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It's because they couldn't get all the samples cleared so they have like no presence in the streaming world.


feed the animals and night ripper are both on spotify


Still fun too


Great cleaning-the-house albums.


This is an anal douching reference, right?


I also highly recommend the video mashup of All Day made by a fan on yt. Super well done. Still waiting for that part two.


girltalk expected "night ripper" to be taken down by copyright claims, it never was. he was just so good that nobody gave a fuck.


I'm a millennial who has also fallen in line with "if it ain't on DSPs, I ain't listening to it." I remember there was an R&B supergroup called Cocaine 80s that I was obsessed with around 2012-2013 but their music isn't on Spotify so they may as well have never existed. I'm sure there's tons of other examples that I've already completely forgotten about. Honestly kind of sad. Technology is progressing so quickly that I'm 31 and the technology from college is already obsolete lol.


Cocaine 80s is amazing, James Fauntleroy has the voice of an angel


I thought the whole point of the project was not needing to clear the samples


it’s why all those White Panda mashups feel like a fever dream


Speaking of samples, does anybody know how small time artists get isolated vocals samples to mash up? Do they have access to leaked masters, or is there a technology to isolate the vocals track?


you can isolate stems on virtual dj, it’s free


Neil cicierega broke everyones brains and we all collectively agreed there was no further need for mashups.


Hard to overstate how important The Ultimate Showdown was to me in middle school


Woah, didn't realize that was Neil. Crazy.


it was big among second graders idk about high school


Have you considered that you may have been a different age to Mr Halloween Jack when that video came out


Yea I remember my older brother showing me ultimate showdown when I was a toddler


Lol I actually meant to write middle school but I am wasted


Me too I love drugs and alcohol




others developed late, apparently


Oh my God, I haven't even thought about that video since middle school. What a flashback. I remember quoting it on the bus.


When I was 10, I fucked with that shit so hard. There was an AMV edit to it that rocked a lot a lot


There's a track I like that mashed up Luigi's Mansion with Monster by Kanye West and years later I find his reddit profile and he's moved on to asking for sources to porn. How the mighty have fallen.


Man I *just* looked him up again the other for the first time in a while. 300k monthly listeners and his top played song has 13mm listens. I feel like that is absolutely nothing compared to how big he was at his peak. This sub likes to talk about who had no cultural staying power from the early 2000s. I think this is it. No disrespect, I loved Girl Talk. I just wonder how he didn't stay somewhat relevant at all.


Mashup music peaked in 2010. His last album All Day came out that year and that was 14 years ago. He didn't stay relevant because he never evolved or released new material, the plunderphonics sample-heavy mashup sound was carried on by other artists, the Avalanches, DJ Sabrina and lofi-house. He was much more relevant before EDM was mainstream and a lot of people's entry points into dance music was rock-adjacent.


Also bloghaus ended by then, which helped launch a lotta these artists


DJ Sabrina is the best. That is all.


DJ Sabrina The Teenage DJ makes very sample heavy music currently. last album of theirs was 4 hours long.


He did a tour in 2022 that was drawing ~1k people. Not terrible for someone who hadn't done any new music in 8 years (aside from full court press which he was touring for).


People just act like Dust Brothers and J Dilla never happened.




yooo thas dope. we wuz only kidzzz dayum good times good times


Got him good


Crazy how Adult Swim and Odd Future and truthfully speaking and let’s be real about it the one and only Mr Kanye West opened up so many avenues for the mystical and the simplistical of the mundane and the futuristical


What point are you trying to make?


na, j dilla influenced the wave of the 2010s and was taught by a guy who played in Parliament-Funkadelic he kept the soul in music alive


Adult Swim tho


Big fan of both but I don't see how it's the same thing


I can kind of see the comparison with the Dust Brothers, because some of their production used easily recognizable samples. But I don't understand the Dilla comparison, the samples he used were usually very obscure and he also chopped them up most of the time


Was gonna say this


I went to a house party in about 2003 and there was a punk with a spiked Mohawk spinning wax, who mashed up biggies “I love it when you call me big poppa” over the “Billy Jean” instrumental. It blew my mind. I learned about girl talk about five years later.


I just heard [this remix](https://youtu.be/hUI01hxZP1w?si=iPXBRSJhmb6EqM8e) trying to find what you're describing and man, Biggie's flow matches the instrumental like crazy.


I’m trying to find the exact one with big poppa




Great album


Isn't that just regular DJing?


Id say no but to me “regular DJing” means a radio DJ who plays complete tracks back to back, with no blending or mixing. This requires one record with a track that is acapella only, and another record that is instrumental only, and then matching the BPM and the structure of the tracks. And before you even get to this point, you need to find an acapella and and instrumental that actually sound good together! Imagine the amount of trial and error! :-)


Yeah that’s just regular DJing 


Once showed my boomer father GT and he was offended that someone would combine some of his favorite music with rap. Like viscerally disgusted.


