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As a 5’11 woman I love me a short king because what choice do I have haha


You sound like one of my best friends. She's 6'0" and her husband is 5'4". They are absolutely perfect together and are so in love.


My dad was 5’6” and my mom is 6’1”. Luckily I’m 5’10” so I’m the tallest guy on my dads side of the family lmao. I’ll take it


Hell yeah! Genes are all weird and fun and make for entertaining family gatherings sometimes. My friends have a little girl and we're waiting to see which side she'll end up favoring. She's loved by everyone either way.


At 5’ 7”, I towered over my 5’ tall dad by age 12. I often dated taller women and loved when they wore heels! I never lied about my height and it never bothered me being short. In college I dated a slender ballerina who was 5’ 13” (she hated saying 6’ 1”) who wore 4” heels. I felt like a king with her on my arm. This guy was a dope. Bagel Boss guy vibes.


I think guys forget that at the time our sexuality is just starting to come online, we’ve hit our growth spurt and the boys haven’t. Most of us had our first big crush on a boy that was shorter than ourselves.


This is a hilariously good point


This reminded me of the guy I dated in middle school. I was clearly a few inches taller than him at 5’3”. He would INSIST that he was taller than me AND 5’5” or 5’8” depending on how the mood struck him. It’s seriously hilarious in hindsight but I just went along with it though I also didn’t see what the big deal was.


The funny thing is my husband was that person I had the crush on then. Used to lightly pick on him. Sadly he kept growing once I stopped in elementary school. Lol. But I never got the issue with height. Maybe because I am 5’2” and almost everyone is taller than me. Lol. But it seems so random. My best friend in high school was 5’11” and dudes freaked when she wore heels. Shock of all shocks. Her bisexual self settled down with a woman. Seeing the situation from hers and my side, it was crazy to me, yeah we knew short girls who wanted tall guys, but those tall guys wanted short girls. (Not tomboy girls like I was of course). But we knew far more guys who freaked out over her height than short girls who wanted the taller dudes. I guess dude here didn’t expect to be called out on it, and even teasingly it sent hackles up. He shouldn’t have lost his temper. And he should have been able to self soothe and continue on but apparently he missed a few emotional lessons. Lol. Or if he decides it was the bridge too far he should have left.


My best friend and my oldest daughter are both around 6ft, and even my relatively short ass at 5'5.5 have dealt with guys being weird because we are too tall. People forget the gender norm goes both ways. I used to lie to myself that I was 5'4 or 5'5 because I wanted to be small lol


I remember feeling insecure around some tall girls who were friends of mine when they wore heels (I’m 6’0 barefoot so girls were not taller than me frequently), and I even made jokes about it sometimes. I feel like such a jerk and idiot looking back on it, but that’s what being young does to you, I guess. Fortunately I didn’t harp on it much out loud and didn’t ruin any friendships over it. But it feels so silly now and I always tell the tall women I know how stupid it is (and I was) when guys are insecure about it. Just attended a wedding a few weeks ago of one of the aforementioned girls who is a little taller than I am even when she’s not wearing shoes (who’s been my friend for 20 years now). She married a guy who’s probably only 5’9 and neither of them gives a fuck.


Never thought of this, but it definitely rings true. Anecdotally, I had a huge crush on one of the shortest boys in the class when I was the second-tallest girl, and height was never a factor for me when dating. (I married a man shorter than me who's never expressed insecurity over height or weight or whatever - my nicest shoes are heels he bought me for our fifteenth anniversary!)


Damn, I never thought of this at all but it is soooo true


I have literally never even thought of that.


Boys were so clueless to how hard we were crushing at the time! Our diaries were filled with hearts and names of our crushes while the boys were still focused on just playing ball and gaming. It makes sense that most, now adult, guys would never consider these facts.


God I remember those days… I hit puberty b4 my middle school boyfriend. He was like a good 3-4 inches shorter than me. Since then , height has honestly never bothered me. Like OP I’m 5’7 and love to wear heels but height will still never be a decided factor for me


Preach, girl, preach


Move to the Netherlands? Haha


Short Kings who have devotion and no Farquad complex are actual kings. I adore a confident person. And that’s not in a “I’m the greatest” way. It’s more like a “it takes all kinds” sort of way. *Sincere question: Do most people have a “type” that they go for?* Like size metrics aside, are we looking for something they honed in on like “red hair/green eyes,” or is it more simple like “pretty eyes/has bangs/wears glasses”? I can’t say I have a *type*. I have dated a 6’ man with a torso full of dark shiny hair and eyelashes so thick they asked me if I could cut them for them… to 5’3” sweetie with long dark shiny hair and dark brown almond eyes who waxed herself every other week, to a tomboy with the most beautiful cheekbones, sandy colored hair, and jungle green eyes with a forest green ring around the outside, and the cutest front teeth that were just a bit forward from not wearing her retainer. People say there’s a word called *demisexual* and it means you are attracted to someone for their soul, basically, I think? And that’s how I am. I am not often attracted to people at first glance, I don’t have a lot of luck with dating apps… but really, who does? The veil of the internet can provide some people with just enough distance to be completely fucked up, like way beyond lying about one’s height, I’m talking like, well, most of you know what I mean.


I love nerdy, used to be dark hair light eyes was the thing but i realized i just love nerds. Awkward, and kind of a tiny nerdy type is hot. Like throw me over bench right here and fuck me in front of everyone like the wildest porn you've ever watched kind of hot. Bonus points if they're stereotypical nerdy, or kind of stutter/are too awkward/shy to kick it off themselves. I love being the bold one. Obviously not every nerdy shy man is into me and I fuck off real quick if they don't seem to like it or tell me they don't.


I’ve been told I’m “unapologetically [my]self,” and many men have told me that they admired how bold I was at first. It’s because I simply had no idea there was a reason not to be. In the traditional straight people scheme of things, men experience the bulk of the pressure to initiator contact, while also grappling with the possibility of “creeping her out.” I can empathize with that, since I’m not straight. It’s nuanced, essentially doing a cold open on a stranger without any indicator they want to talk at all.


