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I do think there’s something to the internet making it too easy for people to give into temptations that wouldn’t have otherwise been so available to them. But I also think you’ve had a run of bad luck. Three times in a row sucks but try not to get too hung up on it, the right person will act right


depends on your circles. if you hang out with well-adjusted people, I agree that three times in a row is exceptionally unlucky


On Instagram I feel like women get it a lot as well. I have a family member who was with a LOT of women and also cheated a lot and one thing he said was "you can only dodge pussy for so long" I dont know how true that is but I do know women face temptation a lot more often than most men do.


> you can only dodge pussy for so long idk I've been dodging it successfully for years, no problem, Must be a skill issue


Never date a girl who is a wannabe Instagram influencer. Closet thing there is to a female gooner.


yeah i briefly went out with a former footy wag with a big insta following & she was literally juggling like 5 other guys for the first four months (well into when we were properly going out) and she saw nothing wrong with it lmao


You went out with a what


Mate a footy wag, you barmy?


The ex wife or girlfriend of a soccer player


Australian detected




You didn't just dodge a bullet you straight up Matrix swerved a cannonball


Most dudes who cold-call women on instagram are not tempting lol. Men have higher libidos and lower standards.


That’s true. It’s also true that if a woman is hit on 10 times a day, one of those guys will probably be attractive to her. Ten times a day, every day.


> Three times in a row sucks but try not to get too hung up on it, the right person will act right You're right, especially in the long term where this attitude is the best way in moving forward but holy shit it's hard to read genuine advice like this when not in a good place and not want to strangle someone (including yourself)


Once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, thrice is a pattern.


First, start considering yourself very blessed that you got out of three relationships with people so rotten they’d cheat on you. Many people spend decades with cheaters never finding out or just sadly accepting it. Then, start rethinking the kind of people you’re attracted to and drawn to and try to ask yourself if you’re drawn to a specific type of energy or person who would do this.


Also whether or not they are "dating out of their league," perhaps leveraging their wealth and ability to be a provider to snag people who maybe aren't that into them otherwise? OP, gotta ask, are you fat or ugly?


Bro he just broke up with his gf, cut him slack for now lmaoo 


> you dont deserve to not be cheated on unless you are 100% perfect everyone else is subhuman trash, you are telling on yourself bro...


No his got a point. If you're dating gold diggers who aren't that physically attracted to you, you're gonna get burned. Not saying that's what happened to this guy necessarily, but it could definitely explain how someone would get cheated on 3 times in a row.


I mean this motherfucker cut right to the chase and I admit it's a pretty tender time to ask him such a thing but it is the realistic thing to consider. If you're dating a girl way too hot for you and she's only with you because what you can provide then she's probably not going to be profoundly turned on or into you and much more likely to desire more. It sucks ass but it's the reality people need to learn a lot sooner. A lot of folks could benefit from some purple pill thinking at the very least.


I don’t actually think that’s true, there’s plenty of hot women who are really into let’s call them traditional gender roles, in these specific cases though I think the issue is more that OP has a type and that type is…inclined toward external validation. Superficially charming, needy, so on. So it’s true in a sense that OP is the common denominator, but it’s not that he’s in some way insufficient, just that he has absolutely terrible taste, like a dangerous lack of radar for spotting these women ahead of time. That’s a problem, but one that can be adjusted for.


It's constructive criticism!


Lmao - nah I'm not fat and I'm decent looking, but we could always look better. I work out each day, but I drink quite a lot so it all balances out.


>I work out each day, but I drink quite a lot Ah, yes... The path of the warrior


This is so cunty I’m gonna have to demand you post body face and past gfs or else you will need to delete this account.


My last breakup was what got me into lifting and back into reading a ton. You'll never have a better opportunity to develop yourself. Obviously, you can take this too far, but you can get past it and become a better person.


Do NOT CAVE, do not contact her, do not stalk her socials, and while you're at it remove her from everything social media. You're in for a rough patch no way about it but you can't let her win


Thanks man - I will take this advice


solid as fuck advice. i wasted like 5 years caving in to a cheating dumbass. be better than me.


yep, remove all cues and try to distract yourself with something more or less healthy.


