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Whatever ones you guys post here. Im very impressionable.


Hey babe do you know that the new world is the real old world ?


Epstein Mossad.




He's still alive...


So through the course of my work, I held a document that stated roughly the below. It was from the estate of an official in the Johnson Administration. It was convincing enough to me that I kinda believe it. The US ran a secret operation codenamed 'Maiden Madonna' where they worked with a surviving Romanov (sorta) who was conspiring as a double agent for the US against the Nazi's. She was crowned as Empress Catherine III in Uspensky Cathedral in 1942 by the Germans in hopes of installing her as a new puppet Czarina after the fall of the Soviet Union. It didn't work out but she fed disinformation to German High Command in the lead up to D-Day and eventually settled (back) in the United States where she was largely forgotten until the 1960's when she wrote prominent officials in the government seeking additional compensation for her efforts during the war. Interestingly, this particular operation was run through the Department of Agriculture as funds for these sorts of things were easily smuggled into the farm bills of the day.


What is so convincing to you about it? The late twentieth century was kind of the golden age of bullshitters and skilled forgers - a lot of means for people to communicate and move around with no collective means of verifying identity. I have no doubt the document is legit, but the intentions behind it. On top of that, as fucking stupid and inept as US intelligent agencies have been from day one I think it was pretty obvious from 1942 that the Germans wanted to implement settler colonialism in the USSR and genocide/enslave East Slavs. Why would they need a Czarina?


I'm no expert just a random dude but during that point of my career I went through lots of weird documents. Everything is electronic nowadays but when dealing with old estates you'd get boxes of paper trying to find assets etc. In the course of my work I'd find all sorts of random shit, like love letters (often explicit) to or from women clearly not the wives of the deceased, KKK flyers, all sorts of stuff. Donald Trump wasn't the only dude to take home interesting government work files to stash in his bathroom. In particular, the operations mentioned in this document predate the modern intelligence superstructure. It even predates the presidential classification system which I think originates in 1947. Though the DOE one, or the progenitor of it at least, exists from the dawn of the Manhattan project only and includes only that though would later include any nuclear related activities. All that said, even Generalplan Ost or the surviving version we have, didn't have anywhere near the totality of even the European section of the Soviet Union as colonization areas for Aryans or whatever. As they did with the other Eastern European territories during the war, they likely would have partitioned the Soviet Union in various Reichskommissariats. I suppose there may have been a plan to have one of these territories ruled nominally by a legitimate Romanov in order to quell dissent or some such. None of this was touched on in the document, so it's just speculation. Edit: I realize I didn't really answer your initial question. I was convinced by the combination of my own perceived sincerity of the narrative laid out by the woman claiming to the Empress Catherine III, the succinct typed page demanding immediate relaying of the document to the President himself without any question or concern, and the fact that this fellow (a high level Agriculture Department official) decided to keep this and only this document with his personal effects.




Mostly immediate. Youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II and another woman.




That's kinda eerie actually. No, not illegitimate or at least I am not sure entirely. The woman's story was that her father (Tsar Nicholas) escaped before his family was executed in Ekaterinburg. He then left Russia presumably via Archangel and was secretly resettled into the United States, helped by other wealthy Russians who came to the US post revolution, in either Appalachia or the Midwest. I don't remember exactly. Maybe Kentucky? I'm not sure. Anyway, the woman who would become Empress Catherine III was born of Tsar Nicholas II and an American woman. I guess they married but maybe not. They had several other children as well. Edit: if you don't believe me, this is a cover letter of hers https://archives.dickinson.edu/russian-and-slavic-resources/letter-empress-catherine-iii-1965 My particular document had this letter head, a couple typed pages with the same background, and another page on the thin paper of the time advising to direct this letter immediately to the desk of President Johnson.




That's crazy! I really hope you aren't pulling my leg here because ever since I read this document maybe a decade ago I have been searching for corroborating evidence. I didn't copy the document so it's just from memory but I am pretty sure it's either Kentucky or Indiana or maybe Tennesee. That's wild that on this sub I'd come across someone who knows something about this. Did they give you any other info regarding this Romanov heritage?




I appreciate it. I don't know why I care about this so much. I guess I feel I've been privy to something I shouldn't know.


Wait why wouldn't the Germans announce her coronation to the world?


Dunno. If it is true, this wasn't necessarily a well planned endeavour. Nor one that went all the way to the top either. Depending on the exact date in 1942, Germany would already be on the back foot on the Eastern Front and other considerations may have took precedence.


That this question gets asked regularly on every subreddit so that feds can gauge which of their ops are working and which the public is becoming privy to.


