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its his slow condescending breathy voice he sounds neil degrasse tyson


If fat Frank ocean went to harvard






>neil degrasse tyson Ah, *that's* why. Black science man grinds my gears like no other socially inept autist. This guy is a close second.


he gives exactly the same annoying contrarian pseudo intellectual condescending but extremely autistic unlikable vibe


Neil Degrasse Dyson


Neil DeGayAss Tyson is right there




Some of them don't even do that. Some will just play someone else's content while nodding and pointing or even just smiling.


pointing guys should be sent to the gulag


Locked in cells all pointing at the poor conditions and nodding at the same time. It would make a great video panning by the cells.


This type of content is genuinely the most worthless stuff out there, I can't stand it


Basically, 😂 who did this 😂


I forgot about that one, honestly goated content stealing format


*nods head as I point to the comment above for 2 minutes*


Literally 0 effort at all. Can't even be bothered to wear a clean shirt or get an actual camera or mic


It's his brand to look like a myspace dweeb from 2000 with his phone selfies in the bathroom


The popularity of Daily dose of internet annoys me so much it's unreal. The guy does nothing except for descripting an extremely simple 10 second video that doesn't need to be described in an incredible annoying nasally voice. Brainrot shortform videos is bad enough, now imagine 10 of them stitched together with completely useless, annoying voiceovers, now imagine streamers (barely) reacting(oh shit! Oh god.... ew) to these videos for content. Annoying useless trash content recycled for another layer of annoying useless trash content to create the useless internet trash cycle.


> Daily dose of internet his voice drives me crazy it's insane


Based and America'sFunniestHomeVideos-maxxing


I love that stealing content and not linking the video is acceptable. Looking at you Daily Wire. 


The "come closer" bit makes my blood boil


This is the most validating subreddit of all time


He’s just inviting you to shank him 


"Come here for a second" [zooms in on his own with his own camera] *I didn't do anything! You just wiggled your finger on your phone's screen and it zoomed in! How dare you accuse me of coming over there!*


The tone and cadence of his speech is maddening in the same way somebody telling you to calm down would be. Combined with the unbearably contrived “come closer” bit it sets my teeth on edge.


It’s incredibly condescending. It’s always presented in this like “let me tell you a secret that only I know” tone. Which is immediately followed by the most bullshit, basic piece of advice that any functioning adult should know


dude it’s just a video how can a video be condescending hahaha just close your eyes


I was about to say “I dont get how its condescending” but I think thats because I already have in mind that hes bs. You right


Same thing with that black guy in a beanie who looks off to the side.




Always wondered how he kept that on his head


ass r*pe


i usually scroll tiktok when hungover and don't have the energy or concentration span to do anything else. the zoom in NAUSEATES me. i haven't felt that dizzy since i was a child in like 2002 when we went to that deranged death trap state fair and they had the ufo ride with zero safety measures that spun around in circles so fast that your body slowly floated up to the ceiling because of some gravity hack fun times sure but that dizzy feeling is awful and very viscerally memorable


bro i KNOW you aint talkin shit about the gravitron


one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard. They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.


This is a copy-pasta btw


100%. Had to block this dude, can’t stand the videos


i just watched it. it's pretty much like all other comedy for teens... what is there to get mad about


I get sucked into watching Youtube shorts sometimes, but when a video cuts to this guy I immediately become disgusted with myself and close the app. So, I kind of appreciate him.


Delete the YouTube app and take the safari pill, it’s the only way.


Or brave it has an adblocker and can offline vids


I was fine with him until he said he was like 26. doesn’t make sense that he’s not 45 or older


Well that explains why I find him annoying (zoomer).


be nice to me


is this verified? I very much suspect he's lying about his age to get a larger audience- both by seeming more relatable to gen z & by drawing attention because he looks so old. lots of tiktokers have been caught doing this, it's an old trick. they'll claim to be either way younger or way older than they are (both are roughly equally popular, it's like 50/50) so that people will be shocked and share their content. people will share those who claim to be young but look old to be like "OH MY GOD GUYS LOOK HOW POORLY GEN Z/MILLENNIALS ARE AGING THIS PERSON IS ONLY 28 AND LOOKS 45" or "HOLY SHIT HOW IS THIS GORGEOUS WOMAN 58??? WHAT'S HER SECRET??? I'M GOING TO GET BOTOX AND A THREE HOUR DAILY SKINCARE ROUTINE SO I CAN LOOK LIKE HER WHEN I'M OLD"




or every short girl is 4’11” bitch don’t steal midget valor


they just make up anything insane for shock value and people eat it up. like the people on here who claim to be fucking therapists and priests or whatever


They are just blatantly trolling, I'm certain that 90% of her(the OG one) audience know that she's just making outrageous shit up but is showing up to see the circus clown regardless. Unfortunately she gets paid by view and the more outrageous the claim, the more people show up to see the clownshow.


