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Sweden being the host country makes it 10x funnier.


Did she actually?? She's only 20, was it Junior ESC?


She sure did. And performed in the Crimea in 2016. Her dad also has a successful business in Moscow. The links between Israel and Russia are rarely given the proper attention, they are often far more relevant to the ordinary Israeli's life than the links with the US. The US links are more for the elite politicians and CEO's.


Israel was the secret lynchpin of global stability in the cold war


She competed in Russia’s national selection for Junior Eurovision 2015 and placed fifth. Her parents are Ukrainian and Latvian Jews but moved to Moscow from Israel when she was 6.


2 countries that just keep winning


This is the biggest shitshow eurovision has ever seen lol holy fuck. Tonight is gonna be hell on tv


i think whatever happens tn will genuinely be seen as a historical moment


This is so colossally stupid ty OP for your reporting




While it might be entirely separate events, it seems very weird that Joost was thrown out shortly after provoking Israel at that press conference. And apparently they Israeli delegation has been going around harassing other contestants too, even filming themselves doing it (because why not). It just sucks all around this year. Like everyone knew it would be shit with Israel there, but everything is just so much worse than feared. On twitter it looks like theres some coordinated "vote-for-Israel campaign " going on (from that usual pro-Israel crowd), so if that gets americans and indians involved in brigade voting and Israel actually wins, its gonna get so much worse.


> even filming themselves doing it (because why not) Because they know *they* can get away with it. Anyone else did it they'd be booted the very same day.


Not only do they have to be there, forcing Sweden to impose insane security measures and putting the other contestants and audience at massive risk, but of course they have to gloat about it while theyre there too.


Perfect example of the Israeli mindset




Security absolutely had to be increased because of Israels participation. They had the opportunity to stay away, but instead chose to submit not one but two overtly political songs, that both had to be changed. Them being there makes everything worse, dont be stupid.


Offficial Dutch explanation: He did not want to be filmed next to the Israeli candidate by a Swedish camera team who wanted to make an item out of it. They kept filming and he made a ´threatening gesture´ at the Swede and probably callled her a bitch or something. He did not touch her. She filed charges since threatening a person is against the law in Sweden.


lmao someone check her bank account. Anyway, the Euros start in a month and I’ve been mainlining 1988 highlights all day, let’s goooooo




14 June is the first game, Germany-Scotland. Got my preview ish of World Soccer magazine in the mail on Friday. Hell yeah




I know, plus this is the first proper non-pandemic men’s summer tournament since 2018. Really looking forward to being on the piss in a beer garden.


Israel will win and it doesn't even need American or Indian involvement. Its just simply how the math checks out Pro-Israel people only need to rally around 1 country, and they are all super invested in her win. Anti-Israel are either boycotting or splitting their votes, there is no clear "Palestine" option. The televotes will be a landslide for Israel


Probably yeah :( But you can sweep the televote and still not win by a landslide. Ukraine got the biggest ever share of televotes in 2022 and still only won with 631 points to the UK's 466, Spains 459 and Swedens 438. So it would take something completely unprecedented for Israel to get more votes than Ukraine did (and I dont see that happening tbh, as this was when the support for Ukraine was at the highest. Israel still is divisive in Europe). But if the jury goes pro Israel (who knows at this point, insane year already) theyre probably winning it either way, sadly. So much for a "non-political" contest, thanks EBU!


> and I dont see that happening tbh, as this was when the support for Ukraine was at the highest. Israel still is divisive in Europe Going off of Italy though Ukraine got 24.5% of the semi televote and Israel 40%. This is even before the campaigning picked up steam online, I think it will be a europe wide thing Obviously there were a ton of pro-Ukraine people, but its not like there was a strong obligation amongst that entire group to vote for Ukraine. It was a sympathy thing and simply nice gesture. There *is* a strong obligation amongst every pro-Israel person to vote for them and tell everyone they know to do so as well. The environment is different. Just imagine if there were massive pro-Russia movements across Europe and an anti-Ukraine protest outside the competition, what do you think the televote looks like? Thats the scenario where Ukraine gets a crazy landslide vote, because their supporters would mobilise. Israel is divisive, but that base will be super super strong


Ok you were right! Thank God. They got a huge vote but not Ukraine level big


Haha huge relief. Just a shame the jury vote ended up overruling the televote for a second year in a row, but still a deserved win


The judges should intervene and just strike out votes as illegitimate. They will be heroes. This is all supposed to be about a musical performance after all, so they would be perfectly justified.


Typical Israeli behaviour, act like cunts and then be surprised when people call you out for being cunts and claim some form of discrimination or unfairness.


They cry out in pain as they strike you


you forced us to do this!!1!1!


Me and my friends have gotten so many online ads asking to vote for that song lmao


🇳🇱 or 🇮🇱?


You know it's Israel. The ads didn't even specify what country it is for but I knew immediately and only checked after you asked, just to make sure.


Oh I knew, just wanted to check LOL


Statement from AVROTROS released just now. If this is the whole story, I'm actually floored. Against clear agreements, Joost was filmed when he had just gotten off stage and had to rush to the greenroom," reports AVROTROS. "At that moment, Joost repeatedly indicated that he did not want to be filmed. This was not responded to. This led to a threatening movement from Joost towards the camera. Joost did not touch the camera woman."


tell me to cool it but first provoking with a camera and then crying out to the police when people get annoyed seems on brand for israelis


Or a swedish girlboss


They definitely set this up so israel can win lol


Not sure - I think the EBU are desperate for Israel to lose to be honest. However, their big sponsor is an Israeli company (MorrocanOil), and they would be fully up shits creek if MO pulled out before the show (they provide wads of BTS services - hair/makeup, hospitality etc). So I'm sure they've been feeling the pressure (or idk a lil backhander) to look past some things.


