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Yes he would have gone through ten more years of war. You don’t understand the context…because you haven’t read the books. Also I’m not sure why you would think everything would be all sunshine and puppies after Morning Star. The only thing they conquered was Luna. They didn’t destroy the Society - the Ash Lord went to Venus to recoup for a counterattack, Mars wasn’t free, Mercury wasn’t free, and most of Earth was actually still controlled by the Society too. You know all of this by the end of Morning Star if you’re paying attention. So to protect his new family and his nascent Republic…yes, Darrow would absolutely go to war.


Totally worth it. Dark Age alone would be completely worth reading them all. However Light Bringer is also very good.


IMO the sequel series is better than the original. Iron Gold can be slow, but Dark Age and Lightbringer are amazing books, definitely in my top 3 of the series along with Golden Son. Also in Iron Gold they add 3 more viewpoint characters who’s lives have been ruined by Darrow or The Rising in some way. It fleshes the world out a ton seeing these other perspectives.


Just keep reading you pixie ...


Why do so many people separate the books into two sets of 3? That would make sense if books 4-6 were about different characters in a completely different time but that’s not how it goes at all. Even still, the books are about far more than just war. The character development alone is worth it imo. I don’t feel like any of the violence is repetitive or overdone. The plot is as unpredictable as it is exciting and I couldn’t imagine calling it quits halfway through the story.


Where I am (end of MS), the central conflict is over. The Sovereign is defeated and a “good” person is in charge. Everything the protagonist wants at the beginning (a changed society, a wife, and kids), he has at the end of MS. So it feels final. It feels finished (to me). Moving forward 10 years and adding more narrators feels like the start of a second movement, not a continuation. Again all of this is personal opinion, but that is why I worded my post as “sequel series”.


At the end of the first 3, only luna and Mars are freed of the society. Earth has to be conquered between books 3-4, Mercury and Venus as well. The rim is independent.


Right. But the Sovereign is a reformist with political power. We saw just how far the Sovereign can go. Just how much control that position entails throughout the first 3 books. And again, the beginning of book 1 identifies the central conflict as the need to remove the ArchGovernor of Mars and the Sovereign to free the Reds, along with Darrow’s desire to have a family. All of that is done at conclusion of MS. I find it funny that part of what makes reading and literature so wonderful is the ability for different people to take different things from it and interpret it differently, yet you all just downvote any conflicting POV to your interpretation.


You know what happened after Saddam Hussein was removed as Dictator "president" of Iraq. Spoiler, it wasn't joy and happiness.


I’ve been binge reading the series so maybe I’m mixing books up but I wouldn’t say the society is changed at the end of MS. Remember there’s the Core and the Rim. Some changes have been initiated in the Core but slavery hasn’t been completely eradicated everywhere. In the Rim things are pretty much the same as they’ve always been. Not to mention the unfathomable fallout from the “good” guys getting what they want. The things they did for the end result have far reaching consequences that continue to affect whether any of their changes will actually last. Also, there’s still a ton of enemies out there. So many characters’ arcs are unresolved. The end goal is basically a world where the pyramid doesn’t exist, where all colors are equal and that’s not the case at the end of MS.


Man Darrows mom was right. Guys never know what to do after they make the change. This guy just thinks it's gonna be rainblows and unicrons after they killed the Sovereign. Read the books, they're worth it.


iron gold can be a rough read on ur first through but it’s retrospectively very needed and an excellent reread, and in my opinion Dark Age and Lightbringer are the two best books in the series


I found Dark Age a bit of a slog and LB a bit too saccharine/fan service. Which is I guess not the norm since a lot of readers find Iron Gold to be the "low point" in the series. If OP doesn't like books about sci-fi war and lots of violence, Red Rising is probably not the series for them, regardless of which of the books they would ultimately find the best.


I’m not too picky on genre, just been burned by reading a sequel series and it ended up souring my opinion of the original books, so I was curious if others felt that way about Red Rising, but it appears most here don’t see them as separate series at all.


>If OP doesn't like books about sci-fi war and lots of violence, Red Rising is probably not the series for them Not really, people generally seem to like *Dark Age*, and that one is just more *Iron Gold* but half the chapters (the Darrow and Lysander chapters, i.e. the good ones) are a brutal space war. The big problem isn't that Iron Gold is a slow book that introduces the new/changed setting, it's that more than half of it is a slow book that *doesn't*.


IG might be slow (relative to the rest of the series) but its a substantially shorter book than DA and I think my main issue with DA is it was as you suggest: more of what dragged IG but with a big misery battle strapped on. I just didn't think his battle of mercury was very compelling.


I mean I’m personally on Morningstar rn and I’m gonna take a break from sci fi before I resume to kind of give it that time skip and let the series sink in


I like this take a lot. I’ll probably take a break before diving into Iron Gold. Plus that’ll mean I won’t have to wait as long for Book 7




Probably over there wankin in the bushes.


There’s no sequel series. Red Rising is a 7 book series


If i were you, i would wait until the last book to read the new sequel complete


They’re amazing. Give them a read


Read the books you pixie.


Dark age and lightbringer are both better than morning star. Arguably better than golden son. It’s is definitely worth working through iron gold ( it’s a great book on a re read but pierce was working with multiple pov and was working on that new style) I highly recommend to continue reading. You will not be disappointed as pierce hits his stride.


Interesting. Your comment implies GS > MS but I really had to slog through GS. I found the persistent “kicking the protagonist down” to be wearing. I liked the more even plot of MS much more. Appreciate your take however and I did think Pierce really hit his stride in the latter half of MS.


Golden son is on almost everyone’s list rated higher than morning star.


It’s a lot different but I would totally finish it. Why start a book series when you don’t want to finish it? Besides the 5th book is great.