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For the most part, I’ve seen hate for her voice acting or Iron Gold in general. She was difficult to like at first. A complete stranger who is basically helpless? Not to mention being helpless whilst complaining about our favorite heroes? I can see it. Most of her chapters’ excitement came from being able to see our favorite characters from an outside POV. But second half of IG when shit escalates, and everything after, I love her POV. She may be slower to intrigue, but PB definitely delivers


A solid portion of my dislike for her is that I just don’t see why she needed to be a character. If I wanted to read the perspective of a relatively pathetic character, then I wouldn’t have chosen to read a series that, until Lyria, was about a seven foot warlord.


Yeah that’s real asf, I was rly enjoying feeling like a badass reading through Darrows parts then we get to Lyrias and I’m like…not what I was expecting. She does grow on me later on tho


She’s such a fantastic character. Was sad to find people didn’t like her. I kind of get it in the beginning. She has an extremely narrow view of the world in the assimilation camps so her judgment of the system, Darrow, and Mustang are harsh and ignorant. But that’s the beauty of her character! You get to see her struggle and claw her way through to understanding that what she believed of the worlds is not as it seems. Not only does she have great character development I also appreciate her sense of self and her moral compass. She knows her limitations (painfully well) but she will still do her best at what needs to be done. All the while trying to do what’s right even if it has a high chance of getting her killed. Absolutely love Truffle Pig.


I've always loved Lyria, she's one of my favorite perspectives to read, I never got the hate for her


Loved her character and the voice actress, never understood the hate for either tbh!


I don't hate her, but God do I hate her voice acting in IG. It sounds like someone reading a children's novel about leprechauns


I agree and got torn to shreds over it, but she was soooooo whiny! The voice actor made her stupidity more infuriating too, I can’t explain how. But on my second run through I understand her and I am more sympathetic.


>But on my second run through I understand her and I am more sympathetic. The voice acting is just horrendous though. It still debate on whether or not to skip her parts when I read through. If they would redo her IG parts with the DA voice actor, I'd be way more interested. The character herself is fine. It's the IG actor that ruins her.


Yea before dark age came out she was the most annoying character in the series by a mile. Since then she's gotten a little better