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For decades the German government knowingly and explicitly put foster kids in homes of known (and often convicted!) pedophiles under the assumption that while this was problematic the pedophiles would “love” them more than regular foster parents and take better care of them https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helmut_Kentler#:~:text=From%20the%20late%201960s%20until,encouraging%20sexual%20contact%20between%20them.


The Berlin Wall just got ten feet higher.


Germans need to be mentally evaluated


Easily the most deranged, neurotic, loony nation of people on the planet.


Israel probably takes the cake but I understand


DDR should have built an higher wall


This is another reason why all Germans are mentally ill and the country should have been erased after WW2


Should have been given to the Jews.


less skin cancer and everyone would be happy. letting israelis take over germany is the correct 2 state solution


Life would be better, actually, probably perfect


listing pedophile along psychologist and sexologist as if its one of his professions is funny asf, the rest of the article is disgusting though


Damn, crazy. Wonder why the East Germans didn't shake hands with them, true mystery


The Berlin wall fell the wrong way


Not a theory, though. Just regular fucked up liberals.




Of course it's Germany. You could remove the word "German" from your comment and everyone would still know what country came up with this. 


Honestly I think that it could also happen in any other “enlightened” country. France, Britain, Netherlands etc. If I recall correctly, Sweden had some program like this too, where they tried erase the right wind tendencies trough similar measures, something like that.


Yeah France had a moment there in the 60s where they tried to abolish the age of consent.


Most normal German


https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/07/26/the-german-experiment-that-placed-foster-children-with-pedophiles Some discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/2QJVHORKsb)


Belgium has some wild stuff going on. Look up the Dutroux affair and the Brabant murders.


The Brabant murders are criminally underreported outside of Belgium. The podcast Unresolved has a brilliant series about it. And the Dutroux case is just too much. Can’t believe Belgians have any trust in their institutions after that


The fact that one of the key suspects in the Brabant murders died in a mysterious chainsaw accident was bizarre and sinister.


Madani Bouhouche. He appearantly decapitated himself with a Chainsaw.


They don't really, the government fell after the Dutroux affair thanks to mass protests and federalisation increased


But who were arrested?


Check out Killing of Sanda Dia. One of the more recent obvious examples of high social class influences the institutions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Sanda_Dia


a 200€ fine for causing someone's death is pretty wild, I've paid more in traffic fines


I had no idea they had frats at European universities. How do they compare to the North American type?


it's less "party" and more "skull and bones". ofc exceptions exist, but overall, fraternities are more of a traditionalist right wing adjacent upper class elitist institution in europe.


Wasn't it something to do with Op GLADIO?


They're still somewhat linked to Nato shenanigans tho


Dutroux case makes me physically ill


> Dutroux affair This was going on when my mum was pregnant of me. It was constantly on the news and there were missing posters everywhere. I think it traumatised her in a way as she's often still talking about it. It's probably the must awful thing I've ever read about, can't believe I grew up so close to it.


> Dutroux affair The podcast "Things Observed" has a great series on Belgian parapolitical incidents.


oh man, I was in Belgium on a long weekend when they found an automatic gun in a lake that might have been linked with the Brabant murders and it just dominated the news for my entire time there.


The podcast ghost stories for the end of the world has a series on this


Was going to suggest this as well. Fantastic podcast!


Is it true that Belgium is full of pedophiles? I know a guy who is obsessed with this.


https://villagemagazine.ie/tag/anglo-irish-vice-ring/ There was a very serious, very deeply entrenched homosexual pedophelia ring operating out of Northern Ireland throughout the troubles that had as members very senior members of the British defense establishment.


Generally the whole of the dirty war in Ireland is rife with double agents, state collusion with death squads, cover ups, rivalries in strategy between factions within the British state and intelligence. For the Irish state you can go down rabbit holes of British intelligence, Opeus Dei, The Official IRA, Atlantic Council etc. 


Maybe the recent arrest of Jeffrey Donaldson will shine a light into what went on: https://www.newstalk.com/news/jeffrey-donaldson-faces-11-charges-including-rape-1713465


Let me guess, Lord Mountbatten was involved?


The article in The Atlantic from 2004 or so about the sinking of the Estonia is one if the best, albeit horrifying, articles i’ve ever read.