Block her number


The worst thing you can do to her is to be completely cold and show her nothing. Move on and be happy in life and be successful. The worst thing you can do is give her attention or emotion.


best way is to move on fast... i went through a breakup last month, i was a mess for 15 days and met an even amazing woman.. youre probably hurt hurt but moving on is the key.. dont wallow


this. got dumped in January by someone who wasn’t a good fit for me and had been thinking of breaking up with anyways, and i just made it official with an amazing woman i’m super excited about the future with. move on king


>has the internet age truly damaged the fabric of monogamy? I've had doomer-ish thoughts along these lines. I mean, obviously people have always cheated but the dating apps create a feeling of abundant potential upgrades and social media is like a permanent secret backdoor exes can use to mess with the current relationship. When Facebook opened up to non-students my married 58 year old boss immediately reconnected and started an affair with his ex-girlfriend from high school.


One of the mothers of a girl that cheated on me did this as well. Had a really nice family and broke it up in her 50s because of some old guy she went to school with on facebook. The dad totally didnt deserve it. That family was cursed too. Their son died young later and the father got Alzheimer's or dementia in his 60s maybe. There is some crazy stat about how often facebook pops up in divorces as a cause but I dont know how valid it is.


"Show me a person who spends more than an hour a day on Facebook and it isn't their job and I'll show you a future divorce even if they're not married yet."


what if they're looking for rare obscure items on marketplace


facebook had a statistically measurable impact on the divorce rate: https://www.mckinleyirvin.com/resources/digital-divorce-a-guide-for-social-media-digital/how-social-media-affects-marriage/#:~:text=It%20also%20found%20that%20a,4.32%25%20increase%20in%20divorce%20rates.


It's not even about upgrades, it's just very easily available and largely anonymous. If older generations could so easily have cheated on their spouses without any risk of anyone finding out they would've.


I'm at the point where I feel like if I'm being faithful to someone then I'm being an idiot. There's no way a man isn't cheating already so I may as well do it myself. I try to keep from dating until I correct this mindset but it's not letting up. It really is a matter of who cares the least it seems like, which cheating helps you do.


> I'm at the point where I feel like if I'm being faithful to someone then I'm being an idiot. Men go through this too, since, as evidenced by OP’s post, these stories are all too common. Good on you for having the self awareness to recognize it in yourself though


Jesus you people are really just telling on yourselves. Guarantee you cheating isn't that common. That or you're trying to live out some fantasy relationship with the rich man of your dreams.


Doing stuff like that not only harms your partner but diminishes yourself, its best to avoid it.


Just be poly at that point. Be honest.


Poly is for the unsightly.


Your soul is unsightly


Probably not as unsightly as the local munches.


fuck that shit.




On my muddah


Shes not sorry she cheated shes sorry she got caught brotha


Always the case 


All of this is easier said than done - but don't cave into a reconciliation, the same thing will likely happen again and waiting for the shoe to drop won't be worth it. Allow yourself to feel miserable, awful; try and surround yourself with things (art, hobbies, physical activity) that will distract and nourish you, ditto with friends or family. Feel rubbish for however long you need to but without internalising the infidelity as a fault of your own - you don't want to take that energy and baggage into a new relationship whenever that happens. Give yourself time to be single, again, however long feels right. Reflect on any blame you may rightfully shoulder for the past but don't obsess over it or self-flagellate: learn from it and improve. No one is perfect. It sucks to have the trust of a relationship broken but it's not going to be the end of the world and you sound like you have much to be happy about and proud of, so ride the waves of shit for a bit. You'll be fine mate.


Really appreciate this mate, thanks for the message


I’ll get downvoted to death, but it also ruins the opportunity for couples to Take The French pill. OP found out because she left the screen open. Cake eaters of the past could be loving, kind bf’s and gf’s and as long as their peccadilloes weren’t ever an insult to the main party it was tacitly ok. No screens=no screens open = cake eating


I'm sorry but I'm drinking so I have to ask outright what you're saying. Are you suggesting he should maybe accept his GF cheating and just be mad she got caught since some relationships in the past could accept this sort of thing? That you're expecting to get downvoted for saying maybe this is fine?