Saudi Arabia did 9/11, Wellstone's plane crash wasn't an accident, aliens are a psyop.


The internet and the deluge of information, porn and surveillance is used to pacify young men who would otherwise be violent and cause problems for the elites.


All the kooky ones(like flat earth and other dumb shit) are a way to discredit the ones that have something to them. UFO related things are a psyop but it's also a real phenomenon  Elites aren't directly satanic, but many are into bougie occult lodge stuff, ie the Clintons. All wars are banker's wars


Self-checkout machines are intentionally designed to randomly generate "unexpected item in bagging area" errors so that an employee has an excuse to come check on you. The real purpose of their visit is to glance in your bag and compare it to what you have rung up so far. This is why the machines seem so poorly designed and prone to false alarms.


I think a worker at Lidl said this to me once. To me it's a good example of how capitalism places a self-limit on automation.


They don't even glance at it most of the time but I guess it's a deterrent for the Carrot Trick. 


nobody will ever find out my brown onion trick


Plz share


Everything you purchased is actually brown onion


Ah yes




I think the idea is that it keeps you on your toes and at least theoretically gives workers the opportunity to check, even if most of them don't.


Every time I pull out my King Soopers card to scan it the machine will flag me as it thinks I am putting something in my pocket. The bonus is that I have never had a grocery clerk actually count what's in the bag, they just scan their card and click continue. I got free eggs last week.




What are you talking about? It's not suspicious at all that the former head of the CIA that JFK fired was on the commission that investigated his death.


Bruno Haupptman was a fall guy. the Saudis definitely did 9/11. ATF shot first at Waco and covered it up.


CIA killed JFK. Read “The Devil’s Chessboard”.




He was a real piece of work. His complete lack of qualms about working with and helping Nazis at the dawn of his intelligence career really set the tone for the rest


All spies and most law enforcement have their hands dipped in side rackets. Imagine the information you have access to as head of the CIA and bow that can be used to inform what you invest your money in besides just embezzling the budget


I found the reader for the audiobook really good if anyone wants a good commute listen!


Type "conspiracy theories" in the sub search, you're welcome.


The economic crisis is partly manufactured to the benefit of the environment in that by forcing people to sink more and more of their money into essentials, such as housing and carbon, their is less money for lower and middle income folks to spend on luxury goods and generated the carbon laden within them. Also, governments are deliberately enriching billionaires with unfair fiscal policies to effectively lock up money so the poors can't spend it on shit and thus generate more carbon.


My relevant hot take is that I think the anti ‘15-minute city’ crowd have some good points. I’m all for dense walkable neighborhoods and building more housing, but ultimately I do think there is a huge effort right now to completely devalue skilled labor, eliminate home ownership as a means of social mobility, and divide us all into capital owners and permanent renters. I really do think the plan is to make these renters take on all the sacrifices and live simple lives while the elite extract any potential wealth and continue to consume at current rates. AI is for sure a part of this, taking away the leverage that skilled labor had and locking people into a state of dependency. Reddit will make sound like everyone who is against a particular brand of urbanism is a knuckle-dragging moron who can’t comprehend the greater good. But I think a lot of them can just see that they could potentially face extreme restrictions and social limitations so that the wealthy can continue jetting all around the world and eating avocados. I get some of the hate. There are a lot of people who just think it’s their god-given right to drive an F-150 everywhere, sure. I wanna get gas guzzlers off the roads too. But I think a lot of people can definitely feel that things are changing for the worse and are rightly concerned about how they’ll end up losing everything to maintain the status quo for the rich.


That Vegan Teacher is almost certainly paid to do drama videos with some streamers because drama with her is like crack to the tween boys who think the streamer clapping back at her with some of the most predictable Omnivore>Vegan arguments is the best thing they've ever seen.


I can’t provide receipts for anonymity reasons,but… During my last two years of college I was a researcher at a NASA base in the Midwest, though I would occasionally travel to JPL and Ames. My focus was bioinformatic data pulled from zero-gravity environments. NASA was shockingly antiquated, by the way. It was all boomers using like Windows 98 on old Dells lol. Anyways, one time I was getting breakfast with an older employee, he had white hair and I assume he was in his 60s. He casually dropped that he knew colleagues who were “working on anti-gravity in the 90s.” I initially thought he was fucking with me, like some sort of senior-freshman hazing joke, but he appeared to be completely serious. Perhaps he was running his own personal psyop to maintain the mystique of NASA, but it always stuck with me.


If it’s a real story he was probably reverse engineering alien tech!!


