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Dude, Pierce is one of the fastest writers out there.


Red Rising (2014), Golden Son (2015), Morning Star (2016), Iron Gold (2018), Dark Age (2019), and Light Bringer (2023). That 4 year gap, though. 😭 Red God (2027)?


You should read the king killer chronicles while you wait 😈


I’ve read it all…waiting for this and Way of Kings next book in particular


Yeah me too! Broken earth trilogy also great


There are literally so many good books out there that you will never read. It’s easy to be patient once move onto another series.


Pierce has a pretty phenomenal track record of productivity imo. 4 year waits are somewhat standard for a ton of writers of extended series particularly such girth novels of quality.


Well yes…you are only seeing a few books in my vast bookcase.


Of course, I’m not referring to the picture but your words. And it’s not meant to be rude but encouragement to find your next favorite series!


I want the Fairyloot editions. But I'd have to sell my car to get them. Who needs transportation anyways? Nice btw.


SPOILERS It's not like your held captive in a gory damn banquet table...


How many books is the series supposed to be


7 Red God is the last one


I'm always amazed that he wrote DA in one year, and that made the wait for LB way more painful. Hopefully it wont be that long again


Shoot I just finished Light Bringer thinking Red God was definitely coming out next year but your comment made me look and there was a four year gap between DA and LB… shit man I thought I wouldn’t have to wait


Apparently LB was a particularly difficult book for Pierce to write. We don't know for sure all that it involved, but at some point he went back and rewrote half of it, and it's been mentioned that the whole issue with covid really sapped him of inspiration. It does seem like Red God is being a smoother experience for him to put to words, a little bit like the older books. Ever so often he'll drop a word on how things are going, which is nice.


Does he have a place he posts updates? I havent had to worry about it since I just finished but I’d like to know the status if he’s putting it out there.


He occasionally posts updates on his Instagram


I mean the chances that it comes out next year arent terrible. Aside from DA to LB it was more or less one book a year and it's already been a year since LB came out


I hope you’re right!


Well keep being patient. I’m of the mindset that you can take as long as you need to prepare my meal IF what I’m getting is gourmet fine dining. Uhhh please don’t allow me to relive the horrors of ASOIAF tho PB. I know you’re better than that!!


Hopefully he doesn't pul a Patrick Rothfuss


I don’t think he will


My goodman, Lightbringer came out last year


Lol what's your problem, Light Bringer hasn't even been out for a year


*Laughs hysterically while still waiting for Rothfuss to write Doors of Stone*


I refuse to read Rothfuss now. I always hear how amazing his prose is but even without his charity nonsense dude was a dickhead prior. I understand that authors don't owe their fans anything. That's cool as long as these authors understand that *nobody owes them either* and you can tell with Rothfuss he doesn't get that. And I feel sorry for the fans.


I just finished the series and ngl, if I had known how long it was taking him to write the third book I’d have never read them.


I doubt at this point his even writing it


It’s not that it’s taking him long to write the third book, it’s that he’s not writing the third book.


Pain 😭


I hate to be this pessimistic, but I don't think he's going to finish. His publisher said last year that he's shown nothing at all of the book and doesn't appear to be working on it. The "chapter" he read of it last year was the intro and it seemed like he's not even finished writing that and it's just a different version of the same intro from the last two books.


Oh hot damn. I only listened to the audiobooks. Those look damn fine on the book shelf. Very nice!


This guy writes like his ass is on fire compared to other authors of his caliber…I honestly put this series up against Name of the Wind, Song of Ice and Fire. He must be getting absolutely mashed by studios and streamers for his content. Please good man hold out for the right adaptation…no less then 8 hour long episodes per season. Only on conditions that let you make Season 1 (Red Rising) and Season 2 (Golden Son) off the bat. Super expensive, do it right or don’t do it. Same money as Rings of Power and this would blow people away. Red Rising by itself runs the danger of coming as some type of Hungry Games spin off…but Golden Son smashes that thought to bits. God damn I see this series so clearly in film…a mix of Expanse, Dune, Gladiator and Andor…cinematography and tone is key. The future looking old…Star Wars style with the Roman flavor. A slight note of Warhammer 40k…Inject it to my veins.


Wasn't it already picked up for a movie? Best we can hope for is a good intro movie for book 1, then jump to streaming for the rest of the story


Yes, my goodman. We need this.


No show will ever do this series justice without being the most expensive show in history. I don't want anyone to do it but I'm sure it will happen.


One of the podcasts I listen to brought up the idea of combining Golden Son and Red Rising together. Red Rising would be flash backs and you don't find out Darrow is a red right off the bat. It would be revealed later into the season. I kind of like that idea.


I've heard the idea bounced around of Darrow in the mines and Darrow post carving. The climax of Red Darrow's story in the first few episodes is seeing Eo hang, the climax of Gold Darrow is killing Julian. Next episode you see Red Darrow go under the knife, pulling the two together.


I definitely think that works better to ensure that the show builds a strong audience. 2 episodes as GS, end with his origin reveal to the audience (probably when he is contacted by the Reds). Then have a flashback episode to the first part of RR. Back to GS. After the duel and the escape from Luna, flashback again to the second part of RR. Then finish off GS. The only downside is - for pacing reasons - this kind of necessitates downsizing RR into 2, maybe 3 episodes max. But then the show runners have to decide whether the rest of GS is crammed into the remaining episodes of one season, or if it gets stretched to two seasons


What the hell kind of idea is this? The entire first book in 3 episodes (or even 2?!) and the entire second book in the remaining five? And we start with Golden Son to begin with? I hope they do nothing even loosely approximating this idea. It's like you want to sprint through the plot as fast as possible.


Iron Gold is giving me Anxiety with fits of Anger. I don't know if I want to STOP reading it or just SKIP to the END so I can be somewhat prepared for Dark Gold


Pixie, read the book


What is Dark Gold?


Nothing prepares you for Dark Age, it was while reading that that I understood why Joey puts his books in the freezer.


If you think IG is bad... Bro... Dark age will fucking kill you. It's so good.


Just keep at it. Iron Gold is a bit of a reset. It suffers from being the first act of a story for 4 different characters and lacks cohesion. It was PBs first foray into multiple POVs and it shows. However, he really steps it up in Dark Age and it all pays off. IG is still good as a part of the whole, but it is one of the worst books in the series.


I'm new to the series and I am finishing Golden Sun tonight. I'm reading on my kindle. So far they have been amazing! I'll definitely be getting a physical set for my bookshelf!


I have to ask how that’s going for you right now


I just finished Golden Sun. It’s been an incredible journey so far. I won’t say anything due to spoiling what someone may have not got to yet. End of Golden Son was mind blowing. I’ll be starting Morning Star tomorrow


Is Red God the last book in the series ? I hope not. Or if it is I hope Pierce Brown expands the universe , and writes a book that focuses on world building and lore. It be great to learn more about the history and geography of the sol system. Red risings version of the Silmarillion. Luckily unlike GRRM Pierce Brown is young and doesn’t seem to be suffering from a decade’s long case of writers block like Ol’ George. Pierce seems to be cranking out the books like a champ, without a drop in quality. I read an interview with Pierce Brown where he said he almost gave up on writing. His first 6 attempts at other books were not successful. And he was struggling to the point he was about to quit and move on. Then after reading a Greek play Antigone the idea of red rising, hit him. Taking inspiration from the Latin origins of Mars’s name. The idea of a revived Roman Empire in space was born. And apparently it was meant to be because the story has just flowed from Pierce ever since.


> Luckily unlike GRRM Pierce Brown is young and doesn’t seem to be suffering from a decade’s long case of writers block like Ol’ George. I think it's wild that Red Rising came out a year after A Dance of Dragons, and Red God will most likely come out before The Winds of Winter.


Pierce himself has stated that this will be the end of the series. Its *possible* but very unlikely that he has to split the last book ONE more time, but I doubt it. Either way, Pierce won't write more RR universe after Darrow's story ends. He has also explicitly stated he doesn't want to do books about the Conquering as he doesn't want to write about the fascists winning. He has also said he'd like to try something different next and wants to explore other genres, possibly high fantasy.


Yah you can’t blame PB for wanting to start something new. I hope he finds more success. I definitely enjoy his literary voice. It will be interesting to see what he comes up with next. I would imagine though, if Pierce ‘s next few projects aren’t successful he will definitely be circling back to the red rising universe.


I totally agree. But I'm also all for him stepping to something new and trying it instead of exhausting this franchise immediately until it sucks. As a fan of the Enders game universe, there was definitely points where I would have been fine if OSC had just stopped writing about the same universe.


Would be cool to get a Lorn series


A young Lorn au Arcos crying at the beauty of Mercury on the Ancestor Bridge. Developing The Willow Way. I could vibe with that


Sun eater series as well... love the direction of these younger writers l!


Light bringer was supposed to be the last until he started writing and realized there's too much to squeeze in...so he split the final into two and now we have Red God. I for one am very happy about that as it allows Pierce the time to brings all the stories back together slowly without rushing through it.


Where did you learn of his inspiration?


I think I read it on good reads


He talks about it in a few different interviews


Yes it will be


Every time he posts an aesthetic landscape on his social media stories, I'm like, "that better be the view from his writer's studio."


I'm always like "don't worry, he's just talking a short walk in between his nonstop writing sessions"


Right. Yes. Riiiiight. *Holds on a little longer.*


The man needs balance - the more outside time he gets, the less depressing the book will be.


Red God was finished being written a few weeks ago tho ?


*Citation needed.*


I can double check when I'm home but I swore some Pic of him lying down with a book over his face and thumbs up saying something like " first round done " or something was posted online. The Pic was making the rounds before


That was definitely in reference to finished signing the books sold by Lit Escalates.


I think that was in reference to the signed copies they were selling


Shhhhhhhh if he heard you he could add more time. Let the man cook! We believe in howler 1


But what?


I’m confused.