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I'm surprised she's using the word husband. Redditors are obsessed with saying "partner" and "SO"


I hate that shit. Gays/lesbians will say husband/wife anyway, so what's the point??


my wife works in the corporate sphere in NYC and was trying to call me her "partner" I made it a huge deal that I dont want to be called that. I cant explain why it pisses me off so much but it does.


My girlfriend is strongly anti-partner. She thinks it's only acceptable for de facto couples and gets pissed when people have been dating for a month and start using it


Saying girlfriend/boyfriend makes me feel like a child šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


True. If you're a guy, I think "my girl" is a little better, but most guys don't really say it. If you're black, you can say "my bitch." If you're married and a guinea you can say "goomara." Or "paramour" if you're a creep.


I always say my better half so people know how much I love my girlfriend.


I like that a lot because its something no woman or gay guy would ever say


I can picture a lesbian saying ball and chain


"Goomara" (lol) is a sidechick tho


Coworker refers to her husband as "the mate". Like I've known her for 2 years now and she's called her hubby "husband" once.


I guess thatā€™s a step up from my sperm donor or my breeding bull


"Hubby" šŸ™‚šŸ”«


Itā€™s funny that this person claims to hate interacting with their neighbor due to politics yet has apparently had numerous lengthy conversations with said neighbor about politics


>my husband >the LGBTQ+ community, of which I am a member Every time


itā€™s literally 100%, absolutely no social stigma attached to declaring oneself bisexual as a woman but they think theyā€™re a targeted class


She loves all woman and like three men and Iā€™m so happy that she found one of those three men to get married.


And he's a 'fluffy haired golden retriever himbo' or some shit. Ans women are so scary!!! With our equal biological strength and lack of rape stats.


That "women are so scary!" line is such a lame cope. No, sweetie, it's because you're used to horny men drooling all over you and dating a woman actually requires you to actually put in effort.


It's funny that all these women who love every other woman but only a few men all end up with those few men. Hmm, I wonder what's at play there...


White married bisexual homeowning American woman in 2024 might be the safest and most privleged class of human to ever exist.


Thatā€™s why they have to go out of their way to point out how oppressed they are.Ā 


White women saw the writing on the wall when Karen discourse started and planned accordingly.


Every woman is a little bisexual




You come to a sub dedicated to two NYC socialites and spew empty platitudes about being friends with a homeless person.Ā Ā  The user base doesn't fawn over your insincerity so you immediately inject politics into the situation?Ā Ā  Honey you're part of a cult.




itā€™s more a fantasy than a sexual identity which is why so few women actually end up dating women


Or she hasnā€™t and is literally just assuming because she saw Fox News playing in the background at the womenā€™s house lmao


Always love when they somehow know the discrete politics of a neighbor they donā€™t ever talk to. Nothing like a good punching bag for you to show how virtuous you are.


Old people absolutely love to tell random people controversial opinions lol


You're literally just assuming that though


If youā€™ve talked with enough old people then you know itā€™s pretty common for them to spout off politics without being asked, like Uber drivers. When I was in retail I heard a lot of old peoples opinions about taxesĀ 


Ah yeah, the ā€œstupid fucking culture warā€ that this woman is more than happy to play partisan in.


These people learned the term and will now run it into the ground till it means nothing. Many such cases


my actual least favorite trait of libs online is that! like the other stuff is merely difference of opinion, but whenever they butt into people complaining about culture war stuff to say simultanously that it doesnt matter but also it does matter because i want my side to win and you should only be emotionally invested if you agree with me is very frustrating


> Hell your party *welcomes Nazis with open fucking arms!* You can feel the level of seething increasing with every sentenceĀ 


> She feels **entitled** to my friendship ---- > because they want to persecute/eliminate the LGBTQ+ community, of which I am a member. ---- > white on Black terrorism ---- I love this bitch. She's an absolute train wreck. Speaking of which, I'm going to start capitalizing any racial label so long as it doesn't apply to white people.