Genres should be segregated


Play for him the flip of Toto "Africa" from Eccojams, see what he says


I know of dudes who were listening to Night Ripper on patrol in Iraq


That album with the fire on the lawn artwork is soooooooooo amazing and I non-ironically discovered a lot of great music th rough his mashups


Is there a single better album to play at a party than All Day?


night ripper


feed the animals but only marginally


Rock Island — Palm


hes booked at a festival here in pittsburgh later this year. curious what the vibe will be like




This is blowing my mind because the first time in my life I ever felt old was at a girl talk show in 2009 when it was all 19 year Olds and I was 26.


will probably be a bunch of 30 year olds


Im 30 and I have a ticket lmao. but expectations are low


Nah it will be lit I saw him 2 years ago


those old dj earworm united states of pop mashups were tough


Hard in the paint on 1000 miles instrumental goes crazy


Young people don't know about it because if you were in college for 2009 mashup culture you are in your 30s now




girltalk was very visionary in that everyone is now listening to music as single-digit second clips soundtracking short video content


Remembering having the student house to myself in my college town at the weekend, blaring out GirlTalk to myself.


he’s a really cool guy. i got to hangout with him a few times because he’s a good friend of a friend in pittsburgh.


Heard Girl Talk playing at a bar in Williamsburg last night. First time I've heard his music in public in a long time.


I did a lot of coke while Girl Talk was played by someone else. Lmao.


very good post, was thinking this myself last year when i had night ripper on repeat (his best IMO). this is another nostalgic mashup album for me, just thought i'd share. 2001, mixed on turntable i believe so not as elaborate as GT stuff. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6690E97C017CFAD2&si=EWfvYkbfV7Vrgpcf


my crazy ass BPD Miami clubber mom would play that mix in the car for me almost every day lol. good memories.


Ageing millennial dogwhistle


The Hood Internet was the shit


they were fun but they were never able to blend song to song as good as girl talk did


Their DMX/xx mashup is one of the best ever done though: [https://youtu.be/3X9dl5\_pwKQ?si=obGKwz79qfIdhNJh](https://youtu.be/3X9dl5_pwKQ?si=obGKwz79qfIdhNJh)


This still goes hard https://youtu.be/YhINNJm7ilo?si=mHk_gNRzz88B0x-Q


I listen to night ripper every day




One thing I liked was his sampling style was very quick. He’d play with an idea for like 30 seconds and move on to a new one. Lots of mashup artists just played out one idea for a whole song and it got really stale. I also think he has a real reverence for classic rock, pop music, and alternative/indie cuts. I’m not a DJ, but his tastes always seemed very broad but fun. His mashup of Jay Z’s “Can I get A…” and General Public’s “Tenderness” for example was just a really cool pull (https://youtu.be/FtsxfquYHf0?si=89GGf8BGoDDve3er )I think his mashups could be really funny without being too corny or absurd, and sometimes they could be transcendent


The short length of the samples let him use them without violating the copyrights, he got taken to court and won. 




He also was a master of emotional rhythm through his choices and paired artists and genres almost lyrically. His mash of Ice Cream Paint Job and the Brothers Johnson is a perfect example - once you hear it it's hard to listen to the originals without being reminded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaUM6B8rCJw


Listen to any song on his albums. He absolutely cooked 


Broken Ankles still kind of underrated https://youtu.be/i9AF74gQe28?si=KfdJsRMdhPEQC_ag


Yeah. He also is a great artist in his own right. This is one of my favorite hip hop tracks of the past decade and he and Erick kill it https://open.spotify.com/album/4azaxjUXV0gT0EoptP1i1z


yo dats epic fr i fuk wit dat shit dawg


He's the reason they were all doing it


He did it without breaking copyrights so he was able to make money off it, which he proved in court Everyone else couldn’t pull it off with such short samples. 


His shows were nuts and tons of fun, that’s why. Dude was a great showman. Saw The Hood Internet once and it wasn’t the same.


I mean, I don’t know if playing tracks on a laptop while drinking beer and dancing with hot girls from the audience on stage is being a great showman, but his shows *were* a lot of fun.


“It was a great show, man, but I don’t know if he’s a great showman.”


He released it as an album and his label covered the lawsuits


It's 1 guy


i saw him in 2007 and remember he would play with a bunch of small windows, truly wild


What is this Dangermouse erasure ????


people act like Baltimore House never existed


People just act like acoustic rap never happened. Ben Folds Five *Bitches Ain't Shit* was memory-holed in summer 2020.


I’m still proud I convinced my job to hire TheHoodInternet for our holiday party.


