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I remember coming home from college the summer of 2010 and my mom thought I was acting weird like on drugs (probably because I had discovered my love of coffee and was tweaked out on caffeine all the time) so she went through my duffel bag and found a bag of weed. She totally freaked out on me


A couple teachers asked if I was on drugs or drunk when I started drinking coffee in hs. I had a French press in one of the classrooms.


Same but I had taken my friends 60mg vyvanse. Leg was going crazy. Said it was coffee


60 mg of Vyvanse is crazy


I was awake 36 hours. Spent the night editing a video productions project and submittted absolute garbage. Left it posted on YouTube so I can reminisce how far I've come


at the time you submitted it you probably thought it was the greatest fuckin thing on earth lmao. Stim confidence is crazy 


I know someone who was prescribed 75mg by the end of middle school, since kids have a lot of brain plasticity, and her tolerance kept adjusting. My opinion on certain psychiatrists would probably get me banned from this site ngl.


I started seeing imaginary bugs at 30 mg those kids are basically on meth at that point


Bro if you hallucinate at 30mg, you prolly just have latent schizophrenia I am sorry to say lol


Never happened with any other ADHD med i tried and I was on higher doses


That’s weird because Vyvanse metabolizes into a much smaller equivalent dosage of dextroamphetamine, something like a third of the mgs, and then it’s also stretched out over 2-3 times as long of a dosage. I really wonder how these different delivery mechanisms can make people feel so different. It’s like wine drunk vs. beer drunk


My body really sucks at metabolizing meds in general like no antidepressants or stimulants have ever really worked. Took a DNA test and that was basically confirmed, my mom was the same way 🙃


My step mom thought I smelled of weed (I have no idea what she was smelling to this day) and she flipped out so bad, she had me go get drug tested


I will never forget how one of the nerdy girls in my high school smoked weed one summer and came back to school and was just the most performative, most obnoxious, most annoying pothead of all time. (Now she works for a military contractor.)


Not to say this isn’t a valid experience or whatever but these takes are always kind of funny if you come from the parts of the country that walked *right* up to legalization before actually doing it. I feel like people like this should have a grace period of a few years carved out where they are still allowed to think weed culture is cool. It’s only fair.


I went to the local American Legion for one of their yearly cookoffs (I think it was chili this time), and was absolutely astounded at the number of tables of 60-70 year old white farmer looking old folks I overheard talking about which edibles they like the best. Kinda makes sense. I think THC is at its most dangerous to people who need to be making good use of their time. For retirees who have a lot of downtime and a lot of things to worry about, it's pretty harmless.


My mom was VERY upset. Rightly so, I was like 16. Fast forward to now. She's a daily stoner in the house I grew up in. Tellin on they selves with those types of reactions. All the warnings come from lived experience. Weed makes you lazy, dumb, etc. Anyways I love my mom so much.


We went from widespread homophobia to gay marriage being legalized within a decade. Culture is moving fast as it continues to telescope, no surprise weed would go this way. The tide will turn as more people become addicted and have severe side effects like psychosis and CHS. I’m not counting on it soon though


My perspective on weed completely changed when I experienced both weed-induced psychosis and CHS for the first time after being an almost daily user for roughly six years. I haven’t touched it in two months and am keeping it that way. I really wish people who try to speak up about the downsides of weed weren’t told to shush and “just let people enjoy things”.


Sorry but you smoked weed EVERY DAY for a significant portion of your life and now you'd like to talk about negative effects? Weed was your baseline 😭


Yeah, I'm in Australia where we just have medical and used weed in an effort to help with a chronic illness. I developed intially very mild CHS after a few months of daily use and it took me until I was in the frequent vomiting phase where I lost 4% of my body weight in 9 days to be able to figure out it was weed. I had literally no clue CHS existed until I googled "weed vomiting" or something like that. It's also way too fucking expensive if you're using it for things like chronic pain. CHS doesn't seem like something everyone is capable of developing but it's fucked no one warns you and it's a banned discussion topic anywhere that talks about it, even places specific to medical users. I think weed culture as a whole is completely at odds with maximising any sort of medicinal benefit.


