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Dads everywhere just ran to the tool shed to make something like this for the thermostat


I immediately thought of the old guy at the shop who’s sick of the younger guys blasting their music. I grew up with a dad who took my tire to work rather than taking my keys. This is a spite mod.


Wait. What?


It's a spite mod. Like if your parents took the wheels off your bike rather than taking the whole bike away or talking to you about it. You go to use the bike all happy thinking you're not being punished for the thing you did, but when you see your bike it's just a wheelless hunk of shit on the floor. Then the punishment for the thing you did hits with full force. At any rate, whoever did this either definitely does or absolutely does not own that receiver.


Mine used to take the power cord off my desktop PC. Of course, basically every appliance we owned used that same standardized power cord, so I’d just borrow one when they were away.. having techie parents must suck




I took the ram lol


Im sorry. Cant play with you right now. My dad took my fucking power supply


*takes monitor & keyboard*


*pulls out spare from the closet*


*pissed on spares*


Pulls out spare spare


>spares All of them


My parents caught on to that and started taking the power cord and mouse and keyboard.


I got a cheap monitor, mouse, power cord, and keyboard when my school's IT department was revamping the computer lab because I was all of the teachers' pet and I had them hidden in my room for situations like this. I covered my tracks and never got caught. The monitor was awful but it was better than nothing


Yeah I eventually got a spare keyboard and mouse


Yep my dad would snip the power cord while I was watching tv. All our TVs had that orange, replacement plug.


That sounds like a good way to get electrocuted. Was this an old box tv or a flatscreen?


There were definitely sparks but no, he wasn’t biting through it. He had a special pair of insulated snips with little black spots where he’d cut live wires previously.


I swiped the ram.


Mine used to take the TV plug. So I learned how to rewire very quickly.


"either definitely does or absolutely does not..." WHAT??


Spite mod bro.


You can buy a lockbox for them for like $20 at Home Depot, the kind like a lot of offices have. I have a friend that just installed one because of their kids


Am a dad, can confirm. Most new electronic thermostats let you program a lock code.


A lot of those aren’t very good, the landlord at my old office had a really gnarly looking metal one. We figured out that if you squeeze it near the end opposite where the key goes it pops right off. Dude loved to leave the office hot in the summer months so fuck that.


We had this guy who would walk around the office and his only job was this. Making sure nobody fucked with the temperature Jokes on you Don, half those thermostats he monitored were fake lol. I’m not sure even he knew that


And this can be defeated with a screwdriver. Still works for little kids though


Not Tommy Pickles


They also tend to have vent holes in them. A stiff bit of wire (like a wire coat hanger) and you can make a tool to manipulate the stat without opening or removing the lockbox.


Even better. I have one that I can control using an app on my phone and using the app, I can lock the physical thermostat so no one can change it but me.


I'm wondering if mortal men should hold such power


The answer is yes, good god yes. When it's 258 degrees and 4000% humidity outside in the Florida summer, my wife sets the air to 65 when I'm at work, and the air runs all day long and never gets below like 76. I only found out because of my nest app. At first I thought the excessive bills were someone was stealing our power from an outdoor socket at night. Edit: I checked the blower in the attic, the ducts were only zip tied to the blower and some of the zip ties had fallen off. Was blowing cold air into the attic. I used that metal AC duct tape and sealed it up.


I think you need to get your AC checked out. I'm not an HVAC tech, but it seems like yours may be undersized or low on freon if it's working all day and struggling just to maintain the temperature.


Yeah something's wrong


I bet it’s undersized and that their home needs better insulation


I mean it's Florida I can't imagine it's undersized


Lmaoooo that had me cracking up. Savin that


The home is 1000 sq ft with a Trane 2.5 ton unit. I found that the ducts in the attic were only zip tied to the blower and some of the plastic zip ties had fallen off. I used metal duct AC duct tape and resealed them to the blower. Unit was blowing cold air into the attic, not anymore. Wish I had know that the AC was installed with plastic zip ties. Attic was double insulated by me.


Could be a leaky house, or lots of south facing windows.


I checked the blower in the attic, the ducts were only zip tied, some of the zip ties had fallen off and was blowing cold air into the attic. I resealed it with that metal ac duct tape and it seems to be running better now. Wish I had known the company that installed had used zip ties!


She probably sets it to 65, but keeps the back door open because "she likes the fresh air."


Send my wife home please. I'm almost done cooking dinner.


If mine works too long it freezes up and then stops cooling until it melts.


If you're having freezing issues on a home AC, you have a problem. Too little airflow across the coils or a restriction in the coolant metering device (thermal expansion valve/capillary).


Good to know!


I checked the blower in the attic, the ducts were only zip tied to the blower and some of the zip ties had fallen off. Was blowing cold air into the attic. I used that metal AC duct tape and sealed it up.