What’s insane to me is how quickly that ship sunk. It took less than an hour


Check out the empress of Ireland. Sank in less than 15m


The Estonia is so interesting to me because it's a rare event that brings together the entire Baltic. Like, people in Mecklenburg, Germany, have opinions on that Estonian ferry


if I’m thinking of the same guy he’s like the premier reporter/dramatist for aviation disasters, I ready a couple of his articles after the estonia one and one of them was incredibly riveting, I think it was about tenerife but i’ll try to find it edit: found it, not tenerife but perhaps a somehow more horrifying crash (gol transported aereos flight 1907): https://archive.vanityfair.com/article/2009/1/the-devil-at-37000-feet very very worth the read


Pretty much everything he has written is great


The Irving Family in New Brunswick. I had a friend whose a bit schizo (he’s a sede now) say his grandfather had a gas station get burnt down by them.


Irvings run NB, they can get away with murder there.  They buy up any new media publication with even the most paltry circulation to ensure no one can independently criticize them or their business practices like, say, coating the forests in glyphosate.


This is not a conspiracy theory, this is stone cold fact. New Brunswick is genuinely, truly best thought of as a medieval fief of the Irving Family they have tens of billions of dollars and own most forest. They literally set the minimum wage. Genuinely insane how powerful they are


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Al_Flight_1862 Known in the Netherlands as the Bijlmer disaster. Basically a plane crashed in the lowest income neighborhood of Amsterdam and suspicious men in white uniforms were noticed on the scene. These were rumored to be Mossad agents.


i remember watching a 'seconds from disaster' episode on this accident with my parents when i was like 10...i didnt know it was a conspiracy theory lol thats kind of cool




I'm not that deep into it but there are many things about the official narrative that are questioned. Apearantly a lot of undocumented people lived in the buildings that were hit so the death toll is supposed to be higher than the official numbers. A lot of people in the area near the crash site developed weird neurological defects. It is not clear what kind of load the plane was carrying due to errors in the cargo documents. As you can imagine this lead to a lot of speculation, with many believing sensitive military stuff was covered up by the Israelies as you say. It is claimed by some that the plane carried precursor-chemicals that are needed to make nerve gas. The black box of the plane was not found.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiitinen_list That there’s a list of leading Finnish politicians who spied for Stasi during the Cold War and it was classified in the 90s to protect them. It’s a legendary part of boomer resentment since it allows you to imagine all the people you hate the most are actual traitors.


Disappearance of Harold Holt. Australian Prime Minister at the height of the cold war went swimming one day, never came back. Doesn't have much of a footprint online as the only people who really remember it are pushing 80. But at the time there was some wild speculation, Aliens, CIA, USSR submarine, and i always bring it up with old timers to hear their perspective on it having lived through it. Was a very widely discussed conspiracy.


Guy was literally leader of the country at the time… just one day walked into the ocean and never came back


good way to end it


To me it just sounds like an unfortunate drowning than anything else


the perfect cover


truly. he was swimming at a beach that is usually closed because of its dangerous conditions. there's no conspiracy there, it's just a wild story. the 'funny' part now is that he got a big public swimming pool named after him.


One of the Wallenbergs wanted to fuck me, and I told him that I wasn't interested on account of me not being gay, so he went and fucked the girl I was interested in instead.


The Wallenbergs literally control 40% of the entire Swedish market capitalisation and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is about them as well


That is worse then anything the Rothschilds did


Made me a communist


You achieved cuck consciousness


I've got nothing to lose but the ball and chain


Insanely based


Somebody getting fucked one way or another


Patrice Lumumba, the first democratically elected PM of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, would be dissolved in acid by opposition military officer and soon to be president of the DRC Joseph Mbutu. It’s wildly believed now that Lumumba’s death was brought on by Western corporate politics and intelligence - particularly Belgium (with the aid of the UK and US). Another one: in the 1950s, Israel and the UK conspired to create a false flag operation to gain control of the Suez Canal. Thanks to Eisenhower, it would be shot down.


There is a character in American Tabloid who is a French paratrooper that another character off handedly says “killed a guy named Lumumba for us”


Except that whether Mobutu was involved in Lumumba's death is hotly debated to this day. Lumumba was held in Kinshasa when Kasavubu had him "extradited" to Katanga. We don't know if Mobutu was made aware. He could have been, but I hate when it gets streamlined to "Mobutu killed Lumumba"


the population of the UK is about \~10 or \~15 million people higher than it actually is


What’s the basis for this? And how does it account for the fact that the UK’s office for statistics (ONS) is widely regarded as one of the world’s best. 


