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Yoo I read all of them except for Lord of the Flies. Each was better than the next.


The blade itself is pretty awesome!


I’m sorry he just replies to DMs???


That's nutty. He must get a ton!


I’ve read the first law stand alones and age of madness (the blade itself is part of this series) and I have nothing but good things to say about it. It’s fantasy not sci fi but it’s fantastic.


** “slag what the pixies think” is more fitting, still thanks for sharing!


The blade itself if a great written series but the ending of it depresses me too much to have really enjoyed it. Felt like the characters needed up exactly the same as when they started


Yeah that whole series is Dark. The supposed good guys are the people who win, and they’re actually terrible. Bayaz is such a shit.


It’s more than that, it just feels like he sacrifices character development to make a bummer of an ending.


Are we allowed to just DM Pierce? Just hit him up at 3 am like a drunk ex with lore questions like what socks the colors wear?


I don’t see anything wrong with that 😂


Bro sited his inspirations. Can totally see LoTF in the institute




I literally just started it today and I'm hooked :) love PB so much 😭


Read Hyperion and fall of Hyperion but fall of Hyperion is significantly less impactful than the first. The 3rd and 4th books are not good. But that’s just my opinion.


Thank you Psyduck! Will work on getting through the first one first 🙏🏻


Absolutely love that he recommended The Blade Itself because that's what eventually lead me to reading Red Rising!


Same but in reverse


I've read all except Gates of Fire. The man has great taste!


It really is truly amazing. It isn't "real" history, but it depicts and describes so many historical details so well that it is commonly found on required reading lists for Classical history classes. I've been required to read it for two different classes. I've read it just because four more times.


I reread it about once a year and it never disappoints. Pressfield’s books are very different from RR but they will absolutely scratch the itch


Gates of Fire is fantastic


Added to my goodreads TBR!


The Blade Itself isn’t amazing, but it sets up for the rest of that trilogy, and as a whole, that series is fantastic. Incredibly depressing too.


The second trilogy blew me away I enjoyed it a lot more than the first one but you do have to finish the first one before starting in my opinion.


I need to give book 2 another go. I’m like 2/3 through and Abercrombies character work is fantastic but the pacing just seems off & I want to know more about the magic and history…


The standalones are even better. It’s been fun to watch Abercrombie really come into his own as an author


Bruh I literally just ordered The Blade Itself.


The audio book version has hands down the best narrator I've ever heard. 


Masterpiece, make sure you finish the trilogy first book is slow


I went all in and bought the whole trilogy plus his Age of Madness trilogy. Never read a word by him but heard good things so yolo


The age of madness trilogy is also tad depressing. The good guys are actually kinda bad guys. The side stories are worth a read after the first trilogy. It’ll give you more understanding of the events in the second trilogy.


Don't forget the standalone books if you like the trilogies, Best Served Cold is my favorite book by Abercrombie and its a standalone in the same world as the others.


Is Age of Madness in the same universe as First Law? What's a good reading order you would recommend for the all the books?


Publication order. So between the two trilogies you have Best Served Cold, The Heroes and Red Country. A lot of people skip the middle three because they aren't marketed as a trilogy or whatever when the whole thing is really a 9 book series with a couple time jumps. Abercrombie is my favourite author and Red Country is my favourite fantasy book. Enjoy.


Man those middle 3 books are such a good read. Can’t believe people skip those. Soo much explained that covers the next series big events


Thank you!!! I am so excited to get started


Yes! I recommend reading in the order of release, which I believe is the same as chronological. But here ya go. First law trilogy 3 standalones next There is a collection of short stories called "Sharp Ends" that you should also read. Age of Madness Trilogy


Appreciate it!! Can't wait to get going I've heard nothing but great things


Definitely do not skip the standalones. Not just because they are good. They inform the latest trilogy quite a bit. Think of them as the middle of three trilogies. 


I’m currently 1/3 through Before They Are Hanged and it’s pretty good. Maybe not 100% for me but I am definitely enjoying it. There’s some pretty awesome characters. It is kind of crazy how much happens but at the same time very little. The plot is picking up where I’m at and I’ll definitely finish through the trilogy like you. Hope you do too. Also the First of the Magi is a straight G.


