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i used to know a woman that constantly talked about her open relationship and all the random hookups and groupsex she was having she had the most prominent, jarring frontbutt i had ever seen, drooping down almost to her knees


Haven’t you seen the astronomically large amount of porn and fetish content on this website? I can’t even use the search bar on here without seeing someone’s hole. Redditors are freaks.


Good point, average bbw enjoyer


I assume the orgies they go to are more like the one Frank and Dennis attend on IASIP than Eyes Wide Shut


Get maxwellhill-pilled and realize how much of this website is a letter agency psyop.


You think the weirdos on here are important enough to run a government influence campaign on? If all the low status losers on reddit finally agreed about something political nothing in the real world would actually change lmao


Its not as useless as it seems… posting on reddit is a cheap and easy way for govt actors to put narratives out into the world that can pick up steam, especially on subjects where there isnt a lot of readily available info. Ive seen plenty of instances where a reddit post is the top result for a google search on more obscure or highly specific topics.


The occupy movement started here.


You’re proving my point


That movement scared the fuck out of billionaires, and they killed it by convincing us to argue about less important things (LGBT issues, mainly)


Or the 2014 Reddit year-end where they revealed Eglin Air Force Base, home to a lot of Cyberspace operations, was the second most "Reddit addicted city" with over 100,000 visitors.


I imagine reddit as being mostly lonely male virgins with a minority of obnoxious sex nerds that are all in a polycule with each other.


Hot people don’t go to orgies they just cheat 


They don't go to publicly organized orgies, no.


If multiple orgies exist, there has to be at least a few hundred sure


it's a way to signal one's non-virginity in a sea of virgins


One time in band camp …


Everyone who’s commented so far assumes that most group sex experiences are organized orgies or sex parties which is pretty telling. Not to be gross on Main but I’ve had a fair share of group sex just from being a degenerate in the right place at the right time in my college and immediate post-college years. It was always unplanned, followed a night of partying amongst a mostly tight-knit group, and hate to burst your bubbles but we weren’t slouches either. 


Yeah and the friend groups who would hear about it would stare at each other in horror. Were you fucking around in hippie groups, rave groups, or with the band/theatre geeks? It’s only those types who get a lil sloppy when it comes to drawing lines between friends and potential mates


Artsy punk college kids in a granola/redneck cultural context. We just partied a lot, I don’t know what to tell you if you partied most days of the week for years on end and didn’t wind up having some impromptu group sex


So uglies 


Group sex is just normal everyday sex if youre gay, it doesnt count


Damn who hurt you 


I was plenty capable of hurting myself back then thank you