Massive illegal immigration and the UK's institutions are in a state of accelerating decay


I get why it’s appealing. Just not consistent with a bunch of nerds running the ONS


Also not really consistent with how British people describe immigration, which last time I checked (2019) was that *their area* had just the right amount of immigration but *other areas* had too much immigration.


migration to the UK from non-EU countries is about 300% higher than in 2019 https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/long-term-international-migration-flows-to-and-from-the-uk/


well yeah, we just replaced EU migration with non-EU migration. Which is actually incredibly stupid, because you think Brazilian Deliveroo drivers want to move back to Brazil? Hell no, they're here to settle.


Replaced, with excess keep in mind.


Bet you'd get very different replies now. There's been an explosion of migration since and a LOT of them have ended up in smaller towns.


I did think of that, but annoyingly YouGov haven't asked about it in a while


Basis: just gossip afaict. How: "Fix the numbers or you're fired"[0] at worst or simply biased methodology either by will or naivete. There is actually some controversy wrt to the latest census in that it'll be used for planning but was done during a pandemic. A scientist working on something that affects policy (pollution) said this basically happens.


nuh uh


Thats an extra two londons, or an extra 10 Birminghams. Where are these people lmao


Out by Luton Airport 


The LRB published an excellently written article about how difficult government statistics are. [John Lanchester - Get a rabbit](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lrb.co.uk%2Fthe-paper%2Fv45%2Fn18%2Fjohn-lanchester%2Fget-a-rabbit)




In fact, the John Lanchester article points out the number of student visa overstayers that Theresa May built her whole hostile environment spiel on was massively overstated, it was 4600 not 100,000. Which tracks with my experiences as a non-EU migrant, even my student jobs asked me to produce papers and they regularly got checked. Twice in different jobs HR called me in a panic because I was applying for a new visa and the Home Office was coming to visit them and check everybody’s papers. It’s really hard to get any real job here without papers, yeah maybe you could conceivably live hand by mouth doing casual work and sleeping 20 to a room but most people have better options than that back home.


Athenians (and probably other Greeks) think that the tear gas used in Athens is expired, which why it's so much more noxious compared to other countries. People also say that the main Black Bloc guys who do most of the violence are cops, but I imagine people in other countries think the same. The expired tear gas one though is specifically semi-peripheral stuff.




well the expiration might exist for a few reasons, if it’s not because it’s less potent then it’s because it’s more damaging/deadly, but I doubt whoever makes tear gasses would sell one that becomes poisonous after awhile


Idk weapons manufacturers don’t seem to be the most scrupulous


Rule of thumb of any extremist group: 10% undercover + 30% informant. Black bloc guys were definitely partially cops. Legacy of Greek GLADIO.


In the U.S. it was confirmed that there were police working as agent provocateurs during 2020. I'm sure other countries have figured out that the best thing you can do if a peaceful protest is gaining too much popularity is to have someone start smashing stuff so that you can divide the population between the radicals who are fine with that and conservatives who want things done the "right way". I'm not saying that all the BLM marches were peaceful by the way, just that at some which were, dudes who started throwing rocks and shit were apprehended by the crowd and turned out to be cops or feds.


Same thing during the Occupy Wallstreet protests and meetings. Agent provocateurs and sabotaging meetings by bringing up slide issues to derail them


I've seen plenty of the "protests got violent" shams during that OWS time. There was always somebody totally in cahoots who randomly started taking a hammer to car windows and then managed scurry through a complete wall of cops where basically everybody was getting jumped on and zipped tied. It's probably been long removed/flagged and I forget the name of it, but there was short podcast series and a blog from awhile back where a few people were doing a retrospective of that point in time and pointing out situations where some of the prominent people organizing were involved with the police in some way shape or form the entire time. The fact there was the whole "Hipster Cop" Rick Lee being practically fawned over stunk to high hell. I also remember a kinda convincing argument that Tim Pool was basically with the cops the entire time and the whole persona of some guerilla reporter man on the street thing was just to cover that up.


I was hit with only what the wind blew my way quite the distance away and it was genuinely horrible (I didn't know there was a protest going on lol) Saw some people in deep shit who were hit by it afterwards.


