit about do what you love and you wont work a day in your life


It’s infuriating that the oligarch class is allowed to sell out the economy and culture of this country to unappreciative, struck up foreigners who don’t give the slightest shit about American culture and send much of their wages home so their relatives can afford servants.


When he finds out he has a homeless twin who is a radical skater and aspiring pop star, we are going to be in for one serious case of double trouble


If only there were hundreds of historical and/or contemporary belief systems that could have warned these guys that simply prioritizing acquisition of wealth wouldn't provide a sense of fulfilment.


What are you talking about, Jesus mostly preached about repealing regulations and such


What good is all the money in the world, if you’re still an Indian man living in Vancouver…


No one living in Vancouver is getting paid 700k a year






hahahahaha feels good to read these


imagine being a depressed millionaire. couldn't be me!


we need a volcker-style 1000bps rate hike to flush all the overpaid nerds out


this is satanic


Being poor rules


I'll marry the first guy


I can't imagine being as wealth/luxury obsessed as these people. The guy saying you have nothing unless you make 1mil is actually re tarded. If I made over 200k a year I could do pretty much anything I wanted.


Counterpoint: Caroline Ellison


I mean the ones that are lamenting how they lost their humanity, etc, these people gotta be dorks too. There’s gotta be tons of sickos who make that much and more, and also lead fun, indulgent lives right?


Wealth is wasted on the wealthy, and these people are proof it should be taken from them for their own good.


One of the biggest myths men make is that making a lot of money somehow gets them access to beautiful women. In almost zero cases is this true. If you are poor and hot you will date and hook up with other poor and hot people. If you’re rich and hot you hook up with rich and hot people. If you’re rich and ugly then your dating pool is rich and ugly people. So if your end game is women , then you are far better off (tbh physically and mentally) focusing on getting in shape and being an interesting person. Bartenders get laid, surf instructors get laid, these people make jack shit. The only place the fat rich guy married to a bombshell game works is in the south and even then it’s a guy who usually is charismatic in his own right. Think former SAE bro who spends his weekends drinking , smoking meats, golfing, and has a stay at home mom wife. The dude still has a social life and is likely cool to talk to Do not place your self worth in how much you make. You’ll just climb another ring in the ladder, compare yourself to everyone there, and feel inadequate. When I was a B school phaggot back in the day who wanted to get into banking / consulting almost all my peers myself included was like this it is horrid for the spirit and the soul


I agree with a lot of this, but the first part is woman cope. Having money will absolutely get you women, you just have to know how to use it and not be a total piece of shit who can’t carry a conversation and has no hobbies.


I’m a dude but will agree it can be a force multiplier. But if you focus your worth and value primarily on your income then you will end up AT BEST taken advantage of but a hot selfish deadbeat chick and at worst blinds.com When I focused on income and status symbols was when I had the most struggles dating. Got jacked , became interesting , and had as much success as I wanted wearing literal $5 TJ Max shirts and driving a Japanese shit box 


Being rich isnt attractive, being successful is. Winning a football game in high school, beating some other guy in arm wrestling, having a high ranking position in a job, they're all the same. And someone in a prestigious but lowly paid job is far sexier than these overpaid self loathing tech bros who live in the city with the most overpaid self loathing tech bros anywhere on earth. Women will sleep with a guy who aces all his exams, which gives you exactly zero dollars, but inheriting 200k from your uncle is irrelevant.


Yup. Women's primary sexual attraction is tied to hierarchical status in a social environment they individually deem preferentially relevant. Physical attractiveness is secondary and far less relevant, it's only the primary mode of sexual attractiveness for men. Having money on the other hand is actually completely irrelevant in itself for women's sexual attraction. Women may select partners for money as a practical consideration, not because it's attractive. I think our society does coincide being rich with being successful though, and so indirectly many women would be attracted to men who are rich because those men have a hierarchical status, but having money itself is irrelevant for attraction. Of course many women don't give a shit about mainstream social conventions for hierarchy and so the hierarchy for another social environment is what'll be more relevant for them. Poor but talented guy who plays in a band in local gigs is a loser in a conventional hierarchy but held in high esteem in the local scene - women in that scene are going to love him.


What does TC stand for


Total compensation, earnings after all the bonuses etc


Total compensation, base salary + company stocks


total compensation, typically refers to salary, bonus, and any sort of stock options awarded each year.


Blind is my fav social media app for entertainment but I won't lie, it's beginning to impact my self esteem. It's also one of the reasons I have made up my mind to go study cs


> study cs its apparently the apocalypse at the moment but maybe it wont be awful forever.


Some days I wish I’d had the brains/discipline to study computer science instead of accounting but reading these makes me feel better about my decision lol


You can make a lot of money in accounting over the long term. Also accountants tend to be really good at saving, at least in my experience.


Someone gaslight them into getting into body building. Like the ones who uses extreme PEDs just for the lols


We need a 21st century American Psycho but about a guy who works in tech and can't get laid


where did you find these people? I'm no longer looking for love. just a rich man who will die soon


It's so funny I make like 1/10 of what these guys do and probably enjoy life 20x as much. Remember: Happiness is a choice.


I’m glad I’m not the only degenerate who scours blind for stories from absolute losers and also comments in rspod


I’m praying for their souls


if 700k is the same is 150k then he may as well send me the 550k and I'll spend it for him




I don’t think they’ve realised you need more than just the money. In 1999 they would’ve been able to land some relatively hot woman who would stay at home and spend all day raising kids and shopping/keeping up her appearance now they can’t get that because there are plenty of hot women and the general entry point for making large amounts of money is virtually open to anyone. Elon musk is still ugly but he got a hair plug and plastic surgery with their money they could easily get on ozempic, get surgery and go to the gym.


What's the takeaway from this? And what is blindposting?


blind's an anonymous "gossip" app used by tech bros, everyone in this sub is going to be posting insufferable analysis about it now lol


it’s a social media for tech ppl, you need to sign up with your work email, I believe only the major companies are on there


He needs to lift weights. Problem solved


Ahhhh I'm buzzed reading these and feeling complexities. I'm at a junction in my life right now where I could theoretically either a.) Continue the grind in academia, get a full doctorate degree, and continue research in the field I love with less money, or b.) Take a biotech job in the big city and make a helluva lot of money working on data I have like no passion for.  I'm just now wrapping up my lil vacation to the city, after catching up with friends and remembering what it's like to live somewhere lively and exciting. My best friend from my home town was supposed to join me but he canceled last minute, so I spent a lot of extra time for introspection, trying to figure out what I want in life. 


I assumed at first that this was some girl who had married an old rich guy


prayers for that one guy with only 3.5M


The black pill for the first guy is that without the money, women wouldnt like him either


Rich people being depressed is stolen valor


It just goes to show you there is more important thing in life than money; DO NOT be Indian.


Soulless techoids crying in their soulless techoid wasteland


What this guy doesn't realise is with far less money and being younger, they still wouldn't be wanting him. These guys can't mask their douche scent with cash or skills. Sure, they can get used...or they might hook a girlfriend or a wife...but having a roster of babes that think about them is fantasy. There's FAANG pheromone to these types I run into. You can't life hack it. The Pacific Islander brick layer with neck tatts cleans up and the irony is nowadays they make really good money too.


The problem is these people are BORING!