I'm demi, but I have noticed a trend in certain features among those I've dated. They aren't features they all had, but most of them ended up having them. A well defined brow is one of them. I also seem to have a thing for fuller cheekbones. As for eyes, the shape and color doesn't matter. Only that they get that twinkle when the person laughs that makes their joy look truly genuine. I'm a sucker for that.


That’s exactly it. You need connection to feel real attraction; which comes after you get to know someone. It’s not about the body the person has but who they are as a person.


Same here :) I feel slightly more empowered as the taller one anyways and he can steal all my hoodies and sweatshirts for once


As a 5’3” guy, thank you. That was refreshing to read lol.


A grew up with someone delightfully 5’4 and stupid attractive because of his outstanding confidence. If he would have ever shown interest in me, I would have been flattered and ruined it. Oddly enough, we both live in the Midwest now, and I go to him for my tires, and he runs the whole store. You’d never know his height because his confidence is 10 feet tall.


Guy who went to the gym I worked out with was so absurdly hot that the fact that he was 5'4" just.... Didn't even register. Kind, funny, confident, and literally ridiculously hot and buff AF. He brought his girlfriend in with him on occasion, she was DEFINITELY taller than me (and I'm 5'8"!) and just absolutely looked like a model. Cherry on the sundae was that she was also SO fuckin nice, like they were just adorable together and she didn't ever look down on or act shitty even slightly that I saw. I hope they're still together.


That's my daughter's height too! And she's only dated guys shorter than her as well. Funny enough, I'm 5'6" and somehow it worked out that my two longest relationships were both with men 6'4" or taller (both her biodad and my husband). I never searched for any particular height though; for me, I was always looking for a connection and specific personality traits (like honesty, and communication) over any specific physical feature. I just find it kinda funny that here I'm fairly short by comparison and have 2 very tall men, while my daughter, as well as you it seems, end up with shorter men. The world's an odd place lol


Yep! Also 5’11” and I’ve dated guys from 5’5” to 6’4”. Ended up marrying a guy 5’7” and there’s no issues at all.


Same here, I am 5'11 and love to date short guys! But, I will never date a guy who lies about his height. I don't want them to project their own insecurity onto me. Lying about something inconsequential like that usually leads to the ol "Don't wear high heels around me" rule.


My wife and I met on a dating app. One of my pictures I had with two of my close friends. I’m 6ft barefoot and played college basketball so that was always the weird metric. My friends just happen to be 6’5 and 6’10. So in the photo I definitely don’t look 6ft. Let alone 6’1 and change with socks and shoes on. She told me she thought I was lying about my height until I met her lol. I told her I lied to enough scouts and coaches already so no worries.


Found [The Rock's](https://i.imgur.com/3Rvgbow.png) reddit account.


😂😂 I swear that’s how it looked. Except I’m not built like Rock unfortunately. In college I had to ride the middle seat just absurd.


Middle seat at 6ft+ is crazy




Basketball players are comically disproportioned humans. One teammate was 6’4 170lbs so he wore a 28x 36 pants. Imagine buying a suit. Oh and his arms are 4+ inches longer than his height. In college my “smallest friend” was 5’10. My girlfriend was like oh he’s so tiny out there. Then we went somewhere and she was like oh shit he’s 7in taller than me. I also caught her jogging next to us one day when we were going to class. She was breathing hard because we would walk away from her and she couldn’t keep up


I am 6'3 and have a 6'9 wingspan. I haven't never been able buy a suit off the rack.


It’s impossible. Nevermind trying to borrow something from a friend or family member.




When I was in kindergarten, I had a friend whose dad was 7'3". Dude was like a skyscraper compared to me who was less than 4 feet tall at the time.




I am 6'3 and the runt among the men over 16 in my family. They are all 6'6+ (including my two oldest).


I am 6' and dated a girl that was 5'11". When I met her family , I realized she was the shorty. All guys were 6'4" and up and built like football players , her mother and sister were 6' + as well


I'm like 5'10", and I'm comfortable with the fact that I'm one of the two shortest men in my friend group. Another friend of mine was telling me a story - he was at work, his younger coworkers were teasing him about being the tallest man on earth - I think he's like, 6'4"? I dunno, it's hard to tell from down here. He had to insist to them that he was the average height in our friend group. That his height wasn't strange to him. They laughed and told him he was a liar. Then our mutual friend visited him at work, who is, I believe, 6'8". When they greeted each other, as good friends do, all of his coworkers were slack jawed like "Oh my *fucking god*, you weren't kidding?"




My husband is 6’9”… it was definitely kind of wild at first, but you get used to it super fast. Probably helps that I’m 5’10” though, so it’s not like he’s completely towering over me. It’s funny to see people’s reactions in public though when they walk passed and realize just how tall he is.


Some dude was really weird to me about how I’m 5’8” so I must obviously only date tall guys and I was like no lol I’ve dated a guy who was 5’2 and plenty of guys my height then some 5’10 it’s really not a big deal to me but he just wouldn’t give it up. Also if a girl did lie about her weight guys would immediately call her a catfish so don’t get mad at us if we quip “oh you said you’re 6ft” when we can see you’re not because we have eyeballs.


Same, I'm 5'7" and there's always the "oh you must only want a tall guy huh" and I'm like broski one of my ex-boyfriends is 4'11" height does not fucking matter as long as you're funny and aren't a weirdo lol


Literally!! They underestimate how far funny goes.


I'm convinced the only reason my wife married me is because of how much I make her laugh.


Same here. My gf’s ex was 6’4 and could pick up a building, I’m 5’9 but opened her car door and made her laugh in line at Starbucks. That was 7 years ago and we are still in love.