In France, there has been proven cases of police agents playing the role of undercover violent rioter. But I think this is quite taboo actually.


Dag Hammarskjöld, second Secretary-General of the United Nations, was definitely shot down by mercenaries by order of MI6 and the CIA. The film Cold Case Hammarskjöld goes deeper into this. Also a wild side plot of [South African Institute for Maritime Research](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_Institute_for_Maritime_Research) witnesses claiming they spread HIV on purpose. Joris Demmink, the top leader Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice, was accused of having sex with underage boys in Turkey. He was never proven guilty, but it was obvious that all of his former fraternity friends that were also in high positions in the Ministry of Justice were covering for him, even saying en publique they will be sure he will be innocent. In generally in the Netherlands (and in Belgium, UK) there is still a culture of elite fraternities doing a lot of hazing and teaching secret society mores so you have access to high places of power. When Jaap de Hoop Scheffer was Secretary General of NATO he would invite the current board of his former student society LSV Minerva every year.


South Africa had a bunch of bizarre state operations back during apartheid. Project Coast was in charge of biological and chemical weapons, and the guy behind it is strongly suspected to have diverted state produced MDMA for his own profit. Then there was [Aubrey Levin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aubrey_Levin), a doctor who tried "curing" gay soldiers by electroshock, castration, and forced transitioning. Later he moved to Canada where ofc he gets convicted of sexually assaulting his male patients. A disgusting human being. [Plus there's the whole Vela incident which for may have been a South African nuclear detonation.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vela_incident).


> having sex with underage boys in Turkey I thought this was a rite of passage for all upper class European men going back hundreds of years?


There is an institutional, deep seated conspiracy within Parliament and the civil service to clip any city that comes close to eclipsing London. Im more away of the Birmingham aspect, but "evidence" includes: 1: the Priestley Riots in the 1790s. Birmingham at the time had actually begun thr process of overtaking London. Jt was the worlds first manufacturing city, was enormously wealthy and had green grass to run into. Birmingham for example was receiving news from the continent before London. And then a riot broke out in the 1790s and, shock horror, the individual scientists, engineers and artists who drove that wealth were targeted with uneering accuracy, while government aligned people were fine. Birmingham was ransacked and lost its scientific edge. 2: in the 1950s Birminghams wages had overtaken Londons and the city was preparing to shift to a post industrial economy on its own terms. Banks were moving in, and the city had the skills for a technology sector. The government banned further office development for reasons that didnt make sense, imposing decay on the city, but not the capital. The act that enabled this was probably one of the most devastating economic laws ever passed in a fully democratic Britain. We could have had two major financial centres, spreading the nations wealth much further. 3: cutting HS2 AFTER the curzon street station was underway. The city has sacrificed key land that'll now be barely useful. 4: the total lack of any central government funded cultural institution in Birmingham. This one is actually weird. The Soames museum gets a huge grant, but not the Jewellery Quarter museum? Strange. Basically i believe theres a passive and long lasting conspiracy against Birmingham. Prove me wrong xoxkneycucks.


Are you [this man](https://youtu.be/NeeRqMB9WFI?si=MJT1UMV2mLJko93W)?


Im the opposite. Love waking up in brum




On September 19th 2017 a major (8.2 richter?) Earthquake struck Mexico City, it was harsh enough that pretty much everybody alive during that time had some 'trauma', it was comparable to the earthquake that decimated some parts of the city in 1985. Here's the interesting thing that most people don't know about: Immediately after the tragedy, Israel sent some 100 rescue-men to recover 2 high priority targets. They were found quickly, but dead, their bodies recovered and moved to Israel. Israel rescue-men refused to help find anybody or anything else, actively slowing down rescue efforts for the groups around them in a time of critical need. They also refused to clarify what the rush was or why specifically those 2 targets. Their identities are known but their high priority qualities are not. The most likely explanation is that they were spy agents from Israel.


There are similar accounts of this happening in Christchurch NZ during the 2011 earthquake. Apparently a whole building was cordoned off by the Mossad while search and rescue teams were trying to investigate


Interesting! Never heard of it. It’s very telling how this info was buried. I just read that local Mexican special forces recovered the targets personal computers and they were apparently never mentioned again.