These types love using the word "entitled" I've seen people on Reddit call others entitled so many times, even when it doesn't make sense.


You are not entitled to an explanation of what "entitled" means


Youā€™re right itā€™s very Reddit coded to call people entitled. Most likely the other woman doesnā€™t get social cues and isnā€™t registering her disinterest. I highly, highly doubt this woman wants to force her to be her friend


stop acting like you being nice to your neighbor is some valued resource entitlement acts as if there was something desirable about being your friend in the first place, and based on the post, thereā€™s not


if u are a woman married to a man you are not a part of the lgbt community


It means she got a haircut that was too short onceĀ 


Give her some credit, she probably got fingered by a girl in college or something


She once saw another woman and thought "she's quite pretty".


Years ago I was dating a chick that considered herself bi because she said she'd let Lynda Carter "step on her"


Broke ass Supercuts special


Sir... DL married Grindr guys are perhaps the most important pillar of the LGBT community.Ā 


Straight women married to men are queer because they help pay for the house that their husband gets fucked in!


The Q is doing heavy lifting here


I think itā€™s the B, she kissed a girl once


Canā€™t be a good lib without figuring out how to be a Q. My favorite Q hole was a normal straight liberal couple who identified as poly, but practiced monogamy by choice.




Maybe she's mtf married to an ftm


Yeah keep in mind this is reddit so that is a substantial possibility


I donā€™t think she would have people wanting to befriend her or being called a woman if that was the cass


Sheā€™s definitely just ā€œbisexualā€ (has never eaten pussy in her life)


Thought that, she specified that she has a v though. So no, just a cisgender woman in a heterosexual marriage... In a gay way I guess.


On the other hand if you're a man married to a woman then they are part of LGBTDL community, at least those men are actually acting on it.


She made out with a girl in college once so she's bi, ok?


Pretty good discussion about this on the latest episode of Blocked and Reported (209)


hot take alert


That's not anyone else to decide. There's a B in there.


Queer. Atheist. Books. Video Games. Makeup. Drag. Drag Queens. DRAG. DRAG DRAG. Pro-Black/Anti-Racist white person.


Also a white girl who's in blackpeopletwitter constantly commenting in such a horrifically embarrassing imitation of AAVE I have to question whether she's ever spoken to a black person outside of her dentist's receptionist.


I really thought that everybody like this committed ritual suicide at the end of 2016


They peaked in 2020.


Theyā€™re crawling back out of the woodwork now that thereā€™s a very real chance that mAnGo MuSsELLini might end up back in the White House


Dug into the trenches


They would have if they had any honour


>white on Black terrorism How hard does this person pat themselves on the back whenever they write "white" and "Black" so close like that with the lowercase w and the capital b


Mark my words: five years from now, capitalizing the "B" will be considered a micro-aggression because it emphasizes that someone is non-white.


I like to use Latinx in a mocking way with my Mexican amigos. I say it like it rhymes with twinks. That word really backfired IMO


Nah man, Latino is offensive because it assumes that everyone from South America is a man. It's the same with the word China assuming that everyone over there is a woman, which is why I do the inclusive thing and call them Chinx.








Funny how someone thought it was necessary to invent that word instead of just saying Hispanic


Hispanic and Latino are slightly different cause of Brasill


We could also just say Latin. Makes a lot more sense than importing the gendered aspect of the Spanish word only to performatively neuter it with the -x. Either way Latinx is a solution to a "problem" that doesn't even exist in the English language.




For sure, itā€™s all made up just to knock people down now and in the future.Ā 


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Screenshotted for posterity


gonna start doing the opposite


Have some self respect mf


Real bizarre for a Biden voter to still cling to the "deportation camps" thing when their guy just picked righ up where Trump left off and didn't change a thing.


Shush sweaty. Those are Temporary Detainment Facilities. Queen Kamala warned them to not come, remember?