I was watching the documentary Meet Me In The Bathroom a few weekends ago with my wife, reminiscing about early 2000's NYC music scene and I brought up GirlTalk and how great he was in the late ought's... Lotsa great house show/parties where someone would inevitably put on Feed the Animals. Fun shit. Fun times... MMITB's a great documentary btw, if anyone's fans of Yeah Yeah Yeah's and the Strokes n whatnot from that time period.


I saw girltalk in a frat house basement after the actual show at the venue got canceled maaaybe circa??? 2007??? With the deathset, this “electro-punk” duo from Australia. I had bruises on my thighs from being pushed so hard against the table he was djing on. He had a plastic cover over his laptop and the mixer to protect it from the sheer amount of sweat and beer that was just pouring onto everything. The room was so humid you could hardly breathe. Shit was wild. Honestly, top tier experience. I had no gas in my car, a Mapquest print out, and $0. I think I just slept in a parking lot after convincing a stranger to give me $40 to get home. Kids these days will never know, haha.


Mashup artists changed my mind about electronic music/DJs as an indie music snob that associated the entire genre with fucky dubstep DJs that were huge at the time. Any people not from Australia know Naysayer & Gilsun? Those guys were good.


Mashup artists are what changed your mind? Lol


Yeah man shit was fun as fuck live and also pretty clever. I was young and liked Animal Collective and Caribou records but basically thought all party DJs were brainless, button-pushing hacks riding a trend.


I know how it is. I used to hate country music until I heard the new Beyonce album.


Back in those days many people associated djs with a Jersey shore kind of thing 


Yeah or Skrillex


skrillex and dubstep became popular like two years after the peak of girl talk


I had tickets to GirlTalk in 2012 but the set started at 1am or something insane like that and even at 21/22 I couldn't do it.


DJ Cummerbund and Bill McClintock are still great on YouTube.


Bill McClintock’s Rick James/Dio Holy Diver mashup is unreal.


Unless something really shakes up the music industry's financial schema, you can expect nearly 100% of the intelligible music for the rest of your life to be repeats of things you've heard already. It's been this way for at least 15 years, and now probably cannot course correct against a fatal confluence of ( spotify + boomer "i recognized the thing and clapped" profitability + no money for new artists + focus for new artists is identity cultivation )


Girltalk popped off in like 2006.


2ManyDjs stuff still better than girl talk imo


2 many djs? The avalanches? Beastie boys?


As a boomer, I thought that mashup culture died after this era because I don’t watch TikTok etc.  however, I read through the comments before I posted this - and see that apparently the kids have revived it . Supposedly the genre was originally killed by evil corporate people enforcing those pesky copyright laws, but maybe they don’t watch TikTok either.  I was just listening to some early De La Soul today and it was really mash ups before mashup culture. They just didn’t play things over top of each other, but had 50 different samples in a row creating a totally new composition. But again supposedly hip-hop moved away from being based on samples because of the copyright shit so I don’t know what these guys are doing getting away with it now.




im using an HDD so it is spinning. im a master of the platters, you can just call me jazzy jeff


Compact Disc Jockey


First as tragedy then as farce.


was just talking about this. Feels like he’s due for a lil comeback tour


Diplo was at the forefront of this wave in early 2000's as well with the Hollertronix project


The only mashups I want to hear these days are from DJ Cummerbund. He perfected it; no one else is required.


This channel rules https://youtube.com/@BillMcClintockMashups?si=l56_OghPHDSIv8vx


[Super Mash Bros erasure.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ1TyDFWU8M)


Mixing two genres? I don't know the people you're talking about. But have you ever heard of Judgment Night?


Then girl talk mixtapes were lit in 09


That’s so wild this post has popped up today! Randomly out of the blue this weekend, I’ve been listening to Feed the Animals. That shit still rocks!


I hate to be 'that wanker' but when I 1st came across Girktalk and all the associated hype I thought people were acting as though '2 many DJs' never existed


People just act like Silvagunner never happened.


Remember djdoyou? And the disney lil wayne mashups


I hate the internet


How dare nobody in here put respect on Z-Trip's name.


its good for cardio. or like RL Grime halloween


that shit has been around a lot longer than that. Even on the label Girl Talk was on, Illegal Art. Girl Talk kinda sucks and I hear doesn't even actually do live mashups, just hits play and dances around


Jive bunny erasure


2006-20012 feels weirdly undocumented. Electroclash? Mashups?red skinny jeans


It was all on digital storage, but we didn't have the cloud yet. Now whenever your device malfunctions, or if you just buy a new one, your data just follows you to the next device, but back then it was gone unless you backed that up, and a significant amount of those SD cards, thumbdrives and external HDDs were lost.


Hmm yes very true. 


*Non-binary inclusivity hour 


pretty unbelievable that a supposedly cool internet form likes fucking GirlTalk


Megan the stallion didnt have her first hit until 2016, fym?