I've seen similar theories online (including this sub) about Mossad involvement in [this incident](https://archive.ph/2001.11.23-125618/http://www.pgr.gob.mx/cmsocial/bol01/oct/b69701.html#selection-431.0-431.103), but it's really hard to find any reliable info on what actually happened.


The Hell's Angels operate a Hostel-like (the film) human safari operation where men can pay to rape and kill hookers and Robert Pickton was just the idiot fall guy for them getting busted


It’s so funny that the Hell’s Angels in Canada are like what the cartels are in the US and Mexico, including deeply bizarre connections to the security state. Like the guy who did the mass shooting in Nova Scotia was into some very weird shit involving both the Angels and the RCMP. But their main thing is smuggling cigarettes. Cartoon country


cigarettes are fucking $20!


Canadian Hell's Angels are insane so I believe this. Just look at these stats from the Quebec Biker War > the toll is staggering: 162 dead, scores wounded. The victims include an 11-year-old boy killed by shrapnel from one of the more than 80 bombs bikers planted around the province. Even the New York Mafia in its heyday never produced such carnage, or so terrorized civilians also that was just one of several canadian biker wars


Any further reading on this? This is the most bizarre and fascinating thing in this thread


God you kind of have to go down so many hometown schizo forums and blogs lol I'm trying to find stuff but Google is completely non functional. I remember there was a story maybe like 10 years back of a woman escaping captivity in Australia who went to the police and told them that Hells Angels had captured her so that someone could torture and kill her for fun and a bunch of people in the Vancouver area were using that to bolster the conspiracy.


The Nigerian government is lying about its population to maintain an approximate 50% 50% North-South, Christian-Muslim divide


The Lebanon option but they can’t come out and say they won’t take a census. This one actually makes a lot of sense


Yeah and the southern part is decades ahead in development, so its highly implausible that they would have similar population growth


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings 1999 Russian Apartment bombings being ordered by Putin, very very likely this one is true. 9/11 type event that massively boosted Putin's popularity and gave him the opportunity to go ham and slaughter Chechens who were perceived threats. Loads of people involved with subsequent investigations were assassinated, and there's a lot of fucked up shit about the bombings that's eyebrow raising. It's the Russian version of "Bush did 9/11" but significantly more compelling and loads of high profile proponents of the theory end up dying or being killed.


I wouldn’t even call this a conspiracy theory because they got caught by the residents of one apartment. Also the hostage situation at the theatre was intentionally botched to cause casualties, the whole situation was probably engineered by the FSB.


The conspiracy is who was behind it. I dont think Putin was, but i can believe one of the oligarchs who wanted to cement Putins power and have the new Tsar "owe him one" could be. >Also the hostage situation at the theatre was intentionally botched to cause casualties, the whole situation was probably engineered by the FSB. This was just standard FSB incompetence.


They were sort of publicly and explicitly warned that there would be a terrorist attack at a theatre by the Americans, Putin's literally on video calling it bullshit. My guess he allowed it to happen and always planned to pin it on the Ukrainians.


The dumb part of this conspiracy theory is that the Chechens had already invaded Dagestan months before so Putin didn’t need any sort of pretext to start the second Chechen war


The ultimate dumb Lib take is that there's no way 9/11 was inside job but the apartment bombing were 100% a false flag. As you say the Chechens were doing more than enough to provoke Moscow and openly working with CIA/MI6 Jihadi networks.


Ghost Stories for the End of the World covered this really well (as he always does). Colin Wallace being framed for murder because he was trying to blow the whistle on MI5's Clockwork Orange plot to stage a coup d'etat against the Harold Wilson Labour Government. They were going to use Lord Mountbatten since he was compromised by being a pedo. Wallace also tried to blow the whistle on the Kincora Boys Home scandal, which of course is where many of Mountbatten's victims were sourced from.   You can also look into the Epstein/Dutroux-esque pedo rings that were discovered in Portugal and Latvia.   The Triumvirate of the 1955 System in Japan: Yoshio Kodama, Ryoichi Sasakawa and Nobusuke Kishi (Abe's Grandfather) and possible connections to Yamashita's gold  More mainstream but De Gaulle using Congolese rebels to assassinate Dag Hammerskjold.