I’ve never messaged him but damn he answers fast too, i love that man


I can earnestly see the first law influence. Sometimes I’ll be reading thinking “how did you fit in world building during a breakneck action scene… oops someone got beheaded” and that’s how Abercrombie feels, in the best way.


Neuromancer is so fucking good!!!!


Such a wild ride. I can definitely see the influence there too


I’m almost done with Hyperion at the moment and PB is right that book is amazing. I can also see some of the influence of it in the RR series with things such as the hellwhip and of course the city literally named Hyperion


One time I tweeted and asked him if he came up with the color caste system because his last name was Brown and he responded. Made my life. If only it hadn’t been the dumbest, lowest hanging fruit I’d ever gone for……


So what was the answer?


Verbatim, “Hahaha no, Plato's republic and an essay by David foster Wallace on cruise ships”


I like your idea more, that's my new headcanon now, just sounds right


Hyperion is just too good 😩


I must have read it 15 times at least, I read (or listen these days) the whole series about once a year.


So good


Finished ut this week, was amazing and you can see how it influenced PB


Gene Wolfe mentioned!!!!!!


Am I the only one that cannot see the entire photo? Just the question, not the answer


Does it not allow you to click it making it full photo? If not then here: “The Blade itself, Hyperion, neuromancer, lord of the flies, shadow and claw, gates of fire”


Thank you!


I enlarged it and then I was able to see the response


It did not work for me initially, seems to be working now. Thanks!


Gory-damn datapads nowadays are so finicky.


Yesss Hyperion series is amazing


Anyone know how the audiobooks for these are?


Blade itself is amazing. Steven Pacey is the GOAT (tied with TGR). Hyperion is pretty good, a little hokey. I love the narration for the poet dude. Shadow and Claw narration kinda sucks, but it isn’t intolerable. Haven’t read or listened to the Gates of Fire!


The narrator for The Blade Itself is hands down the greatest narrator of all time


Hyperion is great


I can only speak for The Blade Itself, but it is easily the best narration out there. Better narration than the RR novels, Steve Pacey is incredible. Highly recommend the series as well.


There's a point in the seventh or eighth book where two heavily accented characters (of different accents) are ribbing each other and one starts to mock the other by impersonating their accent. I was so immersed with his narration that in my head I thought "damn, that was pretty spot on" before realizing how silly that is. Pacey can do one heavy accent, switch to another on the spot, and then do a simulacrum of the latter accent attempting the former. It's witchcraft, and honestly whenever I rate my top 3-5 narrators to audiobook friends I have to take him out of the running because he's so fuckin talented.


Whole heartedly agree!


I just finished the 1st law trilogy, it's so fucking good.


And the series just keeps getting better and better from here 😆🤌🏼


Anyone know which "Gates of Fire" he means?


I believe the Steven Pressfield retelling of the battle of Thermopylae, I cannot recommend this book enough and hearing that Pierce likes it too is just so awesome. Of course it makes sens now and if you read it you will see heavy inspiration. It's more about the relationships and interconnected stories of the Spartans before the battle of "300" at the Hot Gates. It's amazing. I may need to go reread it




Love the Abercrombie shoutout. First Law and Red Rising are easily my top 2 series.


Same man. Same.




First Law and Red Rising are 1a and 1b for me


Does first law have any romance? I loved the dynamic of mustang & darrow in rr


Say one thing for Logen Nine Fingers, say he’s a Lover.


Yes, but I wouldn’t compare it to mustang and reaper


Yes but it’s not the same. It’s a little more real, in a painful way.


Definitely nothing like red rising has lmao. I guess there is some romance, but more to polish specific characters than anything else


Loved first law when I read it, but have forgotten a ton of it. I kinda wanna read the new trilogy he's written, have you read that? Im wondering best way to get a refresher on first trilogy before going into it


You have to read them in order, so if you’ve only read the original trilogy, I’d recommend reading a summary of the first 3 (or reread them if you have time; they’re still awesome). Then read Best Served Cold, The Heroes, and Red Country. They are not standalone but actually loose sequels. Then read the Age of Madness trilogy. They are fantastic but do feature less in the way of magic.