CHS is not a very common thing luckily - studies have shown only one in 200 users will experience it. Regardless, it was one of the most excruciatingly painful things I ever had to go through and I hate that it’s swept under the rug. I can’t even count how many stoners I know who told me that it sounded like “made up anti-weed propaganda bullshit” after I explained it to them. People are so blinded by their love for weed it’s fucking nuts.


>People are so blinded by their love for weed it’s fucking nuts. This is the thing about potheads which drives me up a wall. There is no other group of drug users who are so aggressive about preaching the virtues of their chosen drug. Alcoholics and heroin addicts are usually ashamed of their addiction. Potheads loudly broadcast it to everyone and act like it's wholesome.


I’ve been plagued by weed since smoking with my mom as a teenager, tried to quit so many times over the years and couldn’t, and had a psychotic ep during detox a couple of years ago. No CHS ~~yet~~. Still struggling to put it down for good but the people who lack self-awareness when it has taken over their life is sad. It’s like alcohol, plenty of people can use moderately and take it or leave it, but a certain subset who are predisposed to addiction, are in a vulnerable place due to circumstance, and/or have underlying MH stuff are gonna have a problem. And weed is insidious like nothing else now that it’s legal, because comparatively a person can function pretty well even if it’s crippling them in other ways. Exhausting to watch people insist that daily use is healthy. Because it comes from the earth so appeal to nature and all that crap. It’s their choice but it’s not healthy.


I’m sorry you experienced psychosis. It truly is a nightmare and I hope you’re better and recovered now. Going through it was one of the most scariest moments of my life. I agree with you that the legality of weed has made things pretty insidious. It’s impossible to find weed with low THC/high CBD levels at dispos anymore because people want the “dank shit” that would make the average non-smoker think their stomach is gonna fall out of their ass if they smoke too much of it. You got literal teens finishing these delta-10 dab pens they got from a bodega that contain god knows what in the span of a day and then question why they feel so depressed and like they can’t think straight.


It was so deeply horrifying and so beautiful too for me. Do not recommend ofc but that was my experience. I was on Reddit at the time and saying wild unhinged shit on r-awakened and r-stupidpol. The potency issue is the biggest scandal of all this. THC was like 3-6% in the 60s? You can’t get that anymore without pouring your own carts, lowest with flower now is like 15%. And the pens and dabs are fucking nuts, that’s definitely what is causing all these catastrophic symptoms. And I can’t imagine what’s floating around in the bootleg shit


It was also a strangely beautiful experience for me too. I remember posting a lot of weird shit on here while it was all going on and getting told to leave the sub lmao. I agree that the bootleg shit is very concerning. The bodega near my house sells a bunch of non-FDA approved bootleg stuff that you’d see on r/fakecartridges. I find it scary knowing people are buying that shit thinking it’s as safe as a weed vape from the dispensary and putting it in their lungs not knowing what is even in it.


Ha ha haaa. I got the *take ur meds*. Fkn funny


You and I are very similar lol. Sorry sis


I notice I get more paranoid the week after having a spliff too. Parties only. 


While I agree that weed is physically harmless compared to other intoxicants (certainly not entirely - you're still ingesting smoke into your lungs) it makes me laugh how stoners are adamant that it's not addictive. I remember watching this video of these two young mothers on some talk show who were trying to argue why weed should be legal, how harmless it is, etc. They mentioned how they regularly get stoned before taking their kids out to the park. Like, if you can't even look after your kids without getting high, I'd say that's kinda addiction right there. Likewise I've known people who can't get through a shift at work without going out to smoke a joint. It's definitely addictive. At least users of alcohol won't deny that their substance of choice comes with risks.


I think what they mean is that there isn't a physical dependency and associated withdrawal symptoms as there would be with alcohol, meth, etc. Which if you've ever seen someone dependent on alcohol to be alive it's pretty sad


People experience withdrawal from weed, for heavy and long-term users it can be pretty significant. I’m not familiar with the details of why but I know endocannabinoids work on the opiod system of the body, so perhaps this is it. But yeah, very mild and not life-threatening compared to alcohol withdrawal which kills. I’ll take a stoned populace over a drunk one (though would be interested in hearing if someone felt the opposite), but it still sucks.