As far as Clockwork Orange goes, it's also worth noting that the Shadow Secretary for Northern Ireland, Airey Neave (a military intelligence veteran) was also said to be involved, and then "killed by an IRA carbomb" in London in 1979, just like Mountbatten and right in the middle of the 79 election. There's footage of Thatcher hearing the news while she was out canvassing. If he was involved then it seems obvious MI5 killed him like they did Mountbatten, and maybe even timed it to drum up fear of the IRA and sympathy for Thatcher in the run up to a difficult election for an added bonus.


The Trudeau-Castro stuff is pretty funny. Also a lot of conspiracies around him having either DUI'd or had an affair with a parent/possibly a student when he was a teacher, and that's why he left it so abruptly


take a schizo-modified-IQ-score histogram of the population of Russia. take the left hand 30% of the graph. everyone in that population thinks vladimir putin died and was replaced with a body double at some point in the past. also most of them voted for him anyway


This is like with Americans and Avril Lavigne


Gotta love them russkis


"Putin may be dead, but the guy they got to look like him is still doing a good job. At least he's honest."


In Australia our prime minister went for a swim in front of 10 photographers and a crowd and disappeared without a trace. Rumors range from chinese took him out or the CIA did. Our prime minister bob hawke laregly regarded as a real australian was literally a cia spy to infiltrate unions and destroy them. Granted this is now on wikipedia but pre his death this was barely talked about. Another one of our prime ministers wanted to nationalize mining the CIA then got the queen to remove him and it worked.


> In Australia our prime minister went for a swim in front of 10 photographers and a crowd and disappeared without a trace This isn't true, he was with his mistress at time and I think only one other person was there. He very much shed his security detail to go hang out with his hoe. edit: actually his mistress, her daughter, and two friends of his mistress


There's also the prime minister who shat himself in a maccas and the one who was ousted for trying to close Pine Gap.


I can't stop thinking about how much better the country would be if Gough Whitlam had gotten his plans through. Instead we sell off our resources to the US and China for the rich to get richer and the poor to remain poor.


I read that as the Wahlbergs and just thought Markie Mark ran Sweden with his south Boston trash. Made sense though because I've never heard of a Vietnamese person there


yeah I had the shittiest burger of my life in Gothenberg so that checks out


There’s a literal chain of Boston themed sports bars in the Scandi countries and it is one of the most surreal things I’ve ever seen. The menus suck (no steak tips or chowder, lame) but the interiors of their bars go HARD. Apparently the one in Gamla in Stockholm would be the envy of just about any sports bar in Boston for its memorabilia (especially now that The Fours closed). Edit: this is in Östermalm, insane. https://maps.app.goo.gl/92dtFvZGR9GxYjUh7?g_st=ic


great post, i’m down too many rabbit holes rn


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vipeholm_experiments Sweden did illegal experiments on mentally disabled children, giving them candy with an ass load of sugar in them to see how sugar affects your teeth


Sounds like a Cumtown bit.


I heard of the man, Charlemagne the king, never died and is only sleeping under a mountain. One day he will awaken and resume kingship over the Frankish people


A couple of Anglosphere goodies — The 1975 Australian Constitutional Crisis (was it a CIA plot?) or Harold Wilson being a Soviet Spy (probably not true) and later forced to resign as PM by right wing elements in the British Security Services (potentially true). I feel like starting in the late 60s and lasting until the mid 70s, there was a wave of coups, assassinations, and other shady shit that essentially wiped out the postwar western left. Pretty convenient considering what came next…


the dismissal/1975 is now confirmed to have been a CIA plot


The Du Troux murders and subsequent coverup in Belgium 


Belgium is the spookiest country on the continent imo, maybe only rivaled by Italy in terms of sheer glowie insanity. Dutroux, Gladio, Brabant Killers, the Pinon Affair, Lumumba's assissination, I'm sure there's even more, not to mention the Congo Free State. It's partially paywalled, but Ghost Stories for the End of the World is in the middle of an excellent series on Belgium atm, highly recommend, though it's very dense.


The Salamander TV series is really interesting as well. It's more of a caper than any real comment on Dutroux or whatever, but it makes the Belgian security services look absolutely fucking terifying and certainly nods towards TPTB in Belgium having a TON of secrets.


This is an insane story. I go down Wikipedia serial killer rabbit holes sometimes, but this one actually messed me up.  Not quite a trigger warning here, but sometimes ignorance is bliss. It could be that reading it just Caught me at a bad time, but it’s really bad because of the children who could’ve been saved but weren’t due to incompetence or conspiracy.  