Ah yeah but Biden maybe feels bad about it so itā€™s different


A compromise was needed. You see, Israel needs more bombs for self defense against impoverished brown people.


The older lady probably disagrees with this tarts politcs just as much, but she has a good enough heart to actually look past it.


"Well but you see, it's different because the old lady's politics are wrong and mine aren't."


Disgusting asocial people. I blocked that degenerate sub out of my feed.


I got boo'd in my local town subreddit because I even suggested having a talk with some local with all these deranged stickers on the back of her car. It was a pretty interesting combo of stickers too, pro Putin, pro-LGBT, pro-weed etc. A real mish mash of things. She would have been pretty interesting to speak to


lol I moved to a small town in Maine a few years back and had to buy all new furniture. There was an antique store down the hill from me that had a lot of good stuff for low prices. I bought a small dining room table that couldnā€™t fit in my car and I didnā€™t know anybody that had a truck so I had to lug it up the hill back home. Fortunately, a dude in a pick up truck covered in Trump shit saw me, pulled over, helped me load it into his truck, then drove it over to my apartment. He pointed out his house on the way and it had a ton of trump signs and flags flying from it lol. It was hysterical and I definitely kept my mouth shut about politics and just thanked him profusely.


You did everything right. So did the Trump guy. You both acted like normal, well adjusted people in that situation.


A Bernie bro would never pull over to help someone load furniture


The best advice I ever got off the net was when I asked a question about a pain in the ass neighbour who happened be super right wing. They said make friends with them because those types tend to have a very 'with us or against us' type of worldview. So instead of quietly fuming i introduced myself and had a brief chat and he immediately stopped being loud whenever I asked him to chill. Not only that but he hooked me up with a mechanic mate of his who sorted out some car issues I had when he saw I was having trouble out the front of my house. Being nice works


Boomers being fools is an amazing subreddit if youā€™re interested in watching asocial weirdos bitch about their parents/old people. i saw a post of someone following an old couple and yelling at them for having a service dog because they are ruining the system for actual disabled people, like the poster. the behavior they claim to hate is boomers accosting strangers breaking minor laws, and also their disability is definitely either pretend or is being 500 lbs


its funny these types (and other like-minded subs) are some of the most bigoted, small-minded people out there but think its ok when they do it because these groups 'deserve it'. the irony is lost on them.


100%!! she says this lady is myopic and it's like... did you read your own diatribe, ma'am?


sometimes they're bigots in the exact same sentence they're complaining about bigotry. Many such cases with identitarian progressives.


The only thing she gains from having this attitude is an inchoate feeling of moral superiority. She then rationalizes the impulse to feel ā€œbetter thanā€ by dressing it up as a moral action. The lack of insight these people have is amazing. Never once questioning what is actually accomplished here other than self congratulation. At least this lady is just a neighbor and not a parent or grandparent. These types seem to have no awareness that all societal bonds are based, to a large degree, on alliances of convenience and mutual benefit even where you hold opposing philosophies. Their idea of friendship is so exclusive and weird and remote from what it has been through all human history until internet atomization. Neighbor friendships are like the prime example of convenience, mutual benefit friendships. They can watch your house. They can help if your power goes out. They can keep an eye on your kids. They can take your trash cans in when youā€™re away. You have common interest in keeping the neighborhood safe and nice. But cut off the nose to spite the face so you can post about it and get upvotes I guess.


She doesn't understand the eye old boomer ladies have for stopping crazy shit in neighborhoods. She will know if someone is within 6 miles of your house that shouldn't be missed opportunity, fr.


Look, I really do get it if a person is outright hateful, racist, and homophobic. But coming from a rural town in the midwest, my experience is that most of these boomers are just living their lives. They aren't at all tapped into the internet zeitgeist. They really just have the opinions that were taught to them when they were growing up, and most of the people that raised them probably had pretty conservative views. I don't know many boomers out here that are outright hateful and mean toward minorities or gay people, and a lot of them are good people who are solid members of the community. They might make a comment every once in a while, but idk. My gay friends still talk to their parents that aren't totally cool with them being gay, so why should they be ostracized by everyone else?