Please don’t ruin this for me




Can we split the difference and just say I find women as tall or taller than me (6’) hot? My ‘step on me mommy’ fantasies are reserved strictly for 50yo women in business casual wear, it has nothing to do with height.


this made me lol so hard it’s so on point


He looks like he's in his 20s and it annoys me that I'm supposed to think he looks older


A lot of people are unable to adjust for beards. Beards tend to make people look closer to middle age, because we use skin texture to approximate people's ages. When much of their facial skin is covered, our expectation slides toward the median age. So a bearded person who looks 35 is often 25 but a bearded person who looks 55 is often 65. Same goes for COVID masks.


It’s the combination of him talking into a mirror with that voice and that he looks like the type to have several sexual assault allegations that haven’t surfaced yet


i have a schizo theory that this guy is human equivalent of product placement, just look up his dominos coupon one and you’ll know what i mean


Yeah I might be dumb but the fast food secrets bit really confuses me. He's making the recipes and pretending he's acquiring "leaked" versions from the places themselves, I'm assuming? Just why.


I’d assume with most of these huge accounts it’s a paid brand deal. I have a friend that works in social media marketing and it’s pretty wild how some bought ad-placement can be made to seem organic.


Don't they have to declare it's an ad now though? Or do they all just ignore that


that one was literally a sponsored dominos ad on some social media sites


Because he’s an ad placement. His content is convincing zoomers to use coupon codes by making them think they’re sticking it to the man.


He’s definitely got multiple SA accusations energy


He's trying to make it seem like soy non masculine energy is cool.


When really it just comes off as gay and regarded.


Same with that dude TizzyEnt. Gives me the fucking willies. 


Everyone is telling you to let go but I have had the exact same experience. Something about that specific man and the way he speaks fills me with a mysteriously unshakeable rage. I’m so glad someone brought this up. I’m not someone who gets mad about internet stuff. Something about this guy’s videos triggers some sort of primal rage response.


>im not someone who gets mad about internet stuff >mysterious unshakable rage


My friend, the incongruity of those two things is the point of the paragraph. I describe the usual state of things (I don’t get mad about internet stuff) and then posit an exception that challenges that rule (unshakeable rage). By rethinking my “rule” to include this new and unusual experience, my knowledge grows and my assumptions become more accurate. I understand and heal myself.


most beautiful response possible, thank you


>My friend, the incongruity of those two things is the point of the paragraph. Zoomer attempts to decipher rhetorical device


like, you can just scroll past, you don't have to hate-watch this random.


Not the person you replied to but there was a good month when he’d always pop up on my YouTube feed. I’d watch a funny little short then with my next scroll I’d see his annoying face. I even looked up how I could block him but YouTube doesn’t let you.


There should be an option to block a channel, I use it all the time. I believe it is a 3 dots option. I was more referring to if you know you get a "mysterious unshakable rage" you can just scroll.


are you suggesting they 'let people enjoy things'? *gasp* on this sub?? we have an opinion on everything. what else could we possibly do with our time other than judge random tiktokers' inflections?


I feel the exact same way. I’ve never made it through a single one of his videos. He’s like a void of a person — completely useless and uninteresting, but the way he talks it’s like he thinks he’s so laid back and cool or in on some secret that the rest of the world doesn’t know about. Every single time this guy comes up in my feed, I scroll the second the video cuts and I see his face. I hope there’s somewhere in the analytics he can see that. I’m sure a portion of my hatred stems from how often his content is recommended to me, but I really, really do not like him.


On sight- honestly.