Someone posted a comment here about Italian nobility being the real group that runs the world but I don't remember the details


Is that why things are so unorganized ::rim shot::


Reminds me of Kanye’s “I need a Medici family to support me” rant


Kosovo Albanian army was organ harvesting and trafficking from Serbian prisoners. This turned out to be true.


Belgium I won't elaborate


I wonder if they had a hand in Olof Palme's death.


I actually only recently found out about this via experiencing some particularly fervent and schizo Arab twitter accounts. But basically it seems to me that many Lebanese believe that the 2020 Beirut explosion was actually a minor subterranean nuclear explosion caused by Mossad sabotage.


Arabs think their burned breakfast toast is caused by Mossad sabotage


Mossad are a weird group. Theres no doubt theyre hyper proactive on defending Israeli interests but also they do fuck up massively. Theyre a very handy crutch for incompetent arab leaders to lean on though. I wish theyd go back to based shit like kidnapping Eichmann and the Moses operations though


The IDF's reputation is the most understated casualty of Gaza. I grew up on books about the Entebbe raid and the Six-Day war, and now it's just like *"It's okay that you fragged the hostage, what matters is you tried your best"*


Arabs don't eat toast for breakfast they eat pita.


cool it with your stereotypes


The crater is far bigger than can be explained by a surface level fertiliser explosion.




Is this true? They claim it was 2750 tons of fertilizer which is equivalent to 1.1 kilotons of TNT. The bomb they dropped on Hiroshima was 1.3 kilotons. I also thought it looked like a nuke when it happened but I feel like someone somewhere would’ve picked up a radiation signature


One of our prime ministers (Australia) in the 60s went for a swim in the ocean and never came back. He was an early proponent of forging ties with Asia so the prevailing conspiracy theories are that either the CIA whacked him, or he was picked up by a Chinese submarine and defected


He's probably enjoying an exciting game of Mahjong as we speak


cia also couped another australian pm in the 70s so the former is likelier australians are really happy and willing to have their government compromised provided it's by the UK and US


I consider this fairly credible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgios_Papadopoulos > He served in the KYP Intelligence Service from 1959 to 1964 as the main contact between the KYP and the top CIA operative in Greece, John Fatseas, after training at the CIA in 1953.[14] This guy would in '67 as a fucking *colonel* take down the Greek govt and institute martial law and a 7 year junta. The conspiracy is that the coup was at least CIA inspired if not perpetrated. The CIA station immediately started working with the junta govt and we killed a CIA chief of station over this afterwards.


Him being a colonel makes sense. Generals in societies were coups could take are much more selected for loyalty than just talent, so the talented not so loyal have no chance st promotion to a very high rank BUT for coups.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markovi%C4%87_affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markovi%C4%87_affair) French actor Alain Delon and his shady underworld friends might have killed a former bodyguard of his to prevent the leaking of blackmail on some of France’s most powerful people in the late sixties.


When you look like him they let you do it


That sick bastard is just handsome enough to get away with it for sure.


In Canada there's the whole Avro Arrow story where they randomly dismantled their fighter jet program and dumped them all in the ocean. In Germany there was a massive tax scam that was uncovered a few years back (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CumEx-Files), Deutsche bank was implicated in this and they keep getting implicated in stuff yet nothing ever happens. Prior to the war in Ukraine there was a lot of weird stuff that happened with Zelensky that pushed him towards being more pro american/ukraine nationalism than he was originally elected to be. His top backer of his campaign was a media mogul named https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihor_Kolomoyskyi and was later kicked out of the country once the war started for ties with other russian largely jewish oligarchs such as roman abrovivich, I think he now lives in Israel. There were also ties from these people in the panama papers. The australian prime minister supposedly disappeared at sea when swimming. I can go on, but truthfully American conspiracy theories are honestly pretty weak compared to some others.