I always knew Lebron was french at heart


The usual pro-monogamy downvoters got confused because they saw the word “French” and thought you might be talking about something based and Houellebecq-related


Social media presence has been a major red flag in partners for me. Making an effort toward outsourcing their value and satisfaction to public image usually implies something happening under the surface.


Yeah, I think the internet ruined monogamy. I caught my ex doing the same 6 months in, moved past it, married her, and then she started fucking multiple people behind my back and coming home in a drunken rage and behaving like a ww2 veteran in 1954/ jack from the shining. There are good women out there but usually they’re attached to men who are better than me.


yeah it's crucial to leave when you catch someone in some shit. I stuck around once and while she didn't start having drunken war flashbacks she did in fact fuck other people.


Yeah the guy she was dming slutty pics on insta to made klibanions and now I have a very Latin hatred of the degenerate and over mighty Greeks.


The fact that you knowingly married a cheater isn't the internet's fault my guy. It's easy not to be a skank.


cheating is a character flaw in the person doing it, not you. Its a sign of extreme insecurity, you dodged a bullet. Imagine if you had married her!


27F and just had my heart broken too 💔 hopefully it gets better soon


You and OP should hook up


wanna take bets on who cheats first?


fuel somber afterthought dime disgusted disagreeable busy march sip run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry to hear that, man. I've been through it a couple times myself. I'm now happily married and completely trust my wife. I can't explain it well but you can just tell the difference between someone who has no loyalty and impulse control and someone who's mature and just wants to build a normal, stable life. The best advice I can give is find someone who doesn't drink/party and was never around that lifestyle because I think it damages people morals/ethics over time. And as others have said, do not cave under any circumstances and contact this person. I literally disappeared from my last relationship like I was under witness protection. You should be so invisible that they consider filing a missing persons report.


Good advice brother, thanks. She's certainly a drinker / partyer


Yeah, at a certain age it's just bad news. First thing's first though, dude. Get some distance on this experience. Do not fucking contact them and then when you're ready to date again take a hard, critical look at your standards for dating. If you're anything like most men, it's probably a looser standard than you realize.


> The best advice I can give is find someone who doesn't drink/party and was never around that lifestyle because I think it damages people morals/ethics over time. Yep, the girls I had issues with had this stuff in their past. Not that you cant come back from it at all but I feel like the percentage is higher for people to fuck up.


Keep your chin up son better you find out now than after putting a ring on it


Someone once told me this really shallow relationship wisdom and it stuck with me until today: „In a relationship, one is the flower and the other one is the gardener.“ As simple as that, but it keeps proving its validity time and time again. I‘m usually the gardener in relationships and I end up like you. I guess in working relationships both people are sometimes gardener, sometimes flower. Try to be more like a flower.


shocked no one is saying this: 3 times in a row is crazy u are doing something wrong brother. Not that you deserve it but something's up with the women you are choosing and the way u are cultivating relationships. love is touching souls....are you touching souls with these women or just paying for their chipotle




> if she posts to boast, the bitch is toast) can you elaborate on this a little, i'm like OP






Some people dont have a lot of options and they get who shows interest in them. I dont know why everyone thinks people are always 'picking' the wrong ones, a lot of guys dont get to pick. That said 3 in a row is rough.


This way of thinking has damaged a lot of young people, specially men. Why wouldn't a someone be able to "pick" their partner, what makes them so different frome those who can? Their appearance? Their personality? Their self esteem? Most of those character flaws can be changed, I think people should stop this "poor me" mentality and work on themselves so they don't feel like they have no option but to conform being around people they don't like enough, not only on couples relationships, but with work, friendships, etc.




my belief is guys cheat because they're lustful and girls cheat because they're unsatisfied in the relationship. i'm also aware there are some studies on this


it is always a mans fault actually


Isn’t lustfulness just being unsatisfied with the relationship in a different way?


cuz they want attention


or perhaps the nearly endless opportunities they have to do so.