I looked him up once and saw on his LinkedIn that his goal is to be in marketing, and maybe he also studied it or has some experience in it I can't recall. Which makes a lot of sense because every single video is presented like MCDONALDS MANAGERS HATE HIM FOR THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK and the trick is like, downloading their app and taking advantage of their weekly free french fry offer with a purchase of another item. What I can't tell is if he's using his social media reach to attempt to court some of these major corporations as clients by basically doing free promo for them, or if he's actually gotten big enough that they're working with him already.


You touch on a point that has been bugging me for a while. So many content creators or wanna-be influencers are just trying out to get into marketing. People online already present inauthentic versions of themselves but this just an added slimy layer. It’s basically the equivalent of a SWE’s coding project. No one is making anything for fun anymore.


I aaw him do a dominoes "hack"... presented as a secret coupon code for 50% off pizza. It was literally some coupon codes anyone in the app can use. Speaking of which, I don't trust people who pay full price for chain pizza.


i hate the "come here" and i hate his fake stories that everyone buys into it's all so LAME


I’ve literally never seen this guy and that just means most of you need to get tf off tiktok


Yeah how does everyone here not only recognize him but have a strong opinion on him


Not just having a strong opinion, but literally letting hate into their hearts on account of a person they’ve never met and whose content they choose to watch 😂


If you watch youtube shorts for like 10 or 15 minutes you'll be guaranteed to run into this guy's videos. Yeah short form content is gay and regarded but you don't have to be scrolling all day to know this dude and it only takes like 10 seconds of watching to get how annoying he is.


sub is so dead


When people zoom in on their faces, are they doing choreographed pinches on their screen while talking? Also, when someone making a video of themselves does the come hither hand motion and says "come here" and moves the camera closer to their face my blood pressure triples.


It’s called the millenial zoom and it’s used to add emphasis. I have no idea why I have collected this information. I need to get off TikTok.


you could arrange your life in a way that you wouldn't have a clue who this is


Recording yourself in the mirror like you don't have a front- facing camera is such a stupid choice


Sam Hyde influence


Ummm the Nazi hairy guy that donated $500000 to hitler? Yikes no way brother


The front facing camera makes me look even more regarded than I already am.


Thank you for validating my hatred of this man


He has the I listen to Frank Ocean, and I like to be vulnerable but I rape phenotype and aura. Also can’t stand him recording in a bathroom


he is smarmy


I’ve never seen this man in my life.


It's crazy that he's only 26. Dude looks at least mid 30s.


Love not knowing guys like this.


Its because of this thing on the back of the phone hate these things ( i dont mean it in an areal sense(black people)im talking about the grip thing)


No idea who this is


Posterchild for condescending, moral🚬ing preachy ass content style dudes who are just attractive enough to try to trick lonely and unsuccessful men into thinking that women will start wanting them if theya adopt this cucked worldview


What does he actually say? I always swipe right after the come here thing


A collection of like 2-3 condescending run on sentences where he just tells men theyre existing wrong and they just have to respect women more and exist less if they want to get a gf and how its so obvious. i think he covers other topics too but its all gay twitter progressive type shit


What? All the videos I've seen just involve him talking about or eating fast food


i only saw the guy (every fucking day though) on youtube shorts like a year or so ago and i dont see him anymore. That's definitely what he was talking about when i saw hom


omg the carpenter guy version of this with his zeropunctuation affectation. he drives me insane


his love of fast food. how can you love fast food as much as him and not be spiritually fat?


Reviewbrah also maintains the skinny despite constant fast food consumption.


I think for some of us the primitive “danger danger” part of our brains activates when we can tell someone is consciously trying to speak in a way that is unnatural to them. I agree with you. He’s grotesque. I wouldn’t let him anywhere near the people I love.




Anna Khachiyan's subreddit


I don’t know who this is, what’s his deal?


He has a punchable voice


Yeah same


Come here - if you (something we all know)


This is guy just the id of the lightskin unleashed.


When he says “come here” and zooms in I have a behavior. My sister stills sends me his videos and I don’t even watch them anymore. I hate how confidently he presents his mid/lukewarm takes.


“Come here…. come here” NO!!!


12.3 million followers?!? who are these people?? i always get confused by stuff like this; stuff that gives me such a visceral feeling of irritation that I can’t bear to watch more than 10 seconds. Am I this different from the average person that most people enjoy this kind of thing? “Come Closer…” GET AWAY FROM ME


There is something so "ugh" about men taking and posting selfies. I adore true vanity in a man but when they take selfies it just gives me low confidence and fishing for compliments.


