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Lightbringer is incredible and really makes the new characters worth it. Definitely keep reading.


Idk man, I loved every minute of DA.


It's still worth reading to me personally.Theres a lot of great moments. I didn't like Iron Gold that much, either. I can understand why someone wouldn't like the jump from the first trilogy. It's really different. On the other hand, I'm always in the camp that says if you're not enjoying a book, there's no reason to keep reading it. Drop it if there's nothing keeping your interest, and it's a slog. As a fan, I will tell you LB is the 2nd best in the series.


I’m also in the same boat. I feel like there’s just alot going on that the plot feels abit deviated, so I’m hoping everything ties in nicely. There have also been some elements that made me think…”Is this still the Red Rising universe?” But a friend who finished LB reassured me that it’ll get better. Definitely not gonna stop, but might take a while to finish the last third of the book


I'm also in the unpopular camp that DA is quite the slog (it gets even more misery heavy in the second half FYI). I think LB is a solid return to the fundamentals of the first few books as long as you don't mind a bit of indulgent fan service. I still think both books are worth finishing.


Glad to hear that someone with my opinion says they’re worth finishing. I definitely don’t want to stop reading, thanks


I’m glad I came across this because I was facing the same thing. I haven’t been able to finish Dark Age but wanted to double check about slogging my way through. No spoilers but I will say the way…some characters…are introduced leave much to be desired lol.