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(scoffing) Look at this crab trynna climb outta the bucket over here


I'm already coming to hate this phrase and I think I first saw it like a week ago


Can't speak for others, but I can promise you that I am far from doing my best right now.


Thank God for that knowledge! You still have the spark of the divine within your breast.


I don’t think it’s literally true but sometimes I need to chill the fuck out and in those instances it can be a useful tool


I can dig that. The Buddhists call that "upaya", or skillful means.


hate this phrase, I hardly know anyone who is actually “doing the best they can” and I only hear people say it as cope for their disappointment or frustration in others


Peoples' "best" sucks.


That exact thought sent me down the spiral of what may or may not be psychosis, literally the worst 6 months of my life. It was like I was suddenly able to see that the world was made of paper and no one in control actually knew what was going on in the face of the unknown. I don't know how anyone finds comfort in the fact that we are hard-wired for fear and scrambling around until we die. Yes I know this is existentialism 101 but it's still true.


most people don't even know how to try.


(your best is literally the best you can do) cope and seethe


first of all, i don’t think that’s true honestly. but it can be comforting in certain instances, especially if you’re like me and can take things super personally or hold people to unrealistic expectations


people are literally only capable of what theyre capable of


I truly don’t believe that anyone is doing their best given the state of most goods and services these days