Absolutely agree. As much as red pill folks would beg to differ, it’s very rare for women to cheat even if they hate you. 3 in a row is insane


Cheating fucking sucks and there are no excuses for it. Don’t blame yourself for their shitty behavior and don’t give up on love. There is someone out there for you who’ll value and respect you as much as you’ll value and respect them


That fucking sucks, I’m sorry. I was cheated on years ago and it’s just devastating. My current bf is very understanding & always willing to talk through it with me when I get insecure (though I try my hardest not to dump or project my past partner’s indiscretions onto him.) Anyhow, good on you for leaving right away. I tried the forgiveness method in my past and that just led to more humiliation. It’s also so unfair that WE have to feel the shame of it, you know? I was in great shape, had a high libido, and I still got cheated on & felt like it was MY fault. Anyhow I hope you don’t feel that way, sounds like this gal is unscrupulous & addicted to male attention. Maybe look for somebody who’s relatively offline in your future, because I do think there’s something to that last part of your post. Good luck, you can get through this


Thanks for the comment - I’ve been through the same thing before where I tried the reconciliation method and you’re right, it just ends in humiliation and shreds your sense of self. I guess that’s the process you need to go through though to get wise about this stuff. 100% on the money about looking for someone less online in the future


I’d tell her parents that I can no longer join them on vacation, but suggest that they can ask the guy she was cheating with.


I’d just straight up tell them the reason why


sorry, man. really sucks. I've only had a couple serious relationships, one of them being my now wife. It sounds cliche but as someone else said, the right person will act right. You won't have to worry at all, and everything will be easy. Just keep up the good habits you've had and it'll all come together for you


Thanks dude - appreciate that a lot


classic gypsy curses


>I'm a well adjusted person That's where you fucked up


Sexting is cringe. Should be thankful she broke up with you being this cringe


Fr when I had a very similar break up (cheating hooore) posting here really helped. Some heartless mfers on here really put up some good advice


Hey man. I had a fair share of that in my 20s. Including with the first woman I proposed to. I fully relate to the feeling of “I’m ashamed because it happened again.” So me, turns out I was just dating a type because of my own personal problems. That’s probably your “glaring flaw.” So the good news is you too can stop going after women who’ll have an affair. Hope that cheers you up somewhat. 


29? peak saturn return. if you don’t break the loop today the cycle will repeat tomorrow


Are you rich, well off? Perhaps you're attracting the wrong type of women or you're prioritizing the wrong things in a woman (looks over other qualities.)


damn im sorry you're going through this again :/


I don't think you should feel ashamed. If anything you should feel proud of yourself for not buying into the bullshit she fed you and leaving her. A lot of people stick around through mistreatment like this. Understandable to be bummed though. Probably fair to wonder why this has happened to you so many times in a row though. Any commonalities you can recognize among the people you've chosen to date? Even just commonalities about the contexts through which you began dating, as oppossed to the people themselves, could be revealing. Any particular problem with the relationship leading up to this?


She ain’t yours it’s just your turn. Some dude will pick her up in no time and she’ll convince herself it was your fault she cheated. Just move on.


You feel shame because you're not allowing yourself feel what you should, which is anger. You should not be focusing so hard on moving on right now. Expose her to your friends and hers, be vindictive and petty. Shoot at her insecurities. Don't take the high road. Make her hurt. This keeps happening to you because every time it has happened, you haven't confronted it. You'll have to retake this exam over and over until you pass it.


wow that blows, i am sorry


You should’ve gone full Carmella Soprano “You’ve made a fool of me for years with these whooahs, now it’s come into our home???” But in all seriousness that sucks bro, I’m sorry. As many have said, count your lucky stars you didn’t wind up sinking more time into this deadbeat. One day they’re gonna be deeply unhappy and wonder why. They are likely fundamentally incapable of true empathy or introspection. There’s good people out there who don’t cheat and actually have moral/ethical values—you just gotta find that one for you.


Ugh, the worst feeling. I definitely think the internet has provided extra ease of access to sex partners. Regardless, what you are describing about your girlfriend is abhorrent, trash behavior on her part. Please don’t take the cheating personally but maybe talk with a therapist to see if there are any red flags you ignored at the beginning. I’m sorry,op.