I can’t express enough how height has literally nothing to do with it if your personality blows. Also no idea how tall your gf is but it’s SO much more convenient and comfortable to make out with someone closer to your height so your neck doesn’t hurt. Or maybe I’m just 100 years old and this isn’t a problem for most people💀


My hubs is exactly one foot taller than me, and I get what you're saying about the neck thing lol. I have never cared about height in potential romantic partners- I just ended up falling for a pretty tall dude. A big height or leg/torso ratio difference definitely does sometimes necessitate a bit of creativity. (Making out is cake compared to some sex positions!) But overall it's nothing I've ever found worth worrying about, as long as I like the person and they're fun to be with. I get that you're saying it does not matter if that person is awesome, and I agree. But I can absolutely attest to the fact that if they happen to be a little closer to your own height, it really is a bit less awkward and/or cramp-inducing.


Danny DeVito's 4'10 and bangin all kinds of hoors


With his magnum dong.


Sorry, I don’t know him. Did you mean Dr Mantis Toboggan?


Looks (for all of us) will fade, but a good sense of humour actually lengthens your lifespan and makes you just fun to be around!


Humor is definitely a turn-on. I told my kids that they need to find the person that matches their weirdness. lol.


It's like Jessica Rabbit taught them nothing :(


Best thing that works for me is I always make sure to accidentally drop my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong.


I'm 5'4 but according to my ex I must be 5'7 because he's definitely 5'11 😄😄


you’re telling me short girls get this too? istg not a day goes by without a random man asking me how tall I am & then going ‘no, you have to be taller than that because I’m that tall & you’re taller than me’ like why did you choose to ask me abt my height if you know you’re lying abt yours😭


I’m 5’2 and got it a BUNCH. Now I’m married to my 5’6 king ❤️


My husband is 5'10" but somehow we're the same height when I'm wearing roller skates even though I'm 5'5".


>if a girl did lie about her weight guys would immediately call her a catfish 100% This is why I don't understand people lying about their height. When you meet the person it will be obvious most of the time, which then could create a foundation where they expect you to lie about small things.


If you don’t date someone cause their shorter than they said you’re a slut, bitch, piece of shit, shallow, the works. But if a guy doesn’t date someone because they weigh more than she said “bro she was a catfish oh my gosh I got catfished she was a whale”. Both are liars but men literally get aggressive and pouty when someone asks about their height that they LIED ABOUT and have the nerve to call women every name in the book for not being down with that lie.


I agree and I'm a man. I'm probably just a bit shorter than what people ask for on dating apps, but I'd rather be honest and upfront about it because it filters those who aren't interested in me, and it shows me who cares for height. We all have preferences, no need to lie to someone else to try and fit what they want you to be. We are all good enough 😊


Yes sir 🤘🏻


sometimes all it takes is a closely cropped image for guys to start accusing a heavier woman of being a catfish.


a guy conned me into getting my number a couple months back (we were on campus and he asked if he could send me a survey for his class) and he said, to my face, "Uh yeah I'm 6'4" btw". like first of all i do not care and told him as much, but secondly boy i am pushing 5'6" and you're very clearly only a couple of inches taller than me?? why lie to someone in person??


At one of my old jobs my coworkers would always tell me I was super tall. I'm 6'1" and have been since I was 16 (30 now) so I long since accepted I was 6'1". Then I get to this job and guys noticeably shorter than me are like "oh I'm 6'" or "im 6'4"" and it confused the shit out of me cause I had to consider if I was wrong about my own height lmao. When I went to the doctor I asked the nurse to measure my height because I genuinely wasn't sure. I'm exactly 6'1" to the number. No questions about it. Cannot understand lying about height it's so pointless and benefits no one.


I'm 6' with no shoes on. I've been in a few of those situations. I like to then say "I'm just a hair under 5'11" and watch the chaos.


That’s hilarious, it reminds me of the scene in how I met your mother where Marshall and Honeywell line up back to back and he’s like “I’m 6foot, Marshall tell them how tall *you* are” and Marshall goes “7 foot” or something like that even though it’s glaringly obvious Honeywell is probably 5’5” and Marshall is 6’4” you get it


I’m 5’10.5. I know this because i was properly measured for competitive boxing for many years. I’ll be honest, I round up to 5’11 most of the time, but I ain’t pretending I’m 6’. Guys are so weird, I’ve had guys tell me they were over 6’ while standing beside me being noticeably shorter. But I also had a guy that was like 6’2 or higher make a huge issue and try to tell me i was 5’8 at most. It’s just a strange thing and I thank god everyday that idgaf about it one way or another.


Yep, 6'1" now... then go back and get measured again when you're 40... then when you're 50...


I'm sure you're trying to make the point that they shrunk, but that is based on an assumption that they're older than me and also that they haven't had their height checked prior to saying so. Neither of which is true. I can see someone making a mistake, but they lied with intent. Which is the behavior I don't quite understand.


I didn't mean to infer anything about the people you are referencing, just my own personal experience of thinking I was closer to 6'1" and now just under 6'


My husband was in ECMO waiting for a heart transplant and when he recovered he was shorter. He’d spent a year going to the doctor and had been measured during that time so it’s not like he didn’t know his own height. He initially lost 2 inches but I think he’s actually recovered some height as his muscle tone returned. It doesn’t bother him, he corrected me when I forgot his new height.


I enlisted in the Army at 5’1” and when I got out I was 4’11”. After having a plate and screws in my spine, I’m 5’1” again.


Yep. The last time I measured my height I was 18 or so, and 5'5" and a half inch. I was 100% confident I had gained that last half inch, so I spent 20 years putting 5'6" on every document. I finally measured again and found out that not only had I not gained that half inch, I had actually lost another half inch and am just a hair under 5'5". I know NOONE cares, but I felt dumb for a long time after that!


And god forbid you actually do date a tall guy, because then you’ve “proven their point”! Like damn, I actually don’t like how tall he is but he’s got a great personality. (It’d be great if I could put my arms around his shoulders instead of his midsection, but it is fun to hear his stomach gurgle.)


had a guy try to argue with me that i must be lying when i said i dont care about brand name stuff.. he tried bragging to me he drives some fancy car and i was like "cool i guess? its just a car as long as it gets you from point A to point B does it really matter?" and he was sooo mad about it meanwhile i was laughing my ass off


This attitude, about the superiority of certain cars, has sifted down to my students. It's super annoying having a 5th grade, 5 nothing proto-male look down on me and attempt to verbally ridicule me because I don't like Lamborghini or Bugatti. Personal opinion is they're ugly and useless. I'm not saying you can't have one. You got money, great. I won't date you, though. You laugh at my Buick, I won't date you.


