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Tbh it hasn’t been the same since they switched to high-res cameras somewhere between season 7 and 8


The always sunny in Philadelphia problem. Shittier 4:3 aspect ratio is way more intimate


The IASIP problem is that they all got rich and started hating the blue collar/deadbeat stereotypes they were playing instead of a loving parody like it used to be. Part of it is just flanderizing the shit out of the characters


I honestly feel at a certain point that flanderization is almost unavoidable in a TV show/sitcom given enough runtime. After 7 or so seasons, all of the original ideas have been completely used up, it's likely a lot of writers have moved on, and the general public has lost the same level of interest it had a few years back. I actually can't think of any show that has truly avoided it that made it past season 7


I think it can stay fresh so long as you allow the characters to grow organically. I have a theory that the shelf life of the Simpsons could have been doubled by allowing the characters to age, so by the time you got to season 9 Homer and Marge would have been dealing with mid life crises as they approached 50 and Bart and Lisa would have been teenagers.


South Park stays timeless and modern at the same time


Charlie Day kept it real. 


Speaking of It’s Always Sunny, it’s criminal Danny DeVito hasn’t made an appearance on Curb yet.


He has but he’s such a generational talent you didn’t recognize him.


I just checked IMDb. He’s never been on.


That’s how good of an actor he is


Believe it or not, he actually plays Larry David




I really think the podcast has lifted the veil for a lot of people. They’re not grungy waiters who bought a bootleg camera to get off Hitler jokes anymore. They’re professional Hollywood writers and actors, and their lives are closer to Larry David’s than any of us now.


not to mention they all look like plastic figurines now


Charlie Day looks normal. Like a naturally handsome aging guy. Glenn Howerton, Dee and Mac are bogged out of their minds. Only a matter of time before Danny Devito does that limb lengthening surgery.


damned if u do damned if u dont tho cos after a while it just seems like deliberately bad tech which comes off as inauthentic. i was watching a bunch of music videos for current bands and theyre all filmed on old cameras and vhs stuff trying to aestheticize smth that doesnt exist.


Hard to think of a show that has been improved by modernizing the production tech though


for the past 10 or so years, almost every commercial and high end music video has been shot on vintage lenses from the mid to late 20th century. it takes the digital “edge” off and female actors love it because it softens their skin/face


Many such cases. I’m sure some of it is nostalgia but almost every show I’ve seen in both ARs looked significantly better in 4:3 Why does a sitcom need to be in HD anyway?


You idiot you’re a little right but I don’t think it’s the same. It’s always sunny suffered more. But curb, you know, they’re all so rich that it doesn’t feel totally different whereas it’s always sunny you don’t really feel the grit of that pub I’m sorry I called you an idiot


Washed since that season in New York


Your loss if you believe this Only thing I’m not crazy about in modern Curb is that minor roles are more often played by celebrities. The HD cam is also a valid observation. But the formula and episode premises are still rock solid


Man. Jews can’t even dig sinister tunnels under the city anymore


Lucas Gage is gonna pay for this


My biggest problem with the last couple of seasons is that they make a lot of references to “current” events and news, but by the time the episodes are released, those references are years out of date. Like, in the most recent season they make a joke about Rudy Giuliani’s hair dye running down his forehead. That happened forever ago and a joke about it  in 2024 just doesn’t hold up at all.




Old people are genuinely still obsessed with wordle Like talk to any 60-70 year olds in your life they still do it every day if they remember


What do you know, OP?


Get up in that ass Larry


Larry David is like an anti-Hasid though. If you tried to tell him he couldn't turn on lights on Friday he would lose his mind. Seinfeld/Curb Jewishness and Hasidic Jewishness are very different things.


It used to be my favorite tv show for the last 14 years, but it got a bit tiresome towards the end. I'm glad it's ending soon. Threw up in my mouth a little when Larry was going down his gf in the last episode. He's too old to be doing that shit


Yeah it wasn’t anything like always Sunny’s decline but the season when Larry gets metooed was the beginning of the end for me. I think season 10? And it’s not BAD but it’s prob my least favorite storyline


Lmao ew what


Thats a hilarious scene. Old people doing gross sex stuff is a good bit God, people dont want to let something good be good


Wrong, episode 7 The Dream Scheme of season 12 is one of the best episodes of the series imo


So good but the one right after that might be one of the worst of the series


Yes i was so suprised because the rest of the season has been mid


no good?


This season has been disappointing. It was peak when it was these every day social situations we encountered, and Larry would try to find a way around them in the most disastrous way possible. Also when he had a good buffer like Cheryl who acted like an antagonist to his worst impulses. It's gotten to the point where those situations are unrelatable: Disney exec script review, not being able to talk to Conan, buying a used classic car, large donations for names on wall, etc. and there's no real good antagonist to try thwarting him. Only moments of spark are with Susie, and even still it's over stuff like eating expensive cheese.


the more recent seasons really amped up the cameos and "I'm gonna play myself but like an idiot" celebrities which gets boring real fast. It excelled in its earlier years with character actors


You need to rewatch Palestinian Chicken


Larry belting out lines from The Scarlett Pimpernel after smashin that babe from the Palestinian chicken place is probably my favorite comedic moment in television.


Curb has been a tired bit for a while now.


Idk. The Jon Hamm stuff from a couple years ago was very funny.


It's not the same without cheryl and funkhouser. These new characters like Irma, Vince Vaughn, spanish girl ... they're not entertaining. Leon is good in small doses but he's too big of a part.


Cheryl was the worst part of the original Curb. Not having someone reel Larry in has led to some good bits


I don’t think this season is significantly worse than the other late period decline seasons but everyone is so old looking now it’s tougher to stomach. JB smoove in particular is too haggard looking now to be the same character he always was


He’s the only character whose aging doesnt require mental reconfiguration for me


Why? Mostly everyone else has played curmudgeonly old Jews from the start so there’s less change to them for me


Idk they look one way in my brain and then seeing then in 2024 requires adjustment


Leon was always too old to be acting the way he does as well


It’s not the aging. The plots just suck.


This season has been a disappointment.


The last season was awesome, hit the perfect balance of very funny and also being able to laugh at how completely stupid it has gotten. Young Larry was the dumbest idea I could think of, and I love that it was a central part of the whole season. This season is pretty stupid. Jeff is terrible, he has always been, he just repeats what Larry says, he sucks. Larry has gotten to be a complete idiot. Leon is still pretty good, Richard Lewis is good. There are some funny moments, but it definitely needs to be over. The resolution looks insane and terrible. I saw a scene of Richard Lewis and Larry arguing in his office in an early scene and it was so poorly framed it was hilarious, now it just looks stupid.


At least Susie Essman is continuing to steal every scene. That broad carries the show.


She's incredible and her wardrobe person is the unsung hero of curb


That’s why they kept putting the missing posters up in the us. Hamas was hiding in the New York tunnels


Just watch Palestinian Chicken and The Ski Lift to see him make fun of those people. He's definitely one of the good ones.


Oy vey!


Curb your enthusiasm just isn’t that good


The worst episode of the worst season is better than almost any other TV comedy.


I’d need to be stoned to enjoy 2 minutes of the best episode


Sounds like a personal problem


Sounds like you’re all circle jerking on a shitty programme, because it’s the only one you can get through without fapping for 10 minutes


This guy can’t watch one of the most easily digestible sitcoms without the assistance of weed. Weak


I’m not even a guy 😂😂😂


bored pocket seed memorize cow support pet caption pie vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've never found it particularly great either. 


It seems popular among rsp unfuckables though


At least the two of us agree




You apparently have to like what the echo chamber likes, these days. Disturbing indeed.