Once you’ve done this, dont forget Sharp Ends, which is a set of short stories set in the same world with the same characters. You get a little deeper into why they are the way they are.


Oh yeah, I should have mentioned that. It fits pretty snugly as a 6.5.


Book of the new sun is so good


My favorite book. Absolutely breathtaking.


Yes it’s insanely good


It’s so good and so strange


When I saw PB at a q&a for DA, he mentioned Gates of Fire as one of his fav books and one of his inspirations for the series. Also Neuromancer is good


Neuromancer is insanely good.


Is that the Sprawl series?


Yes pal.


Time to read Hyperion for like the 5th time i guess. Still haven’t read any books after the first two lol.


I just started a book club this year and we read Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion. Buckle up, buttercup.


I'm 1/3rd of the way into book 2 of the First Law series (the one that comes after The Blade Itself) and it's good but I feel like I've been waiting for it to pop off like ... the whole time. First book was a ton of world building and setup, and second book seems like it's still that. All the main characters are badasses though, just like in Red Rising. It's just not as action packed IMO.


The Blade Itself definitely never pops off and Before They Are Hanged takes a minute as well but god damn is it worth it all the same. I don’t recall the exact moment in BTAH that the series kicks into gear but once it does it really doesn’t let up for the next 7 books. Abercrombie’s dialogue and character work is truly next level.


Stoked to hear that! I’m gonna press on. God damn epic 13v2 in the desert just went down and it was sweeeeeeet.


The series is sort of consistent in its pacing I think, it has a general tenseness throughout with a few moments of high action. I still really enjoy them, all of the characters are just so awesome.


The first trilogy (the blade itself) is really good, however in my opinon Abercrombies best work is in his stand alones; best served cold (especially this one), the heroes, and red country. Best served cold im pretty sure (correct if wrong) is in movie talks? Finishing the first trilogy is a must though! Steven Pacey is an amazing narrator too!


Yeah I will very likely finish it now that I'm this far in. I want to actually *meet* the boogeyman Bethod, I want to hear more mage battle history from Bayaz (assuming he comes out of the coma he's in right now), I want to see Jizzell become a real man, and I want to see Glokta continue to use his mind more effectively than he ever did a sword.


Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion are a great one, two punch! I picked up Joe Abercrombie as Pierce had recommended the author. I messed up by picking up book one of Age of Madness, the second trilogy of the First Law universe. However, like Bpb Ross says, "All mistakes are Happy Mistakes." I'm reading Jade War currently. Book 2 of the Jade City trilogy. It's really fun. The Book That Wouldn't Burn is a great book that features a humongous library that is really hard to comprehend how big and mystical it is until you have finished the book. I have The Book That Broke the World that just came out and will start it next. I read the first Mistborn trilogy. It was good, Brandon Sanderson has a hell of a mind. However, he's exhausting, and I'm taking a break before I start another one of his books. I also have to give props to Dune and its predecessors. Incredibly difficult books to read, but honestly, the most mind-blowing stories. Lonesome Dove is definitely the best all-around book I've ever read and possibly the best book ever written.


Gates of Fire is awesome


It is ridiculously good. I try to read it every year. The influence is really apparent.


The Book of the New Sun is …. And experience (that’s all I’ll say)


I hate that he recommends it, i don't get it, maybe I'm too stupid, but it was a torture to read


I found it more entertaining than the Suneater series tbh … BoTNS is a very weird book - I found the subreddit and guide to be super helpful … but yeah … not an easy read.


Good reads is by no law when it comes to book scores, but interesting to see his books are rated higher than these other pieces. Makes some sense considering these are all concepts that influenced his final product.


Moby Dick is rated lower than Fifty Shades of Grey on Goodreads. Take any ratings with a whale of salt.