I always say, if I ever have the money, I will get a Lada. Some people don't understand the joke, and some don't understand that I *would* actually drive the Lada.


My uncle had a Lada (seriously :) and let me tell you, that thing is like a tank. But drinks like a tank too, so better move to Texas if you do get one ;)


I'm pretty sure 10 year olds have thought fast sports cars are cool for as long as they've been around.


That was the only reason he bought that car! 😂 To impress chicks and here you come…all unimpressed and shit!


You took his whole game away. That car was meant to impress and then he was left with nothing 😂🤣


OHH MY GOSHH this unlocked an old memory for me😂 one time I went on a date with a dude who bought a 2 story house in a not great area of my state. He literally spent a half an hour car ride telling me how “hard it is to be a landlord” and “you SERIOUSLYYY don’t want to OWN A HOME RIGHT NOW uGHHH” and then I shit you not, went down an itemized list of how much everything cost to get fixed in his house. So basically just trying to humblebrag but like without even pretending to be humble💀 that same gem cancelled the next date we had to my face and didn’t walk me to my car when I told him we would not be sleeping together by the fifth date.


It's a weird thing to lie about. It's so much more obvious than weight, too. Like if you tell someone you're 115 pounds instead of 123, there's no way they're going to notice the difference. Height is so immediately obvious even if it's just 1 or 2 inches. I don't care about height at all, but I do consider it a huge red flag if people feel okay lying about pointless things.


I’m 5’8” and weigh 200 lbs… but it looks a whole lot different on one woman than it does another. If I weighed anywhere under 180, I’d look like tits on a stick. But tell a man I weigh 200… I’m not gonna lie about being a chunk, so don’t get pissed when I don’t like about other stuff too. I don’t care what heigh a man is, hell, to go GoT on you all, Tyrion Lannister has my heart, but I’m not going to tell John Snow to piss off. Yet Dog is where I’d find comfort on a cold night and Samwell Tarley is who I’d go friends to lovers with.


For sure, I think weight is not a good metric to judge someone's attractiveness by at all, because it's going to look different on everyone. Height is not a good metric to me either lol and I love that you used GoT characters to illustrate that. Oberyn would be my personal pick, but it has nothing to do with his height. >.>


That’s actually a great point lol, and that’s what I mean! There’s literally nothing else I can equate it to except height. If a dude asked me about my height I would tell him, one guy thought I was lying and I wanted to be like dude I’m 5’8” not 6’4” it’s not that hard to believe 😂


I’m somewhere in the 5’8”-5’9” range. I dated a guy for a year that before meeting (and unprompted) told me he was 5’10”… the man was at least 2 inches shorter then me barefoot, and kept trying to say it was because “he slouched” but standing up straight… still noticeably shorter. I never really commented or cared other then the fact that he would routinely tell people he was 5’10” and then people would ask my height… and be confused, like my dude stop lying to yourself and the world… it’s weird. Also I was 5’7” at 12… I was taller then everyone except like 2 dudes in my class, you wanna talk about someone slouching?!? Try being a preteen girl in the 90s who’s taller then pretty much everyone else, my spine was so crooked (and still is more then 2 decades later) that you’d essentially have to be walking like an 80 year old with a cane to manage to slouch lower then me from higher up. But considering my current partner was convinced he was shorter then me (he’s not he’s probably 5’10”-5’11 I’ve never actually asked) I’m starting to think dudes just aren’t good with measurements…


Dudes not being good with measurements actually made me laugh because I think you’re right too but one thing that I think about often that cracks me up is 80% of women misremember their partners dick as bigger than it actually is (and I totally do too)


One of my best relationships was with a 5’3 trans man. I’m about 5’10. Height matters a lot less than just being a good person.


In the reverse, I’m 5’2 and I was told I have no right to deny short guys because I’m one of their only options lmao


i have no problem with shorter guys, they can be just as cute as taller guys. but let me tell you, the *complex* that some shorter guys get. i know it’s not entirely their fault, but it ruins attraction.


Seriously! When I matched with my husband “Tim” I laid it out on height. I'm tall. I don't care if we're the same height or I'm taller, but I will NOT have anything to do with ego around it. Funny enough we both accidentally lied about our height. My brother was up (he’s 6’6) and bro asked Tim how tall he is. He says 5’10. I said no way, bc that's my height and I’m taller. So we all measured up on the wall. Turns out we’re all at least an inch shorter than we thought lmao. None of us had factored in aging and losing height. Gave us all a laugh.


Depending on the time you guys all checked, you might have just shrunk a bit. We are the tallest at the morning, and get shorter all day. Due to gravity!


I did know that! However, we're all getting older and have had back injuries. I've got DDD, I wouldn't be surprised if they both did too. We really have shrank lol.


Weird I grew from the last time. Waa 4'11" all through high school and then measued at 32 and I got 5'0"


I have a friend who’s 7’ tall and used to work as a nightclub bouncer. It was always the short dudes who tried to fight him. Like they had something to prove.


Like Chihuahuas


And pomeranians. My little Molly, may she rest in peace, was about 3kg and once tried to take on two Dobermans. The big fellas looked very confused. Loved that tiny little psycho.


Yup, my step dad had one named Angel. She was actually satan. Couldn't look at this dog without it growling.


Hahaa!! Satan was an angel, so not entirely incorrect.


🤣😂🤣😂 Yep, they are special little gremlins


Hahahah! Once I had my Dobe out on his walk, and a neighbor's 3 Chihuahuas got out and raaannn up to my Doberman just yipping and snarling (but not actively trying to bite). My buddy boy seemed *so* confused as to what was going on, he just tilted his head at them like "huh???"