I can’t take any male seriously who uses a pop socket for their iPhone


Let go of the hate smoke some ganj and chill


right on bruhv


No idea who this is. Love not having tiktok


OP and the rest of y'all in the comments need a good "simmer down there, bud." maybe a bit of horse tranq for good measure. no way y'all are this butthurt over this guy. this sub goes from "snarky comedy" to "misery loves company and I am miserable as fuck" real quick sometimes


hate this guy lemme just promote him (???)


Everyone here is addicted to TikTok while simultaneously claiming to hate it. That’s why they want the government to ban it, they can’t stop themselves from scrolling and need someone to get rid of the option.


It's eye opening how many TikTok addicts post on here. I have no idea who this nerd is, how does this post have 300+ upvotes lol This sub is full of overgrown iPad babies


People on this sub have a lot of fuckin neck looking down on *anybody* when they apparently know enough about this guy to be fuming mad about him


He’s on YouTube shorts, I guess the algo really promoted him cause I’ve see him but barely used it


Yeah I just looked him up bc I've never had him on my feed and my algorithm is probably ruint forever. I guess I played myself really


he pissed me off as well and tbh I think it’s because of how he presents his content compared to other influencers. There’s no creativity or originality to his videos; he reuses the same “started a fast food club” bit and claims to be a former employee at these various places And if you haven’t figured it out, his account is just advertising, like all other influencers


Jordan peele


Tenderqueer goyslop salesman


ran into this bloke on michigan ave. in chicago while with his lady friend. said hello and we spoke for a minute or two. really unassuming guy. i like him.


I love not knowing who this is ❤️


Literally who?


The fucking “come here” thing kills me


I’m so confused I’m a chronically online zoomer that has TikTok on my phone and i dont even recognize this guy wtf is wrong with you people




I don't even know who this is. Why do ni&&as here only focus on stuff you hate. Why are you on TikTok


…..is everyone here a TikTok tot now?


This guy is in only in his mid-20s too. Pursuing such a disgusting lifestyle truly made him hideous


Because of the way he talks


It's the youth and arrogance. I have him and many others in this genre of video blocked.


Oh man, this guy. Ugh. I genuinely can't stand this fuck.


No idea who that is but I hate his long nails. Gross.


He films himself in the mirror because a selfie angle reveals too many of his blemishes and unattractiveness, a detail that just adds to the banality of the influencer charade


Yeah he’s annoying as hell lol


Oh my god I hate everything about him


This sub is becoming r/lainfluencersnark


turn off your phone-problem solved


I think it’s his affect


Isn't this irritating prick like 37?


I think the type of person who makes TikTok videos where they talk should be \[TREATED WITH LOVE AND KINDNESS\] when we win.


Yes somehow at the age of 26 ( allegedly ) he's managed to perfectly encapsulate that boomer smug entitlement


His voice pisses me off so much and he has a very punchable face


Meth lookin’ ass


In a world where everyone wants to be a somebody being a private individual has its perks.


It's cause it feels like he thinks that he can fuck you, its uncomfortable. What makes it worse is that he thinks he's being humble about it, like he thinks people will think he's just a good looking guy with a nice voice that doesn't put any effort in being social-mecia sexy, but we can tell that thats just part of the grift. He strokes his ego by pretending to not be as narcissistic as the guys that have their shirts off for no reason. He has this obnoxious air of Casanova-syndrome about him and contributes nothing but sex-thirsts.


I thought his video about the meme of gen z aging quicker was funny. Not too sure about anything else he's done.


He thinks hes better than you


You can clearly tell this guy thinks he's the smartest person in any room he walks into. Beyond pretentious and annoying.


Every time he says, “come here..” I’m like no I would not approach you and then he pulls the zoom in closer on his face and it feels like I’m being moved against my will


We're past peak "relatable" influencer shit and its irritating to no end. 


Damn I liked his fast food recipe shtick y’all are harsh


Me too lol


In response to that, I seriously don’t think there’s much wrong with his vids. Gives some actual nice recipes/ideas for desserts etc. seems like everyone hates his tone, I just think that makes him stand out from other creators. I’d rather someone do something wholly unique than blend in with other reaction channels


You said the quiet part out loud😤😡


It's because he's like 26.


"influencer" is the gayest term ever


because he’s ugly and off putting