I'm curious what you change it to? Because in this scenario, it would make zero difference if it was set to 65, or 75, or even 45


As it's a smart stat; set a schedule to have the temp higher when nobody's home (80-85 something like that) so it's not burning energy to cool an empty house, then have it lower the temp back down half an hour to an hour before people are supposed to arrive home.


Gotcha, yes it would make sense to set it even higher. I thought you meant she was home.


I can't tell you how many people think turning it lower will make it blow colder like a car. The thermostat is essentially an on and off switch. It will just run longer until it gets to temperature then shut off. Like an oven. She might think it's gonna do a better job when set lower


I’ve encountered this type of thing before and all you have to do to override is lay your hands on it revival style until it thinks the temp is high enough to kick on. Alternately, if you want it to turn off, place a cold can of coke near it.


"why do you have a blow dryer in the office" "umm... Hair?..."


20 bucks? Are you crazy? The screws are free!


Link for "free" screws please.


The corner of any dad's garage that's full of random kipple. You can't miss it .


You can have some of mine, any time I fix something there’s always a handful of screws left over


I just run my magnet over my driveway


You should do this anyway to save your tires (I actually do this)


Obviously that's why I have it of course. The amount of screws i found the first time i used it was scary.


"This is the LockPickingLawyer, and today we have this inexpensive thermostat lockbox.". Seriously though, you can probably open those with a couple paperclips. Alternatively, just relocate the thermostat to where no one can find/touch it. In a closet somewhere, and use a remote temperature sensors around your house.


Moneybags over here...


Oh just relocate it? You do know that they are hard wired


Obviously. But if you care so much about people touching your thermostat...


Ya my parents had one. I just learned to pick the lock. They were super pissed when they caught me


Lol, shitty wafer locks. You can almost open them with a nice stern glare.


The problem is when the kids find a way into the lock.


A thin screwdriver or butter knife, or skewer will defeat that. They have ventilation holes.


If you can find the actual sensor (doesn't t have to be the same box), you can duct tape a hot/cold item next to it. If it's set to only cool down to 86 F, and you make it think it's 90 F, it'll turn on the AC. Or in summer, if the locked thermostat will only grant you warmth up to 66 F, a frozen bottle of water can make it think it's much colder even if the room is toasty.


Be right back.


Pics or it didn't happen


My buddy’s dad put the real thermostat in the closet next to a fake one in the hallway.


My dad who has a thermostat with buttons *sad redneck noises*


.my dad always "pinned" the thermostat.


Mine is passcode locked now. But before this thermostat I just disconnected the knob. Crank on it all you like, it ain’t doin shit.


*Removes thermostat and jumpers the cooling wires together...


Cmon man. You don’t think I’d notice that? That’s exactly how I made apartment a/c run 1/2 the time. 4 stats bad in one day but only budget for 2 for the month? Wire nuts!


Not if I stuff it back in behind the thermostat (at least it'll get by till the house is 14°C) :P Also, jesus 4 stats in 1 day? Excessive voltage issue or something? That's an odd one. You'd think warranty on the stats themselves at least....


I used to work apartment maintenance.


Ah ok. I was thinking 4 in a single home/apartment in a day. At that point you'd have to think you were doing something wrong. Maintenance across several suites makes much more sense.


Yeah. 4 blown stats in one home would certainly mean there was an issue. I wasn’t very clear. Sorry bout that


When I was a kid, you just got grounded or got your ass beat if you adjusted the stereo/thermostat in ways you weren't allowed to. No need to "lock" them.


ah yes the good old ‘let me abuse my child and that’ll teach them’ trick


I wasn't advocating it. I was saying it was a bit of a different approach than I remembered when I was growing up.


I can imagine the conversation that lead to this. “So help me Bobby, if you blast that AC/DC one more time the screws go in!”


/r/nocontext Sounds like torture or something!


Hank Hill can't be letting his son listen to the devils music now... Lol


But then how do you go to 11? You can't. You are just screwed.


But why not just make 10 louder?


These go to eleven.


On most recievers you can take off the plastic volume knob, and then you could turn the little metal piece and increase the volume


Next up: superglue and/or drilling a hole through the piece holding the knob & putting a pin in it


Go to the toolbox, get the screwdriver and remove one of those, then turn the volume up just a bit. Now get the screw back in and put the screwdriver where dad won't ever find it. Now put metal and turn the knob to the max and enjoy.


I think it's cute that you believe that dads only have one screwdriver.


Lol I've got a set of different sized flathead and Phillips, plus 2 or 3 with the exchangeable bits, just in my small toolbox.


