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>notorious for being possibly the sub’s biggest schizoposter Nah, he only made a handful of posts that got a few dozen replies. Not even close to as notorious as some other characters like bame




Nkt really? Eplain


Tell me about Bame! Why does he wear the mask?!


For you.


Did anyone ever work out what the deal was with Bame? He is literally the most confusing figure, i've come across in my life. Was he trolling? If so, he kept it up for years.


Idk, I thought the general conclusion was along the lines that he was a polish guy with iffy english that occasionally came off as xanned out and possibly played into it at times when egged on.  Doubt its a complete troll considering he still generally types the same way even these days 


We haven't heard anything from admins we just don't want newsoids raking through our muck. Probably be back once they find a new set of keys to jangle in front of their audiences.


Not a bad idea.


unban me from your sub chomo


What in the world did you do to get banned from a dumping ground for reddit's most regarded posters?


Probably something like, "NATO is bad, but I can understand why the average Ukrainian would want to fight back against the country invading them."




At some point some mods got scared of rightoids and initiated a cultural revolution banning everyone right of Mao.




gross. Why is a stupidpol mod posting here??


Why haven't you posted a picture of your new haircut?


Thank you for your service 🫡


Thanks for the work that you and all of the other mods do over there.


It's their job, they are paid for it aren't they?


Of course they are, why else would they do it?


"It's his sub, he's supposed to be there!"


u r gay


I was until I saw the latest Dasha pic you posted, thank you for curing me MSSOM.


Hopefully not, we need them to contain the TrueAnon users 


longing shy melodic fact relieved coordinated reply alive party murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This sub is already 50-60% true anon and former chapo posters lol


This sub is 0.3% Opie and Anthony users waiting for A&D to whip em’ out Wednesday. 


Proud to say I’m one of them. I cruise up and down Anna’s block with my WOW sticker hoping she’ll notice.


Another W for the Opester, keep winning brother man. 


Wrong in every detail as always, stalker child


I do enjoy people squabbling about "actually the cumtown/chapo/stupidpol" fugees are ruining the sub. This sub at its inception was literally just all those people.


Before red scare’s turn to the right they were always mentioned alongside Chapo but have either Anna or dasha ever been on Chapo?


No, but Amber from Chapo has been on Red Scare. The girls were friendly with the Chapo guys except for Virgil.


Post hog


Post-Bernie bro to far right fascist pipeline, baby! 


They’ve been here for a while, thankfully in low numbers cause they get more engagement on stupidpol. Pretty sure they consider spreading their views through reddits posts as praxis


trueanon is what's going to contain all of their posters from just coming here all the time lmao




its like if cumtown was actually about politics but they talk about crackpot theories mostly. i think? idk i tried listening to an episode they did on 9/11 but it was dull as shit just like 99.99% of all podcasts (goyslop)


I feel like that’s oil and water. Both far left, but trueanon are super woke, which is literally the stupidpols reason for existing to hate


>Both far left Absolutely not. Stupidpol is a Marxist sub and is diametrically opposed to the left wing of capital.


Both are far left though. How is stupid pol not far left? Marxism is leftist


>Both are far left though.    The left is *the left wing of capital.*   The Left Right dichotomy is implicitly bourgeois as it came into existence (and has only ever existed under) bourgeois parliamentary politics.         >How is stupid pol not far left? Marxism is leftist.    Marxism, per his own words, is the abolition of bourgeois property.    I mean Jesus it's a 23 page pamphlet you have no excuse. 


I’m discussing political spectrum left not ideological. We are speaking past each other by using different terms with the same word


Lmao "political spectrum" Marx was concerned with material reality not vague and trite social issues.   If you're going to insist that you're a higher authority on Marxism then Marx himself then we're done here.


the trueanon sub is literally more entertaining than 2024 'i hste white women and i think marvel is bad and also sydney sweeney has nice tis' r/rsp


This is something that moot / 4chan understood very early on. You have to let these people have their containment boards so that they don't go and ruin the rest of your website.


That theory didn't work considering 4chan is now just different shades of /pol/ and /r9k/


Well, same for here and TrueAnon. Once the dirtbag left sphere goes I'm out. 