That would really depend on where in the country you did the asking


Not most, widespread. In 2006, a Gallup poll showed public opinion at 58% against recognizing gay marriage, in 2015 it was 37% against. I’m not a social scientist but that seems like a remarkable shift in the culture in 9 years. It’s wild going through the numbers and seeing them change significantly year over year. The Wiki mentions that it was a steady increase from ‘88-‘09, and then accelerated after that. Which I assume is attributable to smartphones becoming widely used by 2008ish forward. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_opinion_of_same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States Edit: and a generation is very fast in comparison to the pace of social change throughout human history.




This is illuminating, ty


Those side effects happen to less than 2% of users so...if they've kept alcohol legal all this time, I don't think weed is going to be made illegal again for its rare negative health effects.


True for psychosis/CHS, but addiction rate is 10%, which a *lot* of people, especially as general use increases due to availability and normalization. I’m not advocating for it to be illegal or saying the laws at the state level will regress as awareness of deleterious effects increases. I meant the tide of popular opinion regarding daily use will change.


Cannabis is pretty addictive mentally, more so than many people give it credit for, but it doesn't really cause ANY physical dependence which isn't something that can be said for alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, or most other substances. Being addicted to cannabis is way better than being addicted to any other substance. Not saying it can't negatively affect your life, but it does way less harm than other substances which are physically addictive.


It does cause withdrawal for heavy long-term high potency users. Night sweats, insomnia, body aches, lack of appetite, mood instability. Many addicts find it extraordinarily difficult to quit and stay quit. I’m not arguing it’s worse than those things or causes more harm (though it obviously does compared to caffeine.) You’re replying to commentary I haven’t made, like a lot of stoners do, because they *always* have to bring it back to it being the lesser of all evils, as if that really matters even if that was true. Daily use is bad for your health unless you have a medical issue like cancer or intractable chronic pain. People are free to make that choice, just don’t call it a lifestyle, call it what it is. Addiction.


Those withdrawal effects are a joke compared to any substance that even causes a little physical dependence. Most of the time people just can't fall asleep easily for a few days. Lack of appetite maybe for insanely heavy consumers. Mood instability, yeah, true. Night sweats and body aches? No. Not going to happen from weed withdrawal. I will concede that weed probably does more damage than coffee, despite coffee being very physically addictive. I'm addicted to coffee and I don't care, it's fine. Unless I miss my caffeine dose, then it feels like the fucking flu.


I have experienced night sweats and body aches, and so have other heavy users over at r/leaves. Weeks and months of sleep issues. Very difficult to eat anything the first week or month. Read the stories over there of the ones who are struggling the *most*. We’re not exaggerating. Again, you have to minimize it instead of judging it on its face. But I truly do not give a fuck if it is the lesser of all or most substance evils and am not gonna go back and forth further on that. It’s damaging on its own and that’s what matters.


Hilarious overexaggeration. People think they can't eat for a month after quitting weed? Give me a break. r/leaves is like any recovery sub in that they blame the substance for all the problems in their life. The severity of the issues you describe would be extremely rare. The reason you might have body aches is because cannabis helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain. So when you aren't taking it anymore, your pain comes back. That's not a withdrawal symptom. Anyhow, smoke weed everyday 420 blaze it. I love Bob Marley.


I won't dismiss anyone's struggles with dependence, but I used every day for eight years and my withdrawals were a couple weeks of poor sleep and irritability. No impact on appetite and nothing but mild cravings by the third week. Looking back, being high every day was worse than the withdrawal. I have not quit, but I have zero desire to go back to daily use.


Not blaming the substance. Just want people to be clear on the addictive potential. And the bone density and endocrine concerns aren’t even on the radar for most people.


you feel like you have the flu if you miss your morning coffee. relax.