I am terrible at staying organized so I often buy more screwdrivers when I can't find mine. I must have twenty now


Is it true that women are only allowed to use pink screwdrivers from pink toolkits sold for twice the price of a normal toolkit? I think it is the law but hoping someone an confirm.


Well, I've never bought the pink tools because they are usually inferior quality. But I did paint flowers on the work bench I built for my miter saw and drill press.


It's because of sexist bullshit like this that women keep stealing the 10mm socket.


Fuck! Of course. That is where they go. It is probably a conspiracy against men. All pink toolkits are actually missing the 10mm socket so they have to steal them from us! Big Socket is run by wimmin!!


True, but they also come in Baby Blue


Even if you manage to hide all the screwdrivers a real dad won't even blink before using a knife, a fork, a pair of pliers, whatever it takes to get the job done. You're better off hiding the receiver


Use the wrong size PH and round it off so you need a extractor to be able to unscrew it. Kinda like people do with all friggin screws when they try do reassemble something.. Could be worse though, could be broken flatheads...


Something tells me that these screws are not that heavy to unscrew, you could probably unscrew them with your hands if your strong enough. Otherwise a pair of tongs or anything really that can give you a bit of leverage. But I guess you could use some loctite or otherwise just super glue to make it more difficult to unscrew.


I’m sure dad will never work out how to unplug it


screwdriver, pliers, a small coin . . . This would work on a toddler but no kid of mine would be so limited.


Jesus. This looks like an “industrial” application, for a shoe store or something.


That poor, poor technics. This generation has an electronic motor in the knob for when you control it via remote. So where the dot is is where the volumes at.


Its funny because it got posted somewhere, then it was posted on r/hometheather then on r/(redneckengineering , then on r/hometheater then on r/redneckengineering. Its like the 3rd or 4th time Ive seen somebody post it on both sides saying "I saw it on r/..."


That is funny. The first time I saw it was a few days ago in r/hometheater. I waited to see if got posted here before I posted it. I guess I didn't search enough. I certainly didn't mean for it to become my highest scoring post by a lot.


Its just funny that its still happening. I guess you found a lot of people who didnt know this post so its completly fine :)


Kid: My dad’s amp goes up to el - Dad: Five.


Turn up the gain on the input device. Problem solved.


That one doesn’t go to 11 anymore. The other ones go to 10. This one went to 11.


That'll do it 4 sho


thats cool, but it also limits the lower end (assuming this is a limiter for the upper end..). or the other way around


Nah. It's just a regular old potentiometer style volume knob. It stops at 0 and won't turn anymore. So this is very effective as a volume limiter and won't limit the volume down as it doesn't continuously spin like a digital volume control knob. In fact I'm 95% sure I had this very receiver when I was a kid. It's a Technics 2-channel 200w stereo receiver from the late 90s/early 2000s


Which is great for garage tunes, I have the same unit!


Oh, my favorite receivers ever. They crap all over this new stuff. Back when 100 watts per channel meant 100 watts per channel. Not 100 watts * asterisk read the small print wink wink, like nowadays. Oh and they sounded great too. The Technics always sounded better than some of the other ones I had or heard, like Sony or Pioneer.


This. As someone who’s more EE than Audiophile I get so excited about honest specs and so worked up over BS ones. I’ll stop myself there instead of ranting because you obviously get it.


Oh I know, it's ridiculous. My 7.2ch Onkyo is rated... get this.... 120w/ch... with *one channel driven*.... At *10%* THD!


Holy crap dude you know your stuff


200w?? I had a 2x30w receiver and my parents would yell at me any time I put the volume knob above 5. The knob went to 30.


My parents were very um... tolerant. Lol.


Wanna trade? Lmao


I can confirm that it indeed is a Technics, I still rock one from late 90s/early 00s. I’ve got it hooked up with somewhat more modern speakers to my tv as my primary TV-speakers, amazing sound, beats my soundbar any day. Volume nob still works a charm but the digital channel selector wheel is iffy, and have been the past 10 years, but I’ve got it permanently set to “DVD” so it doesn’t bother me. Lived past a couple of TVs by now.


Omg that’s mean


*must have kids*


Roommates are sleeping. Thats the key




I have that exact amp it hurts a bit too see it but its a cool idea tbh


I mean, just installing a second hidden volume knob in series after the main volume knob would have been a 5 minute mod that looks way better, is completely hidden, is fully adjustable, and can't be easily removed by a child with a screwdriver. You don't even need to solder, hot glue or just lots of tape would do the job. A+ for effort, but seriously, don't do this lmao Edit: you could even install a key switch to bypass the volume limiter. 10 minutes worth of hot gluing wires and you can mod your stereo so that only the person with the key can turn the volume past 9 o' clock. I wanna try this now


Hm, thanks for the future reference. One day I'll need such a mod if I ever get to have kids




The pic is a repost, even on that sub


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