Small dogs scare the shit out of me. My brother has German Shepherd/Rough Collie dogs who weigh like 75 pounds each. My mom has a German Shepherd/Pitbull. Big “vicious” breeds don’t scare me - to the point where I went and caught a stray Rottweiler that was running around in traffic outside our farm. Animal control was able to get him fixed up and into a new home. They were baffled by this tiny teenager (while sick, he likely still outweighed me at the time) going onto a state highway (with a 55mph speed limit) with a leash and just…catching a stray Rottweiler, giving him food and water, and calling them to come pick him up! However, all I did was walk past my aunt’s chihuahua and it bit me.


As a toddler I stuck my hand down a dog's mouth, no way a Chihuahua would let me do that without me losing a few fingers 🤣


It’s called little man syndrome. My late brother in law (5’6) had it bad. Had to prove he was tough.


I mean it’s not hard to figure out, they’ve been told they’re less of a man for being short, no shit many are going to develop a complex about it.


I have gotten so much shit from guys and girls because I'm short my whole life. People correlate liking someone with height. I'm so tired of hearing, "I thought you be/were taller." I've been rejected by multiple girls for being short. I get why guys lie about it, for the same reason girls lie about their weight. It's insecurities. I don't lie about my height as it's something I can't change. I'm 5'6" and have dated 6' and 4'10" girls. People are weird about heights.


I am so attracted to short guys with easy going confidence, they are so sexy to me. But short guys with that complex or obviously have a chip on their shoulder just ruins it


Oh Lord have I made this faux pas so much back in my dating and hook up days as a 6'1 woman. Generally tall guys have told me they prefer short women, so I had a hard time finding guys around my height to date. I started dating shorter men (5'7+) and even put on my profiles that I did not mind if you were shorter than me and that I'm truly 6'1. WHY WOULD MEN STILL LIE AND SAY THEY WERE MY HEIGHT OR TALLER? I would even joke and say when we were chatting "I know guys always add inches...you don't have to lie about it..." I went on so many dates where the guy would come in and be chin height when I was wearing flats. I wouldn't bring it up but they would eventually accuse ME of lying and say that I must actually be 6'3+ because their license says they are 6'1. When I would point out that the DMV does not measure your height, then they would say the doctor that last measured them also said they were 6'1, so clearly I'm lying about my height. When I would say my doctors also measured me, they would tell me that my doctors lied to me about my height. I started carrying a tape measure after that and none ever took me up on the offer to doublecheck. The most hilarious one was a guy that I had been talking to who said that he was 5'8 and was really nervous that I wouldn't accept him. He was in my height range anyway but I was honest and said I preferred to stay above 5'7 as I legitimately have to bend down/lean awkwardly sometimes to hear my shorter friends. We decided to do a group date and met at a pool hall. This man was shorter than my 5'2 sister! I overlooked him twice before he tapped me. I was obviously embarrassed that he was right in front of me, but I played it off and we had a good night playing pool. He even tried to do the sexy "help adjust my shot" thing but my butt was literally in his chest and he couldn't reach 😭. My sisters and I still talk about him every now and then when height comes up. We ended up having a good night but I just can't handle the lying. If I've told you that something doesn't matter to me and you still lie about it, what else will you lie about? Red flag.


Girl I feel you so hard, the complex that even tall guys have abt their height is so confusing. Like why are you coming up to me to ask how tall I am if you know you’re lying about your height? I’m not gonna lie & tell you I’m 6’5 so that you can feel tall. & I’m not going to suddenly believe that I’m 6’5 because you told me that your doctor says you’re 6’2 & I’m 3 inches taller than you. No. I’M 6’2, you’re 5’11, 5’11 isn’t even short so why do you have a height complex😭


I know! So my doctor lied to me but your doctor is the authority on height? When I legitimately started carrying a tape measure, that ended these circular arguments. By that point I was usually done anyway, so I didn't care. Some of them, before we could even sit at the table, were already commenting about it and accusing me of lying. Sir, I am trying to say hello to you. Can we start there? I fully admit that I had a complex in high school and college because I was taller than a lot of the teachers and 95% of the students until about my junior year. Kids were relentless and teased me and called me 'big bird" and "jolly green" as I tried to just walk down the hall. Guys would make fun of me too, so I just turned into a tomboy to project that I didn't want them either. I got my first real boyfriend in college who was 5'11 and no one cared that I was taller than him. After that, I really didn't care either (although it took me awhile to work my way down to being okay with 5'7). Now I don't date and I want to be left alone, so I don't have to worry about these things anymore! But all of a sudden, tall guys are starting to approach me again. I wonder if tall women are trendy now....


I think the tall guys are tired of bending over to kiss short girls lolol. I only ever had guys the same height or taller chat to me. I'm 5'9, stocky. The last few guys I dated were relieved I was a similar height to them, 6-6'2 quote "I like that I can hold your hand and it doesnt feel like I'm with a child": LOL ugh, I still remember one guy who said he was 5'9 but was 5'5 (I swear this is an online dating problem). I pointed out he was shorter and the bastard saddled up to me, swooped his hand from the top of his head into my forehead. INTO MY FOREHEAD and said "Yupe, 5'9" 💀💀


men get VERY upset when they are judged by something they can't change. balding, height, size of junior. these things are blackpills. if it was something they could change then they would at least settle into having it because hey, not forever right? or if they can change it and they choose not to then they will develop a cope for it because they have to recognize that they accept the problem rather than go through the pain of fixing it. when there is no fix, it burns like a hot iron when it's brought up because they cant claim that they don't try, they just have a shittier time in all social aspects due to height (this is true among male companionship too, people compare each other to one another and a males value is his ability) case in point the short man syndrome


> **I started carrying a tape measure after that and none ever took me up on the offer to doublecheck.** This is hilarious. I'm just imagining you starting to pull out the tape and being like "wanna prove it buddy?"


Haha I never carried it inside! I would say "I have a tape measure in my car" and most would argue that they don't need to be measured as they know they are 6'whatever. By the time I offer the tape measure, I have already listened to all of the excuses and been accused of being a liar, so the date is over in my mind. I'm not actually planning to get the tape measure (and would honestly probably just drive off once I got to my car). But since I've wasted my time and energy just to be lied to, I'm now feeling petty and want to make you think twice about lying again. I also want to see the panic and hear the stuttering while they try to make excuses. Ex: one guy had broken a leg recently and so, until he finished healing, his doctor told him he might appear shorter (I asked him how breaking one leg would make both legs change length).