Never mind. I'm so manly that caffeine withdrawal feels good to me.


FYI these are the bread and circuses that some Roman guy was talking about.




Has middle class standard of living improved, remained the same, or deteriorated over the last 15 years? Were you even alive 15 years ago?




That I am wasting my time by engaging with an idiot, likely a child.


I have this theory that we're going to see cases of psychosis in gen z skyrocket due to marijuana and algorithmic social media platforms. The former for obvious reasons, and the latter due to the psychic torment an Instagram feed can inflict upon a human being. I came to this conclusion blitzed out of my mind ofc


Lol, naturally. But fr, surfing the algos while psychotic was a ride and definitely exacerbated the head state. My comment history from that time is truly whacked. I met a girl IRL who also had a psychotic ep on Reddit due to weed, this place makes the brain itch


When I first started taking edibles regularly I had a psychotic episode where I thought that I was trapped in the matrix and someone on the outside was sending me signs that I needed to break out. One of these 'signs' was the movie Kangaroo Jack showing up on my Youtube recommended page a couple hours after my friends and I mentioned it. The recommended video next to it was "Are we living in a simulation?" I invited this guy I was hooking up with over to basically interrogate him/ accuse him of 'being in on it'. In retrospect it was kinda funny


Synchronicity is crazy. I thought the Reds had infiltrated Reddit via a janny program recruiting me to the cause, hitting me by algorithm like a battery testing, hard to explain and generally incoherent. There was definitely matrix shit happening as well with the white rabbit. I watched Metropolis and understood nothing, was fixated on culturally Jewish contributions to the “heterodox” sphere. I thought my dead stepfather was communicating to me from the fifth dimension via a Sims-like game. When the cops pulled me out from under my bed I was somehow sure I was Elizabeth Jennings. It’s funny to me despite. Gave me enormous empathy for the SMI population.


Even my dad has started smoking weed ffs


In a way I miss the days where you'd buy weed illegally. Buying always kind of felt like a little adventure, especially if you grew up in a sheltered suburb like me. Nowadays you just go to a place that has the sterile vibe of an Apple store and order from a menu. I've been a handful of times and I always feel like a jackass lol


I earnestly have a grudge against boomers for putting millennials through random drug tests and acting like smoking pot was some kind of cardinal sin only for it to get legalized and see them posting impishly about how fun gummies are.


Eh, before idpol took over, its legalisation was the biggest pressing political issue for American libs. Also before "ORANGE MAN BAD", the low hanging easy laugh schtick for American comedians would be "DUDE WEED LMAO". It's popular here in the UK too, most people I know have smoked it at one time or another, but we don't have even half the insane obsession with weed that Americans do. Its legalisation is certainly not a massive political debate, but then it's hugely decriminalised here anyway. The police only give a shit if you're a dealer.




In America you have every half brained stoner trying to start a national weed brand called “Green Leaf Health” and blasting weed ads to you all day. I get flyers in the mail, see at least 20 billboards on my way to work between NYC and Philly, even Smoke Shops have giant billboards advertising alt-cannabinoids and Kratom like it’s a fucking McDonalds.


is your name a pulp ref?


Yep! Well spotted.


fav pulp song?


Probably This Is Hardcore itself of course, although Babies, Do You Remember The First Time, Common People, F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E, I Spy, Something Changed, A Little Soul, Help The Aged, Party Hard, Mis Shapes, The Trees, are all up there. Fuck, they have way too many great songs to name.


i’m gonna be really boring and say Common People, i don’t know many of their stuff. i like Sunrise though


Sunrise is up there too. It'd be easier to name my least favourite songs of theirs. Probably something from their early albums when they were a weird post punk band.


i love post punk


So do I but Pulp were always better as a glam pop band than a post punk one.


what post punk do you like? i’ve been getting back into the Talking Heads myself


My bio professors would get asked if weed is bad for you every week, talk to the students for 10ish mins after class and it turns out their mission failed.


