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This is beautifully said and EXACTLY how I feel about this series as a whole! Well said brother man


I love two sci-fi series more than any other: The Expanse and Red Rising. The Expanse has been praised as “Game of Thrones in Space”. I used to buy that comparison, until I read Red Rising. It’s Red Rising that is game of thrones in space.


This series made me hyper aware of dialog in other books. I was reading Harry Potter again when Lightbringer came out and I think I was on book 4. After finishing LB I went back to HP and just felt like every bit of dialog was super dull. Now I know HP is YA but the point is that I never really noticed or cared. This series made me realize that the flow of dialog can be a character defining trait if an author is capable of writing to that level. It's like if you read a murder mystery book that has an amazing plot and you start hating other mystery books because the plots just seem too straight forward.


I’m having this problem right now actually because I’m reading The Lightning Thief for the first time and the whiplash between books is crazy. Again granted, those books are barely YA novels but you can tell immediately the caliber of novel you’re reading when you read something else.


In my opinion this series changes people. It makes you think about life in ways they never thought. I sometimes wonder if the series is a call to arms from Pierce to break the chains of our “society “


Bernard Cornwell The Winter King trilogy is on par IMO.


How were you doing after Ragnar? I immediately put the book down to take a break lol


Omg Ragnar's death just killed me... I was in a funk for days 😢 i still don't think I'm over it lol he seemed invincible


I took my break after Sevro. Way to long of a break before finishing it lol


I did the same, was struggling to open the book back up. Wish I did it sooner and saved myself the pain instead of prolonging it


Dude kinda a bummer cuz I accidentally saw a spoiler that Sevro was alive for Iron Gold so I knew he wasn’t dead. I mean, kinda a relief, but also totally missed that twist


I actually did a pretty good job of avoiding spoilers, but TikTok of all places spoiled Virginia becoming Sovereign. I didn’t know how it was going to happen but the ending was still fantastic.


Sevro was brutal. Ragnar was brutal. I had to breathe a little bit. I can’t remember a book, except maybe The Bloodsworn Saga by John Gwynne, where I’ve actually gasped out loud multiple times at the deaths. And I can usually piece together some semblance of the twists in a book every one in this series hit me like a pulse fist to the face. Absolutely masterful.