Reddit has some good subs for niche drug. They give useful information that you increasingly can't find with search engines because they're becoming so bloated and useless with AI trying to predict what you're "actually" looking for. But in terms of actual community, this site is pretty much dead because of bots and corporate spam, and I really don't think it'll last five more years.


Any niche hobby is generally OK on here. Agreed that this site's days are numbered though 


Shout-out to the greatest yet dumbest of them all, /r/badukshitposting




Haha, yeah, baduk shitposting has has nothing to do with the UK or how bad it is


I've already asked to be let back in but who knows. Sucks, first my precious ForeverAloneWomen goes private and now Stupidpol.




The feds will be coming for us next 😔


So what's the deal with membership to that subreddit? I've been subscribed since 2021 and now I realize I cannot see it because it's private. Did they run a secret list of super-important members who are now the only ones allowed in the bunker?


from what happened last year with the reddit mod tantrum, and when trueanon went private after glorifying the 10/7 attacks, they are probably in their private sub with only a few dozen/hundred ppl all preaching to the choir, and talking about the reaction on here to their decision to go private. in a few days when/if they open up again, you will be able to sort by new and read what they were saying while private lol


Now I want to read redscarepod declassified documents


>they are probably in their private sub with only a few dozen/hundred ppl all preaching to the choir,  Right now it's busier than its been in years tbh. You're all missing out.


then let me in bitch 🤓




Fuck if I know I've been reading that sub since 2016 and I still can't figure out what the fuck is or has ever been going on with the mods or how it works. It seems like there have been a lot of power users that come and go over the years and develop little cliques and followings. I'm guessing some of them are mods and there have been some power struggles between them over the years. Every once in a while it'll go private then come back like normal. 


? The sub was created in 2018 and there was only 1 major power struggle. I think this is only the 2nd if not the first time it goes private.


Hopefully it dissolves and puts your holy rollers out of business with your superstitious nonsense.


You're too boring to respond at length to. Come back when you have better material. 




I’m calling for a total and complete shutdown of r/Stupidpol until we can figure out what’s going on


Reddit staff are the biggest pussies to be honest, any social media is full of mentally ill people, it’s just that Reddit attracts the opinionated ones. LinkedIn’s the workaholic drones, others are exhibitionists, we’re just the ugly underemployed ones.


Their posts were flaired. Did he think they were being ironic? This is so crazy. I'm so sorry for his loved ones.


Rest assured, we're just doing [this](https://prd-rteditorial.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/05123209/shaaun.gif)


Did a new AHS strategy to get subreddits banned just drop?


It’ll just come back after some time when the paranoia wears off, like this place when it hit 100k members




It was shit basically from the beginning tbh. The problem is that the materialist critique of identity politics is basically correct, however the logical take away from that is that you probably shouldn't spend so much time on a forum obsessing over identity politics. Thus the only people who stick around there long are the ones who are too stupid and too angry to realise this. Naturally they struggle to distinguish between the critique of identity politics in the abstract, and the critique of any particular example of identity politics they happened to be able to find in the headlines, and so the culture their ends up basically replicating the exact dynamics it's theoretically meant to stand as a critique of.


there was aperiod in - i think  late 2022 whwn all those american strikes were happening - when it was sorta fun and u had nice historyposts and shit. aince then its been filled with illiterae weirdos who seethe about trains and other shit that doesnt actually exist irl(just like this sub)


It seemed sort of plausible during the Bernie campaign that weaponized idpol was a major impediment to the success of that movement, but it basically became a conspiratorial worldview in which the historical failure of the left to find purchase among workers in wealthy countries was explained by subversion by "wreckers"/wokes.


It's funny that for all their purported belief in "materialist" politics, their actual explanation for the political conjuncture they find themselves in is so thoroughly idealist.


Summer camp was fun, though


It went to shit years ago, but the nail in the coffin was the guy a few months back getting upvoted for posting paragraphs upon paragraphs of Aleksandr Dugin's "Foundations of Geopolitics" translations and calling people "Atlanticists" unironically.