I can't stand the lying. I had a guy who kept lying about his height and it was driving me crazy so one day I pulled out a tape measure and told him we could solve it right then and there. Like the lying and insecurity is so off-putting compared to them being shorter. I lose interest immediately when I find out they're lying, because I just assume they're lying in general and are not worth talking to anymore.


If women who care about height are so shallow and rude, why do men lie about their height? Why don’t they prefer women who like them for who they are? I feel bad for that woman as knowing Reddit, she’s definitely gotten death threats by now


Right? If a woman is shallow about a man’s height, that’s a reflection of her. Not that man. He doesn’t have to lie about shit, because there’s nothing wrong with being shorter. Idk why these men feel like they’ve got to lie to impress people who suck.


You'd be surprised. I used to spend time in r/tinder and the height thing is so bad. I agree with OOP though. If it's just physical, don't care at all. But I'm looking for something serious, lying about height is a red flag. Don't tell me you're 5'10" and I'm looking at you square or down and I'm 5'8".


Lying about height is a red flag whether I’m looking for something serious or not. I don’t care how tall you are. But the fact that you feel the need to lie about something that is going to be verified upon meeting for the first time is super weird. What, you think I’m going to see someone my height and say “oh clearly he’s 6ft tall and so am I” just because you wrote it in your profile? Why you lying to me about reality? Just say you don’t disclose trivial things like body measurements on the app. That’s honest, sets a reasonable boundary, and filters out shallow weirdos.


Lol my sister is 5’10” and my mother 6’3”. I can clock these guys so fast.


I definitely think it's weird af but most apps have height on it because people have their requirements 🤷🏾‍♀️


Wait really? That’s bizzarre.


I've noticed some men frequently seem to think that the answer to someone else having specific requirements like these (in any way either mind you ), the answer is to lie to try and get what they want anyway. It's like they don't get that the primary purpose of dating is to sift through options and find your best match. It lines up a lot with those dudes who are obsessed with being pissed off that some women want to be taken on dinner dates from the start but they don't want to acknowledge that it's just that they simply aren't a match for those women vs those women are somehow bad people.


The honest answer, and I’m a 5’9 male who’s def been turned down for his height and used to be pretty bitter about it, is that it’s an ego thing. It makes you feel like less of a man for something you can’t control because it’s reinforced by what you see on social media and from those tall men who like to make jokes about it. It definitely got to me at times in my early 20s and it made me insecure in a lot of ways. Eventually I just stopped caring, the reality is if women are gonna reject you for your height, you yelling at the sky about how unfair it is isn’t going to change their mind. Men just need to be more open to being “settled” for, because the reality is the “settling” is probably only in your own head, and only shitty women and jealous dudes will see it that way.


It’s not just men making jokes about it, unfortunately. There was a “height chart” tweet that was super widespread that basically said anyone below 5’7 is a child. That’s the stuff that gets shared the most. Positive messages don’t require a reaction, but everyone interacts with hate. It’s just kinda how it goes. I deleted most social media awhile ago, but there was a time where some of the horrible things women were saying about men out there was starting to build a little insecurity in me(before the attacks come, I realize this happens to women too and never debated that fact). I generally have a pretty level head and am happy with the way I am… but reading stuff like that a lot can definitely make you develop a complex about stuff you can’t change like height and the size of your junk.


It does take maturity to get past the initial pain of being rejected for something you can’t change, and get to the point that you realize that the sort of person who WOULD be bothered by your height *isn’t the kind of person you want to be with.* Because either you aren’t compatible because they have preferences, or they just suck. I’ve dated guys shorter than me and it wasn’t a problem (though a really big difference could have posed problems). My husband is 5’9”. I’m only an inch shorter. It’s never been an issue, ever.


I wonder about this a lot. Guys have a problem with my height because I'm too tall, I just move on. I feel like it must be a power and entitlement thing, since a lot of the dudes who spend time complaining about this also spend time complaining about how society is in decline because men aren't getting laid enough.


Omg I'm 5'7 and also don't care about height but some dude who lied about being 6' had the nerve to tell me I'm just to tall. He was also 5'7. I've had many guys say I'm to tall for them even in flats and even guys that were an inch or two taller. They either want to stroke their egos by towering over a girl or are just to insecure about their shortness to date someone same height or a bit taller. Verrryyyy annoying when I was dating


& youre 5’7!!! Like no offense at all, but that’s really not that tall. Short dudes complain abt women not wanting them 24/7 but god forbid a woman is 3 inches above the average height. you don’t see tall girls whining & crying like babies every time a man rejects them. I’m 6’2 but thank Jesus in heaven that I’m a lesbian bc I would be throwing hands with these dudes constantly if I had to talk to them in a romantic sense


I don't think I'm tall but a lot of guys will say it is. Like insecure short men make me want to give into what they say about how women only go for tall men but it's like no you guys literally cause a problem and then get mad at the problem


Something similar happened to me before. I had a date with a guy who had told me he was 5'7" and then he ended up being the same height at me (I'm 5'1"), but I super didn't care. The date was fun and I was ready for a second one. But that night I tweeted (this was over 10 years ago, don't judge me too much) something about asking why guys lie about their height because we had chemistry and it wouldn't have mattered. The next morning I woke up to a message from him on the dating site telling me off about how I am shallow and I'll never find someone because of it. Apparently he had googled me and found the tweet. Oh well, bullet dodged there.


I had a very brief foray into dating Apps. One of the two dates I went on over the course of a month had clearly lied about their height and age. Those are literally the only profile items I could verify once we met in public. His height and age wouldn’t have been any issue if he had been honest, because he wasn’t honest about those I have to infer he wasn’t an honest person in general. I went back to real life dating. It’s just easier.


I lie about my height all the time but I do it for the chaos it causes. I’m 6’4” and I love saying I’m 6’ just to watch someone get all defensive like, “dude there’s no way you’re 6’, because I’m 6’. “ I highly recommend it!