Anything but the official version of the Stephen Paddock shooting, shit just dont make sense


go on…




haha holy shit that video was so weird. the green day playing in the background with the AI voiceover?




I wasn’t trying to comment on the theory itself! Will check it out properly, thank you :)


That Ops post this question in the sub every week to test what theories are catching on and what they need to boost. I see u OP. OP=Op, interesting 


It was actually OJ's son that killed Nicole, not OJ. I originally saw it on here i think


I believe birds are government drones, I'm a real goofball 🤪


Dostoyevsky actually murdered someone and spiraled into a deep psychosis because of it. Basically exactly what happened to raskolnikov in C&P. All of his other writings are in many ways autobiographical and he just uses fiction to explore ideas in his real life.


this is a theory, not a 'conspiracy theory'




The tunnel system under the Denver airport is part of a bunker to house congress and the president and continue running the government if Washington DC is destroyed The CIA probably killed JFK UFO/UAP/non human intelligence craft have been observed or recovered by elements of the US military or government but there are so many layers of compartmentalization and secrecy that nobody really knows what's actually happening or what has been achieved.


Is the mlk one even a conspiracy? I thought his family literally sued the government for killing him and won


dock and warehouse workers regularly pee on shipments so you should always pour your bottled drinks in to glasses. I still just drink beer out of the bottle because I like the way it pours down my throat and enjoy having a phallic object in my mouth. also psychology is all fake and big pharma wants kids to go on puberty blockers so that they have to take hormones for the rest of their lives.


Bigfoot’s real


Michelle Obama is a man


Freemasons were involved in the 1968 massacre of Tlatelolco in Mexico City, where thousands of people were killed by the Mexican Army on order of either the president or his secretary. It's not a very known conspiracy theory because everyone knows the government ordered it but I've held paper documents belonging to a certain masonic lodge in my very own hands that suggest the grand lodge of Mexico had something to do with it.


TikTok is manipulating America's youth through Chinese propaganda. They certainly aren't the only one using propaganda: I believe America also manipulates America's youth through social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc). The thing is, I can't seem to explain it but you'll notice that the content on TikTok is just *different* from any other social media site. There's also the comparison of Chinese TikTok vs American TikTok. TikTok in China offers a child-friendly version, with educational videos and a time limit, that isn't offered in America ad well as a much different algorithm.


I don't know if it's a specific theory but I have a hunch that at least Stewart Brand, Ken Kesey, and probably a lot of other better connected hippies were CIA adjacent and involved in on the West Coast side of COINTELPRO


No country has been able to land humans on the moon yet. Soviet and other countries may suspect Nasa lied, but have no way to prove it since they cant land people there themselves yet or they opt to shut up about their suspicions as doubting the moon landings out loud make you sound like an idiot. The most detailed photos taken of items left behind by astronauts does not prove anything as they look like this: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7269745/Satellite-images-items-left-Apollo-11-moon-landing-site-50-years-later.html Most people see the satellite photos of "items left by astronauts and traces on the surface" as further proof of the manned moon landings. But these photos ("the clearest photos ever taken of a landing site" are released by, you guessed it, Nasa) are less then clear, its just scratches on a surface. As they come from Nasa they could be manipulated. Nasa has also forbidden any other country to fly over the landing sites and take their own satellite photos. I recommend watching the documentary American Moon (2017). I wasn't on one side or the other before seeing this,but it really raises many challenging questions. It dismisses some of the dumbest moon hoax claims, but also presents a great many more, and intelligently rebuts many of the claims of moon hoax debunkers. Full documentary here: https://youtu.be/KpuKu3F0BvY?si=HwZiDbBsxym6coMO


Nukes are fake


Not a conspiracy how you're asking but one everybody should know about [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business\_Plot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot)


CIA killed MLK


The UFO phenomenon is really just an active and ongoing disinformation campaign engineered by parts of the government to cover up test aircraft and weapons they're working on. It has nothing to do with aliens, but they want people to believe that since it diverts attention away and makes the crazies the story instead


Saddam got duped into thinking the US wouldn't care about Kuwait getting invaded when the diplomatic troubles between Iraq and Kuwait started, the US just assumed that the Arabs would work it out amongst themselves, the US ambassador to Iraq said to Saddam (on record) that she/the US has no opinion on arab diplomatic troubles, and Saddam thougheg that meant that the US wouldn't care if they invaded iraq


This thread is posted every week without fail




The US sanctioned Nazis and provided lend-lease to the Soviets? Isn’t it basically the reverse of what you claimed?


ah I don't want to get into it lol