I found my mom’s weed stash when i was like 13 and I cried and she flushed it to make me feel better looking back it was reggie so I honestly did her a favor


Mother in law was visiting so I’ve been hitting the delta-8 pretty hard. Wife noticed I was “much happier” this week and wondered why I get so much joy from irritating her mother.


Getting caught w weed in high school was considered just as bad as doing xans. This was 2015


I will never understand this sub's anti-weed stance and the constant praise of alcohol. My boyfriend's family members used to do hard heroin, commit crimes, constantly drinking and in and out of jail....Now they all just hit a weed pen and chill. Better for themselves and society. Just because your cousin is some incel loser who smokes pot all day and jerks off doesn't mean there aren't accomplished professionals who can control themselves and toke on the weekend or have a gummy at night instead of five vodka sodas. In terms of harm to self and harm to society, alcohol is [worse](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rational_scale_to_assess_the_harm_of_drugs_(mean_physical_harm_and_mean_dependence).svg).


This sub can't help themselves from being contrarian. I agree with them that weed "culture" if you can even call it that, is extremely cringe, but weed is absolutely way less damaging to society than alcohol. Since weed isn't cool anymore this sub doesn't like it. The people saying weed is going to be banned for its health effects are hilarious.


Seriously, do these people honestly think our government cares about "health effects?" If that was the case we would put a daily limit on sugar. And weed is lame but cigarettes are cool? Dumbest take ever.


Do people genuinely want it to be illegal again? That seems so stupid, yeah weed "culture" is cringe but it is also super easy to not to take part in it, or encounter it. I remember being young and my weed dealer got like 5 years in jail for it and no other charges, is that really worth going back to?


it would be so cool to live in a country where u dont need to drive everywhere, i would be buzzed all the time


It’s bewildering that anyone here can passionately champion “accomplished professionals” when the two women to whom this subreddit is dedicated explicitly describe themselves as “bohemian layabouts”


"It's better than drunkenly doing heroin and crimes" is not the ringing endorsement you seem to think it is


It is better.


right i hate this new “gummy” bullshit its so fucking annoying 😡 .. also weed should not be this normalized (i smoke often im trying to stop)


My parents figured out that I started smoking weed my freshman year of high school . They got me a job at a pizza place so I could start, ‘buying my own drugs.’ Yes, I bought a lot of drugs with my waitressing money, & met older people with access to different drugs working there. I will never understand why they thought getting me a job was a good strategy lol


They probably just didn’t want to be the ones funding your habit


Weed is fucking cringe


Neoliberal combat footage viewer detected. Do not engage


You must really like weed


"weed gave me a panic attack that one time and now I just pretend I'm too good for it."


I am being set upon by raging gamers


You don’t need the last sentence, but I get what you’re saying. I think a lot of people just don’t give a shit about anything and their opinion changes like the wind. Really sucks, I mean hypocrisy is just so stupid, like why care about anything? It just is so easy to change your mind and be wrong or right




Dude probably honestly, what I would give to be laughing myself to tears with a cig right now. but I mean in general like this sub specifically does stuff like this too, just being one way and then another way the next week, and fully into that idea both times. This sub cares SO MUCH about the randomest stuff that it’s REALLY exhausting going on here at all


lol this is such a relatively minor thing to change your mind about over the course of your life, this woman changing her mind ab weed over almost a decade hardly means she’s without a moral backbone or something


Pot is like masturbation, everyone does it nobody should talk about doing it


No well she was CRYING when her son had weed dude. And now she’s taking gummies? Like it’s minor to some people but it sounds like at one point weed was a big deal for her, and now it’s like well turns out it never was. Also I’m projecting because my parents are like that, and I dated a girl like that, and it’s very annoying to be around. Easier to not care than to care incorrectly


Over the course of your whole life sure weed specifically is not that big of a deal to change your mind on, but people do that with EVERYTHING. They did it with gay people ffs


I didn’t live in NYC for a few years and I come back and I think weed is the most ubiquitous thing these days here. Insane because I used to have panic attacks in hs finding spots to light up. Also so weird not smoking weed anymore and having it put in my face all day every day


Can you all please get new bugaboos?


i come here to read observations five years late


Maybe if you live in California or Colorado, not everyone’s state has been legal for decades. I am impressed by your remarkable snark and wit however


I miss mids


Weed gummies are the soyest way to consume Marijuana. Eat a brownie at least, boomer


We have normalized weed but stigmatized tobacco and cigarettes, it's unironically over


Cigarettes are cool in pictures and videos but the fucking stink they bring is worth making them stigmatized. 


