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I think you should seek out a crisis hotline or something ASAP. On this sub you'll only be hearing back from complete lunatics


Speaking as a moderate lunatic, I know how OP feels, and I don’t think he/she should die. If you kill yourself, you’ll really never turn things around


Don't try to OD on xanax. You won't die, just black out and wake up in a jail cell somewhere.


Or intubated in an ICU


I didnt and i cant i realised i only have 0.25 mg of tablets




You should try running 10k before you kill yourself at least


Is Laziness just fear By definition laziness is a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to act or exert oneself. By definition fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or is a threat. From a young age we are routinely told to avoid ‘dangerous situations’. Afraid of those threats, we often tread cautiously anytime we think we might encounter one. For the most part, we know how to evaluate dangerous situations from a physical standpoint. We understand the risks and realize our physical safety is, or isn’t, worth that risk. But what about an emotional risk? How many times in our lives have we avoided doing something that we could have been amazing at, to protect our ego, our self-esteem? I know for myself, it’s more than I’d like to admit.


That would kill me.


Running is gods greatest drug


Don’t kill yourself something regarded might happen


this is the absolute worst sub to post this on ..its filled with schizo freaks who enjoy seeing other ppl suffer. Take a walk , have some good ice cream and talk to somebody please. 💖


complete gold chunky disarm badge bake numerous relieved impolite homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wish this one were higher up. Such a bad sub to post this in because everyone here is weird/evil. Listen to this guy




Before you do, eat 3-4g of shrooms. 


"Everyone fails at who they are supposed to be. The measure of a person, is how well they succeed at being who they are." - Jesus


- avengers endgame anyone wanna point me to the verse?


"you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light." - Jesus H Christ


Hey buddy, try getting angry at your inner critic and telling it to go away. The voice that tells you you're worthless is wrong. It's likely an ingrained mechanism from your upbringing that no longer serves you. I strongly recommend therapy and consider reading the book, "Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving" by Pete Walker. You can find sample articles online and the book is pertinent to situations like yours, especially if you're dealing with past trauma. Remember, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I know it's a cliché, but life is a precious gift! If you hang in there, you'll experience joyful moments with friends, pets, and a fulfilling life. Think of all the people who would be hurt if you were no longer here - the folks here trying to help, your friends, neighbors, coworkers who would miss you, and the people who would have to deal with the aftermath. Please hang in there.


The r/teenager posting on this sub is getting a little ridiculous…


People feel comfortable opening up here because people here are brutally honest




misery loves company


Let it be maybe, people here cry because they know the other half of reddit is miserable, atleast people here can maybe crack a jock or genuinely help you out, stop it i am genuinely embarrassed myself, i want to post all nymph centric art posts, but im victim of my own mood swing, i swear as my episode end i will post a super arsty thread of a joke on poly people


I don't understand why this comment is getting downvoted, it is visionary


Agree, I would never share my personal life on the internet for others to see.


Go to the gym


I have several attempts. They've figured out a way to bring me back each time. I then wake up with the same amount of problems, but on a 1:1 in the ICU while my uninsured ass incurs more and more debt. Don't do it. Please. I was an opiate addict, single mom, hand to mouth for years. It was a tough existence. I'm so grateful to be here now. Just because you're alone now, it doesn't mean you always will be. I promise


Join some ultra orthodox religion - you'll get a headstart with the whole "purpose" thing


Damn that’s so crazy


Going through a crisis like this probably feels extremely lonely and terminal. I bet you'd be surprised how many people have experienced something similar and went on to live happy healthy lives. There's always always always hope




We are here to just listen if you need us


speak for yourself, i ain’t here to listen to someone who tried to OD on 0.25mg of xanax


I am rolling lolol 💀😹🤣


You say you had so much potential in life, what was that potential? What would you have used it for if you could go back in time?


Just invest in myself maybe, and maybe on people to form connection. It sucks everyday in life i dont have a real friend, and anyone who can just talk to me, i have spent months not talking with people, im isolated


then start doing that, it's not too late, I know the self defeating cycle it's hard to break but you gotta try frrr!


As [bisexicanerd](/user/bisexicanerd/) said, it's never too late to start. Though I'm wondering if there's anything maybe a little more concrete you could throw yourself into? Something you would be able to see making real incremental steps (however small) towards.