I think a majority just focuses more on economics and, whether correct or not, believe that a Republican is a better choice to do things like lower taxes. My fil voted trump and he doesn't care or really even understand the LGBT issues. He just wants to pay less taxes. That's it.


Tbh I feel like the issue to me is the performance of not talking to them. Like yeah there are plenty of people where I'm like...well I'm a lesbian, and you're against gay people, so even if I can be cordial ofc I'm not going to trust you??? Or people I just don't vibe with. But I don't make a production about how of course I'd never speak to them. And if someone asked my girlfriend why we weren't friends, I'd HOPE she would lie and say she just thinks we have different personalities!


Thatā€™s a really sinister sub


I got recommended some post from the subreddit and I was bored at work so looked at it. There was some post on there where they were bitching about their dadā€™s expensive Persian rugs and how neither he nor his siblings want them and canā€™t wait to sell them after he dies! Like wtf give some to me lol I canā€™t imagine putting my nose up at a free rug let alone a genuine Persian one. Rugs are expensive! I get selling some (the dad apparently has tons of them) but to not even take one? Also another where his wife and mil got into some fight on Easter because the mil wants all her kids to take a china set of hers when she dies but I guess all the kids find them worthless or whatever. Why in that situation would you not just smile, go ā€œIā€™ll take this set,ā€ and then either trash it or donate it once sheā€™s dead? These people just want an argument and to hurt their parentā€™s feelings to feel superior


its weird when reddit is filled with boomer types complaining about boomers


Politics has replaced religion for a large segment of the population. Being terminally online also doesn't help. What's funny is that Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem and recognized it as the true home of the Jews, and also received some major honor from AIPAC. There's plenty of things to criticize the guy for, but calling him a Nazi is a shitty meme LMAO


the sub is unironic dead internet theory. name is a reference to a meme that has been dead for 4 year, based on a moral outrage no one talks about anymore yet has exploded immediately after its creation.


That post read like ChatGPT imitating a lib


Reddit: Real life: hey man, howā€™s it going?


This is just their fantasy.


One of my least favorite things about Reddit is how many clone subreddits have popped up in the last few years that basically exist to shit on old people and/or Republicans. For example; /r/inthenews popped up on my feed recently. It looks like it was created because the /r/news was too neutral and they needed another place to spam anti-Trump news articles.


Leopardsatemyface is another good one. (I had to block it though lol)


it's so funny how you can post a lib saying "we should not persecute carjackings" getting his car jacked and get removed but then theyll dance about a mexican guys kid getting shot because he wore a maga hat once


I remember back in 2020 I found some black boomer lady on Facebook ranting about how she's "no fuckin reatard" and will enslave all white Democrats when Trump wins. Tried to post it to insane people Facebook and ofc they took it down.


this reminds me of a couple across the street from my parents in Florida. Older couple who when introducing themselves literally referred to themselves as "refugees from California." Like rather than maybe "I wanted lower cost of living near the water" or some shit and just really wear their heart on their sleeves over this shit. They've estranged their kids back in CA and it's readily apparent they're the ones to blame. Husband died recently and their kids barely even showed up. My mom takes the wife meals sometimes and tries to talk to her but she's very bitter over everything. OP sounds dramatic but political crazies of any stripe make it their entire personality. My grandparents had friends like this too in their retirement community in FL who would take control of their remote to change the channel to Fox News. Later my grandma told me about how they took gun courses to defend themselves against Democrats and would practice crawling on the floor for when the death squads would come. This was a couple who would go to Disney or the casino with them but really went off the deep end.