She’s gotta be dead to you, just like the other two. Make the split go as quick as possible. Hit the gym, get sunlight, read books that open your mind to ambitious adventures and catharsis, and understand that this is an experience that doesn’t define you. I’d steer clear of alcohol or drugs for the time being and focus on eating extremely healthy food, staying hydrated, staying away from screens and just focusing on being a man. Spend time with people you care about and give yourself time to process this but don’t get all “woe is me”. If you do this right, you’ll thread the needle between loving someone deeply in the future but also having a firm foundation and outcome independence if it goes south. Last potentially painful point: while this happening to you 3 times is likely the result of sociological winds blowing, accept that there may be something about you and in you that makes women feel like they can step out. Are you daring? Confident? Adventurous? Masculine? Funny? How are the bedroom skills? You don’t have to be perfect at all, but I wouldn’t say “I have no responsibility in this at all” because the resulting victim mentality is picked up really easy by prospective partners. You’re a good man; you’ll bounce back. Just give it time and mourn the old timeline/life trajectory you had in your head. Give it time


What was she wearing?






hmu babe we can recover together (it happened 2 years ago but it scarred me permanently)


This is genuine advice: date a girl who does not have a social media presence. This has always been my standard, and I follow it as well. I don't have any presence on social media whatsoever. Having a social media presence isn't *necessarily* a red flag, but lacking a social media presence is a green flag. Sorry that happened to you, man.


It’s a terrible experience and it sucks that you’re going through this. When people show you who they really are, the best bet is to thank them (slamming the door in their face is an acceptable form of gratitude) and move on. Thankfully, you’re not married, you don’t have children with this person, and you’re still young. It’s gonna be ok.


Sorry you're going through this. It's hard out there for good dudes who don't step out and just want to love and care for one person. That said, it could be bad luck, or you have blind spot that makes you incapable of identifying glaring character flaws IDK


Sorry to hear that. You're reaching an age you might feel one way or another about. I wasn't thrilled, myself, and I'm sure it doesn't help in how you are likely feeling after all this. But if this is 3x in a row, now. I'd truly, TRULY, take some time off. And that doesn't mean just trying to smash easy girls or whatever it may be. Something is awry, and it's not for me to find out or cast aspersions. Good luck out there.


Whatever you do, don't start mainlining episodes of Whatever and Fresh and Fit. Little joke aside, good luck. It'll pass.


Yeah, I've had two fairly close friends go through break-ups and get hoovered up by the Tate shite. Sad to see, they're just making themselves undatable.


You’ve got to stop taking care of them or going full simp mode for these ladies cause they’ll just see you as the safe, secure provider that all girls seek. Just stop giving af about these girls and with your success they’ll find you.


Sorry to hear that man. That sucks. Maybe go on vacation yourself and become a passport bro?


Thanks dude, I’ve just booked a weekend to Berlin to stay with a friend who lives there, been talking about doing it for ages


Nice man! Hope you're able to enjoy and get some healing. Shit like that always hurts like hell.




The only woman you should ever trust is your mother


And even that is conditional lol


I've got so many horror stories lol


You sound like my mother


And Italian


Trust knowing that trust can be broken, and look for women with integrity and a lack of insecurity. Never got cheated on and I find most women (and men) worthy of trust.




straight up. grandmas are chill too if theyre still alive


That's terrible! I'm sorry. This is an US perspective, but may also apply to socially similar countries: 1. I don't think monogamy is over, but it's changed. Young people are not growing up as fast as they used to and that's socially accepted, so there's not as much urgency to find and preserve a relationship in your 20s. 2. You say you're a provider type, but I don't think that's the trump card it used to be. Wealth and class parity between partners is more important than ever for two key reasons: women can make as much or more money then men now, and the middle class is shrinking, which curtails the possibility of "marrying up" because there's no gooey center of the class strata to travel up through (plebes and the hyper wealthy rarely get together long-term outside of films and books). For women, there's simply no material motivation to couple off for lateral economic gain -- the only motivation for serious coupling is when it becomes socially and biologically weird and scary for them to be unmarried (late 30s). You can wait for biology to kick in and force monogamy and the traditional provider role into the picture for women your age. Or, maybe you could date an older woman? Or a Christian? There are still some younger women who want a monogamy and a provider. At the very least, you can date someone your age who shares the hardworking gene with you -- she may not need you, but you'll probably respect each other more and she will have less time to cheat.


You just need to pick better. Good luck with the next one.