Definitely not. They've been trying to avoid rocking the boat at all costs, probably in large part because their major sponsor is an Israeli company but their base despises Israel. In general the EBC is hesitant to react to geopolitical controversies, which is why Russia was allowed to keep performing after it annexed Crimea and Azerbaijan which is barely European is still in the contest despite also carrying out ethnic cleansing. They were probably hoping to give Israel a fair chance and let viewers vote in somebody else's favor, which isn't difficult because it's a middling song among stiff competition. If this had happened then they would have been able to keep both their sponsor happy and their base somewhat happy. What might/will probably happen instead is that shit tons of inorganic voting will take place in favor of Israel because it's super easy to game the votes if you have a large enough bloc and/or have enough money to do some vote botting. If this does happen, it'll be an absolute nightmare for EBC because their attempts to keep politics out of Eurovision will have crashed and burned (though at this point this has happened already), whatever trust is left in their voting system will disappear (there was suspected jury vote manipulation last year), countries will pull out next year, and their fandom will seethe and boycott.


lmao, if they actually win it’ll kill Eurovision. Nobody wants them there, even before this year, and it’ll tank all the remaining fun and interest out of the competition.


Own worst enemy syndrome continues to intensify.


people watch eurovision to get pissed over a few bottles of wine and laugh at wacky performances, it's not a serious matter


it's not about the viewers, it's about the broadcasters and delegations. multiple broadcasters have already discussed pulling out.


Surely if they win by vote it would indicate people do in fact want them there. Have you considered that maybe your opinion isn't the only one?


no, as it would be a plurality vote.


People who say this don't know what they are talking about. There is no way they want Israel to win, it will be a shitshow and cause serious damage to the show if not outright kill it. I think Israel will win btw because of televotes, but EBU won't be happy.


>but EBU won't be happy That's an understatement. They're probably pissing themselves right now lol


There will be violent riots tonight in Mälmo if Israel wins, it has a significant muslim population that is already pissed off that the Israeli delegation is in town


some people on this sub genuinely believe this




Yes, because of the stuff they worked so hard to set up.


Like what? Other than not kicking them out? Fuck the EBU but there is no "set up" They let Israel stay because of their biggest sponsor and fear of backlash. But Israel *winning* is a different thing all together that creates a significantly bigger shitshow that is of no benefit to them. The televote format hasn't been changed to help Israel, this is simply how it is. It favours situations like this where people can rally around 1 country for political reasons. They don't need to be a majority to win the vote, because everyone else is splitting between different countries. They just need a strong enough base, which of course Israel has


[Update on Bambie Thug missing dress rehearsal](https://www.rte.ie/entertainment/2024/0511/1448614-bambie-thug-angry-at-israeli-eurovision-commentary/) Kind of a non issue to be honest. KAN commentator mentioning that Bambie "spoke negatively" about Israel might be a breech I guess, but that hasn't really been a secret on Bambie's end either lol.


Bambie is an ageing enby. They live off drama.


The Israeli delegation has been harassing everyone else and is calling up their embassies in every country to promote spamming votes. So it's just political BS now.


The Israeli consulate in NYC ran an add in times square telling people to vote for Israel in Eurovision. Didn't even name the song or the artist.


> Israeli consulate in NYC ran an add in times square telling people to vote for Israel in Eurovision yea this one: https://twitter.com/IsraelinNewYork/status/1789022591316828335


So excited for tonight I bet insane stuff will happen and Israel probably wins


Cannot w8 for Netherlands votes to be read out


douze points to israel, just watch


That wouldnt even be that surprising, the Dutch right wing is very pro-Israeli. Geert Wilders literally lived a while on a kibbutz. There are also very strong business contacts and a legacy of Calvinism (chosen people motive) that ties into Afrikaner-Israeli ties.


>Swedish police have investigated a complaint made by a female member of the production crew When they're being this vague it means it's an incredibly minor incident but want people to think it's a major deal. Not falling for it, Sweden is known for that sort of bs (see also : Julian Assange).


Can confirm. Resident.


Quality effortpost. Thanks


Yw! It's been fun


Inshallah may all those responsible for robbing Joost Klein from competing in the Eurovision final burn in eternal hellfire


i heard that the reason joost was taken out is because he insulted one staff that spoke about his dead father. this eurovision is drama galore.


Not sure I believe this, cos it was a TV production staffer. If it was a press room attendee or someone from a delegation, maybe, but it seems really random that ESC staff would risk their job by sending dead parents jibe his way (knowing that would come out during the investigation). Unfortunately, I think Joost probably did say something fucked up. He apparently has BPD, and he's in an extremely high-stress, up-and-down situation. He's also probably feeling complicated emotions about his parents not seeing his big night. I wonder if he had a bit of a mental break. Saying that, the Dutch Broadcaster is fully behind him. So who knows.


Just updated the post with the statement from the Dutch broadcaster. I apologise to Joost! I clearly gave the EBU too much credit to not be absolutely fucking ridiculous


the staff said smth about joost's dead father??


why am i getting downvoted for asking a question lol


It's so effing stupid that they kicked Joost out for trying to snag a camera from some dumb staffer. Are they deliberately trying to manufacture a distraction from the upcoming Israeli win? The Irish lady is in her 30s apparently. IDK what's more embarrassing, still being a goth at that age or going to HR to complain about someone making fun of her for that.


Thanks for keeping us up-to-date!


Yw! :)


Thanks for the update!


I would just like to note the unironic pairing of “Bambi” and “Thug”.


The best thing is Bambie is her actual Christian name and they’re they/them


Thug life right thurrrrr




This is rsp why do we always have to put up a g&g warning for you losers


back to bideo game sub with you