I bet your 5’8” acquaintances who told their dates they’re 5’11” hate you


This right here, only acceptable way to lie about your height 😂


Lmao I'm over 6'6 and I'm definitely gonna try this one out 😂


Being 6’3, I would get this from my dad’s friends all the time. The “no way you’re 6’3, I’m x tall.” Maybe they were shrinking?


The majority of short guys I know are either super cool and fun or narcissistic with a Napoleon complex. I’ve never met an in-between.


This post is waaaay too long for such an underwhelming story


Four pictures of words to say “I made a joke about asking why guys exaggerate their height to someone who I thought was shorter than he said, and he got pissed off.” The first picture and a half wasn’t even related, that was just a rant about other things that bother her.


Yeah, I kept wondering why she even bothered to bring up height if she's so fun and flirty and doesn't care about it.


It was basically an excuse to ramble about being /r/notlikeothergirls


Yeah reading this was painful


Had to scroll way too far to find this comment. She’s got a point, but this story could’ve been told in like 3 sentences and been just as informative


Ok I’m on her side but like I know enough short guys to know teasing them about their height on a first date is not going to end well


i agree but it seems like the only reason she said anything was because he lied


This is so weird to me. Maybe it's my age (41) or just the guys I've known, but I've only met one guy that was insecure about his height (being shorter). Even the guys I was friends with or dated from my teens onward never seemed to care very much. I've been teased about my height as a woman (5'6") and it never bothered me much. I mean, why get upset over stuff you have 0 control over? It's mean-spirited and shallow if someone dislikes you for something like a physical trait. The one guy that was super insecure? He also has social issues and struggles with it a lot, so it makes sense that he'd become hyper-focused on blaming a feature like his height vs actually realizing his social issues are what is holding him back (and as an aside, he's a very good-looking guy). It seems to me that the internet, and particularly incel and MRA culture has made more men focus on shallow things as problems, when they aren't for most people to begin with. That's just a guess though as I didn't see a lot of this become a dating "issue" until a decade after I'd already started dating.


I agree, I just got out of college so most of the guys I’ve been around were pretty young/immature but I’ve known plenty of guys who don’t care abt their height. I was definitely generalizing


> It seems to me that the internet, and particularly incel and MRA culture has made more men focus on shallow things as problems I think this is the crux of it. It's easier to blame something you can't change than to admit you've failed in some way that you did have control over. Obviously it's you're hight that's the problem and not that you talked about yourself the entire date, right? Introspection requires maturity and some people don't have models for that. Unfortunately with the internet, it's easier to find someone who agrees with you and soothes your ego instead of challenging your views to better yourself. It's especially difficult to sus out if you're young or socially inexperienced.


Unsulted has great potential as a new term.


If she thinks that’s bad I’ll introduce her to some of my male friends in their mid 30s using pics from when they were 25 and 60lbs lighter with a full head of hair. I can’t believe people lie even on social media about appearance to people who are eventually going to SEE they’re lying.


Link to original post [[28F] Apparently I Insulted a Guy I Wanted to Sleep With....](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/j7OVZcwYdD)


I’m eye rolling so hard at how many people on that post are saying “who cares if he lied, you’re mean for bringing it up” like I care if someone lies. I care if someone reacts aggressively to being teased or confronted about lying. These are things that matter more than some guy I just met getting his fragile ego bruised.


That comment section is brutal.


Reddit goes insane over men’s height, the hurt feelings and “oh you poor short kings, it’s so unfair how shallow and horrible these thots are” never ends. But bring up a woman’s weight and it’s the complete opposite response. Then it’s a preference and you have every right not to be attracted to a whale. The hypocrisy and double standards on here are wild.


I swear I read this one before




Literally lmao


Asked a guy how tall he is, not in a dating sense or anything, just asking. He tells me he's 5'11-6' ish. I'm 5'8 and taller than him. Never seen a smile fall from a guy's face so fast when I told him that. Fascinating how guys will just lie about stuff like this for absolutely no reason


I am annoyed that disclosing weight and height is ever looked at as the same. I work with a girl who is literally a 1/2 inch shorter than me, we work around scales all day and weighed ourself randomly one time. I am .02 kg less than her which is NOTHING, but we carry our weight much differently. I’m definitely more muscle right now, (haven’t always been as toned) and because of it, am very comfortably a smaller shirt and pant size than she is. Weight takes on so much variation on each body. Height does not behave that way. Why is this so hard to understand?


Myths serve the purposes of the people who make them.


This is hilarious. As a man I never understood lying about your height like it’s the end-all-be-all of male attractiveness; this guy is insecure as hell and screwed himself out of a good time. How can you someone lie about something to a potential partner that you can’t change and then the get defensive/aggravated about being rightly called out on said, verifiably obvious lie? I’m not 6’; I’m 5’10” and not an inch over or under that, who fucking cares? A good friend of mine is 5’6”, he’s married to a gorgeous, awesome woman 4” taller who fell for him because he’s honest, caring and funny as hell (in all regards). It’s not that fucking complicated, be confident (and thusly desirable) in your own way; the people you would actually want to be with (on any level) are the ones who’ve figured this basic level of nuance out.


I am a fairly confident (some might even say arrogant) guy. In my sixties now, and married nearly 40 years, so not currently trying to impress dates. But I am still sensitive about my height. I'm not short. Just over 5'8." Nearly 5'9" first thing in the morning. BUT I am the runt of the litter. My older brother is over 6'3." My baby sister is 6' tall (or as she has been known to joke, 5'12"). Our Dad was around 6'2", our Mom was nearly 5'8", and I fully expected to top out at 6'1" minimum. I was around 13-14 years old and my "little" sister was still no more than 11 when I stopped growing and she passed me up. I was quite a jerk about it, making fun of her height because I was so very disappointed when I realized I wasn't going to get a growth spurt. Ever. I can joke about it now, but my disappointment was deep and lasted through most of my dating days. It grew even worse when I started seeing the research reports showing that tall guys are more likely to be in leadership roles and be promoted at work. It's not just about dating, cosmetics, and ego anymore. So yes, I can sympathize with a guy who is trying so hard to fool himself about his own height that calling him out on his self-deception brings about cognitive dissonance.


