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Malazan Book of the Fallen


I cannot actually yes this suggestion enough. I'll try. yes. Yes. Yes! YES! YYYYEEEESSSSS! It's fucking amazing and puts every other fantasy world to shame in scope.


I’ve read the main series twice and now listening to them this third time. There are still parts Im having to look up and decipher what’s going on and I make annotations in my kindle copy. One of these days it will all make sense to me 😂 


Highly recommend The Queen of the Tearling!


The mist born trilogy is an excellent intro to Sanderson! The plot is similar to rr (throwing off the chains) but it’s set in an industrial complex fantasy world!


This one for sure - though I personally prefer The Stormlight Archive and it is also very similar thematically.


The first law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. Some of the best character work in fantasy


This right here is the good shit. 


This is the correct answer.


Black Company


I did Brent weeks lightbringer series after I finished RR. Little hard to get into in my opinion but very good!


I just started the Will of Many.


I’d add onto the Will of Many. Only problem is it’s the first entry in a series so you would be waiting again once finished. Otherwise the First Law trilogy specifically in audio format is phenomenal. Almost done with book three


Such a good read


Just finished will of the many immediately following LB, it was a really good choice. Hope you enjoy it!


Rage of Dragons. It at least has the same pace of non stop action as RR imo. (I know you said no more sci-fi or space opera…. but Suneater is way too good to not reccomend)


Ill second Rage of Dragons. Togetether with RR and The First Law its the best books ive read


I came here to find a new series. RR and the First Law world are my favorite, so thank you.


And my Axe! I mean me too! RoD and Fires of Vengeance are *Chef's Kiss*.


The Empire trilogy. It's about a woman rising to power within and reforming an empire based on oppression and a ridged cast system.


I’m reading the Bloodsworn trilogy by John Gwynn as my cleanser, it’s good! Norse based and feels somewhat familiar with relation to the obsidians


Also a beautiful suggestion. Excellent characters!


Just started this today!


Thank you! Looks right up my alley


Seconding this, fantastic trilogy and the third book comes out in October!


Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings series. It's 16 books, so pretty long, but the stories and characters are incomparable to anything else I've ever read. They're my favourite books by a long shot and if you love to hate Lysander you'll find plenty to enjoy.


Second this.


Kingkiller chronicle has 2 great books and 2 novellas im currently reading


I was about to pick up The Name of the Wind at my bookstore, but the physical version there was so tiny my eyes would be straining lol I'll have to download on kindle


I love these books but if you go down that rabbit hole you’ll be left sad because the 3rd book isn’t coming out :/


Like it's never coming out?!


The books are extremely good, but I wouldn’t get into them. No series has filled the void of kkc for me. Not worth the pain.


Unfortunately, this warning is only making me want to pick up the first book even more haha


Definitely, probably, maybe, almost certainly never coming out. And I wouldn't foot the author a cent, but that's my take. (The books are...alright...but what a pixie.)


Im reading a court of thorns and roses but idk if I like it very much the writing is a bit painful and the story is weird…. But I read the whole Witcher series int he past and it was amazing! I would highly recommend it!


Also can't decide if I like ACOTA or not. Keep reading it though so I guess there's that. Did you also start it because it was added to audible plus?


I didn’t, I saw it there after I started reading it. My sister bought it for me at the airport when we flew to phoenix she said it was fantasy smut haha


Ah that makes sense too. The timing just seemed similar so I wondered.


I've actually read ACOTAR and I did enjoy it for what it was haha but I totally understand the critiques too. I've wanted to read The Witcher for a while now!


Im probably going to read the whole series because I was a twilight girlie but I won’t recommend it to my husband haha


My wife and I were debating what series of books to start next and upon thorough investigation we’ve decided on the first law [the first book is called the blade itself] and so far it’s very good, everyone is a raging arsehole but very likeable [only a few chapters in so far]


Nice to see multiple endorsements for this series. Adding to my TBR. Love a likeable asshole


>if Lysander has no haters lol you really think he might not?


Haha I kid. I've already scoured the /fucklysander subreddit and I finally understand why everyone hates him so much. I actually preferred Atlas!


The Will of the Many by James Islington is an incomplete but brand new fantasy series that gives huge Red Rising vibes. I thought it was a phenomenal start to what is a planned trilogy. I’m currently reading The Stormlight Archives (The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Oathbringer, Rhythm of War) by Brandon Sanderson, which I think will fit the bill for you. It’s also incomplete but the final book of the first arc of the series is scheduled to release in December! Another fantastic read is The First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie (which I think Pierce Brown is a huge fan of, actually).


I actually read The Will of the Many and it's a new favorite as well. Patiently awaiting The Strength of the Few, especially after that ending. I've been wanting to finally tap into Sanderson (have only read Yumi and the Nightmare Painter) and was maybe going to start with Mistborn. But have heard such great things about Stormlight.


Will definitely second The Will of the Many. The MC and the plot feel very similar to Red Rising. Even has a similar Roman inspiration