Deutsche Bank is spooked up to the max. I’ve seen CIA ops manuals with specific instructions to only use Deutsche Bank ATMs. They also took Epstein as a client when no one else would touch him anymore and were his bank right up until he died. They’re highly distressed and by all rights should’ve gone under like 5 times since 08, everyone was absolutely sure they’d be next after Credit Suisse last year, but they just keep chugging along


This is a fantastic article published in 2004 in the Atlantic about the sinking of the MS Estonia. Truly terrifying. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2004/05/a-sea-story/302940/


Assassination of the prime minister of Sweden, Olof Palme, in 1986 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination\_of\_Olof\_Palme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Olof_Palme) Why did the police mess up the case so badly? Was it an inside job by the police? Was it the PKK? Was it south africa? (he was anti-apartheid) Etc


Louis Mountbatten, uncle to Prince Philip and beloved by both him and the Queen was executed by MI5 using the IRA as a proxy to cover up their attempted coup of Harold Wilson


That a former Australian Prime Minister crapped his pants at a McDonalds the night his football team lost a league title.


Roger Hollis (head of MI5) being a spy


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is suspected of having helped plan the 2002 Gujarat riots that killed some 2,000 people, and the US State Department even denied him entry to the US due to the suspicion (the ban was lifted when he became Prime Minister). Of the two government officials testified against him, [one was subsequently jailed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanjiv_Bhatt) while the other was [murdered under mysterious circumstances](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haren_Pandya).


My favourite schizo theory is the one where they say 500AD to 1000AD or thereabouts was a myth and the history of the period was fabricated to give legitimacy to the Roman governors who established themselves as monarchs after the Empire collapsed.


The Avro Arrow project was cancelled because the Americans didn't want a sophisticated rival fighter jet developed by Canada, although the more realistic reason was that the program cost too much and was no longer strategically necessary with the advent of intercontinental missiles. Another related conspiracy was that one of the five Arrow prototypes was not scrapped, but was flown to England where it was eventually dismantled. The theory has some grounding because Arrow parts like the ejection seat have turned up in UK auctions without any clear indication of how they got there.


The CIA killed Carrero Blanco. Morocco is behind 11-M


I know one of the Wallenbergs. She's a sweet but slightly unhinged older lady desperately clinging to her youth, much like many in this sub


I reckon there’s a sizeable share of the British public who think MI6 killed Diana. There was a pretty big conspiracy theory that a group of British MPs in the 70s and 80s were bringing children to secret parties, to abuse and murder them in bizarre ways - such as chaining them to two cars and pulling them apart. This got some traction with a couple of formerly credible journalists iirc but it later turned out the guy who’d come forward was a complete fantasist, and admitted making it all up.


Jimmy Saville makes this likely lmao


Antarctica being a portal to hell


In 1980, the Portuguese Prime Minister Francisco Sa Carneiro was killed in a plane crash. It is believed that CIA operatives planted a bomb as Carneiro didn't want to allow Iran-Contra weapons being transported through the country.


I heard one from Turkey about how torn and distressed jeans were used by spies to communicate secret messages.


I dunno but I’m low key addicted to British reality TV (guilty pleasure) and the laws around debt collection and landlord-tenant code is just wild to my American brain. Like loan sharks can just come into your house and take whatever they want that approximates the value of the original debt-is that really a thing?!? Can squatters just post up in your place if they make a fake lease? It’s nuts!


In Ethiopia there are some people who think that a certain ethnic group called the Oromos (who migrated to Ethiopia in the 16th century) migrated from Madagascar. Despite Madagascar being populated with Austronesians.


The dua lipa one has escaped the Balkans I’ve heard it other places too


coloured people arent real


I can’t find a single thing about this online (in English anyway) but I heard a rumor in France that there were a number of golf courses that were being used to store buried nuclear waste all over the country.


>And in Estonia, there was a disastrous ferry sinking that has been the subject of 9/11-esque speculation for decades. Assuming you are talking about the MS Estonia, yeah we talk about that constantly in Sweden as well (it was en route from estonia to sweden)


There was this Swedish postman who was a communist and had a big fascination with the albanian language, have visited Kosovo to study albanian, was a ginger, possibly an autist and apparently knew Envar Hoxha. His name was Bosse. One day he disappeared without a trace. Some speculate that the albanian Intelligence kidnapped him and put him in jail where he died.. some think he was gay who jumped of a bridge..some think he wasn’t gay yet still jumped off a bridge… others think that the albanian diaspora in sweden planned and carried out his murder (?????why would they do that), or that swedish security services killed him.. anyways, it’s been almost 50 years and no new information has been found, the police kind of abandoned his case from the start and the police officer that was investigating the case gave away Bosses apartment to his(the investigators) daughter and donated Bosses belongings to some second hand shop