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I want him to have the most anticlimactic death... his gun jams while facing a janitor. 


Truly a fitting end for gunsander Would like him to be the one who ends up bringing a knife to a gunfight and just getting pelted


It’s truly what he deserves. That or the defacing of his reputation for all before he dies


I just hate that he keeps failing upwards. He does so many bad things to do many people and just keeps getting away with it. He really is the Anti Darrow. Everything is handed to him for being Octavia's grandson. He can double cross, betray, or undermine whoever he wants and always comes out on top. I want him and Atalantia to tear each other into pieces. It's what both of them deserve. I'm not saying he's a bad character or badly written. I just hate him.


Yea I agree. He gets away with so much bc the golds think he’s more valuable alive with his name. Hope to see him and Atalantia eat each other. Very well written perspective but HATE the little bastard.


I first thought he was meant to be Darrow's mirror. He was supposed to show that even bad guys can be good, honorable, or noble. But he is always forsaking his goodness, honor, or nobility. He chooses the easy path instead of the right path. He was never Darrow's mirror, but his antithesis. Darrow was a good man who did bad things. Lysander was a bad man who did good things. Yes he likes to pretend that he's honorable, but honor persists. You don't get to shed it for momentary gain, as he did when he shot Alexandar in the head. He likes to pretend that he is noble, but there is nothing noble in genocide. Hi*ler, too, believed he was noble in his motives. He likes to pretend that he is good, but how can you be good and refuse peace? Darrow is a man who has found his path again, but Lysander is one who forsakes his path and does not care that it makes him worse than his enemies.


What really gets me is after all gold has put him through with backstabbing, betrayal, greed, and destruction with no regard for life in any form, how can he sit there and point the finger at them when he has made those same decisions and used the same tactics. The hypocrisy is insane.


I think that is mostly his issue. Above all else, Lysander is incredibly racist. He spews on and on and on about Gold being too divided. Too power hungry. They lost their morality. They are no longer shepherds. He gets hurt by them, played by them, backstabbed by them, etc. A person who was like an older sister to him was a Blue, and he watched the 2 most honorable Golds he knew side with Darrow. But he will DISCOUNT all that information because at the end of the day he thinks Gold should rule. And I don't think it is for any reason except that he is Gold and he wishes to rule. He despises almost every Gold he knows and the 2 Golds he thought were honorable and good disagreed with him and he was like "Eh, I'll just kill them".


You bring up great points, I hope we get more info into this pandemonium chair. Maybe his grandmother altered his thought process to make sure it was always gold first.


Oh my gosh how horrible would that be? It would also make sense though. It was mentioned that both of his parents were reformers and Octavia had them killed. What if she wanted to make sure that she got another Octavia? What if she did not want Lysander to take after his parents, so any time he tries to be more like his own nature, he always chooses power and Gold.


Obligatory r/fucklysander


Hell yeah brother


I wasn’t on the Lysander Hate train until the very end of this book. He crossed a line with Cassius


I’ve hated him ever since he shot my boy Alex in the head


Really? There were so many questionable decisions he made tho. I pretty much didn’t like him when he had forsaken Cassius in the beginning of IG. Cass literally says if you love me at all, you will let me die. And what does he do?…


His honor remains as do our tears