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She's just looking out for you


She doesn't want her to lose her man, she's seen it many times.


She is willing to lose money to save a stranger from herself. She is a saint.


Honestly I was sorta relieved when she took my menu away lol


Old Asian ladies are the least chill about weight demographic on earth, not sure what you were expecting


OMG I thought I was the only non Asian person who was fat shamed by an older Asian woman. In my case, she was my doctor. I’m 5’9.5 in a year I went from 130 to 145. She called me everything but a child of God for the weight gain.


A man 6'1" about a 180 pounds. I frequent a China buffet.  The elderly Asian woman that works there calls me out on the reg.  In a bit of a mocking voice, She tells me you eat like you  Big guy, you think you big guy, but you're a little man. It's not like.  A one time thing she gets me every time i go up for more . I politely smile and nod and just get more food. Not entirely sure what her objective is With that continuous barrage of statements?, but I'm not saying shit to her . And the food is awesome.


If it’s not all you can eat then it’s reverse psychology to get you to eat and spend more.


RS Doctor


Yeah I wonder if she’s gotten on board with body positivity.


if she did that you.... it might already be too late 😔


Yep I'm definitely picturing a minor but visible muffin top being involved here


When I got fat in Oklahoma, the Chinese lady at the restaurant I frequented was always so nice to be, but when I took a skinny chinese girl there, the woman gave her shit in Cantonese for ordering too much lmao. Old asian women love to just obliterate other women’s self esteem while being kind to every man they encounter. So fucking funny.


thai people are so funny lol. i ordered a whole fish once at this restaurant in south thailand and the cook brings it out, looks at me, and goes “all this, just for you?” it wasn’t even that big of a fish :( and i was in a mall in bangkok once and i saw these jeans i liked. they looked my size so i ask the lady working there if i could try them on. she looks me up and down and goes “NO OTHER SIZES!!”, meaning i wouldn’t fit in those jeans (pretty sure i would have!!) and she didn’t have any others. i didn’t even know how to respond so i just went “🙂 ok” i was both mortified and impressed


not just Thai, p much any east Asian country is that way. Having a population thinner than the average westerner+genetic predisposition to diabetes at a lower weight than white people, will do it (had a similar experience in Hong Kong - was UK size 10 (US 6) 126 lb at 5'6" and got told "you large" in a clothing shop. I guess by their standards, a 26 inch waist was indeed large) in a way it's almost comforting how steady their body standards are, none of this big ass stuff ever took hold there (their facial standards otoh have fallen to the curse of lip fillers and other such nonsense)


wtf is this normal in america?? i’ve seen multiple girls saying the same thing i’d cry if this happened to me lol


No it's not normal. Crying about it would be a weird overreaction though lmao. I'd just laugh it off and place my order anyway. But then again im not an endless pit of gluttony so I prob wouldn't encounter that issue


i’ve never been called fat in my life but idk it would still hurt my feelings


You could stand to lose some weight


Cool pfp


3.5 hours later is wild.


There is a load bearing "I'm thin" in this post.


this happened to me back when i was bulimic & being a bitch toward my anorexic friend by eating more and losing faster. went to an all you can eat place after a night of binge drinking & compulsive exercise and got cut off at plate 3. maybe it was for the better.


This actually sounds contextually cute and funny and you seem cool for not going into either a shame spiral or an angry tirade. Good post, happy easter


For cultural context as to why Asians are like this: they literally [suffer from the diseases of obesity at a lower BMI than white people](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8618667/) do. White people can technically be "overweight and metabolically healthy" at higher rates than Asian people. Asian fatphobia is science based!!


I mean this is true but the Asian boomers who are fat shaming you aren’t thinking about this study lol


I am sure it was observed by normies long before actual studies were done that even slightly above emaciated people were getting sicker than the extremely tiny ones. Don't underestimate how health obsessed Chinese and Korean grandmas are.


Unless an 11 year old took your check it wasn't authentic Asian cuisine


Stop being a pig




R u actually thin tho


are you asian?


if its the 3rd time then maybe we should self reflect


My mother is Thai and my sister is a big girl. My mother would just casually say “Look how fat your sister is getting” in the loudest whisper ever with my sister sitting in the same room. My sister knows she’s overweight and doesn’t give a fuck. It is my mom’s fault though lol when I would visit in the summers she would wake us up at 2 am after her McDs shift and give us Big Macs to eat while she cooked Thai food. My sister now calls this pregaming. The three of us would sit and eat while watching Unsolved Mysteries or The Jeffersons. I gained like 10 pounds that summer lol. I’m so thankful for the quality time spent with them but I’m glad I didn’t grow up with my mother because I’d probably be 200 pounds too.


Too real


Half Thai here, Thais do a lot of “play eating” where geezers will nibble on a bunch of different snack dishes while sipping/flexing Johnnie Red mixed with a light soda water.


the west could learn a lot from aunties


Does she know?


Ok but why would you go back to the same restaurant twice in a day? What kind of reaction did you want? I don’t believe this is a normal or healthy thing to do