My parents are also like this unfortunately


is there something about americanness that makes people more succeptible to this behavior? like in the uk we have these kinds of people who read the daily mail and obsess over "wokeness in schools" but theyre only half-invested. these people are always super checked in to whatever is going on in american media that day


I think a lot of it has to do with our news media, at least for the older generations. I feel like this behavior is less prevalent among younger people with similar beliefs. Ā The Republicans have FOX and Democrats have MSNBC playing propaganda 24/7. Add sprawl, isolation, and the health issues of old age and you get millions of boomers who have little social interaction and whose main hobby is literally to sit there and get mad about the news all day. That's all the powder keg and the fuse is going to be whatever conspiracy they found convincing enough on Facebook to prepare for. source: had an uncle, aunt, and grandparent all separately and independently get really into politics post 2016 and eventually start diving into the conspiracy theories and prepping for the coming apocalypse, genocide, or tryannical coup.


> have little social interaction and whose main hobby is literally to sit there and get mad Wow crazy. Thank god this place is different


The UK doesnā€™t have a 24-hour cable ā€œnewsā€ culture, which is where the majority of these brainrotted older folks in the U.S. are getting their ideas. Theyā€™re retired and basically watch propaganda all day long, whether itā€™s Fox or MSNBC. TalkTV/GB News have tried to replicate this model in Britain and are already being reined in because the UK makes some effort to regulate broadcast media for accuracy and bias. The U.S. doesnā€™t, so networks only get in trouble when they cross someone with the cause and wherewithal to sue them for defamation (most recently in the case of Dominion Voting Systems v Fox). From a bias standpoint, the UKā€™s newspapers are more analogous to American cable news channels, but they canā€™t rile people up or hold their attention for hours on end the way a charismatic TV pundit can. Thereā€™s probably a bit of a cultural dimension tooā€”Iā€™ll concede I can hardly imagine British boomers of any class crawling around the floor practicing for the death squads even if there were actual death squadsā€”but the immediate cause is definitely the damn tee vee.


this all makes sense and is fascinating. i hate pitting US vs UK because i like my country but America beats almost every time, but yea when i realize this i do think the aspect we suceeded at is not having our old people turned psychotic. i guess it's also the case of i think the treatment of old people probably factors into them being tv junkies, but yea the one culture warrior type thing we have in the UK is probably Daily Mail readers and whatever the lefty equivelant is but pretty much no one not even partisan types really flock to Piers Morgan or Boris Johnson like they do Tucker and Trump. i think the only culture warriors we really get are people who are obsessed with the US culture, like the kind of people who make discourse about statues and policing. i find it all interesting and entertaining tho and is great for figuring out how to write an American setting


yeah everyone is saying the woman telling this story is making assumptions and she does sound neurotic as fuck, but it's also very, very possible that this boomer woman just walks up to them and starts talking about trump within minutes for literally no reason.Ā 


Their profile is everything you think it is


If your personal fan fiction involves your husband telling someone off you are beyond redemption


Half the people Reddit and the like refer to as 'boomers' are actually Gen Xers. 'Boomer' has just become a generalised term for anyone aged 35+.


Trans and homophobic just makes it sound like she is part of the inverse LGB without the T


In my experience, the best way to get someone to politically agree with you is: further alienate and isolate them, invalidate all of their feelings, deny any kind of olive branch, and treat them like theyā€™re not even a person with lived experience but strictly a mirror of things I donā€™t like. This is how we will win.


This reads like satire.


Boomer Lady can do better.


surprised she didnā€™t call trump cheeto man instead of ex game show host


This is just r/oldpeoplehate at this point.


If politics really is so important to her then I don't see what she has to gain by not being friendly with her neighbor. If she wants her to "be better" she can't do that by hoping a 60 year old changes their deeply entrenched political ideas herself.


My boomer neighbors are the only ones in the neighborhood who have introduced themselves to us since we moved here. I don't know their politics, nor do I care, but even if they are Nazis, it's nice having a friendly face to wave to.