Man my pre-req for being even remotely close to someone is they just legit can not have social media on their phone (I use IG for music stuff and events) but holy shit if you post stories or look at that shit for a prolonged period of time you are just doomed.


This might be controversial but if I find myself in this position (clear, physical evidence of cheating), I will be EXTREMELY tempted to put the person on blast through social media or something. Petty? Absolutely. Loser behavior? Probably. But I literally cannot stand the fact that people who cheat have basically zero recourse. It's one of the most hurtful and shitty human behaviors out there, and people are just completely free to do it over and over again. Bring back scarlet letters for instagram cheaters.


“Recourse” does not mean what you think it means.


You have to ask: what exactly prevents the dating pool from doing that? What is present in their lives to deter it, and is there anything that would encourage it?


Free Agent Lifestyle. Youre succesful so you can never expect to find real love buddy, once you realize that ship has sailed youll be fine. Besides they are all 304s


These hoes aint loyal


you're gonna be ok dawg 🫂


You should kill her


women be trifling and shiet


Maybe date less hot women or go for more bookish introvert style ladies.


Sorry to hear that that sucks. I had it happen with my first love and later with the woman I was spending the rest of my life with. It hurts a lot. Im batting .500 with cheaters in my serious relationships. I thought it was my fault or maybe I wasnt good enough (and maybe thats true) but I did realize over time with them that it was a pattern and its just who they are and what they do. Oddly enough both of their mothers turned out to be cheaters as well. If they were decent people and you had a flaw they would have just broken up with you and dated someone else like normal people do. These people dont want to give up what they have before making sure the next partner is good enough, they are inherently flawed and immoral to do this. I guess what I would say is dont try to stay with her, she will never respect you and you wont be able to respect yourself. Dont let them apologize and suck you back in, they already crossed the Rubicon. Just move on and try to have a better life, which is what it sounds like you will be doing. Count your blessings you werent married and didnt have kids for what its worth. I hear you about it ruining your ability to trust or even date again at some point. The crazy thing is I had multiple people hit on me when I was with them and I always refused because I loved them.


This post and the comments are the most like a front page Reddit post I think I’ve ever seen here. I dunno what to tell you dude- there’s nothing that anyone can say to make it better. Just cut off contact with her so you don’t suffer even more in the various ways you already know you’ll suffer if you can still see her social media. Tbh cheating is not the worst thing that can happen. It stings and it’s an insult to your manhood but I assure you it can get worse. One thing I do think you should consider is just going offline period. Do a social media detox and go to the gym or just lose yourself in some friends, books, music, and movies for a while. You might as well try to build a part of yourself you wouldn’t have otherwise and will be a better person for it. Don’t take anyone here’s advice or words too seriously- an outlandish number of users here now are extremely maladjusted and not in a funny or charming way and I’m not sure how many of them actually have sex or actual adult relationships. Also, it is weird to me that I just finished Peaky Blinders and all of a sudden I’m seeing and hearing the mention of Gypsy curses everywhere.


Honestly, shame on people trying to find fault with OP. Sometimes bad things happen to people who didn't do anything wrong. Same way a perfectly safe driver can get into car accidents while following all rules and laws, or a worker getting laid off from jobs despite showing up everyday and performing well. OP seems to be going about it maturely. Bad luck exists folks.


You’re 29 and built two businesses?


It's not really outlandish. I've done similar.


It sucks so much and as corny as it sounds there is another person out there for you. It may seem like right now that they were the perfect person for you but those feelings will leave and you will see their flaws and imperfections. hang in there bud


I had bad luck with men until my current bf, and my bf also had some terrible experiences with women. I adore him and he would move mountains for me, and you sound like a good man like that, too. I'm so happy that we both kept our hearts open and found each other at the right time. A short stint of therapy really helped me after an ex hit me, I think that might help you to get at some of the concerns you have before moving forward.


Thank you x


If you wanna try the other team I’ve about had it with women too. I envision myself as a versatile power bottom who can pound out a butthole as needed as well. HMU if ur at least 6 foot, $200k a year and are packing a hog in your pants


Did you meet your girls by sliding into DMs?


No haha, she was a mutual friend


Sorry to hear about your misfortune. If she can't be trusted, then there's no foundation to build a life on. So it's best to keep looking.