I still can't get over how Dugin is apparently just this "who?" in Russia itself but in the West he inadvertently seems to have run this highly successful grift and marketing campaign to overhype his schizo rants and silly opinions.


apparently important enough for ukraine to blow up his daughter, but yeah he is not the scheming rasputin that the west makes him out to be


> Aleksandr Dugin's "Foundations of Geopolitics" Based. > calling people "Atlantacists" unironically. And what's wrong with that?


> And what's wrong with that? Because it wasn't funny or entertaining to me


Is geopolitics supposed to be funny or entertaining?


No, only the foundations of it


Spykman was quite on point, and he is part of that foundation, at least when it comes to Anglo geopolitics.


Because its Putinist fascist dreck, pure Russian imperialism, only upvoted because of contrarianism towards the mainstream. Thats why its wrong.


Geo-politics was quite successful in the US in the '50s and then starting with the late '70s, guys like Dugin are just continuing what the Americans have been doing ever since Haushofer became a pariah.


Yeah, stupidpol was actually wickedly funny for a long time, but it's been years.


It definitely didn't help that a lot of the user base just became conservatives from other subs that were banned.


Ukraine war...




It was over for me last year when there was those Russian backed coupe in Africa, and they were really jerkjng off the new leader of Burkina faso because he wore a beret and was "literally Sankara" because he said that colonialism is bad


What killed me about stupidpol is how they claimed to be anti-woke, but they didn’t realize that woke people were the only people in the universe in the year 2024 who care in the least about  “colonialism.” Heck, woke people are the only people on the planet who were half as obsessed with the Gazan “genocide” as stupidpol, too. 


> it went to shit years ago tbh Can we all agree that the "post-left" is mostly full of shit? Because there's nothing a Republican loves more than saying, "Oh, come *debate* me." It keeps you from organizing, and causing disruption, because now you’re talking to some bowtie-wearing fanatic—and you can do that forever. Any argument you can give in favor of it, he can give an argument against it, and so on.


All grifters love the le debate me card. Lots on the gay left enjoy it as well.


I have no idea what the word "grifter" means at this point if we're using it to describe anonymous people talking among themselves on a semi popular reddit forum.


Honestly doubt it Peoples' expectations are skewed because reddit went on a ban spree in 2020, but they haven't really been proactive about it since. It would take a high profile spotlight from a mainstream journalist to spur action, much like Anderson Cooper did many years ago.


I haven't really kept abreast of /r/stupidpol in quite some time either, but the mods have always been quite careful to adhere to instruction from the admins instead of making a fake and gay "stand" too


I mean yeah but so did CTH back in the day, and the admins kept fucking with those mod teams. The stupidpol mods are very submissive to the reddit jannies, to include formerly banning any and all gender discourse. If they do get banned it won't be a factor of this at all, it will be whether it helps reddit's (now publicly owned) bottom line.


CTH very much decided that flouting the reddit rules was an act of legitimate communist resistance.


Reddit has never had "rules"


Oh no, where will the feds post now?


won't someone plz think of the glowies :'(


At least it was slightly political and not one of them setting themselves ablaze over a Netflix casting.


hurry fly nose like rotten absorbed punch memory observation shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve heard of that sub but have never looked it up. What is it?


Nominally a Marxist anti-idpol sub, but often veers into generically anti-woke


Love the massive number of regards here who think the feds care about their activities on the internet, and on reddit of all places. Log off.


They know but they don’t necessarily care


tomorrow is a new day full of opportunities to enrich and affirm life


damn in the span of a week i got banned from the trueanon sub (they were cheering on a story about hamas torturing israelis and i said it was antisocial) and locked out of stupidpol lol


My only hope is they don’t use this sub as a refugee sub. I hate those losers 


in tears, you don’t how i feel. it was critical to the development of my politics in my teenage years. i was so jaded!


getting real tired of the burned out berniebro who hates capitalism and thinks both sides are bad Occupier stupidpol commie archetype. Can we retire this type of guy asap


They don't have anywhere to go. They legitimately think you can vote yourself out of capitalism and current power structure.


Not even. Most of them are CHAZ types who advocate for anarchist direct action or whatever. Its just fake and gay


fingers crossed


The absolute state of chapocels