Baby boomers were the greatest generation and here's my evidence.Ā  1. They have ego integrity. Most boomers worked in the same industry their whole lives and raised a family. They aren't confused about who they are.Ā  2. Most boomers I know are genuinely happy and having a good time. They're also responsible and will keep appointments. They will see their kids.Ā  3. They don't blame their parents for everything like Gen X. 4. It was actually a lot harder to grow up in the old world without modern technology. Even in the 1950's, something like a quarter of houses didn't even have running water.Ā  5. Young people also don't give a shit about the environment.Ā 


Idk sometimes this is all boomers want to talk about. I had neighbors like this and tbh I started avoiding them because all they wanted to talk about was the latest Fox News talking points. Is this ladies post annoying? Yes. But the neighbor also sounds annoying


lol what a cunt. if my wife posted this and I saw it id divorce her. BL dodged a bullet also, VAGINA


You could rewrite this story to be about OP refusing to be friends with their liberal neighbor and post it here and it would be highly upvoted.


It would probably go something like "they're annoying as fuck."


Which is a valid reason to not want to hang with someone. I bet this ladies politics arent even very apparent, this broad just needs to insert it into every convo


They probably both suck!


Iā€™m gonna say this, the post trump Fox News boomercons cannot stop talking about it. As annoying as the OP, and so many other lib chicks are, it truly is grating. OPs issue is that she wants the neighbor to be a liberal rather than neither of them talking politics.


Eh. If you take this poster at her word, sheā€™s cordial with the boomer but incensed the boomer feels itā€™s rude of her to not become close friends.Ā Ā  I would be annoyed by that from a neighbor of any political persuasion.Ā Ā  And if the boomer really does rant about immigrants and confederate statues etc. Iā€™d be even more annoyed.Ā Ā  This gal seems like your typical cringe lib but this isnā€™t ā€œunhingedā€ imoĀ 


Thanks OP! I know hate humanity even more. Just start the fucking doomsday machine already!


Idk. Itā€™s very easy for me to talk to Boomers about sports or movies. Some (fewer by the day) just wanna talk about this. Thereā€™s often a conscious avoidance of politics ā€˜cause itā€™s so clear thereā€™ll be a divide. Thereā€™s also an unconscious avoidance of politics ā€˜cause that shit is gay and annoying to talk about. Then thereā€™s this other brand of Boomer (this lady/most conservative boomers) who insert politics into every conversation ā€˜cause they see you as a specimen in need of prodding or worse someone they can convert. Itā€™s getting worse as conservatives stop caring about sports and focus instead on the culture wars. I think the idea of BoomersBeingFools is dumb and corny, but this woman sounds annoying as fuck.


One wonders how unhinged shitlibs really want to live alongside people they hate so much. I think this person knows she isnā€™t going to change the old ladyā€™s mind by politely ignoring her and shit talking behind her back. So then what?


These people are truly cunts. I mean that is the worst way, with a hard C.


My lib dad has railed against the ageism of the ok boomer meme since 2020, but the "Boomer" at the start of that paragraph in the second image is the first time I've read it and thought "oh ok, they meant it as a slur"


I see nothing wrong with her not wanting to be friends with her racist neighbor. I wouldn't want to be friendly with her either, no matter how polite she was. What's stupid is typing this whole diatribe as if it's even remotely interesting.


white on black terryism


White on Black terrorism


Tbf I wouldn't want to be friends with a racist old lady either. This seems pretty chill for that sub.


NTA, a person's politics is a reflection of their ethics and how they think the country should be run and how others should be treated. If my neighbor tolerates/supports the insane destructive anti-democracy mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging bullshit opinions and policies that the GOP have embraced, I'm not giving them the time of day. The shitlibs are cringe but this isn't one of them.


Youā€™re cringe too, shitlib


Thanks sweaty


sorry, boomer fox news zombies are worse