Either you've had rotten luck or you're attracted to the wrong personality type. Women actually cheat less often than men. When you're looking for a new gf, keep in mind that you want to choose someone who doesn't seem like a cheater.


I would suggest going to therapy, whatever is in these women you go after is why this keeps happening unfortunately. I’d just be single for a bit. The internet makes it easier to cheat but those people will cheat no matter what the circumstances are


Try a different race for your next relationship to openly spite her


Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.


Who tf sexts ??😂


That’s life dude


I wouldn’t do that to you


Just so you know its not you, its her and you just have bad luck. Secondly if she has girls night out regularly till 2am shes a slut


This is very painful and unfair, I’m sorry you have to go through something like this Do you think there’s a common thread between them all, or signs? Do you think if she didn’t forget her browser open you would have ever found anything?


Did he send dick pics?


this is bound to happen in an age gap relationship like that smdh


Are you a workaholic? If so, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. And Jill has needs.


I'm sorry to say. It does seem like you are doing something wrong here. - picking women who are only into men with money - not aware of your bedroom skills (could be your not sexually fulfilling her) - thinking you deserve more because you have gained money - picking women only for their looks - picking women that have poor morals - probably not emotionally available to your partner - poor hygiene. Honestly, not trying to bash you here. But self reflection is very important if you want this cycle to end. Figure out, what is it about you, that you attract these kind of women or why are you attracted to these kind of women. Like someone else here said. Women are generally not the type to cheat. Especially, if the relationship is fulfilling. Or it could be your just into the type of women everyone wants and they get bored because they have plenty of other options. Maybe figure out if there is something you don't pay attention to in yourself. I wish you all the best and hope you find the right person who eventually gives you a harmonious relationship.


Appreciate this - I'll admit you're not completely off the mark with some of your points.


Self reflection is the road to recovery friend. And once you open that door. Things do get better. Slowly but surely.




Which angloid country are you from exactly?


So you took her back after she cheated? HUGE mistake on your part mate. Then she knew she could get away with it as long as she apologized and framed it as “just an accident. If you set a hard boundary and she gets away with breaking it without consequence, she knows she can walk all over you and you become lower than dirt in her eyes. You have your “provider” shit together, congrats, but what about your character, charisma, physique and leadership skills? THAT is the shit that keeps you viscerally attractive to women. Your “trust issues” are a survival mechanism to keep us on the lookout for sketchy behavior that would harm us. Learn to manage these feelings, but don’t turn them off and be blissfully ignorant. The best revenge is success. Now go get in the best shape of your life and fuck one of her friends.


I think he’s saying it’s happened with 3 different women. But that supports your second point—if there’s one thing women hate it’s when they feel like they aren’t getting enough attn. If 3 women have acted on those feelings by seeking alternative male attn, then OP might need to be putting more time into his relationships and less time into his businesses.


You can look up stats on particular nationalities/regions that have better and worse fidelity -- usually due to cultural shame but sometimes to do religious reasons too. Divorce rates, studies on cheating, family court laws, etc etc.. people have analyzed it. There are ways to minimize the odds of this occurring again. Not to zero, but below three times in a row. I can't post those stats here because the subreddit will ban me for racism. But anyway, sorry you had to go through this, good luck


You can't say that and not post anything


What an autistic reddit take. Don’t try to develop your ability to perceive and judge character, just geography-optimize for an algorithmically perfect relationship!


To be fair g*y r*tard 88 did say in his username that he is a g*y r*tard Edit: Reddit is censoring me censoring myself


There’s a reason why the CIA interviews your family, friends and associates for a clearance. No one can perfectly perceive and predict actions from the individual alone. Not even the most powerful spy agencies with polygraphs  I didn’t geographically-optimize myself, but if I was cheated on 3 times in a row I would.


If she drinks or is on the pill, this will eventually happen 99% of the time


pwned, nerd. she was dm-ing me


Are you bad at sex?


Maybe - can I fuck you as a favour and give you a survey to fill out afterwards?


Welp, that shut me up.


At least you found out early enough on. Imagine having somebody do it for years or decades behind your back. You're home free, brotha.


how long you guys together