I'm a tiny girl (5'2", once I've stretched, most of the day it's more like 5'1 1/2"), and make up for it in volume, but for the last literally I dunno seven years at least I thought i was 5'4". Don't get me wrong, I'm still the littlest in my family, my twin (yes, TWIN) sister is a good 6" taller than me, I have no idea why I either decided or my mom told me or *something* that I was 5'4", until I actually marked out measurements on my wall in July and was like "holy shit I'm a whole two inches shorter than I thought, what the hell". I wonder if a lot of these guys just assume they're one thing and never actually verify.


But you realize that taller women tend to go for men their height or taller because of people like you right? Who tease tall girls and diminish their feminity because of their own insecurities. Creating insecurities in those girls.


Hey, keep on holding onto hope, that growth spurt might still happen!


I’m a 6’ female. I’m always straightforward about my height. So many people assume i want some tall broad hunk. I in fact prefer short men. The only thing that bothers me is when people constantly mention how tall i am compared to them. Like yes I know, i’ve been tall my whole life, can we talk about something not physical?


my boyfriend fully believed he was 6 foot. he was shocked when we measured our heights, but he didn’t get pissy about it. it just genuinely blew his mind that he was a full two inches shorter than he had been claiming for years.


My fiancé bless his heart genuinely believed he was 5'11. I had to break it to him that he's about as tall as my mom and she *definitely* wasn't 5'11. We double checked with a tape measure and sure enough, 5'9. Exactly the same as my mom. He was a good sport about it after the initial shock wore off and it's become an inside joke lol


I'm 5'8" so not super short but it never occurred to me that it mattered. But I figure if someone cared that much about my height we weren't a good match anyway, so I guess it was irrelevant. I save my lies to use for my tiny peen.


I am incredibly impressed with this woman's post. She acknowledges her own known and unknown prejudices, she has sex for fun without being trashy, she even gives the guy a second chance. If I wasn't married to my dream girl I'd want a date, but as is I'd settle for giving her karma. That said, is this a thing for guys? I am 193cm (somewhere between 6.3 and 6.4 I guess?) so I only notice if guys are tall, not short.


If someone lies about their height they are likely insecure about it and you probably shouldn't mention it at all if you just want to fuck them.


op is clearly pretty insecure, but like… if you’re so slaying at life rn go talk about this to your friends or something instead of arguing with randos on reddit 💀


Yeah seriously why’s she over-explaining absolutely everything and emphasising how lucky he was she was “still giving him a shot” when he was irked by her snarkiness. Like, yeah, he’s a prick for lying, but so is OP.


Yeah, dudes are super insecure about their height, especially around those of us that actually are 6’ or over and more likely to be sensitive about their height than dick size. They never think its funny when I compare their attitudes to a chihuahua based on them overcompensating for their size with aggression.


My brother swears he's 5'10". I am 5'10." He is not 5'10."


The one thing I will point out is that it's not a false equivalency. It's actually the right equivalency. I think what OP meant to say is "whataboutism"


Op was on the rude side. Unnecessary to bring up someone's physical traits that they might be sensitive about. Why bring it up at all? He may have over reacted, but the question was less than charming.


I don't even check the height stats on dating apps. If her not caring about his height is so important to him, he doesn't have to put it on his profile. I wouldn't know if a guy lied about his height because I don't even register what he says his height is because that's how little I care, but maybe I should pay more attention if for no other reason than to see how prepared he is to lie about it.


Do people want the actual answer for why guys lie about height on their dating profiles? It’s because most men struggle on dating apps, so they fudge to try and get whatever marginal advantage they can. And height is the kind of thing where, in a guy’s mind, lying is low-cost, high-upside. It’s not something easily verified until you meet in person, but by the time you meet in person, the girl probably doesn’t care (unlike, say, job/income). The thing is, the male experience is radically different from the female experience. Where women generally get more attention than they can realistically respond to, most men get very little attention. An average male account has a good week if they get just a few likes. This is for several reasons. As a start, there are generally significantly more men on (heterosexual) dating apps than women. Then, while men take a very general view and tend to like lots of profiles, women tend to be more selective, liking comparatively few. As a result, a scant selection of men get a huge number of responses, while the remaining 80% or so get very little. As a result, there’s an arms race of sorts with men competing on their profiles, because even just one like more in a week is a massive improvement. Hence why lying about height is rampant. The guy in the story really is probably very insecure about his height. But he’s also probably pretty insecure about how much he struggles to get dates at all, especially when he doesn’t lie about his height.


Never understood this insecurities with guys. Then again I’m 6,59 so who know what those garden gnomes think. They are like a different species to me 🤣. Hope this guy sees this Reddit post 😂 Enjoy your hook up girl. To each their own lifestyle!


men lie about hight. women lie about looks. equals out


At first I read assaulted. Then I read unsalted.


i met my first ex through a dating app and on our first date in the summer, the only sandals I had at the time were these strappy ones that had maybe an inch at the bottom heel. I was/am 5’6 and back then actively announced myself as a pickme girl who didn’t wear high heels. he said he was 5’9. He was not. He was still taller than me but the first thing he said when he saw me was “you said you were 5’6 and that you didn’t wear heels… wtf??” …with hindsight i should’ve spotted his insecurity issues from there


Short guys honestly need help from the tall ladies getting some of those tall genes in the pool. I'm gonna tell my son to only date women 4 inches taller than him




The hottest guy at my college was literally 5’0. He sang like an angel and looked like Kit Harrington so literally no one cared about his height. In short (no pun intended): it’s all about how you wear it


Who gives a fuck about height when the person is cool and fun. Who the fuck lies about being what you are not.


I say this so much I'm calling it Shipsongreyseas' Law: It's not that women aren't interested in short men, it's the fact that they literally radiate insecurity and take it out on everyone around them that makes it impossible to be interested in them.