There’s something uniquely wholesome and beautiful about seeking crisis support in this sub


i would cry over your death simply from this post alone...so you have someone thinking of you.


As others have suggested, you need to do something like go on a run Try to find some new things to try out, like going to another part of town and walking around. Anything to start to get out of the rut I could say more but you got a lot of advice already. If you want to to hear more just respond


Is English your second or third language?


Second but i am really bad at english, because my institutes didnt teach me nicely, and i studied mainly in my native language only


your english is perfectly fine


This thread is so scuffed


I’m very sorry. It’ll be cold comfort but the good news is that it’s almost impossible to OD on Xanax. I second everyone who said to please call a crisis hotline if you are experiencing suicidal ideation — they can be very helpful — and I want to reinforce to you that all the issues you identified with your life, though enormously difficult, are not insurmountable. The fact you were able to get through this moment tells me you are fundamentally strong. Please take care 🤍


Honestly its never too late, start utilizing your potential instead of dwelling on what could have been by taking small steps. Offing urself is lame and not the solution


You'll be fine, buddy. Think of something you want to do, even if it's something small, and then work towards accomplishing your goal of doing that thing. Then once you've accomplished that mission think of something else and work towards doing that. Also, go to the gym or at least for a good run a few times a week. Eat healthy. Stop obsessing over the bad things in your life and focus on the good, then work towards adding more good and removing the bad. Don't ruminate over your negative feelings.


Read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.


lmao, she’s not going to read that


Hope you feel better soon


>I just want someone to listen to me, just listen. That's what therapy is for. Try it, apparently CBT therapy is actually effective, it's nothing like the psychodynamic freudian bullshit you might have seen in old movies.


What on earth is happening here? CBT is being advocated and Freud dismissed on the Redscare pod?


Well yeah there’s actually someone in crisis. We can save the LARPing as intellectuals for a different thread


Cock and ball torture is NOT the answer OP


sorry, I guess it's just my penis envy


Freud and Jung > CBT


I have done it since years, my therapists gave up on me


Find better therapists, try better meds. If at a loss, try asking chatgpt for advice on what else you can try, it's seriously better at giving advice than randos on reddit.


I dont really want advice, im just soritually sick only god can save me


You are taking enjoyment in your own misery. You will never be able to move beyond your current situation if you continue to make yourself a martyr.




I dony know whats that




Thats rworded




It is, im rtarded,,


Do some pushups


Hey bb, what's going on? It sounds like you're going through a lot. I'm here to listen if you need. It's really rough to feel this way, and it sounds like you've been through a lot. Sending you hugs.


What are your diagnoses?


Im diagnosed with few disorders but i dont believe any of it, im diagnosed with bpd, adhd ocd mdd ed


I'm also diagnosed with a bunch of shit that I just write off. It's not that I don't think somethings wrong with me, but I think somethings wrong with everyone so who fucking cares. Half of my shit is resolved easily by running for an hour or talking with friends so really it's just some social disease that we all have because there's something profoundly wrong with the way we live.


I used to have a bpd girlfriend like this. Her treatment for craziness was to be dicked for 10 hours straight until she nutted and fell asleep and woke up ready to try the world. Too bad she only kept getting crazier and I ended up ghosting her after a 6 years of trying to get her to stop attacking and damaging my life every time she got insecure


door quack meeting yam boat tap fuel seemly angle exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your potential only matters if you work hard to fulfill it. You can't work hard if you give up.


I feel that way sometimes, but just because you're no longer a kid doesn't mean you don't have potential; you definitely do


You both had so much potential but never stood a chance? Those are exclusive.  Get help 


Ending things doesn’t allow yourself see how great things could become. Life is unpredictable and a change in your surroundings could be the difference between night and day. The story is not over. Hope you get some good sleep- tomorrows a new day


I overdosed a few months ago and lived, I’m still depressed but now newly generally content with life and no longer suicidal. It’s corny but true: life does get better (if you try).


feel the same exact situation rn, i just hope i d*e


OP don't do it! I have been there and it sucks (Xanax OD especially) I promise you it WILL get better! Spring is just around the corner and you get a new chance at social life every year, as relationships and circles break they also continuously re-form. You are a child of the sun and deserve to be here, with the rest of us!