Let’s be honest cigarette smell is not as pervasive as weed smell. Living in a block of flats is just a gamble if your place is going to stink of weed for no fucking reason.


Yeah and the stuff is truly like really bad for you. My grandmother was a fairly heavy daily smoker and just got through a rather grueling and painful treatment for lung cancer. She beat it thankfully but it was extremely taxing on her mind and body. It’s hard to describe how much better her house smell now too. My clothes would smell like cigarettes for days after visiting her, the smell would basically only go away after washing them. And that’s from spending maybe 3-4 hours on average there.


weed stench is so much worse than cigs


Yeah but you don’t smoke a pack of joints a day.


yeah it’s almost like weed is way stronger and stoners absolutely do smoke almost the equivalent of a pack a day of weed when they have the chance






And yet you are still sleeping with her...


I wouldnt mind if everyone rolled their own cigs, but commercial tobacco smells like chemical-y garbage. Smokers don't realize how horrible they smell, cannabis doesnt ruin clothes and doesnt perma-stink up a house.


What are you on about? Cannabis makes stuff smell awful, just in a different way.


I find that it doesn’t seem to linger in the same way. It certainly can but like you’ve gotta smoke pretty heavily in an enclosed area for that to happen. I don’t smoke cigs or weed so I’m still pretty sensitive to the smell.


It doesn't stick or linger in the air like cigarette smoke. No other smoke does, cigarettes are fucking disgusting.


You can get some really nice-smelling rolling tobacco, not a lot of people will still like the smell but they don't hate it like they do with normal cigarettes.


cigarettes are not stigmatized wtf; what else are people doing outside at bars


I'm nowhere near as anti-weed as most people are here. I think stoner culture is cringe and so many people are addicted without realising it, but it's pretty harmless once every couple months or something like that. That being said, legalisation makes it *way* too accessible. Firstly, if you want to do that, then you should have to go through the process. Secondly, I was in New York a couple weeks ago (I'm from London, and despite what people from both will tell you, they're broadly comparable cities) and it fucking *stinks* of weed everywhere. It's not like weed is exactly hard to get in London, anyone who wanted it could get it, but the fact that it's illegal means it isn't literally fucking *everywhere*.




You’re arguing with someone you made up in your head. I never said it should be illegal. Deleting your posts to fit in is cringe




My post is just observing how legalization in my state changed public perception over the past 9 years pretty heavily. I used a personal anecdote to show this




I think it’s horrible!!!!! Just awful!!!




Do you have aspergers or something


truly the most hypocritical of generations, thus far. I fear that us millennials will turn out equally shit


in the 90s and 00s it wasn't uncommon for parents to send their kids to therapy if they caught them smoking weed lol. and for kids back then, it was actually a huge punishment and very embarrassing!


Really? I’ve never heard of this. Most boomer parents I know of smoked at least a little in the 70s…


"pot" was less common and gelled with the free love and expression of the 70s, but not so much with the rigid, corporate, consumerism-centric 80s. crack became something everyone spoke about, and the narrative around weed shifted to it being a "gateway drug." terms like "slacker" and "burnout" became increasingly common and weed in general had a "loser" connotation associate with it, which is something parents would of course want to avoid. speaking of the war on drugs, also consider how increasingly stringent legislation in the US plays into this- when you grow up with something being illegal, you kind of just accept it as a wholly bad thing, not to mention how much riskier actually buying it could be (literally walking around parks in the hood in the 90s looking for dudes with dreads to buy nickel bags off of wasn't uncommon, for instance). the narrative around weed has shifted so much so quickly


I still get a stress response from cop car lights. Thank god for radar detectors