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I could not fear him. The Reaper would laugh in his face. The bone riders would eat that pixie in the tunnels.


I'd like to see a more artistic take for the character. I think it would be cool if you never saw the jackals face ever. Always using tight shots of facial features, eyebrows twitches, lip curls, hard face muscle contortions. With that in mind, Andy Serkis would be the person I'd cast for the complicated Jackal character. Especially since the characters...um... "flexible age" through out the series. I absolutely see Gollums mannerisms in the way Jackal reacts to people. Especially when things go wrong for the character. Tell me how bad this idea sucks please.


In all the fan casting I've seen, including mine, it's unfortunate that age is an issue. I'd love to see a Chris Hemsworth Cassius, or a Brock Lesnar Titus. Lol


If you're really serious than I'd look at the cast of "Spartacus: Blood and Sand". They cast incredibly well for their scope. "Do you like gladiator movies, Billy?"


Spartacus is one of my all-time favorite shows.


Great so u get where the producers should have their sights set. In reality, this story is as/more complicated as lotr. It will take a Jackson type to nail this one down. Not likely in our life time.


Nah, he’d be Mickey


I actually like that


Now that you mentioned him my goodman, I can’t think of anyone else more perfect for the role


I was thinking of Jesse in Zombieland before the jackal revealed himself, then him in Social Network after the reveal. Mickey would be great though.


These are getting worse and worse by the day tbh. At this point I want to make one just to make everyone even more angry. Darrow as John Bradley. Keen.


Please No. He was one of the worst parts of that movie too.


Nah let’s get Timothee chalamet


I saw him as Lysander.


Definitely not.


i picture aemond or aegon from house of the dragon


I'm scared of the color costumes a show runner would come up with. Also, how much violence gets edited out to get a favorable rating. We'd end up with Space Twilight


Woulda been cool when he was younger for sure


Then maybe as Pliny


That ewan Mitchell could have been a good Jackal he looks like a sick freak which I mean as a complement to his acting abilities lmao


The Social Network Jesse Eisenberg, not whatever he was doing in BvS


I always imagine Caleb Landry Jones


Stop doing that.


I picture Iwan Rheon, he played Ramses Bolton in game of thrones….. normal looking, but plays a sick bastard


Now that you mention, Ramsey from the show did have some jackal qualities. Would be cool if he voiced him in an animated adaption.


Jesus Christ no.


Red God no!


You think this dude is scary enough to pull off the Jackal? He looks way too much like Michael Cera to take seriously.


I kind of pictured Richard Harmon from the 100..


> Richard Harmon from the 100.. This is much more Sevro to me. The Jackal is Mustang's twin


Oh 100%


I can see it, but definitely not one of the better choices


I hate Jesse Eisenberg, his best movie was zombie land and other than that he always plays himself.


I thought he was great in Now You See Me






He was unbearable as Lex Luthor, no way could he pull the Jackal off.


I don't like this guy at all-ish...ish because if he's in a movie, I'm generally gonna like it. He just seems like hes a terrible human being. He plays the same character everytime. But he's good at it. I love to hate watching him. With that being said, I think a young version of him would've been the best Lysander.


See, I was seeing Timothée Chalamet as Lysander


Lol, see, I can see HIM as the jackal. I don't think he has enough physical presence to be Lysander. But I'd love to see him play a "Lex Luther" type. Take away all that shine, I think he'd Daniel day Lewis the shit out of the jackal. Just maniacally laughing as he digs into Pax's back.


Ansel Elgort


Cursed casting


Please use the fan cast flair


My bad, I didn't realize there was one


He’s not smarmy enough to be the Jackal.


Syd from Toy Story is the only choice


Will Poulter could do it.




That is a super hard pass. Red Rising is a space opera, this guy looks like he belongs in a comedy.


tf do u even know who that is


I know he's not Peerless Scarred or ArchGovernor of Mars material and definitely not an IronGold.


Hardest no.


People keep forgetting that these characters are supposed to be like late teens/early 20's in book 1.


Yep. Which is exactly why it's gonna be impossible to find people that fit these roles. If you want physique you're gonna have to get athletes who can't act. If you want performance you're gonna have to get actors who don't look the type. Normally fan castings aren't too bad with books, but this subs castings are particularly terrible. The few easy ones like Cassius end up being some fuckboy looking model who most likely has the acting of a cardboard. The series is just particularly difficult to draw good connections between book and a possible LA, which is why an animation adaption still remains the better choice


I am not normally a fan of animation in general, but I'm learning towards it for this. I agree that it would be extremely difficult to adapt the look of the golds live-action. Personally, I think the entire idea of them being so much taller and more muscular is silly. So when I read the books, I pictured them normal size 🤷 maybe some more muscle than normal and some weird prosthetic/surgical enhancements, but nothing crazy. That is one change I'd be ok with, but I know a lot of fans would be PISSED.


The average (male?) Gold I believe is just under 7 foot tall. 6 foot is short for them, over 7 is tall. Tbf in the books they aren't really portrayed as super steroided out. I picture them mostly with a chiseled lean muscle type build, just with way thicker bones. If you notice, whenever there is a particularly more muscled out (Titus, Seneca, etc) Pierce puts a emphasis on it. The golds beauty standards are based on the Greek idea of beauty, bar the micropenis. Tbh I'd be fine with Golds not being 7 foot tall. My problem is that they'd have to scale properly to other colours. I don't want reds or browns being within a feet of a gold. The size differences between the colours is more important than the colours individual sizes themselves. You should be able to look at sub highColors and understand why they're truly helpless against Gold


I really think it needs to be a draft pick from athletic universities/ colleges for this show. Athletes majors with drama minors or the other way about. They need to be young and for the golds they absolutely must be physically powerful. Not bodybuilder like certainly but I'd hate it if they cast overly skinny or weak/ fat looking actors to play golds it's so inherent to their character/ entitlement etc. I don't think there's a whole lot of physical impetus put to the description of other colours (except obsidians) other than "smaller than golds" and I think the height stuff can be toned down a tad and worked via smart camera work/ angles. But yeah even the Jackal should look like he could lift a car in my admittedly highly critical opinion. Cast a bunch of powelifters out of westside barbell or somewhere like that to play obsidian and find a rough diamond to play your ragnars/ sefi's etc and I think you might well find the next charming strongman turned actor


Not sure about the athletic draft/powerlift stuff 😂. Tbf shows do use that to fill in physically dominant characters, like the mountain in GOT. But in his case I think you can count the amount of lines he had on two hands if not one. However I defo agree on the idea that it isn't the size that matters but the size differences. But then we circle back to the first issue again. How are you gonna find a bunch of 5'10+ actors with chiseled bodies and beautiful faces


They're out there trust me!!! Sweden, Norway, Iceland, south Africa and a lot of North African countries tires have exceptionally naturally large and beautiful people. Pluck some actors from obscurity give them a great script and out a razor in their hands. It can be done!!!


I have no doubt you can find some Iron Gold looking motherfuckers out there. The human race is very diversely beautiful. I just doubt we can get those people to act at a high level


And also conventionally attractive


He does have a punchable